Hawk: Jagged Edge Series #3

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Hawk: Jagged Edge Series #3 Page 10

by A. L Long



  Feeling the heat of his body next to mine, I slowly opened my eyes, feeling something that I have never felt before. The way Hawk took me last night, I wanted more. I wasn’t the kind of person to submit to any man, but with him and the power he had in his voice, I wanted to give him everything that I had. Rolling over to my side, I threw the covers off my body and looked down at the new me. Everything was the same except for the tiny bruising around my upper arms and the slight redness of my nipples that were still hard. With my body exposed to the cool air, I decided to get up and shower. Careful not to wake Hawk, I swung my legs over the edge and slowly pushed off from the bed. Looking back over to Hawk, he was still out. I could have stared at him forever.

  As I stood in front of the mirror, there was a slight tingle between my legs. I kept wondering if my relationship with Hawk would remain the way that it was, uncomplicated, or would things change? He still didn’t know my secret and I didn’t want what I was hiding to ruin what we had. As I began brushing my teeth, I heard a light knock on the door, before it slowly opened. Standing in all his glory was the man who showed me so much. Watching him walk up behind me, the wetness began to pool between my legs. Hawk’s arms wrapped around me as he lowered his mouth to my shoulder and began placing soft kisses on my sensitized skin. When he hit just below my earlobe, he softly whispered, “Good morning, babe, how about a shower?”

  I couldn’t say ‘no’ to something so sexy. Turning my body so that I was facing him, I pushed to my tiptoes and gave him a light kiss on the lips, which ultimately ended up being a kiss of all kisses as he placed his hand on the back of my neck and held me close. The way he controlled me was something I thought I would never let a man do, but with Hawk it was different. It felt right. Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, his grip on my neck lessened and his hands found the globes of my ass where he lifted me from the floor. Just like primal instinct, my legs found their place around his waist and my ankles locked.

  Holding me close to him with one arm, Hawk reached inside the shower and turned on the water. With our lips still clinched to one another's, I stepped inside only to be blasted with cold water. “Jesus, holy mother of God, that’s cold,” I said with a shriek.

  “Sorry, baby. I thought it was hot enough,” Hawk said with a laugh.

  Turning my body away from the cold water, he took the brunt of the it until he was sure it was hot enough. Such a gentleman. Setting me on the tile floor, Hawk reached for the soap and began lathering it on the sponge. When it was fully lathered he began gently rubbing it down my body, first starting at my shoulders and then down toward my breasts. It didn’t surprise me that he stopped and gave this part of my body extra care. Rinsing the soap from my body, he lowered his head and began sucking and licking the hard peaks of my nipple. Even in the shower, he made my body wet with desire. Forking my hands through his hair, I held him close, not wanting him to stop. Moving from one side and then the other, both breasts had just received the tender loving care they needed.

  Once again my feet were off the floor as Hawk pressed my body against the cold tile wall. In an instant his mouth was on mine, lacing his tongue with mine. It didn’t take long until my body gave in to his touch and all my pleasure was released. Even Hawk knew what he had done to me. With a slight nudge, he was inside me, slowing inching his way deep inside. It was only after the third thrust that my body surrendered and the gates opened once more. With a heated breathe, he said, “We’re going to need to work on your control, baby.”

  I wasn’t sure what he meant by that. All I knew was that I wanted more of whatever he was giving. As my eyes closed, taking him in, his hand came to my cheek. I opened my eyes to see his beautiful hazel eyes staring back at me. “What is it, Hawk?” I asked with concern.

  “I need to ask you something, baby,” he began. With a nod of agreement, he resumed. “I need to know how you felt last night. I need to know if you were okay with what I did to you.”

  “I loved everything you did to me,” I confessed. “It was like nothing I have ever experienced before.”

  I didn’t know how he could do this now. Right in the middle of having sex. Whatever he was doing though, I didn’t want him to stop. His thrusts began getting harder and faster. My body was on its way to another mind-blowing orgasm.

  “There are so many things that I want to show you, Paige. Things that you never knew your body could feel,” he said, thrusting deeper and harder inside me. “I am going to fuck you in every way possible, even your body won’t know what hit it.”

  The minute those declarations spilled from his lips, my body once again exploded beyond belief. Never have I had multiple orgasms. Then again, never had I been with a man like Hawk.

  “You are going to come for me one last time, baby, only this time if you do it before I command you too, your tight little ass will be glowing with the sexiest shade of red.”

  Clinching my inner walls as tight as I could to stop the imminent release that was ready to erupt, I looked into Hawk’s eyes and concentrated on the magnificent color and waited for his command. Thrust after thrust, the control not to come was to the point of unbearable. I wasn’t sure that I could hold on much longer. The urge was beginning to take over. With a soft mother-may-I, I pleaded, “Please, Hawk.”

  “My darling Paige, come,” echoed off the shower walls as my need to release took over.

  As Hawk continued pushing deeper inside me, my juices continued to release, coating his cock. It was when I heard his moan of pleasure that I knew he also came like thunder, spilling his seed inside me.


  An hour later Hawk and I were out of the shower and headed to the diner to satisfy the appetite we worked up. As we walked to the entrance, a woman about my age, holding the hand of a young boy, came up behind us calling the name “Jayce.” I wasn’t sure who she was calling for until I looked around to notice the only male in the vicinity was Hawk. Stopping at the top of the steps, Hawk turned to face the woman. I knew that they knew each other just by the way she was looking at him. Turning his head towards me he said, “Go on in, I’ll be right there.”

  “What is this about, Hawk?” I asked.

  “Paige, please. Let me deal with this and I’ll be in.”

  “Fine,” I said, none to happy, and swung open the door to the diner.

  I had no idea who this woman was, but Hawk definitely knew her and she knew him. Taking a seat at a booth right by the window I looked out to see if I could at least figure out what was going on. Even though I couldn’t hear what they were talking about, I could at least see that whatever it was, it was pretty heated. I felt sorry for the little boy, who was now standing behind her. The more I watched the little boy the more it became evident. He could have been Hawk’s little brother or… “Oh my God,” I blurted out, forgetting where I was. Looking around the diner, everyone inside had their eyes peeled my way. Tipping my head, I said an embarrassed, “Sorry,” and focused my eyes once again on what was happening outside.

  The conversation between the woman and Hawk didn’t last too much longer as she walked away from him. The last thing I saw was Hawk raking his hands through his hair before he climbed the steps of the diner. When he spotted me and saw the look on my face, his eyes immediately went to the ceiling. He knew that he had some explaining to do.

  I was in no mood to wait. The minute he took a seat across from me, I crossed my arms at my chest and said, “Spill.”

  “Nothing to say, Paige. Erica was a girl I used to know. It was a long time ago,” he explained.

  “Don’t you see it?” I asked.

  “See what?” he replied with a confused look on his face.

  “That little boy, Hawk. He looks like a smaller version of you.”

  “You’re crazy, Paige. He looks nothing like me,” he said defensively.

  “What are you not telling me, Hawk?”

  “I’m not talking about this, Paige. Can we ple
ase just drop it and order breakfast?”

  With a huff, I picked up the menu and looked at it, not seeing anything. After staring at it for what seemed like an eternity, I realized that the waitress was standing at the end of the table tapping her foot on the linoleum floor. With a boiling temperature, I said, “Two eggs over easy, wheat toast, and two slices of bacon, please.”



  I couldn’t even believe this was happening to me. The last person I expected to see was Erica. And to top it all off, seeing her while I was with Paige. I had no idea the shit storm that was about to hit the fan. After all this time, now she wanted to talk about what we had. After I had just experienced the best fucking sex of my life. What a blow. Sure, what Erica and I had was out of this world, but that was a long time ago and I have moved on. The minute I told her no, I knew I was going to get my earful, but to threaten to tell Paige about us, that was the lowest of lows. The only thing I could do was agree to meet her later and pray I could convince her that she needed to move on.

  Walking into the diner, Paige’s face said it all. She was pissed. I hated treating her the way I did, but I really needed her to leave it alone, at least until I could figure this out. By the time we left the diner. I could see the tension in Paige’s body. I needed to do something to tame down the anger she had for me blowing her off. Grabbing her hand, I pulled her close to me, giving her a kiss she would never forget. She was mine and this was one way to let her know just that.

  At first, I thought that she was going to give in and let me have my way with her, only that didn’t happen. No sooner than my lips were on her, hers were off. The way she was looking at me, I knew I was in for something. Pointing her finger at me and stabbing it in my chest, she said in a raised voice, “If you think we are okay with what just happened, you are so wrong.”

  “Paige,” I said sweetly. “Don’t be like that, baby.”

  “Don’t you dare ‘baby’ me, Hawk,” she snapped with her finger still jabbing at my chest. “Matter of fact, you can just leave. I’ll find my own way back to Hell’s Gate.

  When she started walking away, it was all I could do not to stare at that magnificent ass. I knew she was seriously pissed, but all I could do was smile at her. Damn, she was hot when she got mad. Walking to her in double time, I grabbed her by the arm and spun her body around. This was becoming a regular thing with us as I lifted her and slung her over my shoulder with very little effort. Once again the pounding of her fists on my back began, which brought another smile to my face, which I was glad she couldn’t see. The last thing I wanted was to make her madder than she already was.

  “Damn you, Hawk, put me down this minute. Do you hear me?” she spat.

  “Not a chance, doll. Not until you cool your jets,” I advised.

  “Urrr… you are so alpha-male.”

  “You got that right, babe.”

  Once we reached my car, I hit the key bob and opened the passenger side door. Ducking my head, I lowered her body and carefully sat her on the leather seat. I was thankful that she didn’t fight me by trying to get out. Latching her seat belt, I took the opportunity to kiss her on the cheek while I had the chance. “So far so good,” I thought to myself as I closed the door. Rounding the front of the car, I got in and started the car. From the corner of my eye, I could see Paige was still pissed. Her breathing was heavy as I watched her chest inflate and deflate with such force I thought she was going to pop the buttons of her shirt. Putting the car in reverse, I backed away from the diner and began heading towards town to Hell’s Gate.

  On the ride there, not one sound came from Paige. She was pissed even after I took the scenic route to the bar, hoping it would give her time to cool off. Turning into the alley, Paige had her seat belt unfastened before I could bring the car to a stop. Her door flew open the minute I stepped on the brake and put the car into neutral. For being such a little thing, she was awfully quick. Taking the steps leading to her apartment two at a time, she still wasn’t quick enough for me. Just as she reached her door, my foot was there to stop it from being shut in my face.

  “Go away, Hawk,” she said.

  “I’m not leaving you like this. We are going to talk this out,” I said.

  “Yeah, well, you made it perfectly clear you didn’t want to talk about it at the diner.”

  “Paige, baby, Let me in,” I pleaded.

  It must have done the trick. The pressure of the door against my foot lessened and her angry but beautiful face came into view. Before walking past her, I swept my hand along her cheek and lowered my mouth to hers. Her head turned before our lips met, letting me know she was still upset. Waiting until she shut the door, I leaned my body against the kitchen counter.

  “Okay, so explain,” she said, crossing her arms on her chest.

  “The girl I was talking to was an old girlfriend from a long time ago,” I began, hoping I could convince her there was nothing between Erica and I. “She is only a friend, Paige. Nothing more.”

  “What did she want?” Paige asked.

  “She just wanted to catch up. Thought we could get together later,” I said, telling only half of the reason.

  “The little boy with her. Is he yours?”

  “No, definitely not.” I shot back. The little guy did look an awful lot like me, but there was no way he could have been mine. We were always careful during our sessions together.

  “Did you sleep with her?” she asked with an unhappy look.

  “She was my girlfriend, Paige. What do you think?”

  “Then how can you be sure he isn’t yours?”

  “Because he’s not,” I started as I pushed from the counter. “Come here, beautiful.”

  With a little hesitation, Paige finally uncrossed her arms and walked towards me. When she was inches from me, I reached out and pulled her closer. As she gave me a little resistance, I lifted her head so that her eyes were in line with mine. “Paige, Erica is the past. You are with me now. I don’t care about anyone else. Only you.”

  Her eyes were watery as I looked into them. There was something there. I wasn’t sure what, but I could see that she was hurt. Lowering my lips to her, I took her with a kiss like no other. The last thing I wanted was for her to be sad, and think that I wanted any other woman but her. If someone would have asked me a week ago if I could ever be with one woman, I would have told them, “Fuck no.”

  When her lips parted to let me in, I knew I was forgiven. Picking her up, I set her on the counter. “Lift your arms, baby,” I whispered as I took the bottom of her shirt and lifted it over her head. Her beautiful breasts heaved in front of me as I unfastened the front clasp of her bra. As she lowered her arms I moved her straps down her arms until she was free from the lace. With her breasts fully exposed, I took the taut peak of her nipple into my mouth and began sucking and kissing until her moans of pleasure filled the air.

  I was so hard for this woman and needed to be deep inside her. Lifting her butt from the counter, I removed her shorts in one swoop, placing her just to the edge of the hard surface. As I held her with one arm, I worked on releasing my cock from the tight confines of my jeans. Once I was free, I began working my erection between her slick folds to the entrance of her tight channel. As I pushed inside her, I whispered with a heated breath, “I am going to show you so many things, baby, that your body won’t know any other pleasure than what I am going to give you.”

  “Yes, please. Show me, Hawk. Show me everything,” she breathed.

  “I will, baby. Believe me, I will.”

  Paige had no idea what she was in for. I was going to show everything. Pulling her from the counter, I held her tight as I pushed my cock deeper and deeper inside her. Spinning her around, I held her body against the wall, thrusting harder while holding on to her. The only thing that I wished was that I had her strapped to a spanking bench so I could redden that beautiful ass of hers.

  Gripping her hips, I pulled her tight little ass back as I push
ed my hard cock inside her. Her hands were pressed against the wall, supporting her body as she pushed against me, giving more of herself to me. God, I loved the way her pussy felt wrapped around me. “That’s it, baby. Take me in,” I said, so close to my release.

  “Hawk, I can’t hold on any longer. Please, I need to come,” she moaned.

  “Not yet, baby. Remember control.”

  I couldn’t expect her to reel in her control since I too was having a hard time holding back. Moving my hands from her hips, I placed them on her breasts and began tweaking her nipples to hard peaks. Her back began to arch and her release took over as I felt her juices coat my throbbing dick.


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