Jeffry (Members From Money Book 3)

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Jeffry (Members From Money Book 3) Page 9

by Katie Dowe

The man actually sounded mournful! “Some men would be having a party at their wife and kids not being home.”

  “Not this man. I cannot sleep without her.” He admitted with a short laugh. “It’s pathetic. She went to Europe for a week without me and I called her begging her to come home.”

  “You have it bad.” Jeffry said grimly downing his drink.

  “I have a feeling you are slowly getting there if not already.” Brad said contemplatively as he stared at his friend.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Jeffry I have never seen you behave the way you do around a woman. You tend to take them for granted but I have seen the signs that Diana has gotten underneath your skin man.”

  Jeffry wanted to deny it but he could not. He needed her! He felt the admission crashing down on him with a force that almost floored him! He had fallen in love with her and it had happened without him being aware of it! “When did you know you had fallen in love with Leesa?”

  “The first time we made love,” Brad’s lips twisted slightly. “I became aware of her long before that but when we made love it was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I tried to run away from it of course but she never let me and I thank God for that. Being with her every day now is like seeing her for the first time. I am so in love with her man that she is like an extension of me.”

  “And you do not resent the hold she has over you?” Jeffry asked him curiously.

  “I love it!” Brad said with a laugh. “The love we have for each other is so poignant and beautiful that I wonder how I ever existed without her before. She makes me want to face each day and no matter how bad things get on the site I look forward to going home to her and my children. She is the best part of me.”

  “My dad has been married three times,” Jeffry stared down into his drink moodily.

  “And you are worried that it is going to happen to you.”

  He shrugged and met his friend’s eyes. “Wouldn’t you?”

  “I spent a hell of a long time in bitterness over what one woman did to me and almost lost sight of this absolutely amazing woman who was right in front of me. I hope that answers your question. If you love her tell her man and stop fighting it. You are unhappy and I have a feeling that your wandering days are over.” He put away his glass and got to his feet. “I am going home to video call my wife and ask her to come back a day early. Try not to drink too much.” Brad slapped him on his back and left the room swiftly.

  Jeffry did not order anything more but left shortly after, not sure what he was going to do.

  Chapter 9

  Jeffry gave it a lot of thought. Ever since he had spoken to Brad at the bar two nights ago he had not been able to think of anything else. Spring had brought with it a lot of promotions and they were now in the middle of acquiring another large shipment from Germany. They had also gotten a jump on the summer promotions so he was in meetings with the sales and PR department.

  His father was acting strangely but he did not have the time or the inclination to find out what was going on with him. He was still being invited over to dinner and he was still saying no. He had his own problems to deal with. He had broken it off with Lillian and was flying solo for the first time in his life. He could not bear to be with another woman and he was starting to admit it to himself. He just had to come to grips with this new and confusing emotions inside him!

  It was Friday and he was at the office late trying to get some proposals together for Monday. The staff had all gone for the day and he liked this time where he could work without the constant interruptions of the phones ringing and meetings being called to order. But he was not concentrating! He wanted to be with her and it was something like a constant ache inside him. He pushed away from his desk and plunged his hands through his hair holding it there for a moment before passing it over his face. His hand hovered over the phone as he made to call her but decided against it. With a sudden decision he got to his feet and reached for his jacket. He was going to have it out with her once and for all!


  Diana had just taken a shower and slipped into an old T-shirt not bothering to put on any underwear. It was a little after seven but she was planning to turn in by eight. She had been on a shoot for two days and was feeling the weariness of standing on her feet for long hours and the effort it took to smile. Andre had called her and she had told him she was too tired to go out. The truth was that she was thinking of a way to tell him that it was over and had not come up with the solution yet. Her friends had told her that to make it quick and simple and be done with it. “Honey you had no right going out with him in the first place.” Lila had told her bluntly. She had done it to get back at him and she felt like the lowest form of life. She padded barefoot to the kitchen the get herself some water when she heard the doorbell. It had to be Michael, she thought with a sigh.

  She stared through the peephole and stepped back in shock! Jeffry was standing there with his jacket draped over one shoulder and looking so handsome and desirable that her heart pounded inside her breast. She closed her eyes and rested her head against the door briefly. She could not resist him if he came inside.

  “I am not leaving until you open the door Diana,” he called out to her as if reading her thoughts.

  She opened the door and stood there blocking his way. “What do you want?”

  “I want to come inside so we can talk.” He eased her firmly out of the way and threw his jacket onto the nearby sofa.

  “I would love some tea.” He told her with a slight smile, his green eyes wandering over her face and then her body.

  “Then go home.” She stood there looking at him determined not to budge. “I have a date.” She improvised wildly.

  “Sure you do,” he said sardonically. “Where is he taking you? To bed?”

  “As a matter of fact yes. I have decided that it is time we enter the next phase of our relationship.” She said sweetly.

  His eyes narrowed and she saw his fists clenched at his sides. “I have no problem rearranging his face.” The threat was made in such a mild tone that it almost sounded pleasant.

  “Please leave Jeffry I have nothing to say to you.”

  “I have plenty to say to you!” he shoved his hands into his pockets and stared at her in frustration. “You came into my life and turned it upside down.”

  He approached her and she backed up against the door. He placed his hands next to her head effectively trapping her there. “I can’t move without thinking about you,” his head dropped and she put up her hands to back him off. “Damn you!” his breath fanned her face and she felt the weakness invading her limbs. “Damn you!” it sounded like a litany, a cry for help and a murmur of surrender as his lips touched hers. Diana curled her fists into the crisp beige shirt he had on feeling the thundering of his heart there. He brought her up close bringing her head to his and deepening the kiss. Their tongues tangled and touched and explored each other’s desperately. It had been too long and their bodies had been starved of the fire that assailed them when they were brought together. The passion was unleashed and the turmoil started in their bodies. He stepped back suddenly, his breathing ragged, his green eyes darkened to almost black as he stared down at her. “I need you,” he said hoarsely. “God help me I need you so much,” he added brokenly. Without another word Diana lifted the T-shirt over her head to reveal her nakedness. He came forward and touched her generous breasts with their large dark nipples, his fingers teasing and wandering over them. He cupped them in the palms of his hands and felt the weight of them against him before bending his head and taking a nipple inside his mouth. Diana arched her body against his and could not help the moan that escaped her throat. She dug desperate fingers through his thick dark hair and opened her legs as he reached between them to get to her. His fingers searched for and touched her mound fingering it before dipping inside her, his body tightening at the wetness there. He slid upwards and went even deeper as his teeth nipped at her nipples. Diana felt the fog
of desire covering her and threatening to overwhelm her.

  He was fragmenting! He could feel it all the way inside his testicles and knew that if he did not enter her then he was going to lose it. He took his fingers out of her and used it to lubricate the tip of his penis, his eyes holding hers. She was flushed with the passion that raged between them and her lips were parted. He entered her and almost wept with gratitude! He could not move at least not yet as he waited for the emotions that swamped him to stop controlling him so much. She opened her legs wider and clasped her hands around his neck moving upwards. He moved then, bending his head to take her lips with his in a soft and gentle kiss that scorched her already vulnerable body. Diana’s hands drifted upwards and buried themselves into his thick luxuriant hair as he thrust into her. She wanted to scream and cry out in pleasure with the passion rushing through her body. But something held her back, something she knew had to do with what she felt for him. She had finally admitted it to herself! She had fallen in love with him and she had no idea what she was going to do about it!


  “I cannot see you anymore!” Abigail hissed as she looked around the bedroom furtively to see if her husband was coming back into the room. Lucas had been calling her for the past few weeks and she had been ignoring his demands for them to meet.

  “Meet me somewhere tomorrow night Abby or I might just have to tell my parents and your husband about our extracurricular activities.” He told her coldly. “You think you can just use me and get away with it?”

  “I am trying to make my marriage work,” she pleaded with him feeling the fear darting through her.

  “You should have thought about that before you took advantage of me.” He told her spitefully.

  “I will meet you,” she said hastily and hung up the phone.

  “Who was that?” Jack asked as he came into the room. He had gone downstairs to get some caviar for them to eat in bed.

  “Lillian Forsythe,” she lied blithely pulling the thin silk camisole over her head watching in satisfaction as his eyes zeroed in on her exposed body. They had been having a pretty interesting time in the bedroom. She had no idea her husband could be so energetic and adventurous! “She wanted to know if I am available tomorrow night to plan the summer event for charity.”

  “Oh,” he searched her face quizzically before placing the caviar onto the side table. He still did not trust her but ever since he had stepped up the pace in the bedroom he had caught her attention. He scooped up some of the caviar onto his fingers and rubbed it onto her mound much to her surprise. “I think this will do better than on a cracker don’t you?” he asked her smoothly as he bent before her. Abby moaned as his tongue licked her slowly and thoroughly. By the time the caviar was all gone she had come, her body erupting and a scream ripping from her throat! He used his tongue to lick inside her before lifting his head to look down at her flushed and trembling body. He reached for the caviar and rubbed some on the tip of his erect penis. “Now it’s your time to eat,” he told her falling back onto the pillows and putting his hands beneath his head. Abby bent over him and started licking the tip of him. He groaned and closed his eyes as he prepared to be pleasured beyond his wildest dreams!


  Jeffry watched her sleep. He had not been able to get enough of her and after making love to her the first time that night he had not given her any rest, using his mouth to cover her body and not stopping until she was sobbing against him. He had made love to her again and afterwards when she told him he had to leave, he had told her that he was not going anywhere. “I am spending the night Diana so deal with it.” He never wanted to spend another minute away from her but his reputation coupled with the fact that he did not believe in the longevity of relationships haunted him. Ever since he had been a teenager he had been able to get any woman he wanted and that had made him cynical especially when he had seen how his father’s two wives behaved. He had lived with infidelities all his life and in his circle except for the very few and he was afraid he was going to end up hurting her. What if further down the road he discovered that he did not love her anymore? What if a child was involved? Could he honestly say that he could leave her with a child and just provide for them on a monthly basis and not be there? He had seen it happen over and over in their society. He loved her now with an intensity that shocked him so much that he trembled from it! But what about later? How long was it going to last? He eased up a little bit and looked down at her. This was new for him. He had never slept over with a woman before preferring not to give them any ideas but he found that he loved her sleeping in his arms. She burrowed, he discovered, a tender smile lighting his face. She was curled up in his arms with her face smashed against his chest. He brushed back her hair softly and wondered for a moment if she could breathe with her face pressed so much into his chest but he was afraid to move in case he woke her up. And besides he loved the way she felt curled up into his arms. He had taken away the robe when she had tried putting it on and they were both naked. He was wondering if it was such a good idea as he felt his dick hardening against her. He dropped a kiss on top of her head and she stirred against him, her hands going around him. With a sigh he held her close and drifted off to sleep, with her tight in his arms.


  “Hey,” he murmured coming up behind her in the kitchen. He had turned and she was not beside him and he had felt bereft. “What are you doing up so early?” he pulled her against him ignoring the stiffness of her posture as he nuzzled her neck.

  “I have an early shoot and I figured you would want something to eat before you go to work.” She told him trying to make her voice sound cool which was extremely difficult when her inside was trembling. She had woken up this morning to find herself almost on top of him and had closed her eyes in remorse as she remembered her behavior last night. She had almost tore him apart!

  “We already sound like a couple,” he took a tiny bite out of her neck and caused her to shiver.

  “But we are not,” she pulled out of his arms and reached for the coffee pot to pour them some coffee. She had made toast and the orange juice was already on the counter. “The toast is getting cold, so we should eat.”

  “Can we talk?” he asked her taking the cup of coffee and taking a seat next to her.


  “About us.”

  “There is no us Jeffry. We have sex and that’s it.”

  “Are you still trying to convince yourself that is all there is to it?”

  “Yes.” She told him firmly getting up off the stool and moving away from him to go to the sink. “We are different people and besides you are used to playing the field. I get that and I went into this with my eyes wide open. I can deal with it.”

  “I have not been with anyone else since we have been together,” he told her softly.

  She turned to face him and found that he had come up behind her without her even noticing. She pressed back against the counter in order to avoid touching him. “That does not mean anything.”

  “It does to me. I am in love with you Diana.” He started to reach for her and she evaded him looking at him in shock.

  “You have no idea what you are saying.” She tried to sound casual but it came out all wobbly.

  “I am in love with you,” he came before her and captured her arms firmly. “I tried to fight it but I can’t any longer and I am asking you to give us a chance.”

  “What I want you to do right now, is to get the hell out of my apartment!” she was trembling and she felt the tears coming. “You think I am fool? I am already giving it up to you Jeffry you don’t need to use words like love to make me open my legs, it’s already opened to you.”

  “Stop!” he ground out, his hands tightening on her arms. “I love you dammit and if you think this is easy for me then think again. It is not just sex with us and you know it.”

  “I would like you to leave please,” she told him wearily, the fight gone out of her.

  He held
her there for a moment and then let her go going back to drink his cold coffee before putting the cup down. “I am going for now but if you think this is over then think again.”

  She waited inside the kitchen until he had gotten dressed. He stopped inside the doorway and looked at her but she avoided his eyes. “You are trying to tell yourself you do not feel the same way but you are lying to yourself. What we share is too intense for it to be just sex and you know it.”

  Diana ran to lock the door behind him and with a sob she ran into the bedroom and onto the rumpled bed and right there with his scent all around her she gave in to tears!


  Jeffry found the gym. He had asked his secretary to find the address for him and left the office after lunch to go there. He had not figured out what he was going to say to him yet but he had to try something. The place was a little scanty at that time of the day and he was able to see the well-muscled man standing behind a man and spotting him as he lifted the weights. Michael looked up and saw him, his eyes narrowing. “Hey Burt take over from me will you?” he called to another man.

  “Are you lost man?” he asked Jeffry as he came over grabbing a towel and looping it around his neck as he sauntered over.

  “I need to speak with you can we talk in private?” Jeffry asked him coolly.

  Michael looked at him for a moment and then shrugged leading the way to a small room he used as his office.

  “Quite a set up you got here,” Jeffry said as he looked around.

  “Thanks. Care to make an investment?” Michael asked him with a humorless smile.

  “I might,” his eyes met his as he took a seat. Michael leaned against the desk and folded his arms over his chest as he waited for him to talk. “Look I know what you think of me- “

  “I don’t know you man, I just know of your reputation. I love my sister and I would hate to see her end up as another notch on your very crowded belt.”


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