Jeffry (Members From Money Book 3)

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Jeffry (Members From Money Book 3) Page 12

by Katie Dowe

  “You find it funny?” she asked him heatedly.

  “A little bit.” He cupped her face and looked down at her. “If I had ever touched her like that Brad would have pulverized me and secondly Leesa is like a sister to me. I love her that way. You my sweet tie me up in knots and I cannot seem to function where you are concerned.” His thumb went over her full bottom lip. “I love you baby and I will always show you how much. I want to start a family as soon as possible.”

  “What’s the hurry?” she pressed her hands against his chest.

  “No hurry but I figured that a family will prove to you that I am here to stay.” He bent his head and took her lips with his tenderly. Diana felt her body unfurling, the desire and heat beating at her. She curled into him and his arms tightened around her body bringing her closer to him. He lifted his head and looked at her. “Say you will marry me,” he said urgently.

  “I will marry you,” she buried her head in his chest and he held her. “I love you Jeffry and I have loved you for so long.”

  She lifted her head to look up at him. At his dear handsome face with the cleft in his strong chin, the beautiful and warm lips that gives her so much pleasure. The eyes so dark and intense. “If you ever look at another woman the way you are looking at me, or if you ever touch another woman the way you touch me I will kill you.”

  “Noted,” he smiled faintly. “I had dinner at the apartment but I guess we won’t be going there.”

  “Let’s go out to dinner!” she said with a sparkle in her eyes.

  “You are not suggesting the club again are you?” he asked her his eyes narrowing as he looked down at her.

  “No,” she laughed. “Not this time.”

  His breath caught as he looked down into her laughing face. “My love,” he murmured as he took her lips with his. The kiss deepened and lengthened and they found their way to the bed. They never made it to dinner but much later that night they went into the kitchen to forage for something to eat before going back to bed.

  Chapter 12

  He refused to let her go to tell her mother by herself. “I am afraid to let you out of my sight baby, I have this feeling that you are going to run.” He told her wryly.

  “Don’t you trust me?” she had demanded. “Not with my heart,”

  So she called and told her mother that she was having a plus one for dinner. “Am I finally going to get to meet that young man of yours?” she demanded.

  “Yes mama.” She looked up at him. They had gone back to his apartment as soon as they woke up Sunday morning and he had bought breakfast for them and they were sitting out on the patio enjoying the summer morning. “He wants to marry me.”

  “Of course he does.” There was a smile in her voice. “Your brother is coming over with his lady as well so it is going to be a party.”

  “Michael is bringing April?”

  “He is and I have a feeling that both my children have wedding bells tolling. I am a proud mama.”

  “Mama sounds happy,” she murmured as she curled into him. They had barely slept the night before and she shivered as she remembered his mouth on her body. She had cried in his arms and they had talked way into the night. He had told her about growing up without his mother and his father marrying women who were unsuitable and she had told him about her mother trying to make amends for their not having their father around.

  “I am sure she is,” he ducked his head and nuzzled her forehead. “I am going to have to call my dad and tell him the good news.”

  “You want privacy?”

  “Are you kidding me woman?” he glowered at her. You are going to be a part of my life and I want you in every aspect of it.”

  “Noted,” she said huskily bringing his head down to hers. “I love you.” She said in wonder.

  “I love hearing you say it.” His lips met hers and lingered. He shifted so that he was lying on top of her on the lounge chair.

  “You were going to call your dad,” she reminded him faintly as her hands encircled his neck.

  “Later,” he said thickly as he reached between her legs and encountered her warm flesh. She had just put on a robe over her nakedness so she was available and ready for him. “Much later.” She trembled as his fingers found her core and pushed into her.

  “Jeffry,” she moaned as she moved her body against his.

  “Baby,” he groaned as he felt his penis growing. “My love.”


  Leesa squealed! “Brad darling get in here! We have reason to celebrate.”

  “If you are not quieter Leesa I am going to hang up the phone,” Jeffry told her dryly.

  “Then I will just call you back. Darling Jeffry and Diana are getting married. Engagement party!” she was apparently talking to her husband and Jeffry at the same time. “How about this Friday? Do we have anything on baby?” she paused as she listened to her husband. “Okay Friday it is and we are going to make a big deal out of it! Get off the phone and put Diana on.”

  “We are going to dinner at her mother’s Lee.” He warned her with a shake of his head as he handed the phone to Diana.

  “Oh Lord Diana I am so excited I could scream!” she said as soon as Diana was on the line. “You are spending the night so you will be coming by from Thursday. Jeffry will have to keep his libido in check for that night.”

  “She is not going anywhere without me,” he called out obviously hearing the conversation.

  “Okay darling tell him he can tag along as well.” She said with a sigh. “men and sex. Not you my dear husband you are so different. You married me for my intellect.”

  Diana heard the laughter and shook her head. “Okay Leesa thanks. My head is spinning but at least we can talk about the wedding.”

  “I already have some ideas. You will get married here of course and I know of the perfect designer for the dress. Honey I am so happy for you. Welcome to the love train.”

  Diana laughed as she hung up the phone. “She is something else isn’t she?” she asked as she handed Jeffry his phone.

  “She is.” He had gone into his bedroom and came out with a small velvet box. “I think we should make it official.” He opened the box and her breath caught. It was a square cut diamond set in platinum and shone in the light of the sun coming through the window. It was exquisite! He took it from the box and slid it onto her finger. It fit perfectly!

  “It’s beautiful,” she whispered as she looked up at him.

  “Not as beautiful as you.” He pulled her into his arms and held on. “I want to give you the world.”

  “I just want you,” she told him, her throat aching with emotions.

  “You have me.”


  “The house is not big,” she fidgeted in the seat of his BMW convertible as they made their way into the projects where her mother lived. He had put the top down and she had stopped trying to avoid her hair flying all over the place.

  “I don’t care about that baby please relax.” He told her indulgently. She was wearing a sleeveless summer blouse tucked into faded blue denims. He had put on jeans and black T-shirt and even though the clothes were casual he managed to look rich and authoritative.

  “She said she is not leaving her home to go anywhere else.”

  “Diana I love you and everything that comes with it. Now stop acting as if we are going to the electric chair.”

  He pulled up at the small neat house with the white picket fence and the flowers blazing with colors. He parked behind a sleek Ford and Diana realized that her brother was already there. He got out and came by to open the door for her. She could not see them but she felt the eyes of the neighbors trained on them as curtains shifted as he took her hand and they walked towards the gate. She could just imagine old Mrs. Miriam taking up residence behind the curtain and peering out and Laura with her three children and the father having gone looking out curiously.

  The door opened and Michael stood framed inside the doorway. “I see you have managed to convince her
,” his eyes swept over Jeffry coolly. He was wearing a white t-shirt and faded jeans with his muscles well defined. He was as tall as Jeffry but more muscled. “If you hurt her you answer to me.”

  “Really Michael?” she pushed him out of the way. “No one talks to my man like that not even you.”

  Jeffry gave him a smug smile as he followed her inside the house. Her mother came bustling out followed by a stunning blonde who looked as if she did not belong.

  “Mrs. Walker lovely to meet you at last.” Jeffry took both her work roughened hands in his and held on.

  “It’s Delia honey you are going to be my family so no formalities. You are quite a beautiful man aren’t you?” she grabbed him and hugged him fiercely. She turned to her daughter and saw the ring instantly. “My word!” she grabbed her daughter’s hand and stared at the diamond. “Honey this is absolutely beautiful.”

  “Thanks Mama,” she hugged her mother and turned to the silent girl. “You must be April.”

  “I have heard a lot about you,” she said, surprised when Diana hugged her.

  “And you know my fiancé Jeffry?”

  April nodded and smiled at him. Diana hid a grin when Michael came and put his arm around her and pulled her close to him.

  “Come on into the dining room!” Delia said as she led the way. Dinner was a large spread with her special fried chicken which Jeffry charmingly told her he would pay any money for. “You have a keeper here honey,” she told her daughter as she beamed at him. There were also collard greens, sweet potato salad and freshly cut salad with her special dressing.

  They talked about her upcoming wedding and that was when Michael stood up. “I also have an announcement to make.” He looked around the table and took April’s hand in his. “I tried telling myself that what April and I shared was just temporary but I have discovered that she is the finest woman I have ever met excluding you and Mama sis,” he said grinning at them. “I want to ask her to marry me right in front of all of you.”

  April got to her feet and the expression on her beautiful face was priceless. “It’s about time Michael Walker,” she said huskily as she turned into his arms. Diana clapped in delight and saw the glint of tears in her mother’s eyes as she looked at them!


  Leesa was in her element as she directed the men where to put the tables. It was a bright sunny day and the last day of June. There were hardly any clouds in the sky and a slight breeze had started relieving the stifling heat. The flowers were blooming and the day was perfect for an engagement party. Diana watched from the windows of the room she had been assigned. Jeffry had left to go to the office and would be back later. He had taken her to meet his father and his father’s wife and the man who looked so much like his son had welcomed her into the family warmly. The woman, Abigail had been a little on the cool side but she suspected that she was wondering if Jeffry had told her about her coming on to him. Jeffry had treated her with detached coolness and even though she had tried to get him to warm up to her he had not done so. She stretched out her left hand and looked at the ring sparkling in the afternoon sun. She was engaged to Jeffry Rowland! The papers had had a field day with the announcement of their engagement and had called them an unlikely couple.

  “Having second thoughts?” she turned around and saw Bradley framed in the open doorway of the suite. “I knocked but you were so deep in thought you did not hear.”

  Diana smiled at him and came towards him. “Not a chance.” She looked up at the handsome man with his ash blonde hair and baby blue eyes. She had seen him with his wife and children and saw the total commitment there. “What are you doing here?”

  “I was told by my wife to make sure you get something to eat and to take care of you while Jeff was away.” He told her with a smile extending a hand to her. “Shall we?”

  She nodded and took his arm. He led her downstairs and towards the kitchen. “My wife is doing what she does best so I am not getting in her way.” He smiled as a maid came over with some fruits and slices of pie and a tall jug of iced tea for them. “I hate parties but she loves them so I pretend to enjoy myself to please her.”

  “I think she knows you hate the crowd.” Diana told him gently as she ate her delicious pie. “You love her very much don’t you?”

  “More than my life,” he told her without hesitation.

  “I used to wonder if I would ever find anything like what Carrie and Leesa had and now I have and I am scared that I won’t be able to hold onto it.”

  “I found it hard to believe it myself but I am starting to accept it.” He reached over and patted her hand. “Jeffry loves you. He has never been like this before so be assured that this is real.”

  “Thank you.” She flashed him a smile and he looked at her thoughtfully. “My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world but you come a close second.”


  Jeffry wrapped his arms around her as they stood looking over at the pool after the sumptuous meal. People had come out in droves and her mother and brother along with April who never left his side were mingling with the others. She caught a glimpse of Patrick as he lifted his wife into his arms and came out of the pool. Leesa was doing what she does best and playing hostess making everyone felt welcome. She had paused a little bit to go an attend to the children who were in the care of their grandparents and nannies and she had seen her go over to her husband and snuggled into his arms for a second before going off to attend to someone.

  “Happy?” Jeffry murmured against her ear.

  “Unbelievably so.” She leaned back against him. “I can’t wait to be your wife.”

  His arms tightened around her waist. “I cannot wait for you to have my name and my children,” his hands drifted down her flat stomach and she felt the heat of him.

  “Jeffry,” she turned into his arms.

  “Baby,” his green eyes burned into her as he looked down at her. “Do you have any idea how much I love you?”

  “I am beginning to,” she moved against him restlessly. “Jeffry- “her hands crawled up onto his chest as the desire for him took over.

  “I know,” he told her thickly, “let’s go somewhere we can be alone.”


  ‘Plus sized model Diana Walker and Playboy billionaire Jeffry Rowland ties the knot in a sumptuous affair at the Wellington’s impressive estate in Pine Grove Lane. The bride took our breath away as she came out in a figure hugging ice blue dress high in the neck and low in the back. Her attendants: Beautiful model Leesa Wellington wore strawberry pink while the bridesmaids which included the bride’s best friends and Carrie Copeland were dressed in lime green. The best man: Patrick Copeland was seen wiping the groom’s brow with a big smile on his face. Jeffry Rowland the eager groom wore white tuxedo and had the women in there sighing in regret. The bride’s brother Michael Walker walked her up the red carpet that was spread all the way from one end of the manor to the gazebo where they exchanged vows.

  Diana changed out of her wedding dress as soon as the ceremony was over. The reception was being held outdoors and she had changed into a flowing pink and white dress and strappy sandals. Her hair was still in its elaborate style with diamonds in the strands. Her husband had also changed into dark blue dress pants and light blue shirt. Her breath caught as she looked at him. Her husband! She still could not believe it!

  The cake had been cut and the meal had been eaten and the place had been cleared for dancing. They had their first dance together as husband and wife and Jeffry held her close to him tucking her head onto his chest as they swayed to the music. He had told her forever in front of all these people and he meant it with every fiber of his being. “How about Paris?” he asked her.

  “I thought we could stay at your –our apartment,” she corrected herself swiftly for a few days first,” she lifted her head to look up at him.

  “That sounds good. Ready to leave?”

  “Jeffry!” she protested. “We can’t just leave.”

bsp; “I want to be alone with my wife. I am sure everyone here understands that and if they don’t then to hell with them.”

  “In another hour,” she assured him loving the way he said ‘my wife’ in that commanding tone of his.

  “Okay. The hour starts now.”

  She danced with his father and felt strange because he looked so much like Jeffry. “You make him happy,” he murmured as he stared down at her, his green eyes so much like her husband’s that it was uncanny.

  “He does the same for me,” she looked over to where he had claimed a dance with Leesa and they were laughing together.

  “He was so upset with me but now at least we are talking thanks to you. I am trying to convince him to come and live at the manor.”

  She looked up at him. “What did he say?”

  “He has to discuss it with you first.” He smiled slightly. “He has certainly changed. Thank you my dear.”

  Then it was Michael. “You are certainly glowing.” He murmured as he twirled her around. “I guess I won’t have to break his legs.”

  “You are not touching any part of him.” She told him firmly. “I love him.” She said in wonder. “And he loves me.”

  “What’s not to love?” he looked down at her whimsically. “So we have another wedding in September.”

  “You are putting April out of her misery.” Her eyes sought the sleek beautiful blonde who had on a multicolored designer dress that looked great on her. She was talking to her parents who had finally met Michael and liked him.

  “I am putting me out of my misery,” he said wryly. “I cannot seem to function without her.”

  “Welcome to the club,” she went on her toes and kissed him on the lips before going to find her husband.


  Leesa insisted that they took home food with them along with a whole cake. Jeffry drove them back to the apartment. She had given hers up a few days ago and moved her things into his leaving the furniture for her brother to take or put in storage. He had told her that he had caved and would be living in April’s place until they bought a house together.


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