Jeffry (Members From Money Book 3)

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Jeffry (Members From Money Book 3) Page 16

by Katie Dowe

  "Goodnight, Nathan."

  Nathan stared at her for a moment as if weighing something in his mind. Then he leaned forward and kissed her gently on the cheek. Christina gasped, too stunned to move. Nathan drew back, brushing his fingers across her jaw like a lover's caress.

  "Sleep well."

  He turned and left the room by the other door. Christina stared at the spot where Nathan had been standing, wondering what had just happened. The man she thought as insufferable and arrogant had shown a side she had started liking. A lot.

  That was bad in anyone's book.


  "Nate? Nate!"

  Nathan jumped as his chair was nudged. He swung around and looked up in bewilderment as Josh, who was standing over him with his arms folded.

  "I'm sorry, what was that?"

  "Have you actually been listening?" Josh nodded towards the open doors. "Or are you too busy eyeing up your son's bodyguard?"

  Nathan knew his face was going red. He had been caught. But the image of Christina playing with Jack out in the garden, pushing him on the swing, had captured his attention. In the week since he had hired Leo's company Jack had warmed to Christina. A lot. When they spent time together she was all he talked about. He seemed to be coming out of his shell, laughing more. His development was improving remarkably and Nathan was wondering who his little boy was.

  Christina was a good influence on his son. She was also a good influence on him. Nathan was more relaxed, actually remembering to finish work within regular hours. He found himself having down-time, which had barely happened before. All so he could spend more time in her company. Christina was like a welcoming breath of fresh air.

  And all she had to do was be in the room.

  She had issues with her past; that much was obvious. Nathan wanted to know what those were but he knew better than to push with Christina. She would say something if and when she wanted to.

  He grunted and turned away from the garden.

  "Sorry, Josh. I'm still a bit out of sorts after the bombing."

  Josh's expression was sympathetic.

  "I understand you're a little all over the place. Anyone would be in that situation." Josh glanced towards Christina with a smirk. "But she is pretty. Maybe you should bang her. Just to loosen you up."

  Nathan's blood rushed to his groin. It was something he had thought about in the past week. He had been fascinated by the first interaction and it just went on from there. Nothing would please him more than taking Christina to bed and loving her the way she deserved.

  However he wouldn't broach those boundaries. Christina needed respect and trust before she got intimate with anyone. Nathan didn't think he was that patient. But he wanted Christina; that was without question. So he would do it on her terms.

  "Well, if you're not going to then maybe I could..."

  Nathan slapped Josh's thigh, pushing him off the desk.

  "Don't you dare." He snarled.

  No one touched Christina. Not if he had anything to say about it. She brought out the possessive instincts in him.

  "Fair enough." Josh laughed and moved around the desk to pick up his papers. "You saw her first."

  Jane was looking between them like they had grown extra body parts.

  "I don't get what's wrong with you, Nate. You want to sleep with the hired help, expect trouble."

  Nathan frowned at her. His sister had got increasingly hostile towards Christina and Nathan was confused as to why. Christina made a point of keeping away from Jane but Jane went after her. Everyone had noticed, especially Leo. Nathan was worried Leo was going to say something and it was going to blow up in Jane's face. His sister was a snob and he wanted to throttle her but he didn't want to see her hurt because of her attitude.

  "She's not hired help, Jane. She's a bodyguard."

  "She's a black woman in a rich man's home." Jane snapped. "It won't be long before you are seduced into her bed where she'll screw you over."

  "That is enough!" Nathan slammed his fist onto the desk, making his brother and sister jump. He could feel his blood boiling. He leaned forward and jabbed a finger at Jane. "You will not be disrespectful to Christina. She does not deserve to be treated like that."

  If it had been anyone else they would have cowered before him, expressed their sincerest apologies and scuttled away out of sight. But not Jane. She loved a confrontation, although not often with Nathan. Now she was looking at him like he had gone mad.

  "She really has got under your skin if you're all this riled up about her. And it's only been a week since you met her. It's amazing you haven't fucked her yet."

  Nathan growled.

  "What have you got against her?"

  Jane shrugged.

  "She's a woman of color. What can I say? They're always big trouble."

  "I never pegged you for a racist, Jane." Josh looked surprised at her outburst.

  "I'm not. I'm just stating a fact."

  "You're stating racist comments about Christina." Nathan snapped. "I will not tolerate that." He sat back in his chair and turned to face the bookcase, his way of ending a conversation. "Get out of here."


  "Because if you stay I might be tempted to smack you. Now go."

  There was a stunned silence. Then he heard Jane huff rudely and storm out, slamming the door behind her. Josh whistled.

  "What's she got a bee in her bonnet about?"

  "No idea." Nathan gaze wandered back, yet again, to Christina, who was now kicking a soccer ball to Jack. "But she had better change her opinions about Chris. She's not going anywhere anytime soon."



  Christina looked around. Jane was standing a few meters away, hands folded in front of her as she watched Jack going down the slide with Christina supervising him.

  "Miss Gilmore."

  Jane nodded at her nephew.

  "How's Jack this morning?"

  "He's fine." Christina looked fondly at the boy as he ran to the steps again and climbed back up to the top of the slide. "He's still having a few night terrors but not as much as two nights ago."

  Jack had experienced nightmares from the night after the explosion. From what Christina had managed to get from his tearful words was that he kept dreaming Nathan's death over and over. She had spent many hours holding him until he fell asleep. Eventually, she had put a mattress on the floor by his bed where she could sleep. A couple of times she had woken up to find Jack had climbed into bed with her and was fast asleep cuddled up against her. It made her heart ache that he was suffering.

  Jane nodded. She had her hair tied back in a fashionable chignon, showing off diamond earrings on delicate lobes. She was now wearing a peach-colored skirt suit, her blouse buttoned primly to the throat. Her long legs were encased in stockings, judging by the gleam of the sun coming off her calves and was managing to stay upright in four-inch heels in the grass. Christina couldn't figure out how she had got to the playground without falling flat on her face.

  "Is my brother aware of them?"

  Christina caught the tone of her voice and bristled. It sounded like Jane was implying she wasn't doing her duty.

  "He knows." She said stiffly. "I told him at breakfast this morning that Jack is improving."

  "What did he say?"

  "That I was doing a good job with him."

  And she was. Jack had blossomed since she had arrived and Christina couldn't help but feel proud whenever she witnessed something amazing from her little charge. He was incredibly bright. His looks and intelligence certainly came from his father.

  He was also a charmer like his father. Jack had Christina wrapped around his little finger and he enjoyed using it to his advantage to the point Christina had to put her foot down and change tack when his face screwed up in a pout. Jack didn't stay upset for long when she was around.

  Jack jumped down from the slide and hurried over to the sand pit, picking up a spade and beginning to fill a bucket with sand. J
ane moved to Christina's side and lowered her voice.

  "You'd better keep out of Nathan's way."

  Christina blinked.


  "You're distracting him."

  "But I haven't done anything to distract him."

  Jane snorted rudely.

  "Not done anything. You're flaunting yourself in front of him and he's focusing on you instead of his work."

  Christina was stumped. Jane'd had bad vibes coming off her when they first met. She made a point to keep out of the older woman's way since she didn't want to deal with them but now it was inevitable.

  She looked down at her clothes. Her outfit was a tie-dye t-shirt in white and purple and washed-out jeans with old sneakers. Her hair was brushed and in a simple ponytail. She couldn't see anything remotely flamboyant.

  "You call what I'm wearing flaunting myself?"

  "Call it what you will but you only have to bat your eyelids and he comes running."

  Christina couldn't help but laugh.

  "You're deluded because that won't ever happen."

  In the week since they had met, Christina had found herself in Nathan's company regularly as he spent time with his son. It was clear the pair loved each other and it warmed Christina to see the interaction between father and son. Nathan also talked to her, treating her like another human instead of an employee as he had done when they first met. She enjoyed their time together and it made her sad that she couldn't experience that for herself with her own family.

  Jane's eyes narrowed. She turned and stepped close to Christina.

  "Just because you're Leo's sister-in-law doesn't mean you are above the rules." She hissed. She jabbed a finger at Christina, hitting her in the chest. "You keep away from my brother. He doesn't need you."

  "I don't want Nathan Gilmore."

  Christina inwardly cringed. Somehow that hadn't sounded convincing. But the more time she spent with Nathan the more she began to feel things for him that were dangerous for her.

  Jane snorted rudely.

  "You could've fooled me."

  Christina rolled her eyes.

  "Even if I wasn't working for him we've only known each other a week. I base relationships on more than that."

  "I know. Money."

  That hit Christina like a physical blow. She stared.

  "You what?"

  "You're a gold-digger." Jane sneered. "You see Nathan's estate and you know how much he earns and how much he's worth. You want it all."

  The thought that she was after Nathan for his money was laughable. And Christina found herself laughing at the incredulous suggestion.

  "You really are deluded. I'm not interested in a man for his money. I've got my own and I'm happy as I am."

  She wished she was happy but she didn't need money when she had her hard-earned salary in her account. It wasn't millions but it was enough for her.

  "That's what they all say." Jane said rudely.

  "Who does? All the women near Nathan? Or just the black women?"

  Christina saw the slight widening of Jane's eyes and knew she had hit the mark. She stepped back and folded her arms, her body turning slightly so she showed the other woman her gun strapped to her waistband

  "I know what you're trying to do. And, to be quite frank, it's just ridiculous. I'm not interested in Nathan Gilmore or your insinuations. Unlike you, I'm not juvenile."

  Jane's face reddened. Her nostrils flared and her jaw tightened.

  "I could bring you down for talking to me like that, Maudsley." She hissed. "I don't care if you are Leo's family."

  Christina grinned.

  "My godfather is the chief of police. Would you like to try that again?"

  That was half-true. Her godfather had been the chief of Seattle police until his retirement two years before. And she didn't use her connection to him except on very rare occasions. The pair of them didn't like name-dropping to get out of trouble but when Christina did use it she used it for a good reason.

  She watched with satisfaction Jane's mouth opening and closing in shocked amazement.

  "You're bluffing."

  "Try me."

  She thought Jane was going to say more but the other woman's face went bright red before she swiveled on her heel and stalked off haughtily towards the back door. Christina turned away, suddenly feeling like she could breathe. There was something about Jane that had her on edge and she didn't like it.

  She just hoped that Jane wasn't right in her interest with Nathan Gilmore. Much as she tried to deny it, Christina was drawn to the man, even more now than before. She didn't want his money but she wanted him.

  But Christina knew what it was like to live on a dream. Eventually you came back down to Earth with a hard thump.

  Chapter 4

  Nathan figured that something was wrong. Throughout the day whenever he had contact with Christina, she avoided his eyes and ducked out of the room whenever possible. It seemed as if she wanted to put space between them.

  He didn't know which hurt the most; the fact that their friendship seemed to have taken two big steps back or the fact she wouldn't confide in him what was wrong. Whatever it was had upset her. But Christina refused to come near him and Nathan had to resign himself to the fact that she wasn't going to tell him anything.

  By the time dinner came around, he was itching to know what had Christina acting like a frightened rabbit. She sat next to Jack as normal but throughout the meal she barely said anything, only speaking when addressed and even then it was brief. She toyed with her food and fiddled with her hair, which she had put up neatly to reveal her long neck and delicate ear lobes. Nathan was in a state of discomfort throughout the meal, unable to take his eyes off her beautiful profile. His cock didn't get the message that it wasn't the best time to make an appearance.

  If anyone else noticed the tension between them they didn't say anything. Leo sat on one side of him and Jane sat on the other. Leo was cordial and talking about times in high school with Clive, who sat beside him, while Jane listened with a bored expression. Josh sat beside him listening to Jack talking about his day. And Joe Hodgkiss, Leo's other bodyguard and a former Navy SEAL, sat opposite Christina. Nathan caught her sending a smile across to the good-looking redhead and felt bereft.

  He wanted to see her smile sent his way. He wanted to have her that close or even closer.

  That was an understatement. He wanted to be so close Christina was climbing all over him, begging him to fuck her.

  But she wasn't that type of woman. She had made it very clear that she wasn't interested in his money and she didn't sleep with someone she wasn't emotionally invested in. Nathan had never come across a woman he couldn't seduce but with Christina he realized he couldn't bring himself to persuade her otherwise. He wanted her to come to him willingly, on her terms.

  However the waiting was killing him. Nathan wasn't the most patient of people when it came to decisions. And he had a feeling if Christina was given a chance, she would keep as far away as she could.

  By the end of dinner, Nathan was ready to climb the walls. He had tried talking to Christina but she just gave him a slight smile and looked away, almost coolly. Something had happened and he wasn't going to get any answers out of her.

  So he would get the answers from another reliable source.

  As they finished the main course and dessert arrived, Nathan stood.

  "I have to check something in my office first. Carry on without me." He tapped Leo on the shoulder. "Come with me, Leo."

  Leo followed him, a frown on his face as they entered Nathan's office.

  "You normally say something like that when you want a private word. What's wrong?"

  "Shut the door."

  Leo obeyed and leaned against the wall. Nathan rubbed his sweaty hands on his trousers. Suddenly asking about Christina made him feel like a schoolboy asking about his crush. He shook his head and focused.

  "Is there something wrong with Christina? She's been out of sorts a
ll day and won't come near me. Have I done something to upset her?"

  "She hasn't said?"

  "Didn't you hear me? I said she won't come near me." Nathan shrugged. "I figured since you're her boss you would know what's wrong."

  Leo pursed his lips. He looked uncomfortable.

  "I was going to mention it at our evening meeting later."


  "She had a confrontation with Jane earlier today."

  Nathan blinked.

  "With Jane? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

  "Chris told me she could handle it and not to tell you. She didn't want you to be at odds with your family over something she was involved with."

  That was Christina all over. She didn't want to cause him more problems. Nathan wished she was with them now so he could hold her. He stopped himself from leaving to find her and do just that. He closed his eyes briefly.

  "What sort of confrontation was it?"

  "It wasn't an all-out fight, if that's what you were thinking. Although I think it would be pretty close." Leo added with a grunt. "She called Chris a gold-digger. Accused her of seducing her way into your bed. Among other things. Racist comments, mostly."

  "She did what?" Nathan couldn't believe his ears. "She had no right."

  Jane was a bitch and she didn't like women being around Nathan; she saw all women as hustlers who could take them for all they were. She hadn't even liked Jack's last nanny and that girl had eyes for someone else.

  "You know as well as I do that Jane has a mind of her own." Leo shook his head, his expression dark. Having known Jane as teenagers he knew what she was like but it appeared even he was stunned at her behavior. "She is protective of you, that I haven't a problem with. But Chris...she's the least likely person to jeopardize her work ethic."

  Nathan didn't need to read between the lines. He knew what Leo was saying: keep your hands off Christina Maudsley. Somehow he had seen the way his friend had been eyeing up his employee and was worried she would be compromised.

  If he had been anyone else, Nathan would have promised he wouldn't do that to her. But his thoughts about Christina had taken hold and solidified. He wanted her, to hell with the rules.


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