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Wildflower Page 9

by Prudence MacLeod

  “Awe Miss Abby, we wuz just havin’ a little fun wid de young un’,” whined Alfred, not meeting her eyes.

  “Leave me out of this Freddy,” hissed Henry as he pushed his brother away, “‘twas all your doin’.”

  “Yes, I’m quite sure you were no help at all Henry,” said Abby coldly. There was a snicker through the locals gathered there, but they fell silent as she swept her baleful gaze through the room.

  “How about you ma’am?” the child’s voice asked right beside her. “You’re Miss Abby MacKai, and you live way out on the point. You need a dog for protection, you know you do. You could take him ma’am.”

  “Now why would I want to do that?” Abby asked much more gently as she turned to smile at the young boy. He was holding the dog by the collar and it was truly a sight. Abby thought the dog looked like it had been built by a committee.

  “Because you need a dog ma’am and he’s the best dog ever,” enthused the child. “He’s really smart too, he knows tricks and everything.”

  “So why are you trying so hard to get rid of him?”

  “Because Dad’s going to shoot him today,” replied the boy, tears filing his young eyes. “We’re moving to Ontario tomorrow, and we can’t take him, and nobody wants him, so Dad’s going to shoot him. I’ve asked everyone, and nobody will take him, and....” He was starting to cry now.

  “Whoa now, easy there,” soothed Abby gently as she patted his shoulder and passed him a tissue. “Nobody’s going to shoot such a handsome fellow as this, I won’t allow it. I’ll take him, but I have some important business to attend to right now. You take him outside and make sure he has done all his doggy chores, before I put him in the car. Ok? You wait by the car with him until I come out, then we’ll do the deal. Go on now.” She gently shooed the boy outside then mailed her package and bought a small box of dog biscuits, as well as a few cans and a big bag of dog food.

  “You’re not really going to take that flea bag, are you Miss Abby?”

  “No Henry,” she replied easily, a cold smile at the edges of her lips, “these are for you and Alfred the next time you’re out my way.” There was a full round of laughter at this. She grinned and winked at the girl behind the counter as she paid for them then went out to meet her new friends at the car.

  “Has he done his business?”

  “Yes ma’am,” replied the boy proudly, “a one and a two.”

  “Very good, now what’s his name?”

  “His name’s Hubby ma’am,” replied the boy eagerly. He was thrilled to have found a home for his buddy.

  “Hubby? Now however did he get a name like that?”

  “Mum called him that,” sighed the boy. “She said he had ears just like Daddy so she called him that. It sort of stuck to him.”

  “I see,” grinned Abby. “Is he house trained?”

  “Yes ma’am, and he knows tricks too. Hubby sit.” The dog obediently sat with a look of anticipation on his face. “Now shake hands with Miss Abby, and be nice. You’re going to live at her house now, and nobody will ever shoot you ever ‘cause Miss Abby will protect you.” The dog raised his paw and looked at Abby expectantly.

  Smiling, Abby shook his paw and introduced herself. “I’m Abigail MacKai,” she said softly, “and I am well pleased to make the acquaintance of such a distinguished looking gentleman.

  “Has he been neutered, had all his shots?”

  “No ma’am,” replied the boy softly, dropping his gaze to the ground. “It costs way too much money, and...”

  “It’s alright, don’t worry,” soothed Abby as she gently patted his shoulder. “I just want to know what I have to do for him so he will have a long and healthy life, that’s all. Here, take this card with my name and address on it. When you get to your new home, you can write to me and I’ll send you pictures so you can see how Hubby and I are getting on.”

  “Yes ma’am,” breathed the boy as he gazed at the official looking card in his hand.

  “How old is Hubby?”

  “Six months ma’am, he won’t grow too much bigger than he is.”

  “I think you are trying to snow me sir,” grinned Abby. “By the size of those paws I think he has some growing to do yet. It’s alright, I don’t mind if he gets bigger, I have a big house, and lots of room for him to play outside if he wants.”

  “You hear that Hubby?” asked the boy as he gazed into the dog’s eyes lovingly. “You’re going to live with Miss Abby, and she will let you play on the beach and everything. Man you’re going to have it easy; I have to go live in the city and go to school.” Suddenly tears filled his eyes and he hugged the dog fiercely. “Good bye Hubby, you be good for Miss Abby now.” He suddenly released the dog and ran away.

  Abby held the leash tightly as the dog tried desperately to follow the boy. Finally he stopped struggling as he realized someone was calling his name. He turned to see the woman holding his leash and talking to him in a soft soothing voice. The dog whimpered and turned to the direction the boy had taken, but she held him fast. Finally he gave it up and turned back to her. She was still talking to him softly. “Hey big fella, can I bribe you with a biscuit?”

  The dog looked at her quizzically as she took a dog biscuit and pretended to eat it. “Mmmm, mmmm, is this ever good,” she grinned as he started to show interest. He slowly approached her, but she turned away and continued to make noises as though she was truly enjoying her treat. Intrigued, the dog came around to face her, trying to see what she had. “So, can I bribe you with a treat?” she asked again. “Want some?” He began to wag his huge tail so hard it began to wag him in return. “Ok, sit pretty.”

  He did and she gave it to him. Hubby devoured the biscuit instantly and looked for more. “Ok big fella,” smiled Abby as she opened the back door of her car, “hop in and I’ll give you another.” The dog looked in the car hesitantly then began to back away. Abby showed him the biscuit then tossed it onto the back seat of the car. He instantly hopped in after it and she closed the door behind him.

  “You’re not really going to keep that ugly old dog around are you, Miss Abby?” asked Alfred as she shut the dog inside her car.

  “Why not Alfred?” she asked with a wicked grin as she walked around to the driver’s door. “I keep you and Henry around, and you two are way uglier than the dog. Heck, he even smells better.” The others were still laughing at the brothers as she drove away and headed home.

  “Abby, what in the name of time have you got there?” asked Keith as he saw her coming toward his house with Hubby on the leash.

  “This is Hubby, isn’t he beautiful?”

  “He’s so ugly he’s cute,” laughed Wanda as she came out of the house to inspect the puppy. He sat and looked at her with one ear fully up and alert, the other flopping down one the other side. “I’m so glad Little Al found a home for him.”

  “You know this handsome fellow?”

  “My nephew’s son’s dog,” replied Keith. “Little Al asked us to take him, but we already have two cats, so we suggested that he try to find someone else. I was afraid we would have to take him after all because they are leaving first thing in the morning. How did you come to get him anyway?”

  Abby related the tale of her new Hubby and Keith just shook his head sadly. “That man is far too easy about making away with animals,” he sighed at last. “It would be justice if the boy just drops him off at the old folk’s home a few years from now.”

  “Keith Pike,” exclaimed Wanda, “your own sister’s child.”

  “I know Wanda honey, that’s just one more sin for me I guess, but he had no real excuse to shoot the poor beast. Hubby will be a good dog for you Abby. He has a very gentle nature, but, like all dogs, he will come to feel protective of his home and family.”

  “I don’t really know a lot about dogs Keith,” Abby mused thoughtfully as she bent to scratch Hubby behind the upright ear. “What can you tell me about what I am in for?”

  “Well, he’s a pack animal, so he’s
going to be a bit depressed at being abandoned by his pack. He’ll need to be neutered, and to have his shots as well as whatever training you want him to have. I would wait a few weeks before taking him to the vet though.”


  “Well, he needs to regard you as his new pack. He’s just been abandoned once, if you cart him right off to a place where they hurt him, he’ll never really learn to trust you completely. You have to build that trust in him first, and then you can take him in. The vet can tell you whatever else you need to know. Did you get dog food?”


  “Just follow the directions on the box,” Keith went on. “He’ll whine for more but...”

  “He’s a man,” teased Wanda, “and like all men, he’ll just want more no matter how much you give him.”

  “Hush woman,” exclaimed Keith. “Not in front of the neighbors.”

  “What else Keith?” giggled Abby.

  “Well, he’s house broken, but you’ll have to watch him for the first while until you get accustomed to each others rituals. You also have to make sure he knows that you’re the boss. If you say here and he says no, you have to make him come. I’ll get you a long piece of rope to use as a training lead.”

  “Use your internet Abby,” smiled Wanda. “There should be lots of useful information there.”

  “Good idea Wanda,” smiled Abby as she accepted the rope from Keith. “Any last words before me and my Hubby head for home?”

  “He’s only young Abby, he’ll need lots of play time, and since you’re his pack now, that’s your job.”

  “Ok my man, I think we’re ready to test our wings,” sighed Abby. “Thanks a million folks. Come on Hubby, let’s go home and cook dinner.”

  “Now why do you suppose she took on that foolish dog,” mused Keith as Abby and Hubby walked away. “It’ll drive her crazy.”

  “That dog is the best thing in the world for Abby right now Keith,” sighed Wanda as she laid her head on his shoulder. “That girl carries a world of pain inside her, and just maybe that puppy will help her heal some of it.”

  “She ever tell you about it?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Ah well, none of my business I guess. It sure is nice to see lights in the old house again though.”

  “Yes it is. You know, sometimes she reminds me a lot of Bride Murphy herself.”

  “I did notice that, my love,” he smiled as he gave his wife a gentle squeeze. “I did notice that.”


  Abby sat reading the directions on the side of the dog food bag while Hubby devoured what she had put down for him. When he was finished he looked for more, but she admonished him that she had given him all that she was supposed to. The dog seemed to hang on her every word while she spoke, and he followed closely on her heels as she went to the office to do some internet research. With a deep heavy sigh as only a dog can do, Hubby settled down beside her feet and slept while she worked.

  A few hours and several sheets of notes later, Abby gave it up and took the dog out for a last walk of the day. She put him on the long rope Keith had given her so he could romp around a bit and do his business. She walked swiftly over toward one of the abandoned houses, then slowed down as she reached the edges of her own property. A few days of this and Hubby would soon learn where he was to do his business.

  A cup of tea and a snack for Abby, a biscuit for Hubby and the day was over. Abby put down one of her old sweaters for a bed and made the dog comfortable there. As she climbed the stairs toward her own bed Abby heard a sound behind her on the stairs, and turning around to investigate, found Hubby following close behind her.

  “So that’s the way it’s going to be is it?” He wagged his tail vigorously. “All right, but you’re sleeping on the floor sir. I have sworn that no man will ever get into my bed again until I fall deeply in love, and I meant it. This includes you.” She continued to her room with the dog close on her heels.

  Abby set her glass of water on the bedside table then retreated to the bathroom. When she returned she found Hubby asleep on the bed, his head on her pillow. “The hell you do buddy,” she growled as she lifted him body and bones to the floor. “My bed, your floor. Now let me see.” She poked in the closet for a moment then pulled out an old sweat shirt she had worn when she was painting. “I guess I can sacrifice this.” She made up his bed and settled him on it.

  A few moments later she heard him dragging the shirt under the bed. He gave a half groan, half sigh as he settled down, and smiling, Abby drifted off to sleep. Once again a tall dark haired woman came to walk the beach with her, and this time they held hands as they did. Suddenly the woman cried out and leaped away from Abby. Distraught, Abby reached for her, but the woman cried out again.

  With a start Abby sat bolt upright in bed, sweating profusely. That last cry had been right beside her. Suddenly she heard it again as a squirming, wriggling dog did the pee-pee dance beside the bed. “Oh for the love of god,” growled Abby as she rose and hurried down the stairs behind the excited dog. Stepping into her rubber boots, she swiftly clipped on his leash and opened the door. He bolted through, dragging her behind, as he raced for a tall patch of grass, and did his business.

  Sighing deeply, Abby gazed at the clear night sky. The air was crisp, but she was not uncomfortable, and the night was magnificent. There was no moon, but there appeared to be a million bright stars, and the soft music of the gently lapping waves seemed to call her name. As the dog came to her, wriggling with delight and relief, she bent to hug him and tell him what a good boy he was to wake Mom up rather than to mess the house. With a final look, and a smile of appreciation for the night sky, Abby returned to the house and her bed. The next day Hubby’s feeding time was moved to mornings. Abby didn’t want too many late night wake-up calls.

  Over the next few weeks Abby kept the dog close by her side. He rode in the car when she left the house, whether it was just to the mail or into the city for the day. She also spent an hour or so each day reinforcing his tricks and teaching him new ones. One day she found one of his canine teeth on the floor and she panicked. A swift call to the vet, and a short conversation later, Abby was aware that he was getting his adult teeth; she sighed with relief and booked an appointment for his shots and his operation.

  Abby had never in her life seen so pathetic a look as that on Hubby’s face when she picked him up after the operation. “I must have looked just like that a few months ago,” she thought as she loaded him carefully back into the car. She babied him completely for several days until he was back to his old self once again.

  A few weeks later they were back in town for his booster shots. Abby had just deposited another cheque from Harry and was amazed at the amount. She was making almost as much money free lancing as she had made working full time, and it was requiring surprisingly little of her time to get it done. With no distractions Abby could get a lot of work done in a day. After depositing her cheque, Abby bought a few groceries at the store near the bank then returned to the car. As she got back in and gave Hubby a biscuit for being a good boy, she had a sudden feeling that something important was about to happen.

  Puzzled, Abby backed out of the parking spot and looked carefully around. She was a bit startled to see a tall dark haired woman appear at the curb then stop to let her pass. Abby was almost sure this was the woman from the dream, and she flashed the girl her most winning smile as she passed slowly by. The woman was quite beautiful, and Abby was a bit surprised at just how attracted she actually was. Abby had been drawn to women before, but never as strongly as this, and the feeling was quite delicious. “My, my, my, Miss Abigail MacKai,” she sang softly. “Whatever is going on here? Are we starting to like girls more than usual, or have we been alone for too long.”

  As a test, she stopped for gas at a place where she knew a good looking young man was working. This time she flirted a bit with him, and carefully observed her own reactions. Nope, the brunette girl still popped into her thoughts firs
t as she closed her eyes. She stopped to have dinner with Billy and Edna, and Billy took her and Hubby for a walk afterward. Abby linked her arm through Billy’s and chatted easily to him as they walked the dog, but later that night it was the tall woman who held her thoughts as she relieved her tension then drifted off to sleep. “Whatever is going on here?” she wondered, as the land of dreams claimed her.

  It was to be a long while before Abby could pursue that line of thought. The weather turned nasty and her world contracted into her snug home. One particularly rainy day Wanda came through the storm for a chat. Keith had been called to substitute teach and Wanda took the chance for a long visit with Abby. They took their tea into the living room by the stove where Abby had seized the excuse for a fire.

  “Oh my, Abby,” sighed Wanda as she took a sip of her tea, “This is so snug and comfy on such a dark day.”

  “I agree,” smiled Abby softly as she relaxed deeper into her chair. “The days are so much shorter now and I feel the weight of it pressing in on me at times.”


  “I know I am a bit of a bubble during the summer Wanda, but I find the lack of sunshine depressing.”

  “You should live in California then.”

  “I did once,” sighed Abby wistfully.

  “Oh really? However did you get from there to here?” The sudden haunted look that crossed Abby’s face brought immediate concern to Wanda’s tone. “Oh Abby, I’m so sorry. I don’t mean to pry, or to bring up painful memories for you.”

  “I know Wanda,” Abby smiled weakly as she set aside her tea cup. “We are friends and I guess you should know a bit about who shares your space. Who knows, perhaps just talking about it may do me some good after all.” She went on to tell Wanda the whole story of how she came to buy the house here in Jamaica Point.

  “Oh my god, Abby,” breathed Wanda as the story came to a close. “Girl, you’re a lot tougher than you look, and stronger than folk give you credit for.”


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