What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 3)

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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 3) Page 42

by Lauren Hawkeye

  “I understand.” He rolled her onto her back, studying her face as he caressed the contour of her abs.

  Minutes passed, Tess and Tom simply stared at each other, letting unspoken words pass between them. “I can’t do this, Tom. I don’t want to talk about saying goodbye. I feel like I’m wasting moments with you when I’m lying here crying. Life is short and I don’t want to cry anymore,” Tess finally admitted.

  He lay quiet, caressing her shoulder.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “Life is short. I just want to be happy, too.” He grinned the crooked grin she loved so much. “Let’s get out of here before we’re caught in another indecent photo.”

  They returned to Tom’s as the sun sank into the ocean. He made martinis and they swam. The warm pool felt wonderful, but the drinks were even better. Tess had never drank martinis, and they were making her randy.

  Tom rattled on, seemingly having a conversation with himself, because she wasn’t paying attention. Tess watched his lips move, but could only focus on the urge to gently suck on them and run her tongue down the muscle on his neck that fluttered when he talked. All she wanted to do was make love to him. Eventually, Tess stepped out of the pool in the middle of his sentence, never turning back to see if he followed. Her bikini hit the ground before she made it inside the house. She only made it as far as the top of the stairs.

  He grabbed her from behind, his hot breath traveled over her shoulder and back. Twisting her neck, she searched for his mouth. He turned her to face him, and she clung to him, kissing him with hunger and desire unlike anything Tess had ever experienced before. He guided her down to the floor, taking her right there on the stairs. She wanted to tell him to make love to her, but feared to say the words out loud.

  “Are you okay, Tess?” He watched her face intently.

  “Umm hum.”

  “You’re thinking about something else. What can I do to change that?” He placed her hands above her head.

  She inhaled deeply, holding her breath before exhaling loudly. She was dying to say the words so badly, but scared he would bolt out the door.

  “Tell me, Tess. What do you want?”

  That voice! She breathed deeply again.

  “I’m listening,” he coaxed.

  She blurted out. “I don’t want to have sex tonight.”

  “I think you’re too late.” He smirked, tugging gently on her nipple with his teeth.

  “I want this to be more than just sex.” She yearned for him to realize what she needed from him. “I’m not asking you for words, Tom. I’m not ready for that, but I want this to be more than just sex.”

  He stopped mid-thrust, cocking his head to the side, understanding exactly what she meant. He pulled away from her to stand up.

  Panic set in and regret filled her eyes as she reached for his hand to pull him back. Shit, I shouldn’t have said anything.

  Tom took her hand and led her to his room to start over. Tilting her chin up toward his. “Tess, I’m not sure if I’ve ever had just sex with you. It’s been much more than that for me from the beginning.”

  “Me, too.”

  Tom kissed her lips softly, nuzzling her neck, burying his face in the scent of her skin. Their bodies moved slower, more deliberate, connecting as one, touching each other tenderly. Neither felt compelled to impress. They simply took pleasure in one of the most intimate nights either had ever experienced. That night they made love together.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Tom grinned from ear to ear. “I need to take care of some things this morning. I know you like to run when you get anxious. There’s a treadmill and a few other things downstairs if you feel like it.”

  “I think I’m going to swim for a while instead.”

  “Keep your top on today, because there’s probably someone watching.” He planted a kiss on her lips then headed for the door.

  “I don’t mind the pictures when you can see the guy taking them, but hiding in the bushes is creepy. More like stalking. It shouldn’t even be legal.” She cringed in disgust.

  Tess enjoyed breakfast on the balcony. She reflected on the past few weeks, and accepted the fact that it was okay to look forward to the future. Richard was gone and she missed him terribly, but she wasn’t going to feel guilty being with Tom. She’d been inconsolable for over a year, but not anymore.

  Tess dove into the pool’s warm water. She strived to embrace her inner ten. No eye rolling, no silly smiles, try not to turn red, no thong shots when exiting the limo, but above all don’t get jealous.

  Tom returned, joining her in the pool. “Do you get nervous at all for these things?” she asked curiously.

  “I used to get really nervous, almost ill, but now it’s more exciting than nerve racking. You always hope a movie will be successful, but until you actually see it, you never know. It certainly makes it easier when your friends are there, or at least it does for me. Are you excited?”


  “Good. There’s a huge after party later. You are going to have a fantastic time.”

  “Lisa mentioned it when we went shopping. I’m excited.” Ten. Ten. Ten.

  “By the way, I left our flight information on the counter.”

  “Okay.” She needed to get ready, but wanted to call John first.

  “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hey John-”

  “I was just getting ready to leave for the airport. You didn’t need to remind me to pick up the girls. Are you nervous for the red carpet tonight? I still can’t believe you’re dating Tom Clemmins.” He mumbled the last sentence.

  “I am nervous, but excited too. He’s very nice, John. You’ll like him,” she rambled.

  “You say it as if I’m going to get to meet him.”

  Tess immediately recognized the hesitation in John’s voice. “Well, I wasn’t calling to remind you to pick up your sisters. I knew you’d remember. I’m calling to tell you that Tom’s bringing me home on Sunday and I’m hoping you’ll pick us up at the airport.”

  There was silence on the other line, then a soft exhale. “He’s coming here? With you?”

  “Yes. He has to leave the next day to start a new film, but I asked him to bring me home.”


  “He can have a car pick us up, but I’d prefer it if you would,” Tess said softly, feeling slightly crushed by his hesitation. “I’ll understand if you don’t want to.”

  “I’m just a little surprised, Mom, that’s all. I’ll pick you up. I take it that he’ll be staying here with you at the house?”


  John had no response.

  “Look, John, I’ve been with him for three weeks. I want him to be a part of my life, and my kids and my home are a big part of that. It won’t be easy for me either, but I’m happy and it’s because I’m with him.”

  She loved her kids, but wouldn’t change the way she felt about Tom. She wanted them to accept Tom and hopefully like him. It would not be simple with John, as he was as protective as a father when it came to his sisters and Tess. If a man so much as checked her out in passing or attempted to approach her, John would shut him down with a death stare. He was only twenty-three, but was as wise and responsible as any man she knew.

  “You’re right. I want you to be happy, and I will always support your choices. It’s just difficult to think of him staying here at the house. Give me the flight information. I’ll be there.”

  “Thanks, son. I know you’ll like him.”

  “I’m going to tell you flat out, Mom, I don’t like everything I’ve read about him online. He’d better not trample on you.”

  “I’ll see you at the airport.”

  “Have fun tonight. It is pretty cool, all the stuff you’re getting to do.”

  “Thanks, I will. Love you.” She hung up, exhaling loudly and blowing the air from her lungs. She tossed her phone on the bed and turned toward the shower.

  Tom leaned against the doorway. “Are you o

  “Yep.” She attempted to smile, but he wasn’t buying it. “Have you been standing there the whole time?”

  “Long enough.”

  “He’ll pick us up. He’s fine.” She tried to be convincing.

  “Tess, I won’t come between you and your kids. If it would be better to wait for a while, then I’ll wait to come home with you.”

  “It’s not like that. He’s not like that. This is a huge change that my kids will have to adjust to. I have no doubts, John’s just being overprotective. Stupid Internet.”

  “Oh, great,” he groaned. “No wonder he’s protective.”

  “The funny thing is, I know he’ll like you and I know you’ll like him. He has the same kind of confidence as you. It might take him a little longer, that’s all.”

  “Sounds like he gets it from you.”

  “Not really. He’s just like his dad.” She smiled.

  He began untying the strings on her bikini. “Do you want some assistance in the shower?”

  “No, you can assist me later,” she teased. “I’d rather wait. So, in case I forget, will you remind me, please?”

  “You’re asking a lot of me, Tess, but I’ll try.”

  The hair and makeup guy, Marco, arrived right on time. Tess immediately adored his flamboyant, entertaining attitude. Marco brought out her blue eyes with smoky dark colors. The fake lashes took some getting used to, but he only made them a bit longer than her natural lashes, so they worked perfectly.

  “Okay, Miss Tess, let me see your dress.”

  She retrieved the dress from the closet and laid it on the bed.

  “Damn girl, you are going to give that poor man a heart attack.” Marco spoke lively with his colorful accent. “How do you want to wear your hair?”

  “I want to wear it down.” She gave a pleading look of desperation.

  “Straight and sleek or half pulled back? Give me some clues here, girlfriend.”

  “No, not straight, kind of messy.”

  “Tussled, girlfriend. We refer to that as tussled. Like I-just-got-laid-on-a-Saturday-night kind of hair! You are a naughty one! I know what to do. You leave it to Marco.”

  Tess always considered herself to be a fairly simple, no frills woman. She never indulged in extravagancies unless it included airplane tickets and a vacation. Oh, who am I kidding? I’m having a blast! Peeking at her reflection, she knew that she looked better tonight than she’d ever looked in her life. Eleven!

  Marco had just finished Tess’ hair when Tom entered the room. Marco pointed toward the shower, warning Tom, “Get in there, and don’t be peeking at her.”

  Standing in her bathrobe, she said goodbye at the front door. Marco air-kissed her cheeks. “Um hmm, get laid for me too, honey. You look irresistible.”

  Tess sat on the bathroom counter in her royal blue strapless bra and lacy thong, waiting for Tom. She leaned back with her palms on the counter, spreading her legs barely enough so he could stand in front of her. Her dark hair swept to one side revealing her smoky eyes. She felt empowered and provocative, ready to take on the night.

  Tom stepped out of the shower and rounded the corner. His mouth gaped open. “Damn, Tess. You look fucking incredible.” Standing between her thighs, his hands traveled up her waist. “I can’t believe how beautiful you are.”

  “I kind of like it, too. Marco did a great job. It’s exactly what I wanted.” She nibbled on his neck, feeling the blood pulsing through his veins.

  “Tess, I thought you wanted to wait to make love to me until after the premier.”

  Tom spoke those words for the first time, and Tess’ heart went into overdrive. Wanting to make love to him right there on the counter, she pulled him tightly against her, kissing him passionately.

  His towel now lay on the floor, driving each of them very close to a point of no return. “I do want to wait to make love to you. I don’t, but I do.” He nudged gently, but she wiggled out of reach. “Tom, you’re supposed to be telling me,” she imitated his sexy voice, “‘Tess, you wanted to wait, remember?’”

  “That’s right.” He chuckled, “Tess, you wanted to wait until later, remember?”

  “Thank you. You can think about this moment all night long until we get back.”

  “That’s not very fair.” He grinned.

  “Oh, yes it is. Because this is what I’m going to be thinking about all night long.”

  “You did this on purpose, didn’t you?”

  “I would never.”

  Tom stepped into his closet to get dressed. Tess slipped her dress over her head and ambled into his closet, so he could zip her up. She quietly waited for him to turn around, but when he did, heat rippled through her core. “Holy crap.” He looked so gorgeous. Tess had never seen Tom in a suit before. She wrinkled her nose and squished her eyebrows together with her mouth gaping open. They had gotten too close on the counter.

  “You need some help?” Tom asked, reaching to zip her dress. “Your dress is gorgeous. I’m not going to be able to take my eyes off you tonight. Blue is my favorite color on you.”

  “Uh, huh,” she stammered, staring at him from head to toe.

  “You don’t like the suit?” he asked in surprise.

  “You look….beautiful.”

  “Beautiful?” he snickered, rolling his eyes.

  “Yeah. Beautiful, smoking hot, fan-fucking-tastic. Holy shit, I need a minute.” She turned and walked briskly into the bedroom, pacing in circles with red cheeks. How did I get so lucky? He’s so handsome! Maybe I should undress and climb into bed. No! Pull it together Tess.

  He finished getting ready and found her lying on her back on the bed. “Tess, are you okay?”

  She tried to compose herself, but he looked way too appetizing in his black suit and crisp white shirt. He had left it unbuttoned, revealing a peek of his chiseled chest. His hair appeared darker, as if he’d just run his hands through it, making him look younger and his eyes darker, too. “Yep, I’m fine.”

  She stared at him lustfully, making him laugh.

  “Later, Tess. Come on, it’s time to go.”

  “But you look really delicious.”

  “Later, I promise.” Tom tugged on her hand and pulled her off the bed. “I have something for you.” He casually handed her a long narrow box.

  She glanced down at the box timidly.

  “Tess,” he said. “Open it, please.”

  She opened the box to find a gorgeous choker-length diamond necklace. “I don’t know what to say.” She didn’t want to tear up and ruin her makeup.

  “Say, ‘Thanks, Tom. I love it’, and please don’t cry. Turn around so I can put it on you.”

  “Thank you. I love it.” She smiled up at him.

  “You’re welcome. Come on, the limo’s waiting.”

  “Wait one sec.” She glanced at herself in the mirror, touching her fingers to the breathtaking necklace.

  He whispered over her shoulder, “You look beautiful. Let’s go.”

  Tess carefully climbed into the limo. She nervously chewed on her cheek.

  “Look, Tess, it’ll be easy, just follow my lead. When I stop, you stop. I’m not signing autographs, because it’s not my film. I won’t let go of you or leave you standing by yourself. Lisa will be busy at the premier, but we’ll sit with them later tonight at the club.”

  “Okay. I’m ready.”

  “Good because we’re here.”

  Opening the limo door was like flipping the On switch of a radio that was stuck on three AM stations at once. Fans lined up twenty rows deep to see the stars. People screamed Tom’s name, as well as several other actors who were in front of them. Voices muffled together, making Tess unable to focus clearly. Tom slipped his arm around her waist. Nuzzling her neck with his warm, smooth cheek, he whispered, “You okay?”

  Filtering the voices now, she inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of his cologne. “Yes.”

  Once they passed the bleachers full of fans, Tom sauntered past
photographers, pausing every few feet for another set of pictures. Each time Tess mimicked his controlled pose and smile, instinctually bending her elbow, resting her fingers on the dip between her hip and abdomen.

  Tess caught a glimpse of Joey, the photographer she recognized with Lisa and at the airport. Tom paused, leaning in closer to her face, brushing his cheek to hers. She understood, he liked Joey and gave him the better photo op. Several reporters worked the carpet. Tom introduced Tess as his girlfriend, followed by an immediate statement of how happy he was to be there supporting Benny’s film. He moved on to the next reporter so quickly, they didn’t have the opportunity to ask any further questions. Everyone told them how great they looked. A reporter commented on Tess’ dress, asking who she was wearing. She had no idea, but Tom did. “Versace,” he said, squeezing her waist.

  Inside the theater, Tom mingled with everyone, introducing Tess to movie stars, producers, even a band who had written several sound tracks for the movie. He was ridiculously charming. Men and women both wanted to talk to Tom or be near him. She recognized when he genuinely liked someone or was merely being polite by the way he greeted them.

  The film was an action movie with a lot of comedy, targeting young adults. Tess enjoyed the film, as she wasn’t a big fan of drama and didn’t like to cry at movies.

  As they left the theater, more reporters, photographers and fans waited to snap pictures and catch a glimpse of their favorite stars. Tom stopped to talk to a reporter who asked him what he thought of the movie. He then turned his attention to Tess. “How did it feel to land Tom Clemmins?”

  Tom squeezed Tess’ hand, glaring sharply at the reporter. Turning to leave Tess said, “I feel wonderful this evening.”

  At the after party, the club exploded with Hollywood’s young, rich, and famous. Tess found this to be quite intimidating, but she merely went with the flow, concentrating on keeping her gawking to a minimum.

  Tom sensed her distraction, so he bent down briefly kissing her neck and lips. “Better?” he asked with his crooked grin.


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