What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 3)

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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 3) Page 48

by Lauren Hawkeye

  He acted as if he were mulling it over, tilting his head from side to side as he led her upstairs. “Yep, I’m sure.”

  “You said you stayed here for Christmas two years ago. What do you usually do for the holidays?” she asked curiously.

  He stopped and chewed on his lip furrowing his brow. “Truthfully, I spend Christmas alone. I usually drink too much, wherever I am, and try to figure out what the hell is wrong with me and why I don’t have someone special in my life. It’s actually somewhat pathetic.” Tom chuckled, trying to make light of his situation.

  “Not any more, Tom. Christmas is my favorite holiday and this is going to be our first together. I promise, you won’t be wondering, What the hell am I doing?” Tess laughed. “You’ll probably wonder, What the hell have I gotten myself into? I guarantee you’re still going to drink too much, but happily. How about martinis?”

  “I love you, Tess.”

  “Do you think Benny and Lisa would come here for Christmas?”

  “Maybe! That would be a good time. I texted both of them to tell them we’re fine, but I’m sure Lisa might want to talk to you soon. She seemed very impressed with your determination to ignore me, and had you been standing in front of her, she might’ve actually high-fived you for running over your phone.”

  Tom looked around at the empty cabin. “So, Tess. Do you want to stay home and decorate this place or would you like to go back to Greece first?” He grinned saying the word home.

  “Those are some incredibly tough decisions you’re asking me to make.” She put her arm around his waist examining the cabin. “You do realize you’re spoiling me?”

  “I like spoiling you. Right now I know you’re tripping out because I’m being generous to you, aren’t you?”

  She exhaled heavily and smiled. “Maybe. It makes me feel like I’m taking advantage of you. I do struggle with the whole money issue. I love that you’re so good to me, but I feel awkward about it. I’m used to taking care of myself.”

  “Starting now, you need to get used to it. I know you’re not taking advantage of me. I want to give you things and I just want you to enjoy them. Do you remember when you told me your theory? Give some, save a lot and have fun with the rest, you can’t take it with you.”

  “Yes, that is my theory.”

  “I happen to agree with you. Tess, I’ve saved a lot, for a long time. You need to get over those feelings and simply say ‘thanks’ or ‘great’ or ‘that sounds perfect’. It would make me happy.”

  “Thanks, great, that sounds perfect.”

  “Now let me start spoiling you. Pick one. Greece or the cabin?”

  “Can we stay here until Thanksgiving, then go to Greece?”

  “We can fly there, eat dinner and come back if you want. We can do whatever your little heart desires.”

  Tess glowed. “Well, I don’t know about dinner, but there’s this great little Inn I’d like to go back to.”

  “Let’s do it and be home in time for Christmas.”

  A few hours later, Tom and Tess pulled into the first shop in the quaint mountain town near their cabin. Equipped with pictures and a tape measure, they set out to furnish their home.

  Tess asked, “So what’s our budget?”

  “We don’t have a budget. Let’s just get what we want.” Tom shrugged nonchalantly.

  “I’m better with a budget. It’s a big cabin,” she sputtered.

  He whispered a number in her ear with way too many zeroes at the end of it. “Whatever it takes, Tess. It doesn’t matter.”

  Her mouth hung open and her eyes blinked in astonishment. “Are you serious?”

  “Yep! Dead serious. I told you, I’ve saved all my life and I’m very good with my finances. Wipe that look off your face and let’s go shopping.”

  The cabin was coming together nicely. They decorated each room with elegant, rustic furnishings and ordered the dining table and leather couches. Several other pieces that would be waiting for them when they returned from Greece. Tess wanted to repaint one of the bedrooms. If Benny and Lisa came to stay over Christmas, it would be their room, and the lovely hunter green walls needed to go.

  Tom had wanted to hire someone to come and paint, but she assured him it would be more enjoyable to do it themselves. Tess quietly slipped out of bed, prepped the room with plastic and taped off the trim. She rocked out to the music playing on her Ipod, soon sensing Tom’s lingering eyes. Game on! I knew he’d help me paint. After several minutes she said, “Good morning, Tom.”

  Holding out his hand for a paintbrush, he scanned the length of her body. Tess wore nothing but her unbuttoned flannel shirt, revealing her bare breasts. She had a roller in her hand, but he pushed it off to one side and wrapped his arm around her waist to kiss her.

  “Is this how you always paint?” He slowly examined her body.

  “Nope!” She grinned.

  “We’re not going to get much painting done!” he chuckled, flicking her nipple with his tongue.

  “Really? I thought we’d get it done faster.” Tess pulled her shirt to the side to expose her other nipple, not wanting it to miss out.

  Halfway through painting the second wall, Tom was distracted, watching her dance and sing to the music. He stood behind her and said in her ear, “Tess, you’ve got paint all over your back.”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “I do?”

  Tom pinned her back to the wall, kissing her passionately as he eagerly fondled her body. “You do now.”

  Before Tess could get one word out of her mouth, he had her shirt off, covering her bare back with wet paint.

  “Wait, let’s finish painting first,” she said under his lips.

  “I don’t think so.” He drew her thigh up around his hip, pulling his face back to look at hers. “You don’t really want me to stop, do you?”

  She giggled. “No, I don’t.”

  He made love to her right there up against the wall. Paint covered his hands as well as her back and butt, changing the tips of her hair to creamy white. They both burst out laughing as they tiptoed into the shower.

  “Are you sure this isn’t how you paint all the time?” he teased her curiously.

  “No, this is definitely a first!”

  “I love firsts with you, Tess.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Tess and Tom had spent October and November settling into the cabin and their new relationship. Thanksgiving was a week away, and Tom was expected in Malibu. He and every other A-list actor were invited to attend the fiftieth birthday party of Hollywood’s top movie director.

  Upon arriving in Malibu, Tess suddenly realized she was home and smiled from ear-to-ear.

  “What?” Tom asked.

  “It just dawned on me, I live here with you! Can I go unpack and hang my stuff in the closet?”

  “Yes, you can, but I have to warn you, I have a bit of OCD with my closet. Well, I guess it’s our closet now. This could be difficult for me.” He said it jokingly, but she knew he was serious. His closet was as big as a bedroom and everything in it hung perfectly organized, color coded and sorted.

  “I’m not that…particular. If it makes you feel better, I can take a different closet or I can even let you organize my clothes for a while.”

  They both laughed. “I know it’s ridiculous, but it might help me adjust.”

  She poured them each a glass of wine while Tom made room for her clothes and helped put her things away. She didn’t mind. Whatever made it easier.

  “Are you going to be the same way with the bathroom? Or can I put my own things away in there?” she teased.

  He smirked with embarrassment. “No, you can do whatever you want in there, smartass.”

  Tom went to pour another glass of wine. When he returned, her clothes lay scattered on the closet floor and Tess was wearing his tie. Only his tie.

  “That happens to be my favorite tie.” His eyes slowly drifted up her body.

  “Hmm, it’s my favorite, too. I’m hoping you m
ight find a new appreciation for it.”

  “Oh, I think I can.” He set the wine on the bathroom counter, took her hand, and headed for the bedroom.

  “I had something different in mind.” Tess sauntered back into the closet.

  “I don’t think so,” he said, stopping at the closet door.

  She sat down, flipping one leg over a bench in the center of the closet. “Oh, I know so.”


  “Tom, if you want me, you’ll have to come in here to have me.” She leaned back on the palms of her hands, exposing every inch of her body.

  He gave her the crooked grin she loved and strolled over to sit on the bench. She took his shirt off and tossed it on the closet floor.

  “That doesn’t bother me, Tess.”

  She took off his jeans and threw them on the floor, too.

  “Okay, I lied. It bothers me.”

  They straddled the bench, facing each other. “Am I going to need to do this every day so I don’t have to keep your closet perfect?”

  He swallowed hard. “I promise I won’t be upset if you don’t keep your side perfect.”

  “I promise I will try to be neat in our closet.” She climbed onto his lap.

  “Can we go in the bedroom now?”

  “Nope. Right here. Right now.” She made love to him right there on the bench.

  As they headed for bed, Tom confessed, “Tess, I love the way you get your point across.”

  His tie still hung around her neck. She smiled as her eyes closed. “My side won’t be quite as perfect as yours, but I’m definitely willing to compromise.”

  Tom took Tess shopping to get a dress for the party. People recognized him everywhere they went, and paparazzi followed him relentlessly. At times, she felt similar to a fish in a fishbowl. In Colorado, people were much more laid back, and nobody seemed to care who he was, but in the land of the lifestyles of the rich and famous, everyone was watching.

  That night, limos lined the drive as they pulled up to the house. Tess chuckled nervously, turning to glare at Tom.

  “What?” he asked innocently.

  “This is not a house. This is a mansion. It looks more like a resort, or a spendy re-hab facility.”

  “Judging by the guest list, you probably nailed it on the head with re-hab facility.” They both laughed. “Trust me, Tess, you’re going to have a great time.”

  She shot him a humorous glance of disbelief.

  Entering the ostentatious foyer, many faces looked familiar as her eyes scanned over the crowd of several hundred people. Guests dressed in everything from cocktail dresses to birthday suits. Tess exuded modern elegance in a slinky, one-shouldered black dress, and Tom looked outrageously sexy in jeans and a charcoal grey V-neck sweater. She wondered how long she’d be able to keep her hands off him. She grinned to herself. We are definitely having great limo sex on the ride home.

  People loved Tom. Women followed him everywhere. For that matter, so did men. They all needed to touch him when they spoke, placing their hand on his arm or shoulder. Some turned red merely saying hello. Tess became acutely aware of people watching their every move. Tom loved introducing her as his girlfriend and Tess smiled proudly, standing by his side.

  Weaving their way through the sea of partygoers, he led her through the house to the backyard. Tess mingled outside while Tom went to the bar to get drinks. The merrymaking obviously started much earlier because a number of guests were very intoxicated. Several men introduced themselves, but as soon as ‘Tom Clemmins’ girlfriend’ slipped her lips, they miraculously disappeared quickly.

  Two men approached Tess. She made polite conversation, but fidgeted uncomfortably at their audacious leering. She scanned the room again, searching for Tom, and jumped when he laid his hand on her bare shoulder, handing her a drink. Judging by the concern in his eyes, he recognized her uneasiness and pulled her close, kissing her cheek. Tom knew both men, and by his greeting, didn’t care for either.

  Both men snickered when Tom introduced Tess as his girlfriend. “Tommy, when you’re done with her, give her my number.”

  Tom remained unruffled. “You’re drunk. Maybe you should get a ride home.”

  She couldn’t hear their response because Tom’s arm cinched around her waist, walking her away abruptly. “Sorry, Tess. The guy is a jerk whether he’s drunk or not.”

  They found a spot under a pergola. They were having a good time hanging out with a comedian and his wife and several other couples. The comedian was hysterical. Tess laughed so hard she needed to find a bathroom. She excused herself and told Tom she’d be right back.

  Exiting the restroom, the two men who’d hit on her earlier stood in the hall, waiting for the bathroom. Tess tried to walk past, but one guy stepped directly in front of her and stretched out his arm, placing his hand against the wall so she couldn’t pass by.

  The man towered over Tess, even in her high-heels. Cocking his head from side-to-side disdainfully, he brazenly gawked at her boobs. Slumping his head, nearly resting it on her bare shoulder, he mumbled something. She could only make out the words lucky bastard through his garbled speech. Tess flinched with alarm. He was too close. Close enough that the heat from his alcohol saturated breath rustled her hair. Her lip curled in disgust.

  “The bathroom is open now.” She stood taller, raising her hands and gesturing for him to move so she could pass by.

  He continued talking shit, slurring his words. “Tommy won’t last long. Why don’t you come home with me tonight instead? He’s probably outside hooking up with some other chick as we speak. Tommy Clemmins’ girlfriend. What a fucking joke!”

  Annoyed and unappreciative of the way his eyes blatantly examined her body, Tess attempted to maneuver around him. “Tom’s waiting for me,” she seethed.

  He cut her off again, blocking her exit. Tess felt cornered, causing her heart to race as panic started to build.

  He tapped the center of her chest with his pointer finger. “Maybe you should join me?” Roughly clasping her boob, he belligerently pinched her nipple.

  Tess winced in pain as he twisted, automatically slapping his hand off her chest. He grabbed her by the wrist, his face inches away from hers. Frightened by his crazed sneer, she cringed away from his lips so he couldn’t kiss her.

  Tess squirmed back and forth to loosen his grip. Through gritted teeth she snarled, “Tom’s waiting for me. Get your fucking hand off me. Now!” Adrenaline coursed through her veins, causing her to break out into a sweat.

  “You don’t need him. I’ll take care of you, baby.” He squeezed her wrist, dragging her toward the bathroom. Tess thrashed about, yanking her arm violently, trying to get free of his grip, but he was too strong. She struggled, digging her heel into his foot, but gained no ground.

  Tess could hear his friends’ voice in the background as he laughed, making rude remarks about Tom. She moved into a position to kick her attacker between the legs, but feared losing her footing. The bathroom door seemed three seconds away as he forcefully dragged her by the wrist, laughing with a horrid grin on his face. Nothing she did worked and they inched closer to the door.

  Panicking, she slapped him as hard as she could across the face with her free hand, but it didn’t even faze him. It only pissed him off more. He slammed her back against the wall, thrusting his entire body against hers as he growled, “Bitch!”

  Tess screamed, jabbing her fingers into his face. “Let me go! You’re fucking hurting me!”

  Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a couple coming down the hallway. They had been sitting together outside. The man’s name was Teddy.

  The next thing she knew, the guy toppled to the ground, knocked out cold. Tess heard a scuffle and fists connecting, but it happened so fast it was all a blur. Teddy must’ve broken her assailant’s nose because blood covered his face as he lay sprawled out on the floor. His asshole buddy stood with his hands held high, saying don’t hit me.

  Teddy shook his hand, inspecting his k
nuckles. “Damn, are you all right?”

  Tess cradled her wrist, shaking uncontrollably. “Th…Thanks. He wouldn’t let go of me.”

  Teddy sent the next person who entered the hallway to find the host of the party. People began gathering in the hall to see what was going on. The guy still lay unconscious with blood spewing everywhere.

  Tess saw Tom pushing his way through the crowded hall. He looked horrified, embracing her in his arms. “Tess are you all right? What happened?”

  When Tess replayed the scenario, Tom flipped out. He lunged toward the other jerk standing in the hall, hitting him two or three times before Teddy pulled Tom off him. “Tommy, not now. You can’t do this here.”

  She thought Tom was going to kick the guy on the ground as he lay unconscious. Tess had never seen Tom so mad. Full of rage, his dark eyes burned black with hatred.

  Teddy insisted, “Tommy, get her out of here. Take her home. You shouldn’t be here.”

  “I don’t think so, Teddy. I’m going to fucking kill that prick when he wakes up.” Tom’s fists clenched, reeling toward the man left standing.

  Teddy stepped between the two men, grabbing Tom by the arms. “Tommy, you need to go. She’s white as a ghost. Take her home. I’ll take care of him.”

  Tess’ hand covered her aching breast, trying to ease the burning sensation throbbing in her nipple. Fearing she might puke right there in the hall, she choked, holding back tears. “Take me home.”

  Reaching around Teddy, Tom jabbed his finger into the second guy’s chest. “You’re done. You and your friend. You’re fucking done. You won’t ever work again!”

  Tess turned abruptly, walking down the hall, nodding respectfully at Teddy’s wife as she passed her by. Tom caught up to her, clasping her by the waist. She trembled uncontrollably, still in a terrified daze.

  Tom kept saying repeatedly, “They’re done. They’ll never fucking work here again.”


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