What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 3)

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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 3) Page 114

by Lauren Hawkeye

  Again she slid up and down his body, taking care to rub her breasts and ass and pussy over as much of him as possible. She teased his cock by rubbing her slick slit against it, but when he made to thrust into her she giggled and slipped away.

  Doc found himself having to use his hands to grip the massage table to stop from sliding off. If that hadn’t been the case, there would have been no way to resist grabbing her by the ass and forcing himself in her. He was almost shaking from anticipation.

  She crept up his body and her eyes looked into his. She pressed her lips to his and they were soft and hot and sweet. Finally. Enough with the teasing. Now fuck me goddammit.

  She broke off the kiss, and before he knew what was happening she’d hopped off him onto the wet floor.


  She laughed in amusement and then pulled out the shower head. The powerful spray quickly washed the soap off her body, and then the top of his.

  “Wash soap, towel, bed.”

  Wash soap, towel, bed? I think you need to go back to English class honey.

  Doc, feeling incredibly aroused, and incredibly frustrated, pulled himself off of the massage table. She directed a spray of water over him to leave his tattooed, muscular body suds free.

  She grabbed him by his erect manhood and yanked him forwards to the ‘dry’ side of the room. Two towels were waiting. He ran his eyes over her small body as she dried. The damage I could do to you…

  “Lie!” she pointed at the bed.

  He eyed the commanding, naked girl, who stood with her hands on her hips, a playful smile teasing the corners of her lips.

  Two more minutes. I’ll give you two more fucking minutes of teasing and that’s it.

  He lay face down on the bed and then felt her weight join him near his feet. Two hands reached around his waist and pulled gently. He followed the gesture and rose to his knees.

  What the fuck are you doing now? You’re the one who should be on your hands and knees. Doc’s annoyance was slightly assuaged when he felt one of her small hands grasp him around his manhood and begin to move back and forth.

  “Fuck!” Doc let out a yelp of surprise. The girl had placed her tongue on his ass and as she worked him with her hand, she thrust and twisted her tongue inside him sending shivers of pleasure through him. He’d never felt anything like it before.

  She brought him to the edge once, twice, three times. Then he couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Now it’s my turn you little cocktease.” I’m going to enjoy this.

  Yumi lay on the bed, sniffling. Why did he have to do that? Why did he have to ruin it?

  The door slammed open. “Get up lazy whore!” yelled the manageress in Korean.

  The girl started to comply, but her aching body wouldn’t obey.

  When the manageress spoke again her tone was softer. She’d seen her. Seen the bed. Seen the bruises. Seen the unopened condom still lying on the dresser. Seen the blood. “What did he do to you?”

  Yumi collapsed into sobs, her small naked form quaking on the bed. She should never have come to America.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  It seemed like the accounting class would never end. I kept checking my cell phone, checking the time over and over again. The minutes ticked by slowly as the professor droned on and on and on.

  Finally it hit 4:50pm and the second the professor dismissed us I was up and heading for the door.

  “Hey, Nicole—” It was Mark. He’d been waiting outside of the door for me.

  “Sorry. Can’t talk. Gotta go.”

  “Please, I—” I didn’t hear the rest as I disappeared into the throng of students heading outside. I don’t know if he tried to follow me or not, but if he did I’d lost him by the time I was outside.

  I walked across the campus, and by 5p.m. I was there. The main gate. I broke into a trot when I saw the bike and ran over to him.

  “Hey, sweetness.”

  Sweetness? I like that. “Hey,” I said, suddenly feeling shy. He stretched out a hand clad in a fingerless leather glove and slipped his fingers into the waistband of my jeans, pulling me towards him.

  The touch of his hand and leather on my skin sent a thrill through me, and I let myself be reeled in. Our heads knocked gently together, and then our lips met. Soft but firm, an electric thrill went through me as our lips pressed together.

  The scent of leather and gasoline fumes was like a drug, and in a moment our tongues were running against each other as I felt him caress my ass over my jeans.

  “Get a room!” someone yelled.

  We broke off the kiss and laughed.

  “Come on.” Jase handed me a helmet and I climbed up behind him before putting it on.

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.”

  He started the bike and I shivered as the vibrations begin to pour through me. I leaned forward into his back, enjoying the feeling of my breasts pressed up against his jacket and broad back.

  I smiled softly to myself as we rode away, and I let my hands rest on his thighs.

  With the wind rushing against me and the engine roar filling my ears I began to feel alive again, really alive. The world of accounting lectures, Belinda, and term papers faded as I was transported to the other world I’d so recently discovered. The world of bikes and men. I didn’t let the bad things that had happened into my thoughts, instead I focused on the wind rushing over me and the press of our bodies together.

  I squeezed my fingers against his thighs, and before I knew what I was doing I was running my hands over his crotch, and squeezing between his legs. I smiled invisibly to myself as I felt him stir.

  I let my fingers massage him, teasing and squeezing his legs and thighs and crotch. I considered unbuttoning him, but rejected the idea. What if we stopped at a red light? That wouldn’t look good. And teasing him is fun anyway.

  We headed out of town and onto a minor road, and then finally an unpaved track. The harsh landscape seemed still and peaceful, but of course over the roar of the engine it was impossible to tell. High above us I saw a vulture circling. Nothing for you here, buddy.

  I wondered who owned all this land. Was it private property? Owned by the state? Who’d made this track? Maybe I’d ask Jase later.

  The almost-road wound around a small but steep hill, and then I saw our destination and grinned. A small river snaked ahead of us, quiet and calm and clear. Along the edge were a variety of trees, more than I’d seen in the last half hour of riding through the harsh landscape.

  I squeezed him through his pants as he brought us to a halt. It was like there was an iron bar buried beneath the denim of his jeans and I wanted it, wanted him.

  Luckily, he wanted the same thing. He stopped the bike and we both pulled off our helmets. He turned around and kissed me again, and as he did so ran a hand along my back under my top sending shivers down my spine.

  The taste of mint gum filled my mouth as our hungry mouths devoured each other. The position was awkward and soon Jase had two strong hands around my waist and was lifting me around to sit astride him.

  “Put me down.”

  He looked disappointed for a moment, until he realized why I wanted to be put down. As soon as my feet hit the floor I kicked off my shoes and begin to wriggle out of my tight jeans.

  I was a new person. Wild. Like Lucy. A week ago I’d never have stripped naked outside. My most daring sexcapade in the past had been having sex on an ex-boyfriend’s living room floor while his roommates slept, instead of in a bed. I remembered the daringness of our actions running through my mind for weeks afterward.

  But now, I’d discovered a new me, a new Nicole who could give in to her desires and take what she wanted.

  My jeans dropped to my ankles and I pulled off my t-shirt. I reached behind my back and undid the clasp of my bra, dropping it on top of my jeans. The old Nicole would have covered her breasts shyly with her hands. But not this one. I stepped toward him and offered
myself to him.

  He greedily accepted and sucked my right breast into his mouth, his tongue immediately flicking over my hard nipple sending shivers shooting through me.

  My hands reached to the waistband of my red panties and pulled them down. One hand grabbed my other breast while the other squeezed my ass. Naked under the fading sun and the open skies I let my new biker lover touch me, taste me, feel me and grope me.

  I used my hands to unbuckle his belt. I looked down at him, his head buried in my chest, his dirty blond hair trailing down and tickling my stomach. I undid the buttons of his fly and bit my lip when his thick, hard manhood emerged. I wrapped my right hand around him and slid it up and down slowly, while my left hand sneaked into his thick head of hair and grabbed a handful.

  His mouth moved over to my other breast and he pulled off his gloves before slipping a hand between my legs, running over my folds and spreading my wetness. He didn’t enter me but I found myself grinding myself against his strong hand.

  Our mutual teasing didn’t last long. He released my breast and his head rose.

  “Come here.”

  Our lips met again and his hands gripped me around the waist once more. As if I weighed nothing he lifted me up and pulled me to his chest. I could feel him knocking against my thigh. I reached down and gripped him with my fingers as he lowered me down.

  “Oh fuck,” he said as his head entered me.

  I let out a gasp as he lowered me down and filled me up his hard burning heat. When I found him full inside me I grasped his hair and pulled our lips together again.

  Sitting astride him I rocked my hips slowly and then faster and faster. Every now and then our lips parted.

  “Oh shit.”


  “Shit that feels good.”

  I moaned and let out yelps. I squirmed and rocked back and forth, up and down. The bike’s suspension bounced with us as I tried to make each movement fill me more deeply than the last.

  I’d always been quiet before. Holding myself in. Not ever letting go, not even realizing that I could let go. Not anymore. Out there in the desert I gave in to my desires and needs more fully than I ever had and I let myself scream when he brought me over the edge.

  We sat by the river with his arms wrapped around my shoulder as the sun set behind us. We were on a blanket now that he’d pulled out from the panniers on the back of the motorcycle, along with a couple of cans of beer and some sandwiches.

  He’d made a picnic. It wouldn’t exactly win any awards for creativity, but the chicken salad sandwich I was eating tasted better than any I could recall.

  “Sorry about the other day. In your room.”

  “Don’t be. It was fine.” It was better than fine. Having you hold me down, pin me so I couldn’t move? It was fantastic.

  “Are you sure?”

  I looked into his eyes. “I’m sure.” My voice went quiet as if I was almost ashamed. “I liked it.”

  He grinned, looking a little relieved. “Better than today?”

  I giggled. “No. Today was good too. Just different. I guess I’m not picky.”

  We both laughed. His face turned more serious. “Can I ask you a favor?”

  I gripped his warm hand. “Of course.”

  “It might not happen, but it might, and so I need to tell you first.”

  “What might happen? What is it?”

  He sighed. “On Saturday, at the wake, me and a couple of the others are going to go out for about an hour.”

  A chill ran through me. Why would you be going out? “And?”

  “And if anyone asks, I need you to say you were with me.”

  What are you going to do, Jase? “‘Anyone?’ Do you mean the police?”

  He nodded. “It’s just a maybe. They might not ask. But they might. And if they do, I need to know 100% that you can do that for me. For us.”

  “It’s about Brodie, right?”

  “I don’t want to tell you. I mean, I don’t want you to know. You don’t need that on you. And the less you know, the less you’ll feel guilty if the cops ask you.”

  The less I know the less I can say, right? Fair enough. You’re going to get the guys who killed Brodie. Will you kill them? Of course you will. Finally I spoke again, “Okay.”

  I turned things over in my mind. I thought back to the drive in the pickup truck, when Jase had explained the need for taking justice into your own hands. It made sense. The police hadn’t caught Brodie’s killers yet, and if they did? What then? Maybe Jase’s way was better.

  He was staring at me when I spoke again. “I’ll do it. I’ll say you were with me.”

  “Thank you. There’s a bit more to it, too.”

  I ran my thumb over the back of his hand. “What?”

  As we sat and sipped our beers he explained the part of the plan that involved me and Lucy. When he told me what I might have to do I felt a surge of discomfort followed by a thrill of excitement. It was something old Nicole would never even have considered. But new Nicole?

  I told him I’d do it.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The sun shone down on them, glinting off the chrome of their bikes. Ahead of them the targets fixed to the old oil barrels were full of holes, scattered haphazardly all over the paper. Jase lay in the dirt, squinting forward. To his sides lay Bottle and Lonnie, each of them holding one of the four M-16s that had been delivered earlier. The other was for Gauge.

  “You can’t shoot for shit. But at least you can point it in the right direction.”

  Jase grinned at the words. Gauge seemed to be in his element as he taught them how to use the weapons. Their first few tries had been poor, but now they were hitting the targets quickly and with decent accuracy. They’d all fired hunting rifles before so it hadn’t been too much of a stretch, no matter how much Gauge criticized their technique.

  “Let’s take a break.”

  “Hey Doc. Tell us about the rest of that massage,” said Bottle.

  All eyes turned to the Doctor who had a grin on his face. He was sitting in one of Gauge’s faded lawn chairs drinking a beer. He wouldn’t be participating in the assault but he’d joined them for their training session anyway. Earlier he’d started to tell them about his encounter with the soapy girl, but Gauge’s training had interrupted the story after the part about the soapy rubdown.

  “So I’m on the bed, on all fours, thinking what the fuck.”

  “Did she have a dick, Doc? Did she fuck you in the ass?” Bottle laughed as he spoke, and Jase couldn’t help but join him.

  The Doctor looked annoyed. “Very funny. Nope, she started to jerk me off and stuck her tongue in my ass.”

  “You like things in your ass, Doc?” Bottle teased again.

  His smile was broad. “I like little Asian girls tongues in my ass, Bottle.” Everyone was laughing now. It was the first time Jase had seen everyone let their guard down since Brodie. It was almost like old times. Almost.

  Lonnie said, “So did you ever actually fuck her, Doc? Or did you just play doctors and nurses?” He laughed at his own joke.

  “Oh fuck yeah. I was the horniest I’d ever been. Or since I was thirteen at least.” More laughter. “After getting a tongueful from her I couldn’t take any more. I flipped that bitch over and I just railed her. Pussy, ass, mouth, you name it. Horniest little slut I’d ever seen.” The Doctor mimed crudely as the guys listened and watched him act out his story. “Shit, she loved it so much she couldn’t stop bawling.”

  Jase laughed along with the others, though less comfortably than before. Did that sound right? Bawling? I guess some women are more emotional than others.

  Gauge walked back over. He had been preparing some of his home made equipment for the upcoming assault. Jase had spent the morning driving him around in the truck. First they went to the hardware store, then the supermarket and finally the gas station. Whenever Jase had asked what something was for Gauge just gave a cryptic smile and shook his head, or whispered in Jase�
��s ear, “Killing Mexicans.”

  “Alright. The next bit is going to be important. This is how we get the rats out of the cage.” He gave his dark smile. The smile that promised violence. The men quietened down, Doc’s story forgotten, as they got back to getting ready.

  They were out on Gauge’s plot of land, far from prying eyes or listening ears. It was lucky they were as the gunfire and smoke would have drawn attention if they’d been nearer civilization.

  Jase looked up and saw a buzzard circling high above them. There’s nothing for you here. But follow us, little birdie. Follow us, and we’ll give you something to feast on.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  We didn’t go to the funeral of course. It was a very small affair with only his family and closest friends. That excluded both me and Lucy. I was glad, to be honest. While no one really enjoys going to funerals I think I hate them more than most.

  When we arrived at the clubhouse for the wake at around 7:30 it was already busy, and there were far more people than there had been the week before. Lucy and I were dressed much more conservatively than last time, wearing jeans and sneakers and tops that only left our arms bare. It was a wake after all, right?

  But when we entered we found that we looked very out of place. Like two preppy college girls in a motorcycle gang’s clubhouse – which is exactly what we were.

  To my surprise the wake wasn’t a quiet, somber affair. We could hear the rock music pumping before we even stepped inside, and when we did get in there I could see why they called themselves the Sons of Mayhem.

  With their lock-down over it seemed every hang-around, every friend of the club, and every girl with a taste for rough men and big motorcycles were using the wake as an excuse for a raucous party. I later learned that this was how wakes always are for them, but when I first saw it I was shocked.

  We went inside and felt nervous. There were so many unfamiliar faces. A teenage girl in a bikini top looked at me in surprise as we entered and wrinkled her nose at me. “Are you lost, college girl?”


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