What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 3)

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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 3) Page 156

by Lauren Hawkeye

  He disappeared, and all she heard were his feet pounding the steps on his way down. Without power, they were liable to freeze to death. All they had was the fireplace. How would they eat? She wasn’t sure if the stove was gas or electric.

  The sound of Mark on his way up the stairs made her turn to watch as he came through the doorway. In his hand he carried a phone.

  “Found the phone and the generator. Only problem is it looks ancient and its outside and not down there wired in.”

  “Well, let’s go get it.”

  “You can’t carry it.” His eyes were on her belly. “I’m gonna have to dig a path in the snow to get it out.”

  Julie bit her lip. “Let’s just think about this a minute. There has to be another option.”

  Mark crossed his arms and leaned against the door jam. He looked damn sexy in a gray shirt that hugged his biceps and loose jeans. The last thing she really wanted to do was send him out in this storm.

  “Maybe we can call someone to come out here and help,” she suggested.

  “It’s an idea, but why ask anyone to come out in this? I need to start digging a path anyway.”

  “What can I do to help?” She rubbed her palms together.

  “Quit freaking out. Have you ever been in a blizzard before?”

  Her cheeks burned. It had been a while. “I’m really surprised there isn’t a back-up generator that’s already hooked up. Mom, being here by herself, never would have been able to drag a regular gas one out on her own.”

  “I can look again.” He turned and started to go down the steps again.

  She hurried toward him. “I’ll come with you.”

  They headed together down into the damp basement. It was like they were in freezer down here. Crossing her arms, she rubbed them vigorously.

  Mark turned and glanced at her. “You’re freezing. Go back up there.”

  “No, I can help you look.”

  He rolled his eyes. “How about calling a neighbor maybe and seeing if they know anything about your mom’s place?”

  “Maybe Mr. Daniels might know something.”

  Julie turned, ran up the stairs, and grabbed the phone to plug it into the kitchen outlet. Right as she entered the kitchen, the lights flashed on. There was a faint hum from outside. She smiled. Maybe they weren’t going to freeze to death.

  Mark entered the kitchen. “Kicked on all by itself. I didn’t see the new system with all the crap down there.”



  She giggled. “We both kind of panicked there for a moment.” Julie stepped closer, feeling comfortable with him. Staring up into his eyes, she reached out, letting her fingers lightly rub his arm. “Thank you for putting up with me.”

  Mark stiffened under her touch. He either wanted her to stop touching him, or he was feeling the same thing she was. She really wanted his big arms wrapped around her, hugging her, keeping her warm. But it was too forward with someone she’d only met just yesterday.

  “Uh, let me go see how many rooms have power.”

  Julie nodded. “Want me to make some soup or something for lunch?”

  “Sure.” Mark dashed out of the room, tugging at his waist band.

  It took everything in him not to take those lips of hers and kiss them thoroughly. Mark was almost certain Julie would not have protested. She was attracted to him as much as he was her, but there was no way he could get involved with her. Not with the baby and whatever story she had following her. Drama was something he had come to Brookfield to escape. A fresh start. No one here knew anything about him or what had happened to him. He wanted it to stay that way. If he got any closer to Julie, she was going to want to know more.

  His room was without power, and he was certain the rest of them were, too. He checked anyway and what he suspected was true. The generator was only hooked up to the kitchen and living room, which made sense. However, that meant they were going to have to sleep in the same room. Definitely not what he needed since he was trying to avoid having his way with her.

  He returned to the kitchen where Julie was stirring a pot of soup. It looked like it came from a can, which was fine by him. Thank goodness she wasn’t crying about not having homemade soup.

  “Power is only in the living room and kitchen. I’m going to call the power company to let them know about the tree. Maybe once the snow stops they can get out here and help.”

  After lunch, Julie lay down on the couch for a nap. Mark started to shovel a path from the kitchen door. He had hoped to make it farther, but the snow was thick and tall that there was also nowhere to throw the snow. Needless to say, he didn’t get too far and the hope of getting to her car for her wasn’t happening.

  He took a shower to get rid of the chill that went all the way down his bones. Julie’s lips kept creeping into his mind, but he did his best to think of other things. Casseroles. Yes, dinner. He didn’t know a whole heck of a lot about them, but they were warm and filling. It seemed easy. Toss a bunch of stuff together then bake. He couldn’t go wrong.

  He turned the water off and dried off in record speed as the cool air was not welcoming. After he was dressed, he went to find Julie and discuss dinner.

  Julie was no longer on the couch, but her soft voice echoed from the kitchen. He stopped outside the doorway, eavesdropping on her conversation.

  “I really need you. Please call me back. I miss you, and I need to tell you something, and I don’t want to do it over voicemail. I need to hear your voice and your wisdom telling me it’s all going to be okay. I love you, Mom.”

  He wished he had a way to help her and tell her it would all be okay. Clearing his throat to let her know he was entering the kitchen, he noticed her sitting with her face in her palms. A snort told him she was crying. Damn, he couldn’t handle her crying.

  Mark grabbed her, jerked her up, and wrapped his arms around her. She was stiff at first then relaxed, burying her face in his collarbone. Resting his chin on the top of her head, he inhaled her scent. It was light and flowery. It was just how he’d imagined she would smell. Julie was as soft in his arms as he’d thought she would be. It had been a long time since he’d had a woman in his arms, and she seemed like the perfect fit.

  “Julie,” he whispered.

  She gazed up at him, tears in her eyes.

  Before he knew what he was doing, he found himself brushing a tear away that had strayed down her cheek. Her lips were slightly parted, and he licked his. He wanted just one taste. That was it. Would it be so wrong? He leaned down, about to brush his lips against hers when she pulled back.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  Damn, so close. “I know.”

  Julie released his waist and stepped back. “I can’t hide it anymore. I had to tell someone.”

  “Why are you hiding it?”

  An almost sarcastic smirk crossed her pretty face. “I’m unmarried and homeless.”

  She didn’t have a place to live? “Boyfriend?”

  “Dumped me when he found out. Told me I did it on purpose and, unless I was going to abort it, I had to leave.”

  What a son of a bitch! Kids were a blessing, even if you only had them a short time.

  “I didn’t know what else to do, so I came home to my mom to see what she thought I should do. Only, as you know, she isn’t here. And I’m left still with no clue what to do.”

  “Are you moving back to Brookfield?” Part of him hoped she said yes.

  “I don’t know. My life is in New York. I’ve been a city girl since I graduated and love it. I can’t imagine coming back here. But I also don’t know that the city is a good place to raise the baby on my own.”

  “How far along are you?” He nodded toward her belly.

  “I think three months. I was so caught up in life I didn’t realize I was late until, one day, it dawned on me.”

  “Once this snow clears up, you’ll need to get it confirmed by a doctor. Your morning sickness should be clearing up since you’re
starting your second trimester.”

  “How do you know so much?” She gave him a quizzical look.

  He ran his hands through his hair. He hadn’t meant to come across so knowledgeable. Having her ask questions was the last thing he wanted.

  “My sister had a baby, and she shared every detail with anyone who was willing to listen.”

  Julie shrugged and he was glad she believed him. It wasn’t a lie at least. His sister had had a baby a few years ago and she was rather chatty about it, just not with him.

  “And you paid attention?”

  He smiled. “I’m a good brother, I guess.”

  “She’s lucky to have you then.”

  “Thanks.” He missed his sister. She’d been mad when he told her he was leaving, but she understood. He was being held back by the past, and he had to move on.

  “It feels good to have told someone. I guess I’m going to have to get used to it. It isn’t like I can hide this. Before I know it, everyone will know just by looking at me.” She placed a hand on her flat stomach.

  “There’s no reason to be ashamed. You’re an adult. It isn’t your fault the person you were in a committed relationship with didn’t want you. That baby is a blessing. A gift from God.”

  A tear trickled down her cheek again and he reached out, wiping it away. “Thank you.”

  Her big brown eyes studied his face then she lingered on his mouth. Julie licked her lips, and he decided that if she kissed him, he wasn’t resisting. As much as he should, he wouldn’t. But she didn’t. Instead she smiled and thanked him. Then she left the kitchen without a look back. He heard the bathroom door shut.

  Mark knew he was in trouble. Julie was special. There was something in him stirring with a hunger for her. Not only did he want to taste her, he also wanted to take care of her. Show her how a real man would treat a lady. That the baby was a blessing. He didn’t want her to be alone in this. Shaking his head quickly, he knew there was no way he could get involved in this. He’d been hurt beyond repair, or at least he thought.

  As Julie cleaned up after dinner, she felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. It was nice that someone now knew. It wasn’t as hard as she thought it would be, and he had made a good point. She was a grown adult. Jeremy was the moron, not her. Jeremy was the one who would look bad, not her. What didn’t she ever think of that herself?

  Wiping the last dish dry, she heard Mark’s heavy footsteps as he came up the stairs with more firewood. He said he had to get a good fire going to help keep them warm all night. Over dinner they’d discussed the sleeping arrangements. They would camp out in the living room together. They would sleep right next to one another for the body heat. The thought of his body next to hers sent her into a state of arousal.

  Earlier she’d been tempted to kiss him. She really wanted to. She had to practically convince herself why it couldn’t happen. For one, she was pregnant, and no one wanted to get involved with someone who was just going to get fat and then produce another life in a few months, which would demand their time. And for another, she didn’t know this man. She knew nothing about him. He wasn’t sharing anything personal about himself. Deep down, though, she knew there was something he wasn’t telling her. It was something that obviously caused a great deal of pain to him. But she wasn’t going to push.

  As the evening got later, bedtime loomed over them. There wasn’t a whole lot to do when the sun went down early. They’d played a few card games, and she shared a couple of stories about her childhood. They didn’t want to use the TV so they could conserve what gas they had for the generator. All that was left now was bedtime.

  Julie entered the living room with pillows in hand. Mark was pushing the coffee table out of the way, and she was drawn to his backside. His T-shirt rode up his back, and his jeans were letting his boxers play peek-a-boo. Mark turned toward her, catching her gawking at him. Her cheeks heated, but she decided to not focus on it. She placed the pillow on the couch before hunting for a few quilts.

  She found what she was looking for in the linen closet then returned to the living room. Mark helped her lay one quilt out for them to lie on and then the next for a cover. The air was thick between them, and she didn’t know how much more awkward this could get. She sat on the floor, grabbing a pillow and stuffing it under her head. Staring up at the ceiling, she felt him climb in next to her. She turned her head slightly to see Mark looking at her and the flicker of fire in his eyes. For a moment, she let her mind wander to him taking her right there, with the flames going strong. His hands making her quiver, and his mouth exploring each part of her body. He looked like a good lover and like he would be thorough. Too bad the experience had to stay in her imagination.

  Looking away, she quietly told him goodnight then rolled over so her back was facing him. Her eyes closed. She had expected to stay awake a lot longer but, instead, she drifted right off to sleep.

  Hours later, she woke in a sweat. Mark’s body was firmly pressed against hers, and it was tense. His head shook slightly. Julie pulled away from him and sat up. Her bladder was once again calling. Slowly, she pulled the covers back and started to rise.

  “Don’t go, Annabelle. Don’t leave me again. I need you and Greg,” Mark said as his hand gripped her wrist.

  Julie’s eyes widened, and she looked back at him, but he was sound asleep. With her free hand, she pried his fingers off and started to leave again.

  “Annabelle,” he whispered.

  “Sssh,” she said. “I’m just using the bathroom.”

  As she tiptoed toward the bathroom, she wondered who Annabelle and Greg were. Where had they gone? Was Annabelle his wife and she left him? But that seemed silly if they had a child together. Mark didn’t seem like the kind of man you would keep a child from. He didn’t strike her as someone who could hurt anyone. Annabelle and Greg had to be something else to him.

  She climbed back into their cot. Mark was on his back, looking peaceful now. Once again, she turned so her back was to him. Right as she closed her eyes, Mark’s arm wrapped around her, tugging her against him, pressing an erection right against her butt. Her eyelids shot open.

  “It feels so good to touch you again,” he said.

  She didn’t know what to say. He still had to be dreaming of this Annabelle and thought she was her.

  Julie pulled at his arm, but he just tightened it around her.

  “You’re not leaving me again.”

  She was about to protest but having his arm wrapped around her was so comforting and strangely felt right. She snuggled up and decided to just go with it. Surely, by morning, they would no longer be spooning. She and Jeremy never had.

  Chapter Seven

  A shiver swept through Julie, waking her with a jolt. The sun shone brightly through the window. Rolling over to her back, she noticed the fire had almost died down. That must have been why she was so chilly, and Mark was gone.

  She had slept so peacefully in his arms. Now she yearned for him to come back.

  “Shit!” The voice echoed from the kitchen.

  Throwing the covers away, Julie sat up, stretching her back. Wow, she was getting way too old to sleep on the floor. She was awfully stiff this morning.

  In the kitchen, she found Mark with his hand under running water.

  “Everything okay?” She pushed her hair behind her ears.

  With his back still to her, he said, “Fine. Cut my finger.”

  “Ouch.” She really wasn’t sure if she should rush over to help or if she should keep her distance. Men were weird, and you just never knew how they would react to pain.

  Julie decided to go ahead, get a towel, and set it beside him. After placing the towel down, she saw he was cutting up some fresh fruit.

  “Need help?” She leaned against the counter.

  “I didn’t, but I guess I do now. I was making you toast and was going to put some diced fruit on the side.” Mark turned the water off and wrapped his finger in the towel she had laid out for hi

  Her stomach flipped. She couldn’t believe he’d though of her in a kind way. Never had Jeremy gone out of his way to accommodate her. “Aw, that’s sweet.”

  “I figured it would be easier on your stomach.”

  He was probably right. “What can I do?”

  “The toast is done. Actually, everything is done. I was getting ready to start on the strawberries.”

  She squinted and scrunched her nose. “I don’t like strawberries.”

  A sexy smirk crossed his face. “You’re kidding me. I almost cut my finger off for nothing?”

  She laughed, unable to help it. He was just so darn cute. “If you want some, I can slice them for you.”

  “Nah, I’m beginning to think I don’t like them either.”

  Julie’s heart warmed. The more she got to know Mark, the more she liked him. She grabbed both their plates and took them over to the table. Taking a seat, she saw he’d already gotten her juice and a cup of steaming hot coffee was at his place. Inhaling, her mouth watered for a taste of his drink.

  “Once we can get out this place, I’ll get you some decaf.” Mark took the seat in front of her.

  She didn’t say anything, unsure of what she was going to do once she could leave. Her time with Mark had been great, but she couldn’t just stay living with him. Maybe she just needed to go back to New York. Return to her life and do what she had to do for the baby.

  For the most part, they ate in silence. Mark chatted a little and mentioned that, with the sun coming out, hopefully temperatures would rise and snow would melt. But then, that would be a whole other type of mess he wasn’t looking forward to.

  Once she finished eating, she was glad her stomach didn’t feel queasy. Perhaps he was onto the right idea.

  “Can I ask you a question?” She wiped her mouth with the paper napkin.

  “I’ll do my best to answer it.”

  “Last night I had to get up and use the restroom, and you called me Annabelle. Who is that?”

  His expression changed and hardened. “No one.”

  She couldn’t help but feel disappointed he wouldn’t open up. She reached across the table and took his hand. First, he looked down at her hand, and then his gaze went to her face.


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