Blissful Tragedy

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Blissful Tragedy Page 15

by Amy L. Gale

  Van notices, puts his arm around me, and leads me away. I frown and my posture becomes rigid. For the first time since taking up with Van, I’m a complete outsider.

  “Screw them. It’s me and you against the world.” He kisses my forehead and squeezes me tight.

  “I wouldn’t want to fight the world with anyone else.” I kiss him deeply, creating more of a show. There’s more snickering as I pull away.

  “Come on. I‘m going over to introduce myself. If they want to stare at me, they can see me up close.”


  Hand in hand, Van and I walk to the table where Jenna and her girlfriends are sitting. The heat from the setting sun blaring on my back adds fuel to my internal fire.

  My lips curl, showing a glimpse of my teeth. “Hi Jenna, I thought I should introduce myself to your friends.”

  She narrows her eyes. “Umm, ok. Guys, you all know Van, and this is his girlfriend, Lexie. Lexie, these are my friends from high school, Taylor, Claire, Ashley, Hailey, and Kara.”

  The girls gaze at me with blank faces. I hold out my hand to shake theirs as Jenna introduces us.

  “Why is your hand purple?” Taylor flinches as she wrinkles her nose.

  I glare. “Oh, that’s just a war wound from the last bitch that offended me.”

  Taylor’s eyes widen. She sinks back in her chair and turns her head away from me.

  Van lets out a faint chuckle. He wraps his arm around my waist, obviously trying to deter me from starting a brawl. I have no intention of fighting with anyone, but I want to make it clear to these girls that I won’t put up with their bullshit.

  Claire looks me up and down and lowers her eyebrows. “So, I hear you’re a groupie that Van met on the road.”

  Thank God Brooke and I always avoided girls that act like they’re better than everyone else. It looks like I’ll have to stoop to their level to prove a point. “I hear you’re some chick that Van wouldn’t take to the prom.”

  Claire sighs, rolling her eyes. “God, Van, what do you see in her?”

  Van glowers and flattens his lips. “Everything.” He kisses my temple.

  “Alright, that’s enough,” Jenna interrupts. “Lexie’s not a groupie. She’s really great and I’m sure you guys would all love her if you got to know her. Let’s get past the fact that she got the guy no one else could. No need to be jealous.” Jenna smiles at me. “Plus, she and I are very close, so enough with the nonsense.”

  Van rolls his eyes. “Whatever. We’ll catch you later, Jenna.” He slides his hand across my back and down my arm to my hand, interlocking his fingers with mine as we walk away.

  “Wow. She actually stood up for me.” I tilt my head up and lift my eyes.

  “Too bad she turns into that I’m-better-than-you cheerleader when she’s around them. Forget about it, you proved your point.” He squeezes my hand.

  We walk away from the party guests and onto a grassy path.

  Emerald fire stares down at my face. “Walk with me.”

  Volcanic lava flows through my veins. I sigh. He’s utterly irresistible when he says those words to me.

  “This was my home away from home when I lived here with the Cranes.”

  I clutch Van’s hand and follow him through the field, up into a clearing on the top of a small hill. Countless twinkling stars illuminate the clear night sky. We sit down on the ground, admiring the beauty of the night. Van puts his arm around me, pulling me closer to him.

  “Can I ask you a question?” I twirl my hair around my fingers.

  He tips his chin toward me, searching my face. “Ask me anything.”

  I bite my lip and look toward the ground. “What is it that you see in me?”

  Van lifts my chin, turning it toward him. “You let those girls get to you. Don’t give them the satisfaction.”

  I fidget with my fingers. “Maybe, but I honestly want to know. I’m just an average girl, nothing special.”

  He lowers his eyebrows. “Is that how you think of yourself? An average girl? You’re so wrong.” Van kisses my lips and locks eyes with mine. “The first night when we met backstage, I couldn’t take my eyes off you. And when you blew me off, I wanted you more. I had to have you. No girl’s ever put me in my place like that.”

  I smirk. “So you were attracted to the fact I was a bitch to you? I haven’t heard that one before.” I wink and press my lips together, trying to hold back a smile.

  He tilts his head and cracks a slight smile. “You’re real. You don’t give a shit about my looks, rocker status, or money. None of that impresses you. You aren’t the kind of girl who can be bought.”

  I lick my lips and narrow my eyes. “You figured I wasn’t a gold digger so you were intrigued?”

  “No, that’s not it.”

  I bat my eyelashes. “Then why?”

  He brushes a stray piece of hair away from my face. “You’re beautiful, funny, caring, and smart. You always tell me exactly how it is. There are no games with you. You care about me, not some front man of a band, but the real me.” His eyes remain locked with mine. “The short answer is I’m happiest when I’m with you and I can’t stand it when we’re apart. No one else in the world makes me feel like you do.”

  My heart melts as I stare into those emerald eyes. My knees are weak, the heat of a raging inferno floods through me as I bask in the glow.

  He parts his lips slightly. “A better question is why are you with me? An orphaned, foster child with anger management issues.”

  “That’s not who you are. You’re talented, smart, exciting, absolutely gorgeous and easy to love.” I take his hand and play with his fingers, softly kissing each one. “You make every part of me come alive. I never knew these feelings existed. Life is so much better with you by my side. It’s a high I can’t achieve from anything or anyone else.”

  “I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I swear I won’t screw this up.” He brushes his hand across my cheek, sending chills through my body. Moving in closer, he kisses my lips and eases me down onto the cool grass, while cradling the back of my head.

  “Umm, sorry to interrupt, but Regina’s here and she wants to talk to us.” Marcus stands a few feet away, looking down at the ground.

  “On my way,” Van says as he pulls me up onto my feet.

  “Who’s Regina?” I ask as we start walking back to the party, pursing my lips.

  “Our manager.” He nods in her direction. “She probably wants to meet while we’re in town.”

  Why’s everyone staring at us? Jeeze, these people are starting to give me a complex.

  Jenna walks over to me and brushes the grass out of my hair. “Were you guys having a good time?” She asks, barely able to keep a straight face.

  My face flushes and fire spreads across my cheeks. How did we manage to become so disheveled in such a short amount of time? There’s grass all over me and my hair is a hot mess. Great! Now I look like some tramp that Van brought as his play toy.

  Van brushes the rest of the grass off me and places his hand in the small of my back. “Regina this is my girlfriend, Lexie Waters.”

  Regina raises her eyebrows. “Pleased to meet you.”

  I smile meekly. “Nice to meet you, too.”

  “Ok guys, I want to meet tomorrow for lunch to discuss plans to record your new album. The record company wants to plan a tour to promote it as well. No offense ladies, just the band.”

  Jenna’s face explodes into bright crimson as she shoots Regina a sinister look. “Lexie and I will have our own lunch date. Don’t worry, we’ll be consulted before any decisions are made anyway.”

  Marcus pulls Jenna away. “We’ll be there tomorrow.”

  The party slowly dies down and everyone goes their separate ways. Tomorrow’s a busy day. Besides Van’s business lunch, a big show at the arena is scheduled for later in the evening.

  Why does time move so quickly when I’m alone with Van? Good thing we actually got a good night sleep. Van pul
ls me into the TV room right before we need to leave for his meeting.

  “Sit down with me for a minute.” He sits on the couch and pats the cushion, gesturing for me to join him.

  I take a seat beside him and twirl my hair around my fingers. My muscles begin to quiver. What could this be about? “What’s on your mind?”

  “I’m guessing our meeting with Regina is to explain the details for recording our new album. We’ll record in LA, probably right after the tour ends.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “How do you feel about all this? I need you and me to work out.”

  “The new stuff is great. I think it’ll boost you guys into mainstream music.” I look over at Van. This is not the answer he’s hoping for. I take a deep breath and slowly exhale. I place my hand on his thigh and look up at his face. “I start my new job after Labor Day weekend. I’ll see how my schedule is set up then. We’ll do whatever we have to do to make it work. Make your plans for the new album and we’ll work around them.”

  What does he expect me to say? I certainly can’t drop everything I’ve worked for to follow his band. We’ll have to see how things go and make adjustments as necessary. We’re deeply in love and our bond won’t be broken by time, space, or distance.

  “Ok, that’s what I’ll do.” He breathes deeply and sighs, wrinkling his brow.


  We drive into town for our separate lunch meetings. Van and the guys meet Regina at a steakhouse, while Jenna and I choose a small delicatessen.

  “This place is great! I wish there was a deli like this at Lakeview U.”

  “We’ve been eating here for years. I used to come after cheerleading practice to fuel up.” She bites her pickle. “I’m sure the guys will be a while. You’re going to love LA! Lots of sun, shopping, and great entertainment. I can’t wait to show you all the amazing stores.” Her eyes sparkle and gleam as she sips her diet soda.

  I exhale deeply and drop my turkey sandwich back on the plate. “I don’t know how everything’s going to play out. I do start my new job after Labor Day.”

  Her eyes widen and her head flinches back. “Are you thinking of bailing on Van? Please don’t, it’ll kill him.”

  I sigh. Van is probably thinking the same thing. “No! I just have to do the long distance thing until we figure everything out. My career’s important to me and I don’t want to end up resenting him.”

  She sits back in her chair. “There’s nothing in the world like true love, don’t forsake it. That’s all I’m going to say to you.” She bites her sandwich. “Make your decision, but remember whichever bed you make is the one you have to lie in.”

  A wave of nausea flows through me. There goes my appetite. I have to stay positive to keep my sanity. “Like I said, we’ll see what happens.”

  Jenna is as quiet as a church mouse, a stony expression on her face. We finish our lunch in silence.

  The steak house is a street over from the deli. The warm breeze flowing through my hair and across my skin comforts me. Our heels click against the concrete sidewalks as we approach the restaurant. The boys emerge, holding a stack of papers and schedules.

  “So what’s the verdict?” Jenna rests her head on Marcus’s shoulder.

  “We record in the beginning of November and start another nationwide tour to promote the new album in March.” Marcus picks Jenna up and swings her around.

  The guys are smiling ear to ear and talking about their future plans to further their careers. Well, all the guys except one. Van walks over to me, with his head down. He flashes a meek smile. My stomach hardens. Great, more silence. When we reach the car I slide into the seat and turn down the radio.

  “Congratulations! I’m so proud of you. Three albums is quite an accomplishment.”

  Van lips are in a hard line. “Thanks.”

  “Wow, try to control your enthusiasm.”

  The tires screech against the black top like a war cry, leaving a trail of skid marks and burning rubber. Van slams the car in park. “Don’t you realize my happiness is directly related to you?”

  I take a deep breath and close my eyes, trying to hold back my tears. “I told you we’ll work it out. As long as we love each other, everything will be fine.”

  He lets out a heavy sigh and rests his head against the steering wheel. “I wish that were true. I can see from Jenna and Marcus that relationships take time and work. If we’re apart we have a lot working against us.” Van looks down, taking a few minutes to himself before locking his eyes on mine. “You can always stay here with me. I’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen.”

  My hands start to shake and twitch. I let my head fall back and squeeze my eyelids shut, trying to keep my tears at bay. I fail miserably. “We have time to figure things out. At least a hundred new graduates applied for the position I’ve managed to get. I worked hard for my degree and I plan on using it.” A river of salty tears falls down my face.

  He looks into my eyes and brushes his hand against my cheek, wiping them away. “Ok, but please think about it.” Van kisses my lips and pulls back onto the road. We continue home.

  I glance at my watch. Not much time before we’re due at the arena for the show. Van’s so quiet. Is he trying to avoid me? I want to assure him that we can be physically together, but I’m not sure if that’ll be the case.

  Now, what outfit will make me look extra special for his hometown show? I root through my clothes. Perfect! My red tank dress fits me like a glove and looks extra sexy when paired with black high heeled boots. Van needs some kind of distraction. Ah ha, my emerald green French lingerie from Betty’s Boutique. Maybe this is the special occasion I’ve been saving it for, plus it’ll keep up the sexy look after hours.

  “It’s time to go.” Van calls upstairs, his voice stern with the hint of a quiver.

  “Here I come.” I walk down the steps as Van comes around the corner.

  He stops in his tracks and his eyes widen. “Wow! You think anyone will care if I’m a little late?” Van comes up to the steps and puts his arms around me, pulling me close to his body. I run my fingertips over his shirt, tracing his sculpted muscles through the thin fabric. “We better go now or I won’t leave the house.”

  “Hmm, sounds like a plan to me.” I pull Van closer, rubbing myself against his body, softly kissing his neck.

  “I hate myself for saying this but we better go.” He takes my hand to lead me out the door.

  I stop and touch his chin, turning it toward me. My heart races as his eyes burn through my soul. “Van Sinclair, I love you more than anything. I want to make sure you understand that. You’re extremely important to me and we’ll be spending forever together, don’t look so sad.”

  Van steps forward and presses his forehead against mine. “I love you too babe, and I hope forever happens for us.” He exhales deeply, his eyes closed.

  “It will.” I grab his cheeks with both my hands and smack my lips against his. How can I reassure him that I’m not going to bail on him?

  He pulls away, still quieter than usual and leads me out the door.

  The parking lot is packed with cars parked bumper to bumper. It looks like the entire town of Silent Springs has come out to see Devil’s Garden tonight. We make our way backstage and meet up with the rest of the band. Jenna’s hanging out with her cheerleader friends while Chaz and Tyler entertain a group of ladies. Van and I walk up to Marcus, who’s talking with his parents.

  “Have a great show kids,” Mitch says to the guys. He and Leslie wave as they make their way to their seats.

  Van and the sound technician are finalizing the playlist. Guess that leaves Marcus and me alone.

  “Hey, I never seem to get to talk to you.” He nudges my arm.

  I smile and narrow my eyes. “Yeah, we’re not alone much.”

  “You know he’d do anything for you, right?” Marcus gestures toward Van.

  I raise my eyebrows. “What’s on your mind?”

  He stares at me, letting out a deep sigh. “Loo
k, he’s my best friend, my brother. I just don’t want you to crush him. Jenna told me you’re probably not coming to LA.”

  Seriously? Everyone’s acting like a nuclear disaster is eminent. I don’t think starting my new job and using the degree I’ve worked so hard to obtain is such a tragedy. I want Van more than anything and I’ll do whatever it takes to make our relationship work. “God, why is this so hard for everyone to understand? Van and I will figure things out once I know where I stand with my new job.” I throw my hands in the air.

  He looks down. “It’s really none of my business.”

  I sigh and rub my hand across my forehead. “No, I’m sorry, you’re just looking out for your friend. It’s ok.”

  “Time to hit the stage.” Tyler yells.

  Ah, the cherry on top. I get to I watch the show beside Jenna and her friends. I stand on the side of the stage a few feet away from them, my arms folded.

  The bright spot lights shine down on our boys, signaling the start of the show. They sound better than ever. I guess they naturally put out extra effort for their hometown fans. I sway to the music as I watch Van take control of the crowd. His hair glistens under the gold lights. All the energy radiating from his body increases with each song. His shirt begins to cling to him, the hot lights moistening his skin. My heart skips a beat as the beads of sweat roll down his perfect body. My mouth is a sweltering rain forest. I lick my lips as the boys play their last song of the night.

  Strong arms wrap around me and pull me down to the ground. I gasp, struggling to breathe and desperately trying to pry loose the hands holding me down. Van turns, his eyes following mine as I hit the floor. Of course, the bouncer is preoccupied with a female fan.

  The overpowering stench of alcohol emits from the large man who’s trying to touch just about every inch of my body. I kick and squirm. Please, let me get away from this guy. Van’s nostrils flare and his lips pull back, baring his teeth. He drops the mic and rushes over, violently ripping the man away from me. Van swings wildly, his fists making contact with every blow. Blood spatters over my face and chest as Van continues his assault. Finally, the bouncer steps in and pulls Van away from the man. I crawl across the rough wooden floor, away from the brawl.


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