Blissful Tragedy

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Blissful Tragedy Page 18

by Amy L. Gale

  “Should we get something to bring to your parents for dessert? I would buy wine, but I don’t want them thinking I’m an alcoholic.”

  “Great idea.” Too bad they already assume he’s addicted to drugs and alcohol.

  My eyes are just about to bulge out of my head and my mouth waters as I look into the case of confections. Everyone has their weaknesses and mine are Van Sinclair and desserts. Cannoli makes a great accompaniment to lasagna and a dozen should be more than enough. By the time we get back to the hotel room though, there are ten left. Oh well, willpower is nonexistent when we’re together.

  We’re short on time, so it only makes sense to shower together. Steam fogs up the mirror. Warm water mixed with Van Sinclair’s scent always drives my body wild. My heart is pounding in my ears. I run my hands over his hot, wet body. My God, he’s enticing. Will I ever get enough? I take a deep breath, desperately trying to find any shred of self-control. I’ve got to behave myself. Walking into my parent’s house late and disheveled will certainly not help the situation.


  Forty-five minutes later, we’re just about ready to go. How can he always look so perfect? That green T-shirt brings out the beauty in his emerald eyes and those jeans. They cling to him just right.

  Van stops, takes my hands, and presses his forehead against mine. “No matter how this goes, promise me it won’t change anything between us.”

  I lift his chin and gaze into his eyes. “Of course not, I promise.”

  We make it to my parents’ house five minutes early. The aroma of pasta sauce and garlic bread fills the air. Maybe I can relax once the introductions are out of the way. I find my parents in the living room watching the end of the news cast.

  I twirl my fingers around my hair. “Hi Mom and Dad, we’re here.” They get up from the couch and walk over to us.

  I smirk when I notice my mother staring at Van as if she’s never seen a handsome man before. I take a deep breath. “Van Sinclair, meet Erin and Richard Waters.”

  Van wipes his hands on his jeans and shakes hands with my mom and dad. “Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Waters.” My mother continues to stare, slightly blushing.

  “It’s great to meet you too. Lexie’s told us a lot about you.”

  We make our way to the kitchen where Sydney and Brooke are setting the table. Van places the box from the bakery down. “Hope you guys like cannoli. We couldn’t walk by the bakery without going inside.”

  Sydney opens the box to look at the Italian pastries. “Mmm, I’ll make sure I save some room for these.”

  We all take our seats at the table. Van runs his hands down his jeans and bites at his lip. He starts to bounce his knee.

  I place my hand over his and squeeze, interlocking our fingers.

  “Ok everyone, what are we drinking tonight?” Dad asks, scanning the room waiting for an answer.

  “I’ll have a diet coke,” I reply.

  “Me too,” Van says.

  He passed test number one.

  “Diet cokes all around!” Brooke exclaims.

  Mom’s secret lasagna recipe never fails. I miss her cooking, especially Sunday dinners. Now we only have these kinds of feasts for holidays and special occasions.

  Sydney pours coffee to accompany our dessert. The cannoli is to die for. Everything’s going too well. My muscles begin to twitch. When’s the other shoe going to drop?

  My dad clears his throat. “So Van, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?”

  Van puts his hand on my thigh. “Ok. I’m from Kansas, I’m 26, and I’m the singer of a band called Devil’s Garden.”

  Dad sips his coffee. “Yes, we knew all of that already. How do you like being on tour and traveling the country?”

  “Being on the road has some perks. I get to see the sights doing what I love.” He bites a cannoli.

  Dad places his cup on the table and folds his arms. “Will you be attending Sydney’s wedding? I can imagine it’s hard to keep your commitments while traveling.”

  Ah, and it begins. The insulting assumptions.

  “We schedule our shows so we all get the personal time we need. I’m lucky Lexie has the summer off and is able to tour with me.” He bites at his nails.

  “Do your parents still live in Kansas?” Mom asks.

  Van lets out a sigh. “No ma’am, my parents passed away when I was two.”

  I give my mother a dirty look, even though I know her question was completely innocent.

  Mom squints and frowns. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that Van, I didn’t know.”

  “It’s ok, my grandmother took care of me until she passed away, and then my guitar player and best friend Marcus’s parents raised me throughout high school.”

  I rub my temple. For the love of God, please change the subject!

  Mom sips her coffee. “Losing any family member is very traumatic, especially at a young age. It’s nice to see that it didn’t hinder you, and you made a nice life for yourself with your music career.”

  Van flashes a meek smile. “Thank you.”

  “Lexie starts her new job soon. Will you still be touring?” Dad taps his fingers on his coffee cup.

  A low growl forms in my throat. “Dad, we’re figuring all that out after I see my work schedule. I know what you’re getting at, and yes, Van will be touring until October.” My tone hasn’t been that snotty since high school.

  “Sorry honey, we’re just looking out for you and want to know what intentions the two of you have for the future. I don’t want to see you get hurt sweetheart.” Dad places his hand on mine, but I pull away.

  Van takes a deep breath. “Listen, Mr. and Mrs. Waters. I would never hurt Lexie. I’ll do anything I can to keep her happy.” Van looks over at me, with a gleam in his eyes.

  “I’m sure the two of you are very smitten with each other, but it must be hard to nurture a relationship in an environment where lust and partying can get in the way. Especially when you’ll be away from each other,” Mom says, folding her arms.

  I slam my coffee cup down on the table. “Ok Mom, enough!” I push back from the table.

  Van places his arm over mine. “It’s ok.” He turns to my mom. “I can promise you that partying’s not a problem. I loathe the drug scene since my parents died from an overdose.”

  My mother puts her hand to her mouth and flinches as she continues to listen to what Van has to say.

  “I don’t want anyone else, so lust isn’t an issue either. We’re working on the distance thing.” Van exhales.

  Did Sydney and Brooke turn into mutes? They both sip their coffee and stand against the counter on the far end of the kitchen. Hope they’re enjoying the show.

  Mom drops her hand and drums her fingers against the table. “You’re making quite a long list of promises and I sincerely hope you’re able to keep them all.”

  I clench my jaw, and then slowly release my tense muscles. Really? He’s not a child. No need to scold him.

  Dad smiles and extends his hand to Van. “Lexie seems very happy so I hope she stays that way. We appreciate you coming over to talk with us. It was nice to meet you.”

  Van stands up and shakes Dad’s hand.

  Van handled himself so much better than I would have. It’s like I’m back in high school. Thank God that’s over; it could’ve most definitely gone awry. I gather my belongings and say my goodbyes to my family and Brooke. We leave for Arizona in the morning, but in a week we’ll be celebrating Sydney’s wedding together, so it is really more of a see you soon.

  Back at the hotel, we quickly get ready for bed and jump under the covers. Just as I’m drifting off to sleep, my phone rings. I pick it up and look at the screen. Here’s my reality check.


  Global Inc. flashes across the screen of my cell phone. My body lacks all energy and my breathing slows. I let it go straight to voicemail with a sigh. There’s no way I’ll be able to sleep without checking the message. I dial my passcode and hold
the phone to my ear.

  Owen Jenkins wants to meet with me one more time before I start working, but I’m not ready to start my life in the real world just yet. How am I going to survive without Van? It’s pure torture when we’re apart. My chest becomes tight. I’ll be far away while half naked women hang all over him.

  Damn my parents! Was their whole plan to put doubt in my mind? I place my phone on the nightstand and hold Van tightly. I need to soak up every second I have left with him before we spend our six weeks apart.

  Beams of sunlight shine through the windows of the Empress Inn, gently warming my skin and waking me before the alarm sounds. I stretch, inadvertently awakening the extremely handsome man by my side. How he can look so great all the time? I look like I’ve just emerged from a tornado, but he always looks perfect.

  “Hi. How’d you sleep?” I roll over, kissing him on the cheek.

  “Surprisingly well. The Empress Inn is second best to my own bed.” He stretches his arms over his head and glances at the clock.

  I slightly frown. “I was so exhausted last night that I didn’t get a chance to apologize for all of the obnoxious questions my parents were asking you.”

  He brushes his hand over my cheek, tucking my hair behind my ear. “I thought it’d be worse. It went ok.”

  Every cell in my body radiates. “I promise that when you meet the rest of my family at Sydney’s wedding it won’t be nearly as intense. When they hear that you’re a musician they’ll probably ask you the same questions your fans ask. It’s a very intriguing profession.”

  “That I can handle. You worry too much about what other people think. In the end you and I are the only ones who matter.” He runs his fingers lightly down my arm.

  “You’re completely right,” I say as I kiss his lips, steadily increasing my passion.

  Van pulls away and sighs. “As much as I hate to say this, we have to be at the airport in a half hour.” He grimaces and gets out of bed.

  Time seems to be my enemy lately. It appears to move so quickly, pulling me out of the moments I want to cherish. I’m sure it’ll feel like it just about stops while I’m waiting for the weeks to pass when Van and I are apart.


  We land in Tucson, Arizona five hours later. As we step outside, a warm blanket of heat envelops my body. It’s extremely hot, but not uncomfortable. The humidity I’m accustomed to is absent, which makes the air light and dry. I put on my sunglasses and walk with Van to the cab. Huge red mountains meet with the blue skies and create a postcard-worthy image. It’s my first time to the southwest. The desert terrain is awe-inspiring. Finally, I get to see a real live cactus!

  Jenna and the guys are waiting for us in the hotel lobby as we walk inside. The coolness from the air conditioning jolts my senses.

  “I missed you. You have to fill me in on all the details of the bachelorette party, and make sure you don’t leave anything out!” Jenna pulls me into a big bear hug.

  I wink. “Don’t worry, I’ll give you all the gory details.”

  Van raises his eyebrows. “I think I want to hear the gory details too.”

  I roll my eyes at both of them. “When we get to our room I have to call Owen Jenkins back to schedule a meeting.”

  Van looks toward the floor. Reality is slowly creeping in. “Here’s the key. I’ll head to the restaurant with Jenna and the guys. Come down when you’re done.”

  “Ok, sounds good.” I kiss Van and make my way to the hotel room.

  I pass a mirror and glance at my reflection. My head hangs low and a frown forms. Where’s the girl who’s taking the advertising world by storm? Working for Global Inc. is an unbelievable opportunity. I try to get myself back to that place in my mind before dialing. Just then my phone chimes.

  Do you want me to order for you? They specialize in fajitas.

  My frown turns into a full blown, ear-to-ear smile. At least there’s no show tonight. He’s all mine.

  Get me chicken fajitas. I’ll be down soon.

  He certainly has a gift for distracting me from the task at hand and making me focus my thoughts on him. I take a deep breath and dial Global Inc., hoping I correctly calculated the time zone change.

  I twirl my hair around my fingers. “Hello. This is Alexis Waters, returning a call from Owen Jenkins.”

  “I’ll put you right through Miss Waters.”

  “Hello Alexis. Nice to talk to you again. I want to schedule our last meeting before you join the Global Inc. team. Are you free tomorrow?”

  Wow, talk about last minute. A little advanced notice would be nice. “Unfortunately, I am currently in Arizona and I’ll be in Savannah next week for my sister’s wedding. I return home the day after Labor Day.”

  “You seem to enjoy traveling, Alexis. That’s quite a cross-country trip. Does the Wednesday after Labor Day at ten a.m. work for you?”

  “Yes Owen, that’s perfect. Thank you.”

  “Looking forward to seeing you again.”

  “Yes, me too.”

  I let my head fall back and take a deep breath. Thank God, quick and painless. I grab my purse and belt out the door. Every second away from Van is like an eternity.


  The restaurant is elegant with a southwestern tone. The orange and turquoise theme mimics the hues of the desert.

  Our food is just being served as I arrive at the table. “Hey guys, sorry I’m late. Business matters to tend to,” I hang my purse on my chair.

  Chaz grimaces. “Just don’t tell us about the bachelorette party over dinner. I can’t think about naked men while I’m trying to eat.”

  “I’ll try to control myself.” I sit down at the table and join the group. I’m now part of another family. One that travels together, eats together, fights with each other, but also sticks by one another. Not only will it be complete devastation to be apart from Van, but I’ll also miss Jenna and the guys. Who would’ve thought it would be so difficult to leave?

  I quickly shake my head, hoping to banish the negative thoughts. I need to make the best out of my last few stops of the tour.

  I slather some sour cream on my fajita. “I would love to come back to Arizona. It’s so beautiful.” Doesn’t anyone else feel the same way?

  “We have some extra time before our show tomorrow. Wanna sign up for a desert tour? Anyone else in?” Van dips a tortilla chip in salsa and takes a bite.

  Everyone nods in agreement.

  Van and I visit the concierge desk and book a tour of the Northern Sonora desert region. We’ll be riding in a jeep so we can get the full effect of the area. Our tour leaves at eight a.m. and returns to the hotel at two. Great! We still have time to nap before getting ready for the show.

  I run my fingers along Van’s arm. “Thanks. I’m stoked to see a real-life desert! No one else seems too interested. I know they’re doing this for me.”

  “I’m sure you do lots of things for us that you’re not really interested in. I’m pretty psyched to see the desert too. It’s my third time here and I’ve never seen any of the sights.” Van pulls me close, kissing my lips softly.

  I wrap my arms around his neck, weaving them in the silky strands of his hair. “I know what you’re doing and I love you for it.” I hold my breath, trying to control the tears which are starting to form. Why can’t I forget about the future and enjoy the present?

  He pulls me closer. “I know how upset you are about missing out on Seattle.”

  The tour stops in Seattle the same time I have to be in Savannah for Sydney’s wedding. Isn’t that something right out of Murphy’s Law? The one place I really want to see throughout the entire tour and I can’t go. Time’s certainly flying. Sydney’s wedding is Saturday.

  Jenna and Marcus are in the hallway looking into the hotel bar. There’s a sign at the entrance of the large room: KARAOKE NIGHT.

  “How fun would it be to join Karaoke night?” Jenna tugs on my arm, easing me toward the bar’s entrance.

  I take a step back. “I’m a
terrible singer. I may clear the place out.”

  Jenna grabs my hand and pulls me into the bar.

  “Most people are terrible singers, including me. That’s what makes it so fun.”

  There’s a decent size stage in the back for local entertainment, a large bar in the middle, and plenty of tables leading to a small dance floor. On the plus side, it’s really dark. It must be the place to party on the weekends because it’s packed. Apparently, I’ll be embarrassing myself in front of a huge crowd. At least none of these people will ever see me again.

  Our heels click on the gray concrete floor as we snatch an open table. Van and Marcus get us a round of beers.

  “If I’m going to get up there and sing, I need something stronger than beer. Preferably something that won’t make me cringe.” I sigh, looking up at the stage. The bright spotlight shining down is sure to illuminate anyone who gets up there.

  Van and Marcus come back with a tray of shots and the songbook for karaoke.

  “I signed us up. Our table is fifth in line. Drink up girls, you’ll be lighting up the stage soon!” Marcus lifts his shot glass and downs the clear liquid.

  I shake my head and turn toward Van. “I hope you still love me after this.”

  He tips his shot glass and swallows hard. “I signed up too.”

  I shake my head and slam the shot, grimacing from the burning sensation in my throat.

  “That doesn’t count, you’re a singer!”

  “Let’s do something together. Something sexy, then we can have fun with it and no one will care how we sound.” Jenna flips through the pages of the songbook. “I found it, we’re doing this one!”

  I look at Jenna’s choice and tip my head toward her. “Seriously? I’ll need another round of shots. Van, you have to go after us, we can’t follow you.”

  He puts his arm around me. “I usually don’t get to watch the show from this side of the stage. I’m excited.”

  I turn toward Marcus and lift my eyebrows. “And what song will you be doing?”


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