Nora's Promise

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Nora's Promise Page 34

by Sedona Hutton

  “He came in when Grandma stepped outside to talk with the nurse and he told me not to be scared.” Ben lifted his right hand and wiggled his little finger. “Then he made me a pinky-promise.”

  If Nora had any doubts whether it had been Pap, they were erased by the pinky-promise.

  “He promised I’d be okay.” Ben smiled, big and bright. “And he left me a present.” He reached under his blanket and pulled out a watch.

  Nora and Steph gasped in unison at the sight of Pap’s gold-trimmed pocket watch.

  “He told me whenever I rub the watch he’ll be with me.” Grinning, Ben brushed two fingers over the watch. “And he said to take good care of it ‘cause it’s been in the family for ‘rations.” Ben tipped his head toward Nora. “What does that mean?”

  She wiped a tear from her eye. “I think he meant, ‘generations.’ It means that the watch has been in our family for a really long time and it’s been passed down over the years to new family members.” She enfolded her hand over Ben’s and the pocket watch, breathing in her grandfather’s love.

  “He visited me this morning too and promised that you’d be fine.” She gave Ben a reassuring smile. “You know what? Pap always keeps his promises.”

  The door opened and Davey and Cruz entered the room. Davey rushed over to Ben and gave him a long hug that had Ben grinning from ear to ear. Cruz greeted her and Steph, then pulled a chair up to the bed when Davey stepped back.

  As Cruz visited with Ben, Davey made his way to Nora and pulled her into a tight hug. He didn’t speak, but he didn’t need to. The way he held her, the way his palm gently cradled the back of her head gave her the love and support that she needed. “Thanks for coming,” she whispered, soaking in the comfort of his embrace. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “There’s no place I’d rather be.” He drew back, looked deep into her eyes, and held her gaze. “I’m gonna visit with Ben, but then we need to talk.”

  She nodded. She wanted to talk too, but Ben was their first priority. “Come on,” she said, taking his hand and leading him to the bed.

  They all visited with Ben. He gave them a play-by-play recap of the ball hitting his head, then shared his Pap story with Davey and Cruz and showed them his pocket watch.

  After Steph and Cruz left for the cafeteria, the doctor came in. Nora introduced Dr. Cheney to Davey. The doctor checked Ben’s eyes, heart, and reflexes. “You’re coming along just fine,” he told Ben and pulled a big lollipop from his jacket and handed it to Ben. “This is for being an A plus patient.”

  “Thanks!” Ben tore off the wrapping and took a long lick. “Yum!”

  Dr. Cheney patted Ben’s arm, then turned to her and Davey. “He’s going to be fine.” Nora’s body sighed with relief. “The X-ray shows no injury to his head or neck,” the doctor said. “Although I expect both will be sore for the next few days.”

  Davey squeezed Nora’s hand. “When can he come home?”

  “I’d like to keep him overnight,” Dr. Cheney said. “Just to be safe.”

  “Can I play ball next weekend?” Ben asked. “We got a big game coming up.”

  The doctor smiled at Ben. “I think you’ll be ready for action by then.”

  “Yay!” Ben high-fived with Davey as he cheered.

  Dr. Cheney wished them a good evening and left.

  “Maybe you can come to next week’s game.” Ben looked at Davey with big blue eyes. “We’re playing the Leopards. They’re good but we’re better.”

  “You got it, buddy.” Davey ruffled Ben’s hair.

  Nora gaped at Davey. He couldn’t go to Ben’s game. He would be in Dover, or maybe it was Kansas, preparing for his race. “Don’t you have a race?”

  He gave her a sheepish look. “I have some news to share with you guys.”

  Because his expression suggested it was big news, she held her breath in anxious anticipation.

  “What is it?” Ben asked.

  “I’m gonna retire from racing, and—”

  Nora grabbed Davey’s arm. “What? No! You love racing.”

  He caught her gaze. “I love the sport. I’m gonna keep Team Johnson but put AJ in as my driver.” He winked at her, then brushed a hand up Ben’s arm. “Then I won’t miss your games and stuff. What do you think?”

  Ben grinned from ear to ear. “That’d be epic!”

  An astonished gasp escaped Nora. “Are you sure?”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” He gave her an intimate look that made her insides dizzy with excitement. “I finally have my priorities straight.”

  “Oh, Davey.” If he wasn’t racing, he would be around a lot more. As the team owner, he wouldn’t be in the spotlight as much as the driver would. That would mean she and Ben wouldn’t be in the spotlight either.

  “You can come to all of my games.” Ben pushed the button on his bed to raise it. “Hey, does this TV work?”

  Chuckling, Davey grabbed the remote. He flicked the TV on, then handed the remote to Ben.

  As Ben flipped through channels, hope fluttered inside Nora. This changed everything between her and Davey, except…Team Johnson still needed a sponsor. Maybe Mr. Steak or Outdoor America would rethink Team Johnson if AJ was driving.

  She scrunched her nose at the distasteful thought.

  Davey tilted his head. “What’s wrong?”

  “What are you doing about sponsors?”

  His blue eyes gleamed understanding. “I’m looking for sponsors who share my values.” He took her hand. “Our values.”

  The hope inside her intensified as she pondered sponsors Davey might find that would share their values.

  Davey rocked back on his heels. “You’ll never guess who called me to talk about a sponsorship, thanks to you.”

  She shook her head. She had no idea. Her comments had caused Davey nothing but trouble.

  He flashed a cocky grin. “Alex Winston.”

  “Eat Vegan wants to be your sponsor?” she asked, with a choke of disbelief.

  “Damn straight.” He glanced over his shoulder at Ben whose gaze was glued to the TV, then nudged her into the corner. “Alex is a fan of yours.”

  Shocked, she caught Davey’s gaze. “Of me…why?”

  He filled her in on his conversation with Alex, including Alex’s request for her to be an ambassador for Eat Vegan. She joyfully agreed, without any details, without any hesitation. Even though she didn’t like being in the spotlight, she would do it for Eat Vegan, for her animals, and to be a voice for all animals.

  “Great. We’ll figure it all out.” He touched a hand to her cheek. “But Nora, I’ve been miserable without you,” he said, gazing into her eyes. “I want to be around for you and Ben, and I will be. I’m talking with a sponsor that stands for what I believe.” He gently rubbed his knuckles over her cheek. “I don’t want to go another day with us apart. Will you please give us another chance?”

  “I’d like that a lot,” she said, as her heart did a happy roll in her chest.

  Nora drove toward Davey’s feeling as light and bubbly as her favorite champagne. Ben had been released from the hospital yesterday with a clean bill of health. After his release, they had spent the afternoon at Davey’s watching the Talladega race.

  She, Davey, and Ben had all cheered wildly when AJ won the race. He had settled the score his way, flying past his former teammate, Ted, for the win. Pulling into Davey’s drive, she shook her head. She’d attempted to cover Ben’s eyes when AJ had flipped Ted the bird, but she’d been too late.

  Earlier today, Davey and AJ had flown to Atlanta to meet with Alex from Eat Vegan. Alex had invited her too, but she hadn’t wanted to be that far away from Ben. Davey had called a few hours ago to let her know that he’d secured the sponsorship with Eat Vegan. Sighing happily, she pulled into Davey’s drive. He couldn’t have found a better sponsor. Now, instead of advertising for hunting and steaks, he would be promoting a plant-based diet.

  Since Ben was spending the night wit
h Steph and Cruz, Davey had suggested that she and Cosmo spend the night at his place. She got out of her car thinking about Davey’s other comment, the one she hadn’t been able to get out of her head since his call. He’d indicated that he and Alex had discussed other ideas that had included her. She couldn’t imagine what they were but was eager to hear more. She got out of her car and opened the back door to let Cosmo out.

  Daisy greeted Cosmo and the two dogs ran off together. As she made her way up the walkway, Davey rushed out of the house and met her half-way. He picked her up and spun her in circles. When her feet touched the ground, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. His lips were soft, warm, and tender. As the kiss spun out, desire stirred low in her belly.

  He drew back and brushed a strand of hair away from her face. “I’ve missed this. I’ve missed us.”

  “Me too,” she said, elated that they were reunited. She was also thrilled about his new sponsor. “So Eat Vegan is really going to sponsor Team Johnson?”

  Davey’s lips curved. “We signed on the dotted line.”

  “Oh, Davey.” Unable to hide her joy, she pulled his face back to hers for another long kiss. After, she angled her head. “They don’t have an issue with AJ driving?”

  A laugh rushed out of Davey. “AJ told Alex that he’d eat grass clippings if it allowed him to race.” Shaking his head, Davey laughed again. “We’ll see how that goes.” He took her hand and led her inside. “But there’s more, and I think you’re going to be excited.”

  “What is it?” she asked, quivering with impatience.

  They made their way into the family room where he picked up an envelope from the coffee table. “It’s all in here.” They sat on the couch. “I’ll share the general idea, then you can read the details.”

  “Is this what you and Alex talked about?” She glanced at the envelope with curiosity.

  “Yep.” He gave her a slow grin. “Alex is interested in your ability to communicate with animals. I told him about it and about your rescues,” he said, with pride in his voice. “I also told him it’s been your life-long dream.”

  She lifted her gaze to meet his, surprised that he knew her life dream. She had never told him; she hadn’t known it herself until recently. But Davey had pieced it together because he understood her heart. Her chest fluttered over his intimate awareness. “I also shared an idea I had.”

  She tipped her head, anxious to hear the rest.

  “I’ve been thinking about Concordia a lot and how I turned away from meat after getting to know her.” He took both of Nora’s hands. “You may have noticed I haven’t been eating meat.”

  She had noticed. But she’d thought it had been out of courtesy to her and that he’d refrained only when he was with her. The fact that he hadn’t eaten meat at all because he saw the same thing in Concordia that she did made her heart burst with love.

  While she desperately wanted to hear the rest, she also wanted to show Davey her appreciation. She tugged his mouth to hers and kissed him, putting all the love and appreciation she had into it. When she drew back, she was breathless.

  “I forgot where I was,” he admitted, his voice breathy.

  Her lips ticked upward. “Alex. Your idea…not eating meat.” Even though she felt light-headed, she had a strong sense that she was going to love his idea.

  “Right.” He gave her a sheepish grin. “Sorry, baby, but when you do that my brain cells fly south.”

  She snorted out a laugh and rubbed her palm up his right thigh. “We’ll take care of your southern regions this evening.”

  “Now you’re talking.” He gave her a slow, sexy smile.

  “So your idea was?”

  He took her hand and removed it from his thigh. “If you want me to stay focused, you’re gonna have to stop being so damn sexy.”

  His compliment gave her the urge to tear off his clothes and do him now, taking make-up sex to the mile-high level. But she wanted to hear his idea even more. There was plenty of time for mind-blowing love-making later. Turning toward him, she pulled her feet into a cross-legged position and folded her hands on her lap.

  “I was thinking you could do more rescues, then bring the public in.” His voice was high pitched with enthusiasm. “You could show others what you see in the animals. I bet Concordia would help convert others like she did me.”

  Nora’s head flashed to a recent interaction with Concordia when she had received images of a farm filled with animals. She hadn’t understood it at the time, but this must have been what Concordia had been trying to communicate. She scooted onto Davey’s lap and threw her arms around him. “Oh, Davey, it’s my dream. I have a picture of just that on my vision board.”

  Davey held her tight. “I even thought of a name. But if you don’t like it, you can call it whatever you want.”

  “What’s the name?” she asked, resting her head against his shoulder.

  “Nora’s Promise.”

  “It’s perfect.” She glanced up and her heart squeezed hard at the adoration shining in his eyes. “So perfect.”

  “I’m glad you like it.” He tapped the envelope. “But there’s more.”

  She had no idea what could be better than a rescue farm and sharing her sweet animals with others so they could see that animals were sentient beings.

  “Alex wants to go into business with you.” He tapped the envelope. “The details are in here. High level, he wants you to open Nora’s Promise and show people that animals are living souls, then he’ll provide materials so you can share Eat Vegan’s information on plant-based diets.”

  Nora pressed a hand to her mouth as excitement flooded every cell of her being. “I love it!” She hugged him, then bounced up and down eagerly. “All of it. Nora’s Promise, a partnership with Eat Vegan. You.”

  Oops. She pressed a hand to her mouth again. She hadn’t meant to blurt out the last part. The blood in her temples pounded as a flush of embarrassment rushed through her.

  Davey ran a hand through his hair. “I’m gonna need you to back up,” he said, his voice low and thick.

  “About what—the business?” She hoped that was what he meant. “I love the ideas, all of them.”

  “No. After that.” He put his hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eye. “The me part.”

  Humiliated, she lowered her head. “I didn’t mean to let that slip.”

  He lifted her chin. “But you meant it?” he asked, his tone wishful.

  Hope unfurled in Nora’s chest like the morning sun popping over the mountains and illuminating the entire sky. Did he love her too? A ball of nervous tension formed in her throat rendering her speechless, so she nodded instead.

  He cupped his hands around her face and kissed her, so achingly tender that there was no doubt that he loved her. When he drew back, he caught and held her gaze. “I love you too, Nora. So very much.”

  His words were sweet music to her ears. Resting her head against his chest, she soaked it all in. Ben was well. She and Davey were in love. She was going to fulfill her lifelong dream of helping animals, and Alex Winston was going to be her partner. She’d never had a better day in her entire life.

  “I’m so happy,” she murmured against his chest.

  Davey rubbed a hand up her back. “There’s still more.”

  Sitting upright, she snorted out a soft laugh. “I don’t think I can handle more today.”

  “Hopefully this won’t be a hardship.” His voice had a slight edge that caused a splash of anxiety in Nora’s otherwise giddy belly. “But we have to go to the barn.” His gaze darted around the room. “I’m not sure why, but Concordia seems to bring me luck.”

  What did he need luck for? The splash of anxiety turned into a wave. She attempted to force her thoughts back to the good stuff. Davey loved her. She was going into business with her idol. But she couldn’t overlook his nervous actions.

  As he rose, he rubbed his palms on his jeans. Blinking his eyes rapidly, he called for the dogs. “Treats!�
�� he shouted.

  After Cosmo and Daisy raced in, he turned to her. “I need a minute,” he said, then ushered the excited dogs into the kitchen.

  As she waited for Davey, she twisted the ring on her right hand. She had no idea why he was acting so odd.

  When he returned, he extended a hand. “Let’s head to the barn.”

  She wanted to ask why, but his voice was tight and his pitch was high. He loves you, she reminded herself. That was what mattered; they could work through anything else. They had proven that through the sponsorship fiasco, which had ultimately turned into a blessing.

  As he led her toward the barn, he oozed tension. She made casual chit-chat to lighten the mood, but it didn’t seem to work. When she entered the barn, Concordia trotted over. The cow gently butted her head against Davey, then Nora.

  Nuzzling her head against Concordia’s, Nora let out a low laugh. “Hey, girl. Why are you inside?” She pressed a kiss to the cow’s soft head. “It’s a beautiful day.”

  She received an impression that Concordia wanted to be with her and Davey. She glanced over her shoulder at him.

  Davey was pacing the barn.

  What’s this about? she asked the cow.

  Concordia didn’t respond, but she nudged Nora toward Davey.

  “Davey!” When he glanced in her direction, she crooked a finger.

  He stopped pacing, pushed his bangs off his face, then strode over.

  “Why are we in the barn?” she asked him.

  “I, uh…” He glanced at Concordia, then met her eyes. “I have something to ask you.”

  Was he going to ask her to marry him? Hope glistened in her heart like dandelion seeds riding the wind on a bright, sunny day. She gave him an encouraging smile. “So ask.”

  “I need the dogs,” he said, his voice panicked.

  “Cosmo!” He pressed a hand to the back of his neck. “Cosmo, damn it, where are you?”

  Cosmo raced into the barn with Daisy on his heels. Davey knelt down and rubbed Cosmo’s neck. “Damn it. Where’s the ring?”

  Stunned, Nora stared at him, unable to breathe. He was going to ask her to marry him! Her heart swelled with a joy that was so intense it felt like her chest was glowing.


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