The Helen Bianchin Collection

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The Helen Bianchin Collection Page 62

by Helen Bianchin

  Delightful. But let’s not forget the reason he’s brought you here, an imp taunted silently.

  Bedroom duties. The thought should have filled her with antipathy, but instead there was a sense of anticipation at a raw primitive level to experience again the magical, mesmeric excitement he was able to evoke.

  Was it so wrong to want his touch, his possession without any emotional involvement other than the pleasure of the moment?

  Don’t kid yourself, she chided inwardly. Like it or not, you’re involved right up to your slender neck!

  After this weekend her life would return to normal…whatever normal meant. Work, she mused as Diego took their overnight bags through to the bedroom. The usual social activities…which would never be quite the same again as she encountered Diego partnering Alicia, or any one of several other women all too willing to share his evening. Dammit, his bed.

  How would she cope, imagining that muscular male body engaged in the exchange of sexual body fluids? The entanglement of limbs, the erotic pleasure of his mouth savouring warm feminine skin as he sought each sensual hollow, every intimate crevice?

  It would be killing, she admitted silently. Perhaps she could retreat into living the life of a social recluse, and simply bury herself in work.

  Except that would be accepting defeat, and she refused to contemplate a slide into negativity.

  For now, there was the day, and she intended to make the most of it. With or without him. The night he would claim as his, but meantime…

  Cassandra heard him re-enter the spacious lounge, and she lifted a hand and gestured to the view out over the Broadwater. ‘It’s beautiful here.’

  Diego moved to stand behind her, and she was supremely conscious of him. Her skin tingled in reaction to his body warmth, and the temptation to lean back against him was almost irresistible.

  ‘Do you spend much time here?’ It seemed almost a sacrilege to leave the apartment empty for long periods of time.

  ‘The occasional weekend,’ he drawled.

  But not often, she concluded, and wondered if and when he took a break to enjoy the fruits of his success. He possessed other homes, in other countries…perhaps he chose somewhere more exotic where he could relax and unwind.

  ‘Lunch,’ Diego indicated. ‘We can eat in the restaurant here, cross the road to the Sheraton Hotel, or explore nearby Tedder Avenue.’

  She turned towards him and saw he’d exchanged tailored trousers for shorts, and joggers replaced hand-tooled leather shoes.

  ‘You’re allowing me to choose?’

  ‘Don’t be facetious,’ he chided gently.

  ‘Tedder Avenue,’ Cassandra said without hesitation. ‘We can walk there.’ Half a kilometre was no distance at all.

  One eyebrow rose in quizzical humour. ‘You want exercise, I can think of something more athletic.’

  ‘Ah, but my sexual duties don’t begin until dark…remember?’

  He pressed an idle finger to the lower curve of her lip. ‘A sassy mouth could get you into trouble.’

  ‘In that case, I’ll freshen up and we can leave.’

  His husky laugh curled around her nerve-ends, pulled a little, then she stepped around him and walked through to the master bedroom.

  She took a few minutes to change into tailored shorts and blouse, then she snagged a cap, her shoulder bag, and re-entered the lounge.

  ‘Let’s hit the road.’

  It was a pleasant walk, the warmth of the sun tempered by a light breeze, and they settled on one of several pavement cafés, ordered, then ate with evident enjoyment.

  They were almost ready to leave when Diego’s cellphone buzzed, and she looked askance when he merely checked the screen and didn’t pick up.

  ‘It’ll go to message-bank.’

  ‘Perhaps you should take that,’ Cassandra said when it buzzed again a few minutes later.

  Diego merely shrugged and ignored a further insistent summons.

  Within a few minutes Cassandra’s cellphone buzzed from inside her bag, and she retrieved it, saw the unfamiliar number displayed, then engaged the call.

  ‘You’re with Diego.’ The feminine voice was tight with anger. ‘Aren’t you?’

  Oh, lord. ‘Alicia?’

  ‘He’s taken you to the Coast for the weekend, hasn’t he?’

  ‘What makes you think that?’

  ‘Fundamental mathematics.’

  ‘No chance you might be wrong?’

  ‘Darling, I’ve already checked. Diego picked you up from your apartment this morning.’

  Counting to ten wouldn’t do it. Hell, even twenty wouldn’t come close. ‘You have a problem,’ Cassandra managed evenly.

  ‘You in Diego’s life is the problem.’

  ‘I suggest you discuss it with him.’

  ‘Oh, I intend to.’

  She cut the connection and met Diego’s steady gaze with equanimity. ‘You owe Alicia an explanation.’

  ‘No,’ he said quietly. ‘I don’t.’

  ‘She seems to think you do.’

  The waitress presented the bill, which he paid, adding a tip, then when she left he sank back in his chair and subjected Cassandra to an unwavering appraisal.

  ‘Whatever Alicia and I shared ended several months ago.’

  She raised an eyebrow and offered him a cynical smile. ‘Yet you continue to date her?’

  ‘We have mutual friends, we receive the same invitations.’ He lifted his shoulders in a negligible shrug. ‘Alicia likes to give the impression we retain a friendship.’

  She couldn’t help herself. ‘Something she manages to do very well.’

  Diego’s eyes hardened. ‘That bothers you?’

  ‘Why should it?’

  Did she think he was oblivious to the way her pulse quickened whenever he moved close? Or feel the thud of her heart? The soft warmth colouring her skin, or the way her eyes went dark an instant before his mouth found hers?

  ‘It’s over, and Alicia needs to move on.’

  A chill slithered down her spine. As she would have to move on come Monday? What was she thinking, for heaven’s sake? She couldn’t wait for the weekend to be over so she could get on with her life.

  A life in which Diego didn’t figure at all.

  Now, why did that thought leave her feeling strangely bereft?

  ‘Let’s walk along the beach,’ Cassandra suggested as they stood to their feet. She had the sudden need to feel the golden sand beneath her feet, the sun on her skin, and the peace and tranquillity offered by a lazy outgoing tide.

  The ocean lay a block distant, and within minutes she slid off her sandals and padded down to the damp, packed sand at the water’s edge.

  They wandered in companionable silence, admiring the long, gentle curve stretching down towards Kirra. Tall, high-rise apartment buildings in varying height and colour dotted the foreshore, and there was a fine haze permeating the air.

  Children played in the shallows while parents stood guard, and in the distance seagulls hovered, seemingly weightless, before drifting slowly down onto the sand to dig their beaks in in search of a tasty morsel.

  It was a peaceful scene which changed and grew more crowded as they neared Surfer’s Paradise.

  ‘Feel like exploring the shops?’ Diego ventured, and Cassandra inclined her head.

  ‘Brave of you. That’s tantamount to giving a woman carte blanche.’

  ‘Perhaps I feel in an indulgent mood.’

  ‘Who would refuse?’ she queried lightly, and changed direction, pausing as they reached the board-walk to brush sand from her feet before slipping on her sandals.

  It became a delightful afternoon as they strolled along an avenue housing several designer boutiques before venturing down another where Cassandra paused to examine some fun T-shirts.

  She selected one and took it to the salesgirl, whereupon Diego extracted his wallet and passed over a bill.

  ‘No.’ Cassandra waved his hand aside, and shot him an angry glance as h
e insisted, to the amusement of the salesgirl, who doubtless thought Cassandra a graceless fool. ‘Thank you, but no,’ she reiterated firmly as she forcibly placed her own bill into the salesgirl’s hand.

  She was the first woman who’d knocked back his offer to pay, and her fierce independence amused him. There had been a time when he’d had to watch every cent and look to handouts for clothing and food. Nor was he particularly proud he’d resorted to sleight-of-hand on occasion. Very few knew he now donated large sums of money each year to shelters for the homeless, and funded activity centres for underprivileged children.

  ‘Let’s take a break and linger over a latte,’ Diego suggested as they emerged from the shop.

  ‘Can’t hack the pace, huh?’ Cassandra teased as she tucked her fingers through the plastic carry-bag containing her purchase.

  There wasn’t an ounce of spare flesh on that powerful body, and she wondered what he did to keep fit.

  A gym? Perhaps a personal trainer?

  They took a cab back to the Palazzo as dusk began to fall, and on entering the penthouse Cassandra headed for the bedroom, where she gathered up a change of clothes and made for the en suite.

  There was a necessity to shampoo the salt-mist from her hair, and she combined it with a leisurely shower, then she emerged from the glass stall, grabbed a bath-towel and she had just secured it sarong-style when Diego walked naked into the en suite.

  Oh, my, was all that came immediately to mind. Superb musculature, olive skin, a light smattering of dark, curly hair on his chest. Broad shoulders, a tapered waist, slim hips…

  She forced her appraisal to halt there, unable to let it travel lower for fear of how it would affect her composure.

  It was difficult to meet his gaze, and she didn’t even try. Instead she moved past him and entered the bedroom, sure of his faint husky chuckle as she closed the door behind her.

  There was a certain degree of satisfaction in witnessing her discomfort. In truth, it delighted him to know she wasn’t entirely comfortable with him, and there was pleasure in the knowledge her experience with men was limited.

  His body reacted at the thought of the night ahead. Her scent, the taste of her skin…por Dios, how it felt to be inside her.

  He hadn’t felt quite this sense of anticipation for a woman since his early teens when raging hormones made little distinction between one girl or another.

  Now there was desire and passion for one woman, only one. Cassandra.

  If he had his way, he’d towel himself dry, go into the bedroom and initiate a night-long seduction she’d never forget.

  Soon, he promised himself as he turned the water dial from hot to cold. But first, they’d dine at the restaurant downstairs overlooking the pool. Fine wine, good food.

  Cassandra put the finishing touches to her make-up, then she caught up an evening purse and preceded Diego from the apartment.

  The classic black gown with its lace overlay was suitable for any occasion. The very reason she’d packed it, together with black stiletto-heeled pumps. A long black lace scarf wound loosely at her neck was a stunning complement, and she wore minimum jewellery, diamond ear-studs and a diamond tennis bracelet.

  With her hair twisted into an elegant knot atop her head, she looked the cool, confident young woman. Who was to know inside she was a mass of nerves?

  Act, a tiny voice prompted. You can do it, you’re good at it. Practised social graces. Taught in the very best of private schools.

  The restaurant was well-patronised, and the maître d’ presided with friendly formality as he saw them seated.

  Wine? One glass, which she sipped throughout the meal, and, although they conversed, she had little recollection of the discussion.

  For there was only the man, and the sexual aura he projected. It was a powerful aphrodisiac…primitive, lethal.

  She had only to look at his hands to recall the magic they created as they stroked her skin. And his mouth…the passion it evoked in her was to die for, almost literally.

  For she did die a little with each orgasm as he led her towards a tumultuous climax and joined her at the peak, held her there, before toppling them both in glorious free-fall.

  The mere thought sent the blood racing through her veins, the quickened thud of her heartbeat audible to her ears as she waited for the moment Diego would settle the bill.

  How long had the meal lasted? Two hours, three? She had little recollection of the passage of time.

  The apartment was dark when they returned, and Cassandra crossed to the wall of glass to admire the night-scape.

  The water resembled a dark mass, dappled by threads of reflected light. Bright neon flashed on buildings across the Broadwater, and there were distant stars dotting an indigo sky.

  She sensed rather than heard Diego stand behind her, and she made no protest as he cupped each shoulder and drew her back against him.

  His lips caressed the delicate hollows at the edge of her neck, and sensation curled deep within, radiating in a sweet, heated circle through her body until she felt achingly alive.

  Diego slid a hand down to grasp hers, and he led her down to the bedroom. He dimmed the lights down low, then slowly removed each article of her clothing until she stood naked before him. With care he lifted both hands to her hair and slowly removed the pins, so its length cascaded down onto her shoulders.

  He traced a pattern over her breasts, then drew a line down to her belly before seeking the moist heart of her.

  ‘You’re wearing too many clothes,’ she managed shakily, and watched as he divested each one of them.

  Then he lowered his head and kissed her, arousing such passion she soon lost a sense of time or place as she became lost in the man, a wanton willing to gift and take sensual pleasure until there could be only one end.

  It was then Diego pulled her down onto the bed and ravished her with such exquisite slowness she cried out in demand he assuage the ache deep within.

  Afterwards they slept, to wake at dawn to indulge in the slow, sweet loving of two people in perfect sexual accord.

  It was an idyllic place, Cassandra bestowed wistfully as they sat eating breakfast out by the pool, and wondered how it would feel to fall asleep in Diego’s arms every night, knowing he was there. To gift him pleasure, as he pleasured her.

  Whoa…wait a minute here. So the sex is great. Hell, let’s go with fantastic. But it stops with tonight.

  Early tomorrow morning they’d take the dawn flight back to Sydney and go their separate ways.

  She should be happy it was nearly over. Instead she felt incredibly bereft.

  Given the option of how to spend the day, Cassandra chose the theme park. Lots of people, plenty of entertainment, and it meant she didn’t have much opportunity to dwell on the coming night.

  Tigers, baby cubs, the Imax theatre were only a few of the features available, and the hours slipped by with gratifying ease.

  ‘Want to dine out, or order in?’ Diego queried as they returned to the penthouse.

  ‘Order in.’ It would be nice to sit out on the balcony beneath dimmed lighting, sip chilled wine, and sample food while taking in the night scene out over the marina, where large cruisers lay at berth and people wandered along the adjacent board-walk.

  He moved to where she stood and trailed light fingers down her cheek. ‘Simple pleasures, hmm?’

  Sensation began to unfurl deep inside, increasing her pulse-beat. It was crazy. Think with your head, she bade silently. If you go with what your heart dictates, you’ll be in big trouble. Somehow she had the feeling it was way too late for rationale.

  ‘I’ll go freshen up.’ If she didn’t move away from him, she’d be lost.

  A refreshing shower did much to restore a sense of normalcy, and she donned jeans and a cotton-knit top, tied her hair back, then added a touch of lip-gloss.

  Diego was standing in the lounge talking on his cellphone, and he concluded the call as she entered the room.

  ‘Check the menu
while I shower and change.’

  Seafood, Cassandra decided as she viewed the selection offered, and chose prawn risotto with bruschetta. Diego, when he re-emerged in black jeans and polo shirt, endorsed her suggestion and added lobster tail and salad.

  Diego opened a bottle of chilled sauvignon blanc while they waited for the food to be delivered, and they moved out on the balcony as the night sky began to deepen.

  Lights became visible in a number of luxury cabin cruisers berthed close by, and Cassandra stilled, mesmerised, as Diego leant out a hand and freed the ribbon from her hair.

  ‘All day I’ve resisted the temptation.’ He threaded his fingers through its length so it curved down over her shoulders.

  The breeze stirred the fine strands, tumbling them into a state of disarray. A warm smile curved his mouth as he leaned in close and took possession of her mouth in an exploratory open-mouthed kiss that teased and tantalised as he evoked her response.

  He tasted of cool wine, and she placed a steadying hand to his shoulders and leaned in for a few brief moments until the electronic peal of the doorbell broke them apart.

  Diego collected the restaurant food while Cassandra set the small balcony table with fine china and cutlery, and they shared a leisurely meal, offering each other forked morsels of food to sample in a gourmet feast.

  The moon shone brightly, and there were myriad tiny stars sprinkling the night sky. Magical, she accorded silently.

  They lingered over the wine, and when a fresh breeze started up they carried everything indoors, dealt with the few dishes, dispensed the food containers, and contemplated coffee.

  It wasn’t late, yet all it took was the drift of his fingers tracing the line of her slender neck, the touch of his lips at her temple, and she became lost.

  With one fluid movement he swept her into his arms and carried her down to the bedroom, where dispensing with her clothes, his, became almost an art form.

  She wanted to savour every moment, each kiss, the touch of his hands, his mouth, and exult in his possession. To gift him pleasure and hear the breath hiss between his teeth, his husky groan as she drove him to the end of his endurance.


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