The Helen Bianchin Collection

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The Helen Bianchin Collection Page 117

by Helen Bianchin

  ‘Only a few minutes,’ Nikos ventured quietly.

  A towel was draped low on his hips, his chest and legs bare. It occurred that she hadn’t even bothered to consider he wouldn’t have anything to change into.

  ‘I noticed the hall light go on half an hour ago.’

  ‘So you decided to investigate.’ She didn’t mean to sound defensive. Except he could have no idea how vulnerable she was feeling right now, or be aware of the image he presented.

  For one crazy moment she wanted to walk up to him and take comfort from the warmth of his embrace. Yet that was a madness she couldn’t afford.

  ‘I didn’t mean to frighten you.’

  Hadn’t he been able to sleep? Or did he simply wake at the slightest sound? His features were dark, and in this half-light it was difficult to read his expression.

  Her senses leapt at the electric energy apparent. It was almost as if all her fine body hairs rose up in anticipation of his touch, and she felt her heart quicken to a faster beat.

  Get out of here, now, a tiny voice urged. Except her legs wouldn’t obey the dictates of her brain.

  The slow ache of desire flared deep inside, and she was aware of her shallow breathing, the pulse throbbing at the base of her throat.

  Nikos didn’t say a word as he took the few steps necessary to reach her, and his eyes held hers, compelling, dramatic, unwavering. Dark onyx fused with emerald, and she was unable to look away.

  A hand closed over her shoulder, while the other slid beneath the heavy knot of her hair, loosened it, then when it fell to her shoulders he threaded his fingers through its length and smoothed a few stray tendrils behind her ear.

  She felt him move imperceptibly, then sensed his lips brush over her hair and settle at the edge of one temple.

  Unbidden she linked her arms round his waist and sank into him. She didn’t want to think, she just wanted to feel. To become lost in sensation, transported to a place where there was only the moment, the man, and the passion.

  She lifted her face to his, and felt the soft trail of kisses feather across her cheek, then descend to the generous curve of her mouth, tantalising, teasing, nibbling as he explored the soft fullness of her lower lip, tracing it with the tip of his tongue before delving in to make slow sweeping forays of the sweetness within.

  It wasn’t enough, not nearly enough, and she opened her mouth to him, angling her head in surrender as passion swept her to new heights.

  Michelle dragged his mouth down to hers as his hand slid to her thigh and slowly crept up to her bottom, shaped it, then pressed her in close so she could be in no doubt of his arousal.

  ‘Put your arms round my neck,’ Nikos instructed, and she obeyed, only to catch her breath as he lifted her up against him and curved each thigh round his waist so that she straddled him.

  Then he walked towards the bedroom, every step providing an erotic movement that heightened the ache deep inside.

  She wanted, needed the physical joining, the hard thrusting primal rhythm as he took her with him to a place where there was only acute primitive sensation. Michelle was dimly aware they reached the bed. She felt him pause as he tossed back the bedcovers and drew her down onto the percale sheet, stilling as his eyes locked with hers.

  He saw slumberous passion, desire, and something else that gave him pause. It would be so easy to take her, to sink into those moist depths and slake a mutual need until they reached satiation.

  Instead he took the slow route, the long sensual tease that began with a sensory exploration of all her pleasure pulses, the sensitive crevices, as he used his lips, the soft pads of his fingers to touch and tantalise.

  Michelle was unaware of the slight sounds she made deep in her throat as he took the tender peak of her breast into his mouth and began to shamelessly suckle until she cried out for him to desist. Then he merely shifted to its twin and brought her to the edge of pain.

  Not content he caressed a path to her navel, explored it, then travelled low over her belly, teased the dark blonde curls with his tongue, then indulged in an intimacy that took her to the brink, then tipped her over the edge in a free fall that had her threshing against him, imploring him to never stop.

  For one wild moment, she didn’t think she could handle the intensity, then mercifully it began to ease, and she met his kiss hungrily, her hands eager, searching, wanting to bestow some of the pleasure he had gifted her.

  She cried out as he caught her hands together and pressed them to his lips. There were a few emotive seconds as he paused to use prophylactic protection, then he positioned his length and eased into her, exulting in the gradual feeling of total enclosure as he slid deep. And stayed there for several long seconds before repeating the action. Longer and deeper, then harder and faster until she cried out and fell off the edge of the world.

  What followed became a feast of the senses as he soothed her fevered flesh with a gentleness that brought her close to tears. He explored each sensitive pulse, felt her quivering response and savoured it in a long after-play that stirred her senses to a point where it no longer became possible to lay supine, a willing supplicant to everything he chose to bestow.

  She wanted to stir him to passion, to render him mindless beneath her touch until he begged her to stop.

  With one easy movement she dragged herself free, then she captured his head between her hands and kissed him, thoroughly, slaking a sensual thirst as she employed sufficient pressure to roll him onto his back.

  His eyes were dark, slumberous, and intent as she straddled his waist, then she trailed an exploratory path along one collarbone with her lips, dipped into the faint hollows, using her teeth to tease the hair on his chest, nibbling, savouring, tasting, until she reached one hard brown male nipple.

  With extreme delicacy she laved it with her tongue and slowly suckled until the peak began to swell, then she took it between her teeth and employed the lightest pressure.

  She felt, rather that heard his slight intake of breath, and she rolled the slightly distended peak with her teeth, then suckled with greedy sensitivity, all too aware of his fingers lightly brushing the soft fullness of her breasts.

  Not content, she trailed a path of lingering kisses across his chest to bestow a similar treatment to its twin, and was unprepared for the sharp arrow that was part pleasure part pain as he took her nipple between two fingers and rolled it.

  She gently swatted his hand and slid slowly down his torso, caressing the line of dark hair until she reached his stomach, hovered there for long tantalising seconds, then descended with such painstaking slowness.

  Nikos held his breath as she began to explore with such devastating gentleness, it took all his willpower not to haul her into his arms and take control.

  Yet he’d tested the measure of her endurance with an equally lingering sensual torture.

  Nevertheless when she touched him lightly with the tip of her tongue, the breath hissed between his teeth, and her tentative examination brought a surge of powerful emotion. Not for the degree of her expertise. It was her touch, the desire to please him as he had pleasured her that brought him to the brink of climax.

  Did she know she had this effect on a man? On him? Somehow he doubted it.

  When he was almost ready to take independent action, she rose up in one graceful movement, carefully positioned herself, then slid slowly down until he was buried deep inside her.

  It felt good, so very good. As if every nerve fibre, every sensory cell heightened as she sheathed and held him tightly.

  There was a part of her that didn’t want to move, simply to be. Yet there was a primal need for sensory stimulation, and she placed a hand on either side of his shoulders, then began to withdraw. Just a little, increasing the action until it became something primitive, and she cried out as his hands curved into her waist, held her still, then assumed the position of supremacy, lifting her high as his hips rose and fell endlessly until it was she who cried out, she who clutched hold of him.
  Afterwards he held her, his fingers drifting a lazy pattern back and forth along her spine until her breathing quietened.

  Michelle felt his lips graze her ear, then slip to the sensitive curve of her neck, linger there, before moving to the edge of her mouth.

  His kiss was incredibly soft, the lightest touch as he savoured a path over the fullness of her lower lip.

  ‘We’re still—’


  She felt his mouth part in a humorous smile. ‘Uncomfortable?’

  ‘No.’ The sound sighed from her lips. She felt as if she could lay here forever, absorbing the man, his texture and taste.

  There were words she wanted to say. Words that would adequately express what she’d just experienced. How special it had been. Emotionally, spiritually, physically. For the first time she knew what it was like to be a part of someone on every level. To share, possess, and be possessed.

  Frightening. For inevitably there would follow a sense of loss. Don’t think about it, she bade silently. Just enjoy the night, and forget about what the new day might bring.

  It wasn’t love. Love was a slow process, a gradual learning, appreciation, understanding. An attunement of the senses.

  Yet what they’d just shared was more than lust. That much she knew. Lust didn’t leave you caught up with introspective thought, wishing for something beyond reach, or cause you to wonder if what had just happened could irreparably change your life. Or if, she decided a trifle wildly, there would be any choice.

  There was no magic wand she could wave to remove the past few hours. Tomorrow would be dealt with when it arrived. Now all she wanted to do, all she had the energy for, was sleep.

  She was unaware of Nikos carefully shifting her to lay at his side, or that she instinctively curled into the curve of his body as he settled the bed-covering over her sleeping form.

  Michelle felt something soft drift across her arm, and she burrowed her head more deeply into the pillow. It was early, her alarm hadn’t sounded, and she was tired.

  Minutes later there it was again, whispering along the curve of her waist. It had to be an early morning breeze teasing the sheet, and she kicked the tangle of soft percale, freeing it from her body.

  This time there was no mistaking the brush of skin on skin, and her eyes swept open to see Nikos propped up on one elbow, watching her. His expression was slumberous and deceptively indolent, and he looked as sexy as hell with stubble darkening his jaw.

  She’d experienced the entire gamut of emotions in his arms. Physical, emotional, spiritual had combined to make their coupling as good as she imagined it could possibly get.

  Even thinking about what they’d shared brought a surge of heat flooding her body, and her eyes widened as he stroked gentle fingers over her breast. The sensitive peak hardened beneath his touch, and she drew in her breath as he rolled it gently between thumb and forefinger. Answering sensation flowered deep within, instantly so she ached with need, and her breathing hitched as he leaned forward and began teasing her breast with his lips.

  His hand trailed low, conducting a seeking path with unerring accuracy, and within seconds she scaled the heights, begging as he held her there, then she tipped over the brink in a sensual free fall that left her breathing ragged, her voice an indistinguishable groan as she whispered his name.

  He slid into her in one deep movement, nestled momentarily, then slowly withdrew, only to repeat the controlled thrust again and again. There was little of the hard passion of the night, just long and sweet and slow as she became consumed by a deep pulsing flame, intensely exquisite as it swirled and shimmered through her body like a treacherous heat haze.

  She decided dreamily that it was a wonderful way to start the day.

  ‘You have the most beautiful smile.’


  His husky laughter curled round her nerve-ends and tugged just a little too much for comfort, activating a renewed spiral of sensation infinitely dangerous to an equilibrium already off balance.

  Assertiveness was the key, she determined as she reached out and ran an idle forefinger down the slope of his nose. And humour.

  ‘Time to begin all those mundane things like shower, breakfast, and don the business suit.’ She traced the groove creasing his upper lip, then pressed down on the fullness beneath it, only to have him take her fingertip between his teeth. ‘Ouch, that hurt.’

  ‘It was meant to,’ Nikos chided solemnly, although his eyes were darkly alight with amusement. ‘We have an hour.’

  Her heart lurched. ‘I dislike being rushed.’

  ‘I don’t think you’ll object.’

  ‘Personal grooming,’ Michelle said helplessly as he slid out of bed. ‘A leisurely breakfast,’ she intimated as he scooped her into his arms. ‘And two cups of coffee. Where are you taking me?’

  ‘The shower.’ He reached the en suite bathroom in a few long strides. ‘You can have that second coffee at the Gallery.’

  With economy of movement he turned on the water dial, adjusted it, then stepped into the large glassed cubicle.

  Nikos picked up the huge sponge, poured perfumed liquid soap onto it, then became intent on smoothing the sponge over every inch of her body.

  It was an erotic experience, as he meant it to be, and she balled her hand into a fist and playfully struck his shoulder.

  ‘Is that a complaint?’

  The thought of sharing this kind of morning experience on a regular basis made her mouth go dry.

  ‘Yes. I think I’m going to miss breakfast.’

  His eyes were impossibly dark with lambent emotion as he lowered his head down to hers. ‘Then I guess tomorrow we’ll just have to make an earlier start, hmm?’

  She didn’t answer. She couldn’t. The words were locked in her throat as his mouth took possession of her own.

  She became oblivious to the warm spray of water, for there was only the hard strength of his body. Strong muscle and sinew that bound her close, so impossibly close that all she had to do was wind her arms up around his neck and hang on as he parted her thighs.

  His arousal was a potent force he withheld in a bid to heighten her desire, and she was almost crazy with need when he finally surged into her. She cried out as sensation washed through her body, taking her higher than she’d thought it was possible to climb.

  His mouth ravaged hers as he reached the physical peak with her, and she exulted in the primitive shudder that shook his large frame as they clung to each other in mutual climactic rapture and its aftermath.

  Michelle missed breakfast entirely. There wasn’t even time to do more than take a few hurried sips of the coffee Nikos brewed while she put the finishing touches to her make-up.

  ‘I’ll book the restaurant,’ Nikos intimated as she collected her shoulder bag and turned towards the door. ‘We’re dining with Emilio and Saska, remember?’ he prompted as she swivelled to face him, ‘By the way,’ he gently teased, ‘Cute butterfly tattoo.’

  It was small, and positioned low on the soft curve of her right buttock.

  His smile was slow, musing. ‘A moment of madness, flouting of parental authority, or what?’

  ‘A dare. Paris.’ A mischievous gleam lit her eyes. ‘It was the tattoo or a navel ring.’

  The phone rang, and for a moment the humour drained away. If it was Jeremy—She crossed the room and picked up the receiver.

  ‘Michelle? Everything OK?’

  Relief poured through her. ‘Emilio. Yes. I’m just leaving now.’ She cut the connection, and looked at Nikos. ‘Just—lock up when you leave.’

  ‘I’ll contact my lawyer and set the paperwork in motion for a restraining order, then ring you.’

  She was already crossing the lounge. ‘Thanks.’

  A chill slithered down her spine as she rode the lift down to the underground car park. The thought of Jeremy and just how close she’d come to assault was the reason why Nikos had stayed overnight in her apartment.

  Not part
of the agenda had been their shared intimacy. Who had initiated it?

  Dear heaven, did it matter?

  Michelle discovered that it did, very much, for it made a farce of their charade, and provided an unexpected twist in that they no longer needed to pretend.

  A paradox really, for the lines determining their supposed relationship had shifted. For the better, if one believed in a transitory affair. Sadly, she didn’t. What had begun as a mutual arrangement, now took on a different context. Jeremy was an unknown quantity. And there was Saska.

  How long would it take to effect a resolution? A week? Two? Then what? Would Nikos extricate himself, move base to wherever in the world he chose, and never seek to contact her again?

  That surely was part of the master plan. It had to be.

  Wasn’t that what she’d wanted?

  The Gallery was just up front, and she parked the car, locked it, then ran up the short flight of steps to the main door.

  Work, she decided, was a panacea for many things. All she had to do was keep herself busy, her mind occupied, and deal with each day as it occurred.

  A hollow bubble of laughter rose and died in her throat In theory, the analogy was fine. The problem was reality.


  THE mobile phone rang as Michelle eased the car onto the road, and she assured her mother she was fine, she’d slept well; and no, she hadn’t forgotten the charity function at a city hotel scheduled for Thursday evening.

  ‘Nikos can partner you, darling. You’ll sit at our table, of course.’

  Michelle parked outside the Gallery, and cut the connection as she reached the main entrance.

  It proved to be a hectic morning. A shipment due to be unloaded from a dockside container in Sydney was caught up in a strike, and numerous phone calls were necessary to reschedule and put a contingency plan in place.

  There was paperwork requiring attention, data to enter into the computer, and several phone calls to make confirming collection and delivery of items ordered on consignment.


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