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Outlaw King

Page 7

by Jaxson Kidman

  “Mail?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” Aunt Jane said. She casually slid the clothing magazine to me. “Nothing good though. All junk.”

  “Junk is good,” Jim said. “Better than fucking bills.”

  “Language,” Aunt Jane said.

  “What?” Jim asked. “Lindsey needs to learn about bills anyway. Living free and large in this house won’t cut it for much longer.”

  “Stop it,” Aunt Jane said.

  I pushed the clothing magazine away. “I can just go to the mall and look at clothes.”

  “No,” Aunt Jane said. “Check out this stuff first.”

  She eyed me.

  Something was up.

  I casually looked back and saw the look of confusion on Jim’s face.

  If I knew something was up, so did Jim.

  I stood at the counter and blocked his view. I opened the cover of the magazine and saw there was a letter from King.

  My mouth went bone dry.

  That’s why Aunt Jane had shoved the magazine on me. She was helping me. If Jim had gotten the mail and found a letter from King, he would have shredded the letter and then punished me.

  I grabbed the magazine off the counter. “I guess I’ll go check out the magazine.”

  “Good,” Aunt Jane said. “Spend with your eyes and not my wallet.”

  “Your wallet is empty,” Jim said. “I’m the one fronting everyone’s life here.”

  I smiled. “Thanks, Jim. You’re the best.”

  He curled his lip, always in a nasty mood.

  I moved from the kitchen like normal and then took the steps two at a time.

  I ran to my room and shut the door. Jim disabled the lock on my door a while back after I locked myself in my room. He was drunk and saying things to me. Aunt Jane was at work. He ended up almost breaking down the door.

  Sometimes I hated Aunt Jane for not listening to me about Jim. She had to know he wasn’t a great guy. Yet she stayed with him. I really didn’t care about the house. Sure, it was big and comfy and in a nice neighborhood. But the danger was inside the house when Jim was home.

  I grabbed the envelope and slid my finger to open it. I got a small paper cut but didn’t even care about the stinging pain. I just wanted to read the letter. See the words. Shut my eyes and imagine King’s voice.

  We were still forbidden from seeing each other and since it was yet another summer, he wrote to me when he could. He was spending time with his brother somewhere upstate. At least that was the last I heard from him.

  I opened the letter and read:

  Hey sweetie,

  I’m almost back home. What a ride with Tito. He’s crazy, I tell you. I keep trying to tell him about the Reap and get him off the streets. But he won’t. He insists on this bullshit life and it hurts me. Knox covered for me while I went on my trip with Tito. Watching it all happen… I’m thankful for what I have with the Reap. It’s not always perfect. I have a long way to go to get to the table. To be part of chapel. But when I do… oh, sweetie, we’re going to be just fine together.

  I know this is all crazy to you now, huh? Not many people understand what this life is about. What it means to ride free. I’ve been doing this for a long time now, whether anyone believes it or not. Right now the only thing missing is you, Linds. I need my girl with me. I don’t even know what I can and can’t write to you anymore. I don’t know who is going to read it. I don’t know if you’re even reading these words.

  But I’ll keep writing.

  I’m sitting on the ground, leaning against my motorcycle. I just finished a smoke and now I’m watching the last few flickers of daylight as they’re eaten up by the horizon. Tito is over there on his cell, yelling about something. Probably some deal he’s supposed to make. I worry about him. He took care of me for so long, I want to take care of him.

  The road we’re on is empty and quiet. It’s really nice. A good spot to think. Yet all I can think about is you. My love for you, Linds. From the first second I saw you. Our first kiss. The first time we took that walk through the park and I bought you ice cream. You got chocolate on your nose and I kissed it off. You said I was gross and I said I loved you. Shit, we were too young for all of that? Probably. But look what we were thrown with. Your parents gone. Your crazy aunt trying to do the best she can. My fucking family always a mess.

  That’s how it goes, right? Two broken people finding each other. Making the pieces come together and finally be whole. I don’t need to be a certain age to discover that shit. Or go through anything in life to experience it. I know it. I feel it in my heart already.

  Damn, I miss you so much. I don’t know what’s going to happen this year. You have one year left and I’m already out and living life. I’ll do everything to see you. And you do the same. Nothing can keep us apart. I’ve spent a long time respecting the wishes of a man that isn’t even your father. A man who has hurt you. A man that I’m afraid will keep hurting you. It has to stop, sweetie. I want to take care of you. I can take care of you. I will take care of you.

  I hate when people promise each other the word forever, but with you, it’s easy to do.

  So here I sit against my two wheel steel piece of freedom and yet I feel like my heart is trapped. By you. I have to see you soon. No matter what it costs me. That’s my promise to you. I’ll never stop fighting. For you. For us.

  I love you, sweetie


  I put the letter down and could barely find my breath. I stood off the bed and waved my hands, trying to process everything he’d written.

  My bedroom door opened a little and Aunt Jane poked her head in. “Lindsey?”

  “I’m fine,” I said. “It’s a good thing.”

  She came into the room. “What’s wrong?”

  “The letter. How could nobody else get it but me and him?”

  I saw the look on Aunt Jane’s face. “Maybe I do get it, Lindsey. Maybe I’m scared for you.”

  “Let me be scared for me. Jim can’t control me. It’s not right and fair. I refuse it. You shouldn’t either. I can’t stand this place!”

  Aunt Jane hurried to me and grabbed my arms. “Stop right now. Do not bring attention to yourself.”


  “Shit. I didn’t want to tell you like this…”

  “Like what?” I asked.

  “You need to just stay with this,” Aunt Jane said. “I’m going to leave Jim. Soon. Things aren’t good in this house. I know that. But I can’t just bolt right now. I have to consider everything around me.”

  My jaw dropped. “I’m… I’m sorry.”


  “He’s your husband. That can’t be easy.”

  “That’s for me to worry about. Not you. Just please stay with me on all of this.”

  “So when you leave… we leave… me and King…”

  My heart started to race.

  Aunt Jane smirked. “I can’t stop you from what you want. From what you love.”

  I threw my arms around Aunt Jane.

  I was happy. I felt bad for her.

  We stood there and cried as we hugged.

  Things were finally going to change.

  Things were going to be good.

  Or so I thought.




  I made a fist and pounded it against the door. I couldn’t stop thinking about the ring. I couldn't stop thinking about what I’d do if that asshole answered the door. I didn’t believe for a second that Linds would be that kind of woman to go back to a guy like that, but sometimes people were scared and didn’t know what to do.

  Shit, it wasn’t her goddamn fault.

  “Who is it?” Linds’s voice asked through the door.

  “King,” I said. “I need to talk to you, sweetie.”

  The door opened. I knew it would. She could never resist me. And fuck me for thinking that. Fuck me for taking advantage of her desire for me.

  “What, King?”
  “I didn’t mean to take off like that, okay? I just didn’t know what to do when I saw the ring. Christ, sweetie, I haven’t seen you in how long? And the first time I see you some asshole is throwing a backhand across your face. Then I see you’re engaged? That’s hard to swallow. I was supposed to be…” I shook my head. “Fuck it. It doesn’t matter. I’m sorry I left.”

  “Your face is glittering,” she said. “Where did you go?”

  “A strip club,” I said without hesitation.

  Linds shut the door.

  I grabbed the knob and turned it. “Sweetie, I didn’t do anything. Trust me, I had the chance. There’s nobody I want but you. I’ve been inside all that time thinking about what I’d do to you if I got out. I’m standing right here.”

  Linds opened the door again. She was wearing a white t-shirt that stopped just above her knee.

  “I’m not engaged,” she said. “I never was. He gave me a ring as a promise. I was drunk and took it from him, like an idiot. All I’ve ever known is what my aunt has done in life. So I tried to find comfort when you weren’t around.”

  “I’m here right now,” I said.

  “For how long?”

  “Does that fucking matter?”

  Linds swallowed. “No.”

  I stepped into the apartment. I shut the door behind me. I locked both locks, making it very clear that I wasn’t going anywhere for the rest of the night.

  I had one clear goal in mind - to wake up tomorrow with my girl in my arms.

  Our lips and tongues fought as though the world was coming to an end. I put her on her soft bed and realized it was the first time I was touching a real bed in a long fucking time. Close to two years had gone by since I had to chance to be free, to be wild, to be a fucking outlaw.

  But there I was, kissing Linds, my hands touching her soft legs.

  She quickly made a move, grabbing between my legs over my jeans. I grabbed her wrist and put her hand to the bed.

  I broke the kiss and stood up from the bed.

  “No, sweetie,” I growled. “Tonight, I’m in complete control. You don’t do a fucking thing until I tell you too. Got it?”

  “Yes,” she said. “Fuck, yes.”

  “Take that fucking t-shirt off your beautiful body,” I said. “I need to see you before I taste you.”

  Linds popped up to her elbows and thrust her chest out at me, fucking flirting with me. What a bold move to make. I fucking loved it. I reached for the bottom of the white shirt and stuck my hands right under. I followed her skin all the way to her bare breasts. It had been such a long time since I touched her tits. My big hands cupped her easily, just like before. I felt the stiffness of her nipples grazing against my palms. My cock slithered and twisted in my jeans, a beast ready to come out and play.

  First things first though…

  I slid my hands up even more and took the shirt up and over Linds’s head. How interesting she was wearing a white shirt. A color of innocence yet there was nothing innocent about what I planned on doing to her right then.

  She remained on her elbows, staring at me. My eyes moved down to her perfect body. I loved the subtle curves of her waist. I loved the way her tits were firm, slightly parting left and right. Her nipples were a rich color with a light hue around her areola.

  I watched her breathing, her belly rising and falling.

  Her panties were a blood red color.

  They were next on my fucking list of shit that needed to go.

  Before that… I slid a hand to the back of her neck. I put my other hand to her left tit and squeezed.

  “I fucking missed these,” I said. “Nobody ever better have them like I had or will have.”

  “Never,” Linds purred, her breath spreading across my mouth.

  She was addictive and seductive all in the same breath.

  I fucking loved it.

  “Good, sweetie,” I said.

  I brought both hands down to the top of her panties. I tore those fucking things off like it was Christmas morning and I finally got to the best present. Oh, and trust me, it was the best fucking present.

  Looking at her soft and moist labia made my mouth hunger worse than when I was in solitary and meals were sometimes skipped for a day or two. My tongue ran dry, a thirst raging from deep inside me.

  “Oh, fuck, sweetie,” I said. “Look at that pussy…”

  I dropped down to one knee before Linds, my hands racing up the insides of her thighs. I knew she was ticklish there and I felt her body vibrate. She sucked in a breath with a hiss, trying hard not to laugh or pull away. The second my fingertips touched her wet pussy, her body thrust, demanding more of me.

  I put my pointer and middle fingers together on my left hand and hooked them, sliding up against her labia as though I was telling her to come here.

  I pulled my fingers away and brought them to my nose. My eyes were locked to her eyes. Fuck, she had pretty eyes. The prettiest eyes on a woman ever. And if a smell could ever be properly described as pretty, that was her sweet scent. Better than ice cream on a hot day. I smelled her and then licked my fingers.

  She let out a groaning sound. “King… please…”

  “You want a taste too, sweetie? Sure.”

  I thrust my two fingers back at her slit. I allowed my fingertips to penetrate her, feeling that perfect tight sheath that has squeezed so much cum out of me in the past.

  I curled my fingers again and pulled them out of her sweet body. I then put my fingers right to her lips, watching the look on her face. Shock climbed across as her cheeks burned a deep red color.

  “Taste,” I ordered. “Right now.”

  Linds slowly opened her mouth. Her tongue came forward and she licked the stringy wetness of her own desire right off my fingers.

  I then couldn’t help myself as I got up off my knee and had to kiss her. Our lips and tongues met again, this time I was able to taste not only her mouth but the taste of her pussy, both at the exact same time.

  I put my hand between her legs again and sank my two fingers into her, deeper. I twisted my fingers, pulled them out, placing my fingertips to her tender clit. The second I touched her, her hips bucked at me. She broke the kiss, groaning, letting her head fall back. I kissed down her neck, my mouth on a mission to seek her tits.

  I stopped at her left tit, my mouth quickly engulfing her, sucking against her skin, my tongue racing left to right against her nipple. I felt her nipple react to my fast touch. I brought my teeth together to her nipple, pulling, forcing her to move with me, bringing her to a gentle cry before I let her go.

  “Fuck, sweetie,” I said. “You are as amazing as I remember.”

  I stood up and stood as though I was ten feet taller than her. A beast staring down at his horny prey. Ready to ravage and fuck her until she couldn't walk for days.

  I took my leather cut off and tossed it to the end of the bed.

  Linds sat up on the edge of the bed and ran her hands under my shirt. I felt her fingers touching my hard muscle, her nails scratching at my skin. I grabbed the bottom of my t-shirt and ripped it up and off my body.

  “Yes,” she purred as her lips pressed against my stomach.

  She started to kiss down, right to where my jeans began.

  This time when she grabbed at my cock over my jeans I didn’t stop her. She tore open my belt and worked fast to find my cock. Trust me, it wasn’t all that hard to find.

  Her hands grabbed at the sides of my jeans and boxers, tugging. With each inch she took them down was another inch she was able to kiss my body. Her eyes stared up at me the entire time.

  The tip of her tongue flirted with the thick root of my cock.

  I gently grabbed her face and pulled her away from me.

  I stroked her cheek with my thumb. “Sweetie, are you ready for this?”

  “Yes. I need this. Right now.”

  I moved her hands from my jeans and I took control.

  I shoved my jeans down, letting my thick cock po
p free.

  Linds jumped back a little, almost getting slapped by my heavy dick.

  “Here you go, sweetie,” I said. I grabbed myself. “I’ve been waiting for this for a long fucking time.”




  My lips eased over the huge tip of his King’s cock. I was shaking everywhere possible. A mix of nerves and excitement. He was forever the biggest I had ever been with and forever would be. His large hand gripped the root of his cock, the veins in his hands throbbing almost as much as the veins in his cock.

  I put my hands to his legs, feeling the insane muscle, a man built to protect.

  I felt myself gushing between my legs, wetness seeping against my bed sheets.

  As I felt the ridged crest of his cock enter my mouth, I let out a groan. From there it was just steel like shaft. I pulled back, letting my teeth gently touch the head of cock and then I went down even more.

  King ran a hand through my hair. “Fuck, sweetie, that’s the spot right there. I’ve missed you sucking my cock. Remember when you used to do it all the time?”

  I groaned and nodded with my mouth full.

  I started to pick up speed, moving up and down, wanting more, testing my mouth and its limits.

  I didn’t care what was right and what was wrong. I had no idea how King got out of prison. I had no idea what his intentions were other than slowly starting to thrust his dick in and out of my mouth.

  But that’s how we were. How we always were. It was fast, wild, hot, full of crazy sex, full of deep love, and then things would easily fall apart.

  “I need to feel inside you,” King said. “I want my cum to coat your womb. I want you to leak me even when I’m gone.”

  King pulled back, taking his dick from my mouth. I tried to lunge forward, chasing after him, my mouth not ready to be done yet.

  He touched my shoulders and kept me back.


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