Bad for Business: Mixing Business With Pleasure Book Two

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Bad for Business: Mixing Business With Pleasure Book Two Page 11

by Ace Gray

  “You wouldn’t,” Victor stammered. “Besides, I didn’t do anything.” He rose, trying to appear composed, maybe even trying to equal Nick.

  “You threatened her.” Nick’s finger flew in my direction, his eyes not wavering from Victor’s. “In writing and over the phone, for fuck’s sake. You threatened her with sex and money and a gun. A fucking gun, you sick bastard!”

  The whole room arched away from Victor, many now whispering amongst themselves. Nick flexed his fingers then balled them at his sides. He turned, straightened his shoulders, and started back toward me. Cigar smoke swirled around him. Based on our track record, I would have guessed he was just getting warmed up.

  That’s when Nick looked up. There was a small change in his body language when his gaze swept over me. His eyes flashed blue as his whole body tensed.

  “One more thing, Victor.”

  Nick’s muscles flexed under his fine gray suit, telling me what was coming a split second before it happened. Nick swiveled and the right hook he smashed into Victor’s face made his jaw crunch and twist. The sound echoed through the room right before his guttural cry. I wasn’t surprised when the force sent him tumbling over the back of his chair, or when his nose started to bleed.

  The men surrounding him scattered, not one leaning down to help the heap that was Victor. Chairs toppled or screeched across the herringbone floor as everyone darted from where he was desperately trying to keep blood off his suit.

  “If you threaten my girlfriend ever again I will kill you. With my own two hands, Victor. I’ll watch the life disappear from those god damned beady eyes. I’ll feel your body go limp.”

  Then, as if nothing happened, Nick returned his hand to my sore ass and guided me out of the lounge. Every eye focused on us as the scrapes and bumbles of Victor struggling to his feet and knocking into furniture sounded behind us. My face was frozen, even when Nick’s fingers pressed back into the red welts on my ass.

  The moment we stepped out of the lounge, I took a deep breath to shake the haze from my brain. Then I tried to escape his grip. When he pushed harder, I couldn’t help my harsh, “Ouch,” or my elbow flying to his chest. His fingers curled further into me, and his familiar chuckle was so close to my neck and so warm against my skin that I barely noticed he was ushering me up another flight of stairs and into a cavernous dining room.

  A host appeared from nowhere and wordlessly guided us to a beautiful table in the far corner of the room. It was framed by floor length dark crimson curtains and centered under an immaculate chandelier. There was no question it was the focal point of the room.

  “This was my father’s table before it became mine,” Nick whispered in my ear as he pulled out my chair. I froze. For the first time today he truly surprised me. “He only came for meetings, one scotch, or dinner on Tuesdays. Otherwise, he made sure he came home from the city every night in time for dinner.”

  All of today’s bullshit fell away in light of the personal tidbit he shared as he folded gracefully across the small table from me.

  “You remember those dinners?” I asked.

  “A little. They’re more impressions now.”

  We hadn’t ordered but fine champagne arrived at the table along with a scallop appetizer. I popped one in my mouth and didn’t have to force the MMMmmm that followed. Nick’s eyes flashed and his whole face warmed, lighter than usual. He scooped up a scallop and popped it in his mouth, mimicking my hum as he leaned back and laughed. Loudly.

  When his head righted, his eyes were the most wonderful shade. It was the dazzling blue that showed only for me, and he was more content than I’d ever seen. The usual creases in his brow smoothed, his lips simply hung in a wide smile.

  “I remember my dad would always ask about school between the salad and main course. He wouldn’t let our staff serve entrees until I answered every question.” His smile shifted to sad, so wistful it was heartbreaking. My fingers itched to wrap around him and pull him close.

  “He cared as much about my grades as he did about the things that made me happy. I swear he loved hearing about lacrosse even more than a report card or homework. He always said that being great was important and being happy was important, but to excel at your happiness made you unstoppable.”

  “Is that why you pick the companies you do?”

  “I suppose. I haven’t really thought about it. I look for successful ventures but I suppose there could be a trend as to where I look.” He sat back, sipping his drink and smirking. “It’s funny the things you hold on to.”

  “I know. My dad had this whole ladybug, Katie-bug, thing. I still pick them up when I see them.”

  Nick smiled his million-dollar smile and was about to continue when his gaze shifted and his mouth thinned. I turned ever so slightly to follow his line of sight and immediately fidgeted with my hem again.

  District Attorney Philip Hart came from one of the wealthiest, most influential families in the country. The Harts had the Massachusetts compound, the Kennedy family ties, and a half a dozen Ivy League libraries in their name. Philip had been born and bred for a life of public service. He was the shining beacon of the family, too, complete with a spotless service record. Everyone knew he was on the fast track to becoming US Senator.

  And he was heading straight for us.

  If he was upset because of me or the scene Bryant made we were screwed. DA Hart was one of the few people in the room who could force Nicholas Bryant to sit up straight. Nick squared his shoulders despite the apprehension in his eyes. I followed suit after taking a deep pull of my champagne. I held my breath as the DA strode up, evaluating every shift in his body.

  “Bryant, good to see you.” Nick stood and they shook hands across the table. “Ms. Elliott, I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure.” I also reached for his hand. He took it as he seamlessly continued. “Your reputation precedes you. I must say I’m impressed with you, young lady.”

  DA Hart nodded toward the server, and top shelf scotch appeared at the table.

  “I’m incredibly impressed someone got Bryant in bed for a partnership. If I knew nothing else, that speaks very highly of you and your business acumen.”

  “Thank you very much, District Attorney Hart.”

  “Please, call me Philip.” His smile was positively charming. “I won’t keep you two. Just wanted to formally introduce myself, Ms. Elliott, and to let you know I’d be happy to sponsor your membership to the club, should you choose to join.”

  “I’m unbelievably flattered.” I stumbled over my words simply because those offers were exceedingly rare. And an inevitably uphill battle for a woman, even one connected to Harts and Bryants.

  “I’ll confess, I have ulterior motives,” Philip continued. “I’d like to get to know you better, Ms. Elliott, because I think we could be of great assistance to one another. Should you need anything, anything at all, please feel free to simply call.” He handed me a business card, and I tried to keep my jaw from hitting the table as I accepted.

  “Thank you, Philip.”

  “You’re quite welcome. And Bryant, Ms. Elliott, enjoy your dinner.”

  He nodded kindly and turned to leave. As I watched him go, I noticed every other set of eyes in the room shifting between him and us. The attention had my shoulders tensing up toward my ears.

  Dinner was a different type of celebration than I’d envisioned. It belonged on the pages of The Journal rather than a romance novel.

  After the DA left, many others took the initiative to weave over as well. Congratulations poured even more freely than champagne and scotch at our table. It was easy enough to be polite and smile widely, but I couldn’t relax. My shoulders ached and tension radiated along my collarbone. Nick’s gaze shifted frequently between visitors and me, evaluating all of us from under those long lashes.

  When we finally had a moment alone, he leaned over and whispered, “Th
e confrontation was for me, the dinner for us, and now everything else is for you.”

  I watched as Nick uncoiled from his seat, his long fingers deftly buttoning his jacket. He smiled that new, easy smile as he reached a hand out to me. When I accepted, he pulled me up along his body, wrapping his hand around my hip rather than my backside to escort me down the sweeping staircase.

  Nick stayed wrapped around me until Jaime held him up as I slid into the backseat of a waiting Bentley. I tried to backtrack and plant myself between them but Jaime gently shut the door. Even through the tinted glass, I saw Nick’s eyes go flat.

  “Sir, I don’t want to be any part of it.” Jaime’s words were barely muffled as his eyes flitted toward me in the backseat.

  My blood boiled in my chest at yet another secret.

  “It’s your job, Jaime,” Nick growled.

  “It’s bad enough Terrence is already there.”

  I hadn’t noticed Terrence disappear only to be replaced by Colton until Jaime snarled it.

  “I will protect her.” Nick’s mouth barely moved as he spoke.

  Shivers rolled down my spine at the sound and the set of his jaw, but I’d reached my limit. I shoved against the car door that hadn’t been latched completely. It flew between the two of them, effectively ending their exchange. Nick’s eyes flashed with something dangerous as he caught the bouncing door.

  “What the fu…” I started to ask as I stepped out, but Bryant’s lips cut me off.

  He consumed me, pinning me against the car. My body bowed awkwardly back, but then his strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me flush to him. Any part of me that wanted to ask about their heated exchange simply vanished when those lips traced every inch of my exposed neck and collarbone.

  Nick artfully tucked me back into the car, laying me along the backseat. He shoved my skirt up above my hips, exposing my lacy little thong, and hitched my knee up. My body arched back against the seat, relishing each and every touch until we pulled up in front of my building. He reached up and slammed the lock before Jaime could open the door.

  “You’re perfect, you know that?” Nick murmured as he moved to crouch between my thighs. “In business and in bed.”

  He hooked his fingers into my thong and yanked it down my long legs.

  “You taste perfect, too.” He bent down and kissed my thighs.

  I groaned loud enough to fill the backseat.

  “Get inside so I can show you.” He smirked mischievously as he sat back, pocketing my underwear.

  “Really?” I shrieked, banging my fists down on the seat beneath us.

  “Really, Sweets.” He winked and smoothed my skirt before righting me.

  I was distracted as I got out behind him. For the first time I wasn’t thinking about his secrets or how livid I was with him for keeping them; I was simply consumed by want. Being preoccupied made me stutter step when I took in how many photographers were waiting. The numbers rivaled those from after the incident.

  They were shouting, all right over top of each other. Trevor’s name came up, and so did a blonde, along with a few other confusing questions before Nick whispered in my ear.

  “Practically perfect in every way.”

  “We should get inside.” My voice was more anxious than I intended.

  “One second.” His smile went crooked.

  I was about to yank on his elbow when his arms wrapped around me so he could dip me and press his lips to mine in an old fashioned, movie style kiss. Instantly we were showered in flashbulbs. My eyes fluttered shut to take in the sweet taste of Nicholas Bryant and the warmth of the shimmer of lights. When he finally broke away, I had to shield my eyes from flashes to see his face.

  Immediately I wished I hadn’t; gray churned furiously. I tried to question him then and there, but the cacophony picked back up. He all but pulled me into the building with his hand on my ass, reminding me my sex had been bare in front of the press. I flushed but the rosy hue did nothing to soothe the storm brewing across his face.

  “Nick, what…?”

  I tried to get the words out, but once we got into the elevator he swallowed them with a kiss, his lips devouring mine, and this time he didn’t let them go.

  “I’m going to show you exactly how perfect you are,” Nick breathed against my lips after we made out by the front door for God knows how long. “Perfect for me anyhow,” he added.

  I nodded as a lazy smile spread across my face. He jerked his chin toward the stairs, and I did my best not to sprint.

  When I pulled my hair from its tie, it cascaded down my shoulders and I ran my fingers through. Flipping it to the side, my hands went to my zipper. I only inched it down the tiniest bit before Nick entered the room and dropped his overnight bag by my bed. My body knew a moment before he took the zipper from my hands to undo it himself. When he stepped away, the slinky dress fell and pooled at my feet.

  “Jesus, Sweets,” he murmured. “Perfect.” With one single finger he traced the valley of my spine.

  “Kneel in front of the mirror.”

  He gestured with one long finger and I found my mischievous smile as I folded neatly. “Keep your back to me.”

  The soft thump of him rustling in his bag behind me was the only sound in the room besides my ratcheting heartbeat. His reflected body was bent over where he crouched; his muscles coiled tightly. When he looked up, we locked eyes in the polished glass, and I found it exceptionally hard not to fidget under his covetous gaze.

  He held my look as he circled the bed to sit on the edge, facing me. He casually crossed his ankle on his knee and leaned onto his pointer finger and thumb to watch me, somehow finding a look that was coolly detached. With my lip pulled firmly between my teeth, I resigned myself to sit still and devour his reflection in return.

  As soon as I stopped wiggling, he shifted forward. My skin goose bumped in anticipation. He rose and my breath caught when he loomed over me. My head rolled to the side automatically, exposing my neck to him. He chuckled low and husky as he pushed my hair up and over my shoulder so it danced on my trembling breast.

  Nick returned his feather light touch to my collarbone and the arc of my neck. I turned gracefully to watch his fingers on my skin.

  “No,” he said gently but firmly. “No eyes on me.” His fingertips left me to point directly at my reflection. “I’m going to show you in the mirror. Watch every little thing.”

  I shivered and bit my lip as I nodded.

  “Good girl,” Nick purred then turned.

  I couldn’t help but watch as he slunk away, hoping I’d get to see him peel out of his suit, but he stayed fully clothed.

  “Eyes on the mirror.” He noticed me twist and he jerked his chin toward my outline. “I’m going to tell you what I see when I look at you.”

  My eyes flicked back to the mirror. I’d never been shy but staring blatantly at my body was something new.

  “The very first evening, the very first thing I noticed were your legs. They made my jaw drop. They go on for days. I mean, Jesus…” He smirked. “Now, I almost get off seeing them folded underneath that exceptional ass.”

  I couldn’t help but look over my legs where they curved beneath me. My heels were still on and the perfect perch for my backside. My hips and ass had never been my favorite feature, but Nick’s usual way of handling of them, raw and unbridled, had me rethinking.

  “And I thoroughly enjoy having my way with that ass. You’re so tight, every time. You should see the way you writhe.” Nick returned his fingers to trace the faintest tracks along my exposed collarbone.

  I wasn’t focused on his fingertips, though. I was picturing exactly what he wanted me to. His hungry gaze was easy to imagine raking down my backside. My toes curled when I pictured how his eyes would twinkle as he notched his cock between my cheeks.

  “But I think you might have bet
ter tits than ass.” His eyes drifted upwards and his face quirked. “Maybe.” His fingers skated down my cleavage then turned to flick my nipple.

  My whole body responded. My shoulders and ribs jerked uncontrollably. I watched goose bumps ripple across my skin while my nipples instantly beaded to tall peaks. He was showing me my body the way he saw it, the way it responded to his touch and his handling of me. Nick bent further and bit my ear; my eyes almost fluttered shut.

  “Look at your chest.” His breath was warm against me. “I almost came right there in my jeans the first time you let me touch your breasts. I fantasize about the way they sway while I fuck you all the time,” he whispered the naughty confessions with his devilish chuckle, ratcheting up the hammer of my heartbeat. They were swaying ever so slightly now.

  “And we’ve addressed how fond of this I am before.” Nick’s hand dove lower and his finger skated my slit, only for a moment. “You taste like salted caramel and have the softest skin imaginable.” He crooked his fingers up into me.

  I jolted. My knees pressed together and I twitched again. My breasts did their dance and my skin trembled in waves.

  “But none of that is what I fell hard for.” He stood swiftly and returned to his casual pose on the edge of the bed.

  In the mirror I was frazzled, my face barely composed. He left me panting and damn near vibrating.

  “You have this smirk that makes the left side of your plump lips curl up, and you get the slightest hint of a dimple. It makes your eyes get smaller but they dance. It’s sexual and mischievous, like you have this secret no one else gets to know. I was entranced. No, am entranced. Look.” He pointed his long finger at the mirror again.

  His words were so intimate and said with such warmth I couldn’t help but lose myself in my reflection. It was undeniably vain and I flushed, my eyes falling away.

  “No, don’t look away. Do you know how desperately I try to remember every detail of every moment with you?”


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