Fallen Angels: Watchers and the Witches Sabbat

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Fallen Angels: Watchers and the Witches Sabbat Page 3

by Michael W Ford

  “SEBITTI” is a grimoire of Mesopotamian magical and sorcerous initiation, from a point of ambivalent neutrality the Anunnaki and the demonic archetypes and powers explored in a variety of journeys within the current. What is consistent in Luciferianism is that, like the Chaos Magic concept of “Nothing is True, everything is permitted” and the Zos Kia Cultus which directly found expression in my development of the works, autonomy is a foundation centering all of the publications and teachings.

  Each tradition in further development and insight attained required assuming the paradigm (within Luciferian thought) to seek wisdom and some type of power useful both spiritually and for this world and daily life. The journey is exhaustive yet insightful in understanding my potential and the Communion with my Daemon, Azal’ucel. This is my True Will, this foundation is aimed at establishing generations beyond my own centered in the Luciferian traditions.

  The Sabbat Tradition of Luciferian Witchcraft presents the Adversarial Current in the form and structure of Judaic and early Christian ‘Satanic’ archetypes and the subtle meanings behind the symbols. The mythology of Luciferian Witchcraft begins with myth and poetic ritual teachings: using the ‘Names of Power’ and ‘voces magicae’ as triggers of harnessing infernal and empyrean levels and types of energies. Beginning with Samael, Lilith of Hebrew myths, The Watchers and Nephilim of the Book of Enoch, Cain and the path of the First Witch through allied archetypes within Medieval Qlippothic, Biblical connected texts such as the Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha including some aspects of Greco-Roman, Yezidi and Manichean influences. Luciferian Witchcraft also embraces Celtic and Germanic influences and folk traditions within the magickial practice.

  The grimoire traditions of Europe in the late Medieval and Renaissance periods provide Deific Masks and ‘Names of Power’ found in allied archetypes including Arch-Daemons such as Paimon, Mahazael, Leviathan, Samael, Oriens, Lilith, Asmodeus, Hecate, Mastemah, Azazel, Azrael, Shaitan, Belial and other forces held in the sacred tradition of being Guardians of the Circle. The cipher of “The Devil” is a Deific Mask which holds primal power, lustful instinct and theriomorphic symbols of our inherent desire or True Will. The wise and strong of character will walk the path of the Adversary and pass the tests of low temptations; with discipline and determined will shall the Daemon and self be encircled in power.

  Understand that Luciferian Witchcraft is not dependent upon the Judean and Christian demonologies as ‘reactive’ to such teachings; the Adversarial Path has origins in traditions much older than those in which they are prominent in infamy. The teachings and traditions are a cipher for Luciferian self-liberation, illuminating unconscious energies which may be harnessed to fuel selftransformation and the refinement of consciousness.

  Initiation herein is found in the mysteries of the Fall of Lucifer as the 7-headed Red Dragon Samael (Satan) into the flesh of man. From the cipher of the Fall of Rebel Angels, instruction of the empyrean and infernal to the igniting of the Black Flame upon the Forge of Cain and Azazel are all archetypical representations of grades of initiation. You will be tested and challenged to gaze differently at the Serpent and the Demonic forces in the Night; upon wing and hooved beast will you leave the fleshly shell of your body, transformed and fly forth to the Sabbat of Witches and the Infernal Host.


  The stages of continual initiation and transformation is upon three aspects in Luciferianism known as Liberation, Illumination and Apotheosis. These are not specific ‘grades’ or ‘places’ to recognize, rather they are ever-flowing levels of experience, insight and the harnessing of power.

  The transformation of the Witch or Warlock is from the fall, union of the Realm of Spirit, Fire and Air with the World of Matter being flesh and conscious mind. The teachings of the Watchers through instinctual visions, synchronicity in normal daily activities and dream oriented initiation bring into a level of being symbolized by the Nephilim. The giant’s and conquering predators are a mythical memory of the Hellenistic period and earlier with Greek (Philistine) settlers in the Levant recall the cult of the hero and victory over obstacles.

  The Mark of Cain, a self-dedication, chosen ‘mark’ representing dedication to the path, the Trident-fork as a symbol of the Devil and the demonic masks enveloping primal powers will elevate and cause the becoming of the Witch or Warlock from Clay to Black Flame to Daemonic Light. The Solomonic Traditions of demonology and specifically Luciferian methods of invocation and evocation provide an excellent model of Deific Masks as divine representations to seek to become ‘like’.

  Your test is to gain insight into your primal desires and the articulated consciousness with respect to what you want to become on the journey.

  You will feel the unconscious ‘pull’ towards surrounding yourself on numerous levels others like ‘you’. When impersonal contact is made (social media, etc.) the majority will get embroiled in petty arguments and a type of majority group-think.

  If you fall into this, you have FAILED the test and should take every opportunity to re-focus towards the Great Work. Listen and use your instincts, wear the ‘social acceptance’ mask of being ‘normal’ to attain power and your life goals if such is required. In your private time, in the wilderness or in the Ritual Chamber, exalt and shape your energy towards refining and strengthening consciousness and the resolve of the Will. Leaders as Luciferians will exist this way within the world, moving the pawns ever unnoticed towards your lesser and greater goals. This is Luciferianism in practice! The Devil can assume numerous shapes and appear as required based on his goals; this shall be your way as needed also!

  Of Infernal Union and Initiation

  To begin, the very basic symbol of the Luciferian Witch: The Infernal Union or ‘Sigil of Baphomet’ as it is known has a deep and constant representation of self-initiation and transformation of ‘One of Witch Blood’. The Hebrew spelling of ‘Leviathan’ in the circle represents the extent of the body; it is the key to ‘Hell’, the Secret or Hidden Place (from the Anglo-Saxon ‘helan’) which is the unconscious, primal instinctual ‘desire’ and source of power and shadow.

  The Serpent of Blackened Fire (called also Shakti or Kundalini in eastern tantric teachings) sleeps and coils in the base of the spine, waiting to be roused and called up from the darkness. Leviathan is the crooked serpent, the primordial one who is the foundation and highest representation of mythological identification and apotheosis.

  The Dragon is the force which encircles and initiates the word of

  Azothoz; the power which brings into Infernal Union Samael and Lilith, the birth of Cain the First Witch and Luciferian is complete as a symbol of the Witch or Warlock. Chioa, the Beast, is the “TwoHorned One”, Dhul-Qarnayn (also Zulqarnayn), a representation of the ‘Father of Understanding’, ‘Baphomet’. The symbol of Baphomet and Cain as the Luciferian is interchangeable and a metaphor for initiation and a path upon the sharpened and shielded spine of the Crooked Serpent. In Quranic lore, Dhul-Qarnayn is associated with Alexander III of Macedon (Alexander the Great), a Luciferian “Saint” whose sweeping victories introduced Hellenistic culture to the ancient near east.


  Samael was the first angel, a god of immense power, the Black Flame was a great light which gave passion and consciousness to those of who he shared his fire with. The Gnostics name him Ialdabaoth (Yaltabaoth), a great Archon who could shape and destroy worlds. This Archon could assume many forms and shapes; within his empyrean clouds and a throne within the cold darkness his desire took the shape of a Lion-headed Serpent, whose visage was terrible and his eyes flashed as lightning. Ialdabaoth was also known as Saklas and Samael.

  Samael is thought to be a cacophemism for “Shemal”, an ancient Syrian deity whose name means “left”. Samael is both the “chief of all satans” as well as “The Greatest Prince in Heaven” who has authority and rule over angels and planetary powers. Samael brought into the world with his Black Light the knowledge of being your own master, having the choice t
o create and destroy, to become more and greater in your time. Samael introduced Carnal Desire, the “evil inclination” called “Yezer Ha-Ra” which rises from our primal instincts.

  In the Hebrew lore of the Adversary, Samael was a Great Prince of Demons, his aura was brighter and more terrifying than all the other gods, for his intelligence was great. Samael watched the clayborn humans slowly evolve but still without being aware of the self. Yahweh fostered these slave-humans who would do his will, yet Samael looked upon them with disgust. Yahweh the slave-god demanded the other gods should worship the mindless clay creation called man. On the Sixth Day, the Archangel Samael rebelled in disgust for the slaves symbolized as Adam and Eve.

  Samael proclaimed that those of his Essence, namely the Black Flame would not worship any lesser or greater being. When Adam was created from the dust, Samael was brilliant in his excellence and power. The Twelve-Winged Seraph descended to earth and took the form of a Serpent. He spoke to the woman Eve and with a mere spark of his fire to her clay, she became aware and knowledgeable of good and evil. Samael instructed her to eat of the Tree of Daath, that is, Death and the Wisdom found in Darkness. Eve shared this fruit with Adam, of which were only mildly aware and still happy in their slave-mentality.

  Samael, called Satan as the Adversary, created in the high empyrean, surrounded by clouds, a great throne which honored his balanced majesty. Samael has Twelve Wings rather than most angels, having Six. Named also, “The Angel of Poison”, Samael flies like a bird continually upon the Air.

  Please note: The Deific Mask and Name of Power representing a form of the Adversary is invoked by what the symbol and power represents. Know the difference between the Adversary as Satan the 7-Headed Red Dragon and Samael (Satan) the Prince of the Powers of the Air. Samael is also known by the mask of Azazel, who appears when so desired as a Serpent with the arms and legs of a man, having Twelve Wings.

  Samael is the celestial patron of ancient Rome; his power is flashed with blood and the omen bringing lightning bolt of Daemonic inspiration. Samael took the form of a great Serpent and entered Eve in sexual congress. The Great Rite invigorated her body and spirit, for Samael injected filth into her and she conceived Cain. The First Son of Satan, Cain’s birth-mother Eve was guided by the instinct and spirit of Lilith, the Bride of Samael who is his balance and compliment.

  The Myth and Mask of Cain

  Myth provides fuel for the fire of imagination and the use of symbolism. Such is the lore of the first Witch and Satanist. In the Jewish legend of “The Ten Generations”4 Satan, in the form of a serpent, approached Eve and copulated with her. The offspring of this first union was Cain, the ancestor of the rebellious spirits who reject the Hebrew God. Satan is a word for ‘Adversary’ and the proper name of this rebel angel is Samael. Cain’s descent from Samael in this legend is revealed in his seraphic appearance at birth; Eve declared, “I have gotten a man through an angel of the Lord”. In Kabbalah, the myth of Cain as “the son of Satan” indicates that moreover he is Samael’s spiritual son, Eve being illuminated from the Left-Hand Path teachings and guidance of Satan (eating from the Tree of Knowledge, copulating with the serpent).

  The Apocalypse of Moses describes the luminous countenance of Cain as being Diaphotus, “full of light”5. Cain is associated with the planet Kewan “Saturn” due to his shining countenance, born to the first of Witch Blood via Samael. For ancient Israel, the planet Saturn was symbolic of the ‘Star of Evil’ and not beneficial for that kingdom. You may find a parallel with the myth and initiation of Cain and the legend of the Nephilim: both have fallen angel (spirit) fathers, human mothers (flesh/earth) which by their birth injects disorder into the cosmological order of Yahweh’s cultic laws and designs.

  4 Louis Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews

  5 The Legends of the Jews, Ginzberg, V, Notes to Volumes I and II From the Creation to the Exodus.

  The legends of divine serpents fathering offspring was not unique to Jewish myths, in the ancient world it was quite common. Alexander the Great was purported to be fathered by Zeus Ammon in the form of a serpent with his mother Olympia. Seleucus I Nicator of Syria was the son of Apollo who slept with his mother and left him a signet ring which became a royal symbol when he established the Seleucid Kingdom. Demetrios I Poliorcetes of Macedon propagated that he was the son of Poseidon and Aphrodite; his coins and busts depict Demetrios with Bull Horns (a sacred animal to Poseidon) on his head. Ptolemy III claimed to be descended from both Dionysos and Heracles. Each king who claimed a divine heritage did so primarily due to character traits or associations they had or won in war. This demigod status of the Ruler established and gave legitimacy to the family to continue (hopefully) to rule in good favor among their people.

  Traits of a god, goddess or demon if adopted by a Luciferian in artistic portraits or ritualistic associations are in our modern age done when omen guides to such; traits are symbolic of the specific type of a patron Deific Mask and have close association with the Daemon of the Witch or Warlock.

  The first-born from Eve (with the spirit of Lilith) with Samael gave life to the First Satanist, the Adversary of slave-mentality and the mass of sheep, Cain. The ancient myths and legends regarding Cain demonstrate mythical and poetic symbols represented in the Adepts of Luciferian Witchcraft.

  Cain is present within many traditions of the craft, ours is the more sinister path which instructs and initiates the neophyte to understand the symbolic meaning and teachings beneath the “mask” of Cain. The neophyte seeks a path of self-determined journey towards liberation from restrictive dogma, attaining knowledge and experience to not only trust our instincts, but also to allow your conscious mind to balance your choices in life. The Adversary shocks, inspires terror at first, thrusts the neophyte into the abyss and tests are given for which the initiate must answer and conquer with an iron will.

  The isolation and loneliness of the neophyte who takes the first steps upon the Left-Hand Path are to sacrifice the mundane, old self that you ‘were’ (as Adam the profane clay before) to the fires of the Blackened Forge of Cain and your Daemon. As you begin to think as Cain the forge brings forth the Adept, thinking ‘like’ Cain and the Luciferian Watchers of our linage unspoken.

  You may choose to work with groups, covens or affiliated witches to expand your experience and power within the Circle of Lucifer’s Elect; gatherings of other Luciferian Witches will be less focused on the slow transformation and initiation the individual must experience alone; covens are more focused on a sense of community and a mutual appreciation focusing on the chosen course of the circle.

  Rarely will a coven perform intense and exhaustive initiatory workings as each would vary to the witch, seasonal ceremonies invoking the Watchers based on knowledge sought, communion with the Horned Lord and Lady and Sabbat rites.

  Philosophy and Magick

  The Luciferian becomes slowly aware that they are alone and isolated in the world as the initiate is becoming ‘other’. Cain is uniquely ‘other’ in that he is at the very least an ‘outsider’ to the tribe, his witch blood and way of thinking becomes different from the others. The concept of the tribal god, Yahweh has no connection to Cain and his father and brother, Adam.

  The symbolic antinomian act of Cain killing Abel is the selfdetermined act of culling the former ‘clay’ of self, the conscious unaware ‘former’ symbol of who you were. Rather than Cain being some stained, tainted cast-off of Yahweh’s religious believers, he is restored as a symbol and metaphor of self-determined power and strength of Will. The traits of Cain are Luciferian: independent, determined, antinomian in instincts and both a master of his craft in both witchcraft and metals in the shape of ‘Tubal Cain”. In several different traditions of witchcraft, Cain is the second metallurgical artist or sorcerer; the Black Smith of the Forge who came after only Azazel who descended with the 200 Watchers upon Mount Hermon.

  Those who have heard the distant voices upon the winds, calling for you to seek the Devil’s Path
and the pleasure of the Infernal Sabbat will enter the circle alone. In isolation from others the neophyte begins to forge the Luciferian Spirit, ignited and selfimmolated with the Black Flame. This is the gift of divine consciousness, given to us by our father who has many names: Azazel, Samael and Lucifer are but a few. The Adversary challenges us to strike down the common self, the mundane clay of Adam as the self before initiation.

  Luciferians soon wear and assimilate the Deific Mask of Cain, the metaphor of Infernal Union and the mediator between earth and spirit. The Black Flame ignited is that which consumes our former shell and now to walk the Left-Hand Path as both Daemon and Witch-born Nephilim. The Mask of Cain demands the killing of Abel, our Daemon calling for the offering of blood and an iron will to slay the vulgar clay of our former self.

  Recognize here is both metaphor and cipher, listen to your instincts towards the forbidden knowledge of your Daemon! Know that we bring to Disorder all that is Sacred, rejecting traditions many clings to in a desperate attempt of building selfidentity. The Shadow’d Ones of Azazel are aware of self, the possibilities and potential within the Circle of Self.

  The Gnosis of Cain is the Shedding of the Serpent’s Skin, to forge the Daemon from the Fires of Azazel and Qayin.


  Your traditions restrict you, weaken and slow your mind. What you hold as “good” I reject as a conceit and false pride. Only in achievement can pride be kept to a whisper. The profane and small minded always announce their might. I tear the throat out of those speaking of traditions weak, Faiths which open the prison of the Right. Let us feed upon the carrion of those we crush under cloven hoof. Knowledge with experience is the path of the Adversary. To oppose those who claim, “Our traditions are Right”.


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