
Home > Other > Innocence > Page 11
Innocence Page 11

by Kristin Mayer

  Millie snapped her fingers. “Exactly. And now that you’ve left Guin . . . had no contact with Charles . . . the threats magically stopped. That’s more than a fucking coincidence. I knew we needed to get creative and relook at the facts. There was something we missed. There’s always a loose thread that unravels the rest of a plan. No one is perfect. At the Piggly Wiggly, I ran into Chris and remembered Norman was the officer in charge. My plan hatched when Chris asked me on a date.”

  “You’re crazy, but I love you dearly.”

  “Forever and always. So . . .” Millie waggled her eyebrows. “Jaxson McCole.”

  I knew this was coming. The one-liner approval I received earlier today was not enough for Millie. Keeping it simple, I responded, “Yes.”

  “You know I want more details than yes. You seem different with him. I mean different from how you were with Charles.”

  Unconsciously, I bit my lower lip as I thought about the man working his way past my defenses. “I feel different. There’s something deeper there that brings me to life. We have to be smart about this because of Ty. Letting our hormones take control like today is not the answer.”

  “Or let things happen how their supposed to.”

  The words were easier said than done with my over-chaotic brain that circled around and sometimes wasn’t sensible. The threads of the afghan danced between my fingers as I confessed what happened. “We came close to sleeping with each other today. It stopped right before you got here. He wants to make it special.”

  A warm hand landed on mine, stopping the thread’s movement. “London, it should be special. You deserve special. But . . .” She waited for me to look up. “Don’t overthink it. You’ve over-thought things your whole life—every decision with the pros and cons and the effects. You lost four years. Don’t risk losing something else because you are scared.”

  “When did you get so wise?”

  She bumped my shoulder. “I’ve always been older and wiser.”

  “By two months. You’re only older by two months.”

  We laughed. Taking a more serious note, I asked. “How’s your mom?”

  “As good as can be expected. Her spirits are high. The last CT Scan showed the tumors were shrinking.”

  I held Millie’s hand. “Good. Keep me posted and let me know if you need anything.”

  On the other side of the door I could hear the code being entered. I had a feeling it was a certain five-year-old boy. Jaxson and Pam offered to change it to keep Ty out, but I thought it was adorable. Millie watched as the door swung open and slammed shut. Ty took a deep breath in his cute jeans and blue super hero T-shirt while closing his eyes. “I think I tricked them.”

  “Who are you tricking, Ty?”

  Ty saw me, and his eyes lit up. “Grama and Dad. They said you had a friend and I couldn’t bother you. I figured you were missing me. I told them I was going to the bathroom, but ran out the back door to you. Was I right?”

  He hopped on my lap.

  “I was missing you something fierce.” I squeezed him and kissed the top of his head. “This is my friend, Millie.”

  Holding out his hand, Ty said, “I’m Ty McCole.”

  Millie shook his hand and gave me a he-is-so-adorable look. “Nice to meet you, Ty. London has told me a lot about you. Said you guys are best friends.”

  He stood straighter. “We are. Did you know my dad likes London a lot?”

  Conspiringly, Millie whispered like it was top-secret knowledge. “Really? How do you know?” This piqued my curiosity. Five-year-old intel was truthful.

  He leaned in closely and whispered. I leaned in to make sure I heard everything. “I can tell by his goofy grin when he talks about her. He talks about her a lot. He says—”

  A knock at the door had us all looking like we were caught doing something bad. Ty and I looked at each other as Jaxson’s voice came through. “Ty Edward McCole! I know you’re in there.”

  “Save me, London. Make him give that goofy grin.”

  Giggling, I said, “Stay here, buddy. I’ll try and get the goofy grin.”

  I tiptoed to the door and glanced back. Ty could barely keep his laugh in as I innocently said, “Who is it?”

  “Jaxson.” That voice was sex on a stick and then some.

  “What can I help you with?”

  “I’m looking for an escapee. About three feet tall, dark hair, green eyes.”

  Engaging the safety chain, I opened the door. A huge grin met me. “Hmm . . . it may sound familiar, depending on if he’s in trouble.”

  Lowering his voice, he replied, “He is. But, I’m willing to take volunteers for his punishment.”

  Many punishments flitted through my mind. Punishments I would gladly endure.

  “What do you have in mind?” The breathiness in my voice couldn’t be missed.

  “Come out here and see, sweetheart.”

  Complying, I opened the door after taking off the safety chain. “Will I get the goofy grin Ty told me about? He thinks that’s the way I’ll save him from his daddy’s wrath. He says you’ve been talking about me a lot.”

  Jaxson leaned in, his outdoor woodsy smell engulfing me. Yes, I want to be punished. Wickedly punished. Dazed by the thoughts, smell, and Jaxson’s presence in general, it took me two seconds too late to register his intentions as he scooped me up. We were headed to the pool.

  “Jaxson McCole! Don’t you dare! Put me down!” Everyone came out from the main house and guesthouse. I refused to get distracted by the sinewy abdominal muscles I could feel through his shirt. I could barely stop laughing to sound serious which only fueled Jaxson’s grin. “Jaxson! I mean it! Put me down.”

  “Dad! What are you doing?” Fractionally, we turned to face Millie and Ty who were grinning like fools.

  “Showing London what happens when a man has a goofy grin over a girl.” The grin appeared as our stares locked onto each other. The world slipped away.

  Ty giggled and it broke our trance. “There’s that goofy grin, Dad. Am I saved?”

  Remembering my eminent swim in the pool, I struggled in his arms, which was no match for the iron grip on me. I needed a new plan. I worked on getting a straight face as we made it to the edge of the pool. “Jaxson, let’s be reasonable. Talk this out.”

  At the edge of the pool, Jaxson watched me with a twinkle in his eye. He loved this foreplay. “Go on.”

  “All I did was harbor a refugee for a bit. A cute refugee. He was being kept prisoner from seeing me. Don’t you think that’s the bigger crime?”

  “Millie, dunk her or save her?” Jaxson called over his shoulder.

  I locked my gaze with her, imploring the best friend guilt. “Millie! We’ve been best friends for years. I’ve never contested your claim over Dylan! Do not betray me!”

  “I’m talking this out with the refugee. Hold please.” Millie leaned down to Ty and they whispered back and forth.

  “Ty! I’m your bestest friend. I rescued you! I give you ice cream!”

  It was as if I wasn’t talking as the whispering continued. My pitiful pleas were falling on deaf ears. The deep rumble of Jaxson’s laugh vibrated through me straight to my core. His lips touched my ear. “I think you’re about to get dunked.”

  I moved my head to brush my lips against his, deploying my ultimate weapon. “It may keep you from getting lucky later.”

  “Are you challenging me?”

  Oh shit. Jaxson angled us to where they couldn’t see his mouth barely nibble my earlobe. “It’s taking everything I have not to kiss you in front of everyone.” The desire to have his lips was overwhelming. He didn’t stop weaving the spell. “I want you, London.”

  “DUNK HER! DUNK HER!” The chanting broke the spell.

  At their words, I latched on to Jaxson. “You don’t have to listen to them.”

  “Sweetheart, they’ve spoken.”

  “We can get a second opinion.”

  The time for words was over. Jaxson easily unhooked me and swung
my body as if I weighed nothing more than a sack of sugar. The laughter bubbled free. Right as he released me, I grabbed on to him, bringing him with me.


  The water splashed around us, cool and refreshing. I swam underwater a few feet away, out of reach. Just as Jaxson breached the surface, I splashed him. Through all the water, he shook his head and said, “I’m coming for you, London.”

  I squealed and took off to the side of the pool. Being barefoot had its advantages as I quickly made it to the edge. Jaxson was slower. Lifting myself up, I barely made it out of the pool when Jaxson’s hand grazed my toes. More giggles as I heard them chant, “Run! Run! Run!”

  “London, I will get you.”

  Jaxson hoisted himself out of the water. Do not look at the wet clothes clinging to his muscular body. Sassily, I taunted him. “I can run a long ways, remember?”

  “I know, but—”

  I took off across the pavement to the yard. Literally, we had lost our minds as we shamelessly flirted in front of anyone who joined the show. As I hit my stride, I was tackled to the ground. Jaxson took the weight of our fall while cradling me before flipping me on to my back.

  “You were holding out on me this morning during our run,” I accused.

  “No, I wanted to stay near the girl I like. A lot.”

  I loved those small professions. “What are you going to do now that you’ve caught me?”

  “Make you fall in love with me.”

  Fall in love with him. The words thrilled and scared me at the same time. Breathlessly, I responded, “I can’t wait.”

  And I meant it.

  A satisfied smirk appeared on his handsome face. Helping me up, Jaxson and I walked back to our audience with his possessive hand on my back. Jaxson announced, “All is good. She declared me as hers.”

  I smacked his stomach as everyone else laughed.

  “Would you and Millie like to join us for dinner in town?” Pam called from the deck.

  “Sure. We’d love to.” I knew Millie wouldn’t mind going. I was nervous going out with his family since this was moving at what felt like an exponential speed. But it felt right. “Do I have time to take a quick shower and change?”

  “Yes, dear. Come to the main house when you’re done.”

  A sweet smile graced my lips as an idea formed. Without any warning, I pushed Jaxson and he tumbled into the pool. I took off past Ty and Millie. “You guys are either with me or against me. Make your choice quick.”

  Pam called after her son. “Jaxson, you deserved that! Leave her alone.”

  I quickly entered the code on the keypad. Millie and Ty were with me, jumping in excitement for me to hurry. Good choice. The door flung open and we got inside as Jaxson came toward me with an ecstatic smile, not listening to his mother. He loved this. I loved this. Slamming the door, I engaged the deadbolts.

  Outside the door, I heard him make it to the porch. “I definitely have the goofy grin, sweetheart.”

  “Me too.”

  “Hurry up so I can see you again.”

  “I will.”

  High fives were exchanged as I made my way to the shower. Life was perfect. Well, as perfect as it had been for as long as I could remember.

  DINNER PASSED BY IN A blur in the rustic dance hall diner. In the middle was a dance floor for families to dance. Tables surrounded the area. Two kids with their father were currently dancing to a country song on the old wood floor. It was adorable.

  I focused back on our table. Everyone was smiles and laughing as they talked. The McCole’s were truly a family—a family like mine had been. Sydney and I were still getting to know each other as she had been traveling extensively with Mallory for dance competitions. The whole family supported each other regardless as I witnessed over the last week. Jaxson went by Sydney’s house daily to make sure everything was okay.

  Leaning back, I pushed my burger away. “That was incredible.”

  The moment we walked into this place I knew the meal would be delicious with the savory smells. A slow song came on I didn’t recognize. Couples danced in the center of the room while the music played from the jukebox. I loved the family fun environment the restaurant provided.

  Jaxson’s arm draped along the back of the chair. “The three of us need to come back on Sunday for Sunday Sundae. It’s one of Ty’s favorites.”

  Across from us, Ty sat with a huge grin on his face the entire time while he watched us. “Can we bring London here tomorrow?”

  “I think we can if she’s free.”

  “I’m free.”

  All eyes were on us. Suddenly, I felt subconscious and refolded my napkin. Thankfully, Millie broke the silence. “Why don’t we pick out some songs to listen to, Ty?”

  It was overwhelming feeling like I was on display. More importantly, the last thing I wanted was for Ty to be upset if this didn’t work out. Maybe this was too fast?

  “Yes!” Ty’s loud response brought me back from my thoughts.

  Jaxson quirked an eyebrow at me and I focused on the blue checkered pattern of my napkin.

  Ty followed Millie up to the red vibrant music box. “That boy has more energy than a firecracker.” Levi chuckled. “He takes after Jaxson. Nearly the spitting image of him.”

  “You’ll have to share some stories some time.” I was excited to see baby photos and hear embarrassing stories.

  “Oh, I will.”

  Jaxson groaned. “None of it’s true.”

  “We’ll let London be the judge of that.”

  Again, Jaxson and I got lost in our gaze. A tap on my shoulder caused me to turn and see a smiling Millie. “I think it’s time we got our dance on.”

  My eyes widened. “What? Here?”


  An anxiousness came over me. Part of me had been avoiding dancing for a reason I hadn’t wanted to admit. But now, there was no reason I shouldn’t be able to enjoy things without guilt. Determined, I stood. “Let’s dance.”

  The beginning to “Burn” by Ellie Goulding played as the dance floor filled with other strangers. The beat infiltrated my bones as I let it seep in. My muscles remembered as they moved to the beat.

  Millie and I loved to dance. We fed off each other. A light thin sheet of sweat coated my skin. I missed this. I missed dancing. I missed feeling alive.

  The song came to an end. “Welcome back, London. You’ve still got it.”

  “It’s good to be back.”

  The song shifted to “Superman” by Bon Jovi. Familiar arms wrapped around me. “Can I have a dance with my girl?” Jaxson asked Millie.

  “She’s all yours.”

  Millie walked back to the table as Jaxson moved in closer to slow dance. “I’m glad you started dancing again.”

  “Me too.”

  Our bodies moved as one. Only Jaxson stayed in focus as the rest of the world drifted away. “Isn’t the first song a couple dances to their song?”

  The tempo sped up and Jaxson twirled me in and out as excited squeal bubbled out. Jaxson had moves. “I think we now officially have a song.”

  As the song came to an end, he leaned to my ear. “I’ll be yours for a lot longer than tonight.”

  “I hope so.”

  A tug on my shirt brought my attention to Ty on the dance floor with a hopeful looking face. “London! London! Will you dance with me?”

  “Yes, little man. Let’s dance.”

  Leaning over, we started moving haphazardly as I mimicked Ty’s erratic moves. Levi and Millie with Pam and Jaxson soon joined as we danced to “Sweet Home Alabama” by Lynard Skynard. There was no doubt Millie’s selections were still playing.

  A few songs later, we wrapped it up and headed outside. The cool breeze felt good against my heated skin. Time drew near for Millie to leave. I hugged her tightly to me. “Thank you for all you did. Be careful.”

  “I promise. Be happy, London. We’ll figure this out. We’ll use our code.”

  If Millie found something new out
about me being framed, she would tell me about a new ice cream flavor she tried. It was simplistically stupid, but would keep anyone unaware of what we were doing. With not knowing who was behind this and seeing the depths they went, we weren’t going to take a chance our phones were tapped.

  I waved as she drove off and took a deep breath as hands wrapped around my leg. “Night, London. I’m leaving.”

  Kneeling, I gave him a hug. “Night, Ty. Don’t let the bedbugs bite.”

  “Night,” I said to Jaxson, who was right next to me as I stood.

  Jaxson picked up Ty putting a few feet between us. “Love you, Ty. Listen to Grama and Grampa.”

  “Love you, Dad. Make sure London gets home.”

  “I will.”

  Skipping away, Ty got in Levi’s mammoth sized truck before leaving. Crickets chirping filled the silence between us as Jaxson moseyed closer to me. We were alone at the edge of the parking lot. “Did you arrange this?”

  “Mom and Dad offered to give us some time together.”

  Time alone . . . with Jaxson. I smiled at the thought. “It’s been pretty crazy the last couple of days.”

  “It’s why we need to have a date . . . some time for us.”

  Jaxson helped me in his big truck. Like father, like son. Nervous butterflies drifted in my stomach. Let things happen naturally. See where this goes. No pressure. With my hand held in his, he rubbed soothing circles as the truck bounced along the dirt road.

  “How are you doing after this morning?”

  The realizations of the morning felt like a lifetime ago. “It’s surreal. I’m scared. It’s a new reality for me.”

  “We’ll figure it out.”

  I stared out the window. “I know. It means a lot.” And it did. More than Jaxson would ever know. The truck came to a stop. “Where are we?”

  “A field. Come on.”

  My eyes rolled heavenward at Captain Obvious’ statement. In the moonlight the grass swayed to its own beat as the wind rustled about. It was peaceful. At the back of the truck, Jaxson spread a blanket. “I thought we could spend some time watching the stars.”


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