Return of the Outlaw

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Return of the Outlaw Page 36

by C. M. Curtis

So much had changed in her life, she thought, and in such a short time. She wondered where Jeff had gone and if he was still alive. And she wondered if he had ever really loved her. Then, as she had so many times in the past, she wondered if she had done the right thing the night Jeff had come home from the war. He had told her he loved her that night, but those were mere words. Why had he stopped writing? She dispelled these doubts that assailed her as she always had in the past, by telling herself it had been necessary to test Jeff. He had failed that test. She told him she was engaged to another man and saw no shock on his face, no pain in his eyes. He merely smiled and conversed and wished her well, and then he rode away forever. This was not the way a man endured the loss of the woman he loved. She wanted him to become angry, to grab her, to shake her, to forbid her to marry any other man; to kiss her and force her with his passionate will to kiss him back. But he did none of these things. She saw no passion in him. It would have taken so little for him to prove to her that he still loved her, and she would have defied her mother and broken off with Milt Carr. As it was, the change in Anne after Jeff’s return had been so pronounced that Milt had ended the engagement himself. Anne had been grateful, and Audrey furious.

  Marsha Walker greeted Anne at the door with her usual warm smile. She was a slender, frail-looking woman, thirty years Anne’s senior, yet possessed of a boundless energy. She looked past Anne, her eyes sweeping the road in both directions before she closed the door. “Any problems?” The question required no elaboration; they shared the same terrible fear.

  “No,” replied Anne, “how’s the baby?”

  “Asleep, but she’ll be hungry soon. By the way, I saw your mother today.”

  “Oh,” said Anne, without interest, “how is she?”

  “She seems very well.”

  They moved toward the kitchen and Anne snatched an apron from a peg behind the door and began tying it on. “Did she ask about the baby?”

  Mrs. Walker suddenly acted uncomfortable, “Well I don’t recall . . . we talked about. . . ”

  Anne’s soft laugh interrupted her, “Marsha dear, it’s quite alright; it doesn’t hurt me anymore. I know my mother; I know she didn’t ask about the baby and I know she didn’t ask about me. She talked about herself, about things she has done, is doing, and plans to do, and made herself look quite wonderful. Am I wrong?”

  Mrs. Walker smiled in resignation, “No dear, you’re not. I apologize for bringing it up.”

  “You shouldn’t. It actually helps me, though I don’t think I could explain why. Was my father with her?”

  “Yes, but we didn’t speak; he was on his way to the blacksmith shop. He’s a good man, your father.”

  Anne smiled at the thought of her father. She loved him, and though he had never said so, she knew he loved her. It wasn’t much, but somehow it was enough. Anne asked for nothing more from him.

  Everett Hammond was a strange man—one who seemed to possess no depth of feeling, good or bad. She doubted he had the capacity to hate anyone except under extreme circumstances. On the other hand, his capacity for love seemed no greater. He hovered perpetually somewhere in the middle, making no enemies, and making friends only by virtue of constancy and steadiness; by merely being there, pleasant and unwavering, year after year. And so it was that he was a source of strength for Anne, not because she knew she could go to him for assistance or moral support, but merely because he was always the same: smiling, non-critical and expecting nothing more of her than that she not criticize him or ask too much of him. Anne knew she could move to the other side of the world and not be greatly missed by her father, yet when she visited him or encountered him in town, his smile was genuine, and he was glad to see her. She was satisfied with that.

  Mrs. Walker was talking again. “I saw that horrible Rand Fogarty too. I was going to warn you, but I watched him for a while and he left town. Anne, dear, what will you do—what will we do if . . .?”

  Anne interrupted, unprepared to answer the question. “Tom has left us alone so far.”

  “So far,” said Mrs. Walker, “but it’s so hard, always wondering and worrying.”

  Anne turned from what she was doing and faced her friend, placing her hands gently on the older woman’s shoulders. “Oh Marsha dear, I should leave; I shouldn’t stay here and put you and Ted through this.”

  A horrified look came to Mrs. Walker’s face, “Oh, Anne, no, I don’t mean it that way, you don’t understand. It’s not because you’re here, it’s because we care about you and Sarah. If you were somewhere else we would worry even more. Please say you understand that.”

  Anne pulled the older woman to her and they embraced. “You’re like a mother to me,” she said, “you always will be, and when Sarah can talk, she’ll call you Grandma, and Ted will be Granddad.”

  Mrs. Walker pulled back and looked into Anne’s eyes, her own eyes brimming with tears. “You must understand Anne, if you ever need to leave, I mean for yourself; if you ever remarry. . .”

  At this, Anne shook her head strenuously.

  “Don’t say no, dear,” said Mrs. Walker reprovingly. “It can happen. Things change. Feelings change. You’re very young, and as I said, if you ever should feel the need to go, you must not feel obligated to stay. But you must never, ever feel obligated to leave. This is your home as long as either Ted or I am alive.” Then she added with significance, “And beyond.” Ted and I have discussed it. We both feel the same way.”

  Anne smiled and said, “I hope I will never have to leave here. There’s so little peace in the world; when people find it they should be allowed to keep it.”

  The two women began working on supper, and as she moved about the comfortable, familiar kitchen, Anne compared Mrs. Walker with her mother. She knew it was a foolish thing to do, and she tried to avoid it, but at certain times the compulsion was irresistible.

  Audrey Hammond blamed Anne for the break-up with Tom Stewart and had not forgiven her for it. Audrey had believed, though Stewart had merely hinted at it, that Everett Hammond would be given Two Mile Meadow, and that Stewart would undoubtedly sweeten the gift with a small herd of breeding stock to enable Everett to get a solid start in the ranching business. In reality Tom Stewart was not a man to entertain thoughts of such a generous nature, but Audrey now blamed Anne completely for the family’s continued lack of status in the community.

  Anne stopped what she was doing and thought of what her life would have been like if Marsha Walker had been her mother. And then, inevitably, she thought of Jeff and of how life could have been if he had been her husband and the father of her child.

  There was a small noise from the other room. Mrs. Walker touched her hand, “The baby’s awake dear; I’ll stir the gravy.”

  Tom Stewart dismounted in front of the bank and tied his horse. He turned to the two men who had accompanied him. “You can wait for me in the saloon, but stay sober; I won’t be long.”

  Because they had sent so many men north, Fogarty was short-handed and Stewart knew the two men were needed at the ranch, but with Jeff Havens back and on the prowl, he felt it was unsafe for him to go riding alone.

  There were only a handful of customers in the bank, and Stewart walked over and stood in front of the door which opened to the inner offices, not speaking. An equally silent teller acknowledged this mute demand by unlocking the door, allowing Stewart in, then turning his back and walking away.

  Stewart’s mouth molded itself into a smile as he tapped on Willard Deering’s partially open door. At Deering’s bland “Yes?” Stewart pushed the door open and stepped inside, wearing his smile.

  Deering did not stand up but motioned for Stewart to take a seat. “Hello, Tom,” he said without feeling. This reception was indicative of the general decline in Stewart’s popularity. Stewart was not unaware of his demotion in status; it was, in fact, one of the reasons for his visit to the bank today. He was playing his last card in the game with the banker—playing it while he still could.

od morning, Willard,” he said brightly. “I bring you very good news.”

  Deering folded his arms on his chest and leaned back in his chair, eyeing Stewart skeptically. “Good news?”

  “Yes. I’ve received word that all my financial affairs back East are pretty much in order. Soon I’ll be depositing a large sum of money here in your bank. About seventy thousand dollars, to be exact.”

  A tiny light flickered in Deering’s hooded eyes.

  Stewart continued, “I’m earmarking that money for investment purposes.”

  “What kinds of investments?” Deering’s voice sounded only slightly warmer.

  “You tell me, Willard, we’re going to be partners aren’t we?”

  Deering said, “I don’t know, Tom, too many things have happened. A lot of people are unhappy with you. First there was that business with Havens and Lopez, then all those Mexican farmers your men have chased off their land, not to mention the killings.”

  Stewart shook his head. “There are two sides to that story, Willard. Concerning the land situation, Fogarty has been acting without my consent or knowledge. It’s my fault, I admit; I should have been more aware of what my head man was doing. It’s always been one of my flaws that I trust people too much. When you’re honest, you tend to think everybody else is honest too. It was my understanding that Rand was chasing squatters and rustlers off T.S. land. I learned only recently that it was more than that in some cases, and I intend to do something about it. As for the killings, those were done by Jeff Havens; I’m sure of it. He’s an insane murderer. Why, he even killed his friend Dan Fitzgerald—hung him from a tree.”

  Deering’s attitude relaxed noticeably as Stewart spoke. It occurred to the banker that if Stewart made restitution for Fogarty’s crimes, he, Deering, might be able to circulate the rumor that he had been personally responsible for convincing Stewart to do so, thereby increasing his own popularity. “What are you planning to do for the farmers who lost their land, Tom?”

  “Why, give it back to them.” Stewart spoke as though he were a man to whom the only path available was that of honor and justice. “I will make amends, Willard, trust me. Now about those investments, can I count on you as a partner? I need your savvy.”

  “I’m sorry, Tom but I don’t think it would make me very popular to be in business with you right now.”

  “Willard, I understand. I wouldn’t want to do anything to jeopardize your standing in the community. I realize now Fogarty has been too heavy-handed. I can’t tell you how bad I feel about the things that have happened. As soon as I can replace them, I’ll be firing Fogarty and some of the other men. But these investments I’m speaking of are not local. No one around here even needs to know about them; in fact, I don’t want them to.” Stewart leaned forward, false excitement shining in his eyes. “Lloyd, you’re not going to believe what I’ve got for you. I’ve been up north and I’ve made arrangements to buy several ranches. Most of them are adjacent to one another, and combined, they would make one of the largest spreads in the country. We’ll be paying about ten cents on the dollar for the land, and we can hang on to it and allow it to appreciate or even make it a working ranch. Or, we can immediately turn around and sell it and make eighty or ninety percent profit.”

  Deering was leaning forward too, stroking his chin. His eyes told Stewart the man was almost hooked.

  “All that sounds good,” said Deering, “but why do you need me? If you have the money coming from back East, you can just invest it yourself.”

  “That’s true,” said Stewart. “I could wait for that money, and everything would probably work out, but I’m not quite sure when the money will arrive, and I feel the need to move on this right away. These people are ready to sell now. If we wait even as long as a few weeks, some of them could change their minds or someone else could come along and beat us out of a fortune. What I need from you is a loan from the bank, and if you would like to invest some of your own money that’s fine too. Let me borrow the money now and I will replace it with my own money as soon as it gets here. And I’ll make you a quarter partner in the venture.”

  “How much money are we talking about?” asked Deering.

  “Fifty thousand dollars.”

  Deering straightened and leaned back slightly. “That’s a lot of money, Tom, I don’t . . .”

  “Yes, it is, but when you’re making ninety percent profit, the more money you invest, the better.”

  “That’s true, I just . . .”

  “Willard, this is a sure-fire thing. There’s no way to lose. We’d be fools if we let this opportunity pass. Give me thirty thousand dollars; I can probably pull it off with that. I’ll pay the bank back with interest and a nice bonus for you, and I’ll make you a third partner in the venture, but I don’t have time for a lot of paperwork and waiting for approval. You need to decide here and now. You’ll never have another opportunity like this in your life.”

  Deering’s inner struggle showed in his eyes. This was a small bank, unaccustomed to making large loans. But the thought of making a lot of money quickly and without work had tremendous appeal to him. Finally he drew a deep breath and exhaled hard.

  “Alright, Tom; I’ll loan you twenty five thousand dollars; you pay back thirty thousand in a month, plus my bonus: say . . . another five thousand, and I’m half partner in the investments.”

  Stewart frowned. “Those are pretty stiff terms, Willard. He acted pensive for a moment, then smiled. “Well, I wouldn’t be taking you on as a partner if you weren’t a shrewd businessman.” He extended his hand and said, “Done!”

  As they shook hands, Stewart said, “Willard, I promise you won’t be sorry.”

  “Don’t let me down, Tom. I’m risking everything here. When the bank examiner comes, that money will either have to be in the bank or I’ll have to account for it.”

  Stewart left the bank with a satisfied smirk on his face and twenty five thousand dollars in his pocket. He had hoped for more, but expected less. There was no money coming from the East; he had nothing back there but enemies and arrest warrants issued in his real name, Ross Stockwell. This was not to say that Stewart had no money; he had a large amount of cash from the sale of stolen cattle resting in the safe at the ranch. But that was money he would not invest or use in any way unless he had to. And as long as there were Deerings in the world he didn’t believe he would have to. Nor did he have any intention of making Deering a partner in his land deals up north, but Deering would have no one to complain to. The loan had not been recorded. Deering would have no proof and no collateral. Stewart was, in essence, discarding Deering now that the banker’s usefulness to him had ended. He would take everything he could and leave Deering to deal with the consequences alone. That was his way.

  After he had taken all the land it was possible for him to take here on this range, he would hire a manager to run the ranch and a crew of real cowboys to work it; men who would not be held accountable by the community for the sins of the owner of the ranch they worked. He would then go north. He would round up every head of cattle that could be rounded up in the valley and send them south to the T.S., where there was plenty of range land to support them.

  Tannatt and Marcellin and all the other ranchers in that northern valley would go broke and there would be no cattle industry left up there. The ranchers would be gone and the town would die. Most of the people would leave, and when they were gone he would restock the range, and the whole valley would be one huge ranch—his ranch. He would own the town too.

  And he would live there with his daughter.

  Tige McDaniel was bone weary and hungry when he finally rode into the deserted yard of the T.S. He dismounted in front of the house and pulled the saddle and bridle off the horse, letting them lay where they fell. The horse turned and headed purposefully to the nearest spot of grass, as hungry and tired as his rider. Tige walked up the steps and opened the door without knocking.

  Maria, the housekeeper, hearing the noise, came out to see
who had arrived. She recognized McDaniel, but was shocked by his appearance and by the fact he had brazenly entered the house. With the exception of Fogarty, Stewart never allowed any of the men to cross his threshold. This man was gaunt, dust-covered, and oily with sweat. A filthy, blood-stained bandanna was tied around his left arm and there was a wild look in his eyes that made her afraid of him.

  “Where’s Stewart?” McDaniel demanded.

  “Gone to town, Señor.”

  “Where’s Fogarty?”

  “Gone too, Señor.”

  “Where’s anybody?”

  Maria related in broken English that Fogarty and all but one of the men were off tending to the business of the ranch because they were the only ones left to do it. Stewart had been determined that this drive would be the biggest ever. He wanted to bleed the valley ranchers dry—especially Jim Marcellin. It was his intention to force them all to sell to him sooner rather than later, and in order to accomplish this objective, he had sent most of his men north.

  There was a noise at the front door. McDaniel wheeled around, then relaxed: it was old Virgil Mackey who had been assigned to a new post in the cook shack, temporarily replacing the cook who had gone north with the bulk of the men. Without turning back around to face Maria, McDaniel said, “I need to eat.”

  Terrified of this wild-eyed man, Maria hurried back into the kitchen and began preparing food. Meanwhile, McDaniel eased himself into a leather chair which faced the door, and laid his head back. Virgil, surprised to see McDaniel, regarded the man for a moment. “What happened to you?” he finally asked.

  “What happened to me?” McDaniel laughed ironically, “Nothin’ happened to me, I just got a flesh wound in the arm. All the rest of ‘em are dead.

  Virgil’s mouth fell open. “What?”

  “They’re dead, every man jack of ‘em, I’m sure of it—either shot or hanged. They were waiting for us up there—they ambushed us. We tried to fight it out but they had us boxed in. Me and Nolan made a run for it. He got shot in the hip and died yesterday on the trail. Right after we got out, the gunfire died out, so I figure the rest of the boys, them that weren’t shot, must’ve give up. Knowing those ranchers up there, they hung ‘em on the spot; I can guarantee it.”


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