Not Alone

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Not Alone Page 26

by Liz Bradford

  “Ok, fine, but I’m watching you the entire time.”

  “Whatever.” She side stepped Adam and went out the door. As she turned off the grill, she heard something. Her hand flew to her gun.

  She waved her hand towards the door and tried to keep her voice low. “Adam!”

  There it was again. A soft voice came from around the corner.



  Jared left his rinsed-out shirt in the bathroom and went down the stairs in his t-shirt and jeans. He should have just changed sooner; he was much more comfortable now. And if he had, one of his nice button ups wouldn’t have a ketchup stain now. But Becca had always been good at getting things out of his clothing, so it stood a chance. At least he had taken off his silk tie.

  As he turned the corner from the stairs and walked into the kitchen he immediately noticed Becca’s absence. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. “Where’s Becca?” he barked at the guys standing in the kitchen.

  Jamison’s head turned from where he was looking out the window, and he said, “She’s checking to make sure the grill is off, but I’m watching her. She said she needed a minute alone.”

  “But you aren’t watching her now; you are looking at me!” Jared stormed past him and as he swung the door open he heard a muffled scream and then a gunshot. Tearing out the door and around to the side of the house to where he heard the sounds. “Becca!” His heart slammed against the front of his chest as he went through the open gate and found Becca slumped on the ground, gun still in her hand.

  Jamison and Miller were right behind him and Adam kept running, shouting, “I see him, call it in!”

  Miller stopped about thirty feet away, he had his flashlight out and was searching the ground in the quickly encroaching darkness of dusk. Jared already had his cell phone out and to his ear as he scooped a barely conscious Becca into his arms. “We have an officer down. One plainclothes officer is in pursuit of subject. Request backup and a bus immediately!” As he spoke to the dispatcher he looked for how she was hurt, but he found nothing. Then he saw a white cloth crumbled on the ground not far away. Had he tried to drug her? So that’s how he was taking these women.

  “Looks like she at least nicked him, there is blood on the grass over here. Way to go, Becca!” Miller said. But Becca didn’t hear him, she had lost consciousness.

  They could hear the sirens in the distance a moment later, but before they arrived Jamison came back over to where they were and shouted an expletive, “I lost him! He must have,” he paused trying to catch his breath. “He must have mapped out an escape route from here. Seriously knew exactly which houses had fences and which didn’t. I lost him when I cut one house too soon in attempt to cut him off. And it looked like he was trying to hold his left arm while he ran so I think she grazed him with the bullet she got off.”

  Jared heard what they were saying but couldn’t focus on it at all as his focus was on Becca. It wasn’t until Caleb and his partner were kneeling beside him that he even realized that backup and the ambulance had arrived.

  “Jared, look at me,” Caleb said. He obeyed. “We need to check her out. Any obvious wounds?”

  “No, I think he drugged her,” he said pointing at the rag on the ground.

  “All right,” Caleb picked it up off the ground and cautiously took a whiff. “Based on the sweet smell, I’m guessing it’s chloroform. Let’s check her vitals and then get her to the bus.”

  After putting the BP cuff on her arm Caleb’s partner said, “Blood pressure is 100 over 70. And pulse is 75.”

  “Her vitals are good; let’s get her on the bus.”

  Jared lifted her onto the stretcher and walked beside it as they took her to the ambulance waiting on the road.

  As they loaded Becca on the bus, Captain Baker walked up. “How is she?”

  Caleb responded, “She’ll be fine. I would expect her to wake up at any moment. If she was able to get a shot off, I’m guessing she didn’t get very much of the chloroform.”

  “Does she have to go to the hospital?” The Captain placed his hand on the open ambulance door.

  “Standard procedure, but as long as she wakes up in the next ten minutes or so, I don’t believe she is in need of any further medical attention. Well, other than a few aspirin for the headache she is bound to have.”

  “Good, I have a plan. Jared, go get her and yourself an overnight bag. You aren’t coming back here tonight.”

  “Yes, sir.”


  Everything was dark. Her head was pounding. Her mind replayed what happened before the world went black.

  She had heard Callie’s voice, so she went over to the gate, confused, with her hand on her pistol. Heart pounding, she cautiously opened the gate. It creaked. The darkness of night was encroaching bringing with it dark shadows around every corner. She didn’t see him, but instantly knew he was there. His arms wrapped around her, a sweet-smelling cloth smashed against her face. She tried to scream. Her training kicked in, and she elbowed him in the side under the arm that was holding the rag. He dropped it. She tried to scream again but this time nothing came out. She was losing consciousness. Stay with it, Becca! Jesus, help! She heard the back door open as she continued to struggle with Stuart. Finally, she pushed him away sending him flying back with all her might. She pulled her gun from its holster. He started to come at her again. She pulled the trigger, but the world went black.

  But where was she now? Panic shot through Becca’s body sending her eyes flying open.

  “Hey, Becca! It’s okay, you’re safe.”

  “Caleb.” She glanced around and smiled at Caleb as her eyes fell on him. She was in the back of an ambulance. She inhaled slowly, willing herself to calm down.

  “Hey, Babe.” Jared. She turned her head and looked to her other side. There he sat, right next to her.

  “That’s the look. I never, ever got that look!” Caleb teased.

  Becca and Jared just ignored his comment as they were lost in each other’s eyes. “How are you feeling, Becks?”

  “My head is killing me. What’s going on? Did we get him? Did I shoot him? I tried, but everything was going foggy.”

  “We think you grazed his left shoulder, but he got away. Jamison chased him for a good three or four blocks.”

  “Blasted! That jerk! Lured me over by making me think I heard Callie!” Tears welled up in her eyes.

  “I know. We found a voice recorder on the ground. He had Callie’s voice recorded.”

  “Callie! Is she safe?”

  “Yes, Riley and North went over there and checked on everyone. And they are staying parked out front of Amy’s house for the whole night. Based on what I heard, it sounded like he recorded her voice at the park.”

  “Oh. So, what’s the plan now, I have to go to the hospital?”

  “No, not since you woke up. Caleb said you don’t need to be admitted, but we are going to pretend that you are being dropped off, but we won’t get out. Then we’ll make our way back to the fire station where this ambulance docks and one of the firefighters is going to take us to a motel.”

  “But I don’t have anything. I need my go bag.”

  “Is this it?” Jared asked lifting a dark blue duffle.

  “Yes. How’d you know?”

  “It was where I saw that you kept Callie’s bag, so I glanced inside and saw a toiletry bag and some clothes, so I figured it was your go bag.”

  “Thanks, hun.”

  Before long they had made their brief stop at the hospital and had then arrived at the fire station. Becca was still feeling off, between the headache and the dizziness she could hardly stand. Leaning heavily on Jared, she managed to climb out and make it to the car that was waiting for them just outside, and she and Jared slid into the backseat. The drive to the hotel was a blur, but when they arrived Jamison and Miller were there sitting on a bench outside of the front office.

  “What are you guys do
ing here?” Jared asked.

  Miller replied, “Captain sent us to make sure you knew that you were to get rest as well. We will watch from the outside. You are both to get a good night’s sleep, so that you are up to hitting this case hard tomorrow.”

  “You guys need your sleep, too,” Becca managed to say.

  “We will. We are only on duty until eleven. Then the Captain is sending over another officer or two in street clothes to inconspicuously keep guard, so we can go home and get sleep, too. He also said to have you guys call us and him when you are up in the morning, and we will all come to the hotel to work on the case.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Jared said. Becca went inside with Jared but sat in one of the chairs while he argued with the clerk about wanting the room on the end on the second story, but the man finally relinquished the key, and they went back outside. “That guy had some serious attitude. I was afraid I was going to have to pull my badge out or maybe my gun,” he said with a teasing smile.

  “That would have defeated the whole low-profile thing, now wouldn’t it’ve?” Jamison returned the banter.

  “True, true. See you guys in the morning.” Becca took Jared’s arm as they walked down to their room. “Are you all right, Becca?”

  “Yeah, it’s getting better, but I’m still pretty dizzy, and my head is killing me. Just need to lie down after I take the ibuprofen Caleb gave me.”

  “Okay.” Jared unlocked the room, and they went inside. The classic motel was decorated in a gaudy array of peach flowers and smelled of an odd combination of must and bleach.

  “Well, at least it seems pretty clean.”

  “Yeah, old but clean.”

  “Jared, are we sure this is a good idea?”

  “What? He has no idea where you are. You are safe. And with the guys outside, and I’m here…”

  “That’s not what I mean, Jared. You and me in a motel room, alone, overnight…”

  “Oh… probably not, but you sleep in the far bed, and I’ll sleep in this one. You’re too tired for anything to happen anyway.”

  “True.” She managed a smile. She was starting to feel better, but maybe she shouldn’t let him know. That thought just made her smile more. This was going to be interesting. She took her bag from Jared and set it on her bed. Standing at the end of the bed, she pulled out her toiletry bag and a pair of shorts and then a t-shirt. The t-shirt made her smile; Jared’s reaction to the shirt was going to be interesting. He had gone into the bathroom, so she quickly changed out of her button up blouse and slacks. She was just pulling the t-shirt down as he stepped out of the small bathroom at the back of the motel room. The shirt was huge on her and almost hid the short cotton shorts she was wearing.

  “Wow, you changed fast – hey, wait a minute. I had wondered what had happened to that shirt. So, you stole it huh?” he teased. “That was my favorite t-shirt.”

  “I know. And it was my favorite of your t-shirts, that’s why I took it when I left.” Then she shyly added, “I actually had been sleeping with it after you vanished.”

  “But now it’s been relegated to your go bag.”

  She put her hand on her hip. “Yes, but because it brings me comfort. And if I’m in a situation in which I need my go bag, I most likely could use something comforting.”

  His smile just about melted her in to a pile of goo on the floor. He took two steps towards her and brushed her hair away from her face with his fingertips. He then leaned over and kissed her on top of her head. “Well, then that shirt deserves to be with you. I always liked seeing you wear it, too.”

  She looked down and examined the well-loved gray t-shirt that had green writing saying “Cancun.” She couldn’t stop smiling as she thought about when the shirt had been purchased. They had gone with Amy and Tom on vacation after they had been dating for two years. “Remember our trip to Cancun?”

  “Of course,” he said with a huge smile, “Best trip ever. That’s probably why we both love that shirt so much.”

  “It was a great trip. Did you ever realize that it was on that trip that Amy got pregnant with Grayson?”

  “No, I guess I didn’t.”

  Becca let out a yawn that made her flinch because of her headache.

  Retrieving a cup and filling it with water, Jared handed it to her, “Take your pills, so you can get your rest.”

  “Okay.” She took the medicine and then finished getting ready for bed. When she came out of the bathroom, she found Jared sitting on the end of his bed wearing a t-shirt and basketball shorts and reading a Bible. “That doesn’t look like a typical Gideon’s Bible,” she said.

  “It’s not. I keep one in my go bag.” Her heart leapt. It was still amazing to her the change that had happened in Jared’s life while God had been changing her, too. “Come here, Becks.” She walked over to him, and he pulled her onto his knee and wrapped one arm around her while his other hand held the Bible. “I’ve been reading through the Psalms, and today I was at Psalm 23. I may have known this one a bit before I became a Christian, but it is so much more significant to me now. Especially with all that is going on with this case, verse four stuck out to me. ‘Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.’”

  Tears welled up in Becca’s eyes as he read the verse.

  Jared added, “He is with us, no matter what happens.”

  “Exactly. The verse I have been working on memorizing for the last couple of months is Joshua 1:9.” She closed her eyes and visualized the words: “This is my command: be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

  “That one is perfect, too.”

  Becca nodded and then wrapped her arms around Jared’s neck, and they held each other for several minutes.

  Eventually Jared broke the silence that had fallen between them, “Becca, you need to get some sleep.”

  “You, too.”

  “I will.”

  She lifted her head off his shoulder and took his face in her hands. She stroked his hair away from his face and then kissed him. “Goodnight, Jared.”

  “Goodnight, Becca,” he said before stealing another kiss. She rose from his lap and crawled into bed. It didn’t take long for Becca to fall into a very deep sleep. But her sleep was not peaceful. Dreams came and disturbed her. She was being chased, hunted down. She was captured. Jared was hurt. Callie was taken.

  She sat straight up in bed, her breathing fast and her heart racing. It was too dark.

  “Becca?” Jared’s voice came from somewhere in the dark. She couldn’t remember where she was. Her eyes slammed shut again as light filled the room. As soon as Jared had turned on the light he was by her side. Right, she was in a hotel room. “Babe, what’s wrong? You’re crying.”

  “Just a bad dream.” She clung to Jared’s t-shirt.

  “It’s okay. I’m here.” He held her close.

  She could feel herself shaking in his arms. What if the killer had gotten her tonight? What if he tries again? “Oh, Jared. What if…?”

  “Don’t.” He stroked her hair. Several minutes passed before Becca was able to calm herself down. “Babe, you need to go back to sleep. How’s your head doing?”

  “It’s all right,” she answered but wouldn’t let go of him. “Jared, don’t let go.”

  “Okay.” They lay down in the bed together. She lay her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her. Despite how exhausted she was it took her a great deal of effort to push aside her fears to allow sleep to rejuvenate her body. Dear Heavenly Father, help… she prayed as she drifted off to sleep.


  Becca slowly woke up the next morning. She refused to open her eyes though; she wasn’t ready for morning to be upon them. As she lay there, she quickly became cognizant of Jared’s muscular body lying beside her. She was on her side with her back to him, but she could feel the warmth of his body against hers. Sh
e felt him shift slightly, but she still refused to open her eyes not wanting to deal with the reality of the day before them. Then her skin began to tingle as his fingers traced the length of her arm, down and then back up and then across her shoulder and down her back.

  “Mmm. Good morning, Jared.”

  “Hey.” He leaned over to her and kissed her cheek. She forced her eyes to open as he wrapped his arm around her. “How are you feeling this morning?”

  “Okay, I think.” She hugged his arm that was around her waist and snuggled a little deeper against him. “What time is it?”

  “Eight o’clock.”

  “Oh, I guess we should get up, huh?”

  “No rush. They said to call them when we got up, so the longer we don’t get up the longer it is until we have to start working again.”

  “Hmmm. Good point,” she said with a giggle. She could stay in Jared’s arms all day, but that wasn’t an option. They had a killer to catch. But for a few more minutes she would enjoy having the love of her life snuggled near. She turned onto her back, so she could see his face without straining. His gorgeous green eyes with their hint of brown greeted her with a glint of mischievousness. “Jared?” she asked with a mockingly stern voice, she reached her hand up to play with his hair.

  “What?” They both giggled. Then Jared leaned down and kissed her full on the mouth. His kisses then moved to her cheek and then to her neck. She ran her hands across his broad shoulders. As he kissed her again on her lips his hand came to rest on her side. They needed to stop. She moved her hand to his hand on her side and the other to his face.

  “Jared, we can’t.”

  He groaned. “I know.” She could feel the tension rising in his body as he pulled himself back from her.


  “Not soon enough. Becca, I know I haven’t officially asked you. I want us to catch this guy first. But when do you want to get married?”


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