The Neighbor [The Complete Collection]

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The Neighbor [The Complete Collection] Page 11

by Abby Weeks

  When Janey felt the first powerful squirt of Luke’s orgasm in her ass, she almost fainted. She cried out as squirt after squirt of fiery hot semen poured into her anus. Luke’s cock made no sign of slowing down as he came, and if anything he thrust deeper and harder than he had at any time up till then. She screamed and as his white jizz filled up her asshole and began to drip out onto her butt cheeks and down her thighs, she felt the beginnings of a type of orgasm she had never, ever had before. It was as if her vaginal nerves had all been relocated to her asshole. The orgasm was occurring back there, in her bum, and it felt different and naughtier than any she had ever felt in her pussy. It send out pulses of complete and perfect pleasure that shot through her body like alarms. It was as if her body was trying to warn her that she was overloading her sensations. The waves continued to tear through her long after Luke collapsed on the bed and even though she’d collapsed beside him, the orgasms continued, shooting through her like some sort of biological red alert.

  Lying there on the bed, struggling to remain conscious and alert of what was going on, she hardly even noticed that Luke was kissing her passionately on the mouth. He thrust his tongue insider her mouth and was licking at her like a dog, kissing her so affectionately that she thought the poor man might actually have fallen in love with her.

  —If I’d known anal sex could feel so good, she said, I’d have tried a lot more of it.

  —Don’t worry, he said. If you think that was good, you should just wait to see what I can do to your cunt.

  —You’re kidding me. I’ll die if you fuck me again, Luke. I’ll just die.

  —No, no, Luke said with a laugh. Not tonight. Another night.

  —So we’ll be seeing each other again?

  —Oh, Luke said, and for a moment Janey wondered if he’d become shy. If you want to, he said.

  There was nothing on this earth Janey wanted more! All she could think about was meeting up with Luke again. Being with him was like being in sexual heaven. He seemed to be able to do what no other man could. He was like a sex god. Everything he touched turned into wave after wave of soul-shaking multiple orgasm.

  She reached out and took a hold of his face gently in her hands and leaned into him. The kiss was as long and passionate as any kiss she had ever had in her life.

  —Thank you, she whispered into his ear.

  —No, he said. Thank you, my little darling.


  THE DRIVE HOME FROM THE hotel the next morning with Ben was quiet. It seemed neither of them had a thing left to say to each other. Janey looked at him and couldn’t help judging him. He looked old and tired and hung over. He was nothing like Luke. He didn’t even have the chivalrous air of wealth and sophistication that Henry and his friend had. He was just a guy from Troy who’d landed a big client and who wanted to become a swinger. Nothing about him that morning impressed her, not the slightly gray sticks of stubble that were poking out of his chin like stalks of corn, not the wrinkled shirt with its red wine stain down the front, not the way he looked at her angrily.

  —Don’t even think about blaming me for what happened last night, she said at last.

  She just couldn’t stand his anger for one more minute. She had done nothing wrong. She’d followed him to that hotel fully expecting to spend the night with her husband. He was the one who’d arranged the swinging. He was the one who couldn’t keep it in his pants. He’d been so desperate to fuck his secretary that he’d traded the rights to her pussy to Luke like she was a possession of his.

  He disgusted her. The fact that she’d actually enjoyed her night with Luke made no difference. Who did he think he was, trading her around like a piece of meat? If he wanted to cheat, that was one thing, but telling other men that they had a right to her cunt was quite another. There was probably a law against it.

  —Just shut up, Ben said.

  He was so angry he could hardly contain himself. Janey felt she had better not do anything to provoke him. The best approach now would be simply to remain quiet. Hopefully he’d get over this. He wasn’t expected in the office today but that didn’t mean he’d spend the entire day at home. She thought maybe if she was quiet and stayed out of his way, he’d go out and leave her alone.

  As the car crossed the Hudson, Janey looked at the light of the morning sun reflected in the water. Ben was driving aggressively. He was at least twenty over the speed limit. She prayed they didn’t get pulled over. That was the last thing she needed. It would probably push him over the edge. She turned on the radio but Ben shut it back off.

  —You’re a slut, he said at last.

  —How can you call me that? Janey said. That was all your doing. You arranged it.

  —Shut up, Ben said and there was a cruel edge in his voice. Shut up, slut. I know you enjoyed it. I can see it on your face. Do you know what Luke did when I saw him in the hall? He winked at me, Janey. Can you believe him? I’ll kill the bastard.

  —Ben, you’re a swinger. You let him sleep with your wife. What did you expect him to do? Shake your hand?

  —It’s the way he did, Janey. He was so pleased with himself. I could tell you had a good time. You did didn’t you? Admit it.

  Janey didn’t know what she was supposed to admit. She’d been brought to the hotel by Ben. He’d given Luke the room key. How could he be jealous of her now?

  —What about you? she said. You were with Suzy all night long. And I know that wasn’t the first night. You’ve been cheating on me, Ben. You cheated on me, and then to make it all ok, you offered me to Luke. You’re the one who’s in the wrong here.

  —Don’t try to twist this against me, you bitch. I’ve seen the way you’ve been acting lately. You’ve been buying lingerie, signing up to expensive gyms, something’s gotten into you. You’re a slut and you know it.

  Janey thought about her own behavior over the last couple of months. She wasn’t excusing Ben, what he’d done was completely wrong, unforgivable even, but there was some truth to what he was saying. The day she’d found out about his affair with Suzy, that night when he’d called her by Suzy’s name in bed, something deep within her had changed. She’d become a new person, a person she never knew she could be, a person she’d never have chosen to be. It had started with the neighbor. She’d been masturbating in front of him, showing him everything her little cunt and asshole had to offer. Then she’d gone over, let him watch her at close quarters, swum naked in his pool, even fucked his friend, Malcolm French. She hadn’t been herself at all. She’d been fooling around, trying to get herself into compromising situations, maybe even trying to get caught.

  Why had she been acting the way she had? What had she been trying to achieve? Was it a cry for help? Or was she just, deep down, a slut at heart? She didn’t know. She wanted to believe that her behavior had been a response to Ben and his affair, that she’d been trying to cope with his infidelity, trying to get even with him if that was possible. Maybe even trying to get caught so that she could somehow bring the situation to a head. But there was a tiny part of her, the part that remembered those stunning orgasms she’d had in front of Henry, or with Malcolm and Luke.

  Was she really just a slut, hoping to get fucked by whoever she could? Was Ben’s affair just the excuse she needed to finally begin exploring her own sexuality? She didn’t know the answer to that question.

  —You’re right, she said to Ben.

  She didn’t know what exactly she was saying, but she knew she needed to have it out with Ben. She couldn’t live with a man who was cheating on her. She couldn’t go on and let the entire affair go unsaid. She had to bring things to some form of climax.

  —I’m a slut. I fucked Luke and I liked it. I loved every second of it. He has a monster cock and he gave me the monster orgasm of my young life. He fucked my ass all night long. And you let him. You let him do it. Hell, you told him to do it. You arranged it, you weak, impotent, disgusting bastard.

  Ben jammed on the brakes. The car skidded to a halt on the highway shou
lder. The traffic behind them blasted horns as it roared by.

  —Go ahead, you stupid, petty, man. Get us killed. You had to fuck your secretary, and then you let the most amazing, handsome, muscular firefighter you’d ever seen fuck your wife in the ass, all night long.

  Janey didn’t know what she was doing. This was going to kill her marriage. This was going to end everything. Was this the revenge she’d been hoping for? Was this the reason she’d become such a slut? Just so that she could throw it back in Ben’s face?

  And then she felt it. The hard, cold slap across her face stunned her. She looked at Ben and would not have recognized him if she didn’t already know it was him. He looked like a monster. His face was distorted in rage. His first punch landed on her shoulder. She had her arms in front of her and was trying to block him. The next fist struck her in the face, just below the right eye. She didn’t feel the third, or the fourth. She’d lost consciousness.


  WHEN JANEY WOKE UP SHE was lying on a bed. The sheets were crisp and starched. There was a window across the room with lime green curtains on it. Next to the window, raised up in the corner close to the ceiling, was a small television. There was an empty armchair next to the bed. Fresh flowers sat in a vase on a bedside table. The door to the room was open and beyond it was a corridor. She could hear talking outside and the steady beeping of a machine. She was in a hospital room.

  Quickly she checked herself for signs of injury. Other than a mild headache she seemed to be fine.

  What had happened to her? How had she gotten here?

  —Nurse, she called out.

  She heard footsteps in the corridor and then a nurse entered the room.

  —What happened to me? Janey said.

  The nurse was a middle-aged, black woman with a kind face and large, strong arms.

  —Oh, don’t you worry yourself, dear. You just had an accident is all.

  —What sort of accident?

  The nurse looked at her for a moment before answering.

  —We were hoping you’d be able to tell us that.

  Janey sighed. Her face felt sore. She touched it and realized there was some swelling around her right eye.

  —Am I ok?

  —You’re fine, dear. Just a concussion. We’d like to keep you here a few hours for monitoring but it seems, other than some light bruising, you’re right as rain.

  —How did I get here?

  —Your neighbor brought you in.

  —My neighbor? Are you sure?

  —I’m quite sure. Now you should get some rest. The doctor’s going to want to talk to you soon.

  The nurse straightened out Janey’s sheets for her, and then made to leave.


  The nurse looked down on her and put a hand on her shoulder soothingly.


  —Is my neighbor still here?

  —He’s in the waiting room. Been there all morning.

  —All morning?

  —He hasn’t moved an inch in four hours. That’s a good neighbor.

  —Oh, Janey said.

  Her mind raced back to the events of the previous night, her night with Luke. She remembered driving home with Ben. He’d grown mad. Then he’d hit her. He’d knocked her unconscious! He’d put her in hospital! Ben had never so much as laid a finger on her before. Now he’d hospitalized her.

  —What about my husband? Janey said quietly.

  —He’s been notified, the nurse said.

  Then she looked at Janey meaningfully.

  —You just say the word and we can have the police talk to him.

  Then she left and Janey closed her eyes. She wanted to look in a mirror and see how badly her face was bruised. There was a gentle knock on the door. She looked up. It was Henry Walden. Janey hadn’t seen him since the day she’d gone to his bedroom. That had been the day she’d allowed his friend, Malcolm French, to have sex with her. She still wasn’t sure what had led her do do such a thing. She’d been going out of her mind thinking about Ben and Suzy. She’d been depressed and weak. Henry had seemed like her only friend in the world, and she needed to do something to strike back at Ben. She supposed she’d done it partly for herself, partly to get even with Ben, and partly because she knew Henry wanted to watch her do it. He’d been so kind to her, he’d even filled his pool with roses after she swam naked in it, and she’d wanted to do something for him. It seemed she’d made the right choice. If he’d brought her here, he might have saved her life.

  —Henry, she said and leaned up in the bed.

  —No, no. Don’t get up, Janey. You just rest.

  —There’s really no need for you to be here, she said.

  He’d already been there four hours and she was embarrassed. Her life was spiraling out of control and now she’d gotten him involved. She was sure a wealthy man like him had more important things to be doing with his morning than sitting in a hospital waiting room with his next door neighbor.

  —Nonsense, he said.

  Janey’s hands were out on her lap in front of her. Henry came over and touched them softly. Then he sat in the armchair next to her bed.

  —I suppose you’re wondering what happened to you? he said at last.

  —I am.

  —Well I can’t tell you all that happened, but I can tell you how you got here.

  Janey nodded and waited for him to proceed.

  —Your car pulled into your driveway this morning. Your husband was driving. I was watching from my bedroom balcony.

  Janey smiled. Henry really was a watcher. He seemed to notice everything. His watching, looking at her doing the most intimate things her bedroom, had been one of the most thrilling feelings of her life. But that had all been for fun. Now it seemed, his watching had done her some real good and gotten her out of a dangerous situation.

  —I was surprised at the erratic way your husband was driving, Henry said. He damaged some plants on his way into the driveway. The car was half on the lawn. I could see that you were sitting in the passenger seat and weren’t moving. You seemed to be asleep. I was surprised again when your husband entered the house and left you in the car. Maybe I should have been minding my own business, living my life, but I didn’t do that. I kept watching your husband. I was concerned for you. It wasn’t normal for you to be slumped in the car in the driveway. I knew something was wrong. He went up to your bedroom, had a shower and changed his clothes, made a phone call, and then went back downstairs. About half an hour later a car came and picked him up and he left. All the while you were sitting in the passenger seat, slumped against the window.

  —Who picked him up?

  —I don’t know.

  Janey didn’t know what to say. Never in a million years had she thought she’d be the kind of women who’d be left out in a car, unconscious, by her own abusive husband. Her life was spiraling out of control and she had to do something about it. The question was, what could she do?

  —That’s awful, she said at last. How could he just leave me outside in the car all that time?

  —It didn’t seem right, Henry said. As soon as he left, I ran down the stairs and checked on you. I saw that your face was injured and you were unconscious. I’ve got a medical background and I know that a concussion lasting that long can be serious. I called an ambulance immediately.

  Janey knew all about Henry’s medical background. He was famous in certain scientific circles. The research company he founded had developed a revolutionary new treatment for the genetic condition his family had suffered from. Saying he had a medical background was somewhat understating it.

  —Well, thank you, Henry.

  —Of course.

  —Thank you for being here. Thank you for waiting for me.

  —It’s my pleasure, Janey.

  He sat next to her and his presence there soothed her. Something about him made her feel safe and cared for. She looked around the room and began to notice that it wasn’t an ordinary hospital room. It was too comfortable, too
well appointed. It felt more like a hotel than a hospital. Even the sheets were luxurious.

  —What hospital are we at?

  —We’re actually at the West Mount private clinic. I’m on the board here. They’ll take good care of you.

  She let Henry touch her hands again. It was strange having him here, looking after her. She’d been fooling around with him, masturbating in front of him, treating him like a dirty old pervert, and now here he was, caring for her. It was strange how things in life turned out. She never would have thought her neighbor would be the one to stand up for her. She never would have thought she’d have needed so much help.

  —When will I be able to leave?

  —I think they’ll want to keep you overnight. Just for monitoring.

  —Ok, Janey said.

  She didn’t have the strength yet to leave that place. It was a comfort and a sanctuary, and outside, her life was in a complete shambles. She wondered about Ben. He’d never done anything like this before. He was rapidly becoming a man who she couldn’t trust. He was becoming dangerous and nasty. His behavior was deteriorating by the day. What had started as an affair had built up to him actually leaving her in a hotel room with another man, and now this. She couldn’t go on like this. Something had to be done. A husband’s job was to protect his wife, shield her from the world. Ben had abandoned her. He hadn’t cared one bit about what might have happened when he left her in the hotel room with Luke. Luke could have done anything he liked to her and what could she have done about it? Nothing. Her husband had given her away for the night and that was the way it was. If Luke had wanted to abuse her in some way, mistreat her, harm her, Ben wouldn’t have been there to take notice. He was too busy getting inside Suzy. She knew her views on husbands were a little traditional but she couldn’t help that. That was the kind of woman she was. She’d always been that way. She’d had a difficult childhood, her own father had been a troubled man, and the result was a deep yearning in her for a husband who looked after his family and protected her. She needed a father figure in her husband. She didn’t think that was too much to expect. There must have been plenty of other women with that same need. Women who’d been unfortunate enough to grow up with fathers who didn’t care for them the way nature had intended. She was willing to offer love, faithfulness and devotion in return.


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