Pleasured (A Hotwife's first time)

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Pleasured (A Hotwife's first time) Page 2

by Natasha Hunter

  She whimpered a sound of satisfaction as he took her, the sound like music to his ears. She was goddamned breathtaking. He held her hip with one hand, the other snaked around her waist to play with her pussy as he fucked her in the ass.

  "I want to feel you cum on my cock, sweetheart," he said in a slightly strained voice. Zander rubbed her clit, giving it extra attention as he undulated his hips, pushing against her perfect ass.

  "Oh god, Zander, oh god..." her voice was pure sex as she said his name. "Please, oh please never stop."

  His stomach went taut as he felt his orgasm nearing, though he was determined that she would cum first. "You feel so fucking good," he said as he quickened the pace. "I want to feel you cum, baby. Cum for me."

  "So close," she whispered hoarsely. "Oh, my god, I'm so close." Her head snapped back and she moaned. Her body shuddered and twisted as her orgasm rippled through her.

  Zander's body went stiff as he came, shooting deep into her, filling her ass with his warm, white cum. He rocked his hips, pumping the last remnants of his cum into her puckered hole before slipping out of her. "Fucking incredible," he said as he moved around to untie her wrists.

  Brooke rolled over and rubbed at her wrists as she lay there with a satisfied, dreamy smile. She flicked her gaze to his, her expression all of a sudden shy as she nibbled her bottom lip. "It really was."

  He stretched out beside her and idly traced his finger down her torso, "I'm not angry anymore."

  She exhaled a soft breath, "I really didn't mean to hurt you. I was just... experimenting. I would never actually cheat on you, Zander. I didn't think it would matter all that much because it wasn't real."

  "I understand," he said, giving her a slow, easy smile. His fingertips traced the slope of her breast and idly crossed over her nipple with feather-light strokes. His thoughts reeled, and he couldn't help but wonder if she secretly craved more. "But, what if it was real?"

  "It's not," she protested.

  "I know, sweetheart. But... I do realize that you've little experience to speak of outside of our relationships. Your prudish parents kept a tight rein on their little darling princess, and I suppose that I fell into place, treating you just as delicately as they had. I can certainly treat you differently but I cannot be someone else. And, you deserve to have that, I should think."

  "What are you saying?" she asked with a hint of confusion.

  "I'm saying," he paused as he considered it once more before proposing the idea to her. "What if you were allowed to fuck someone else?" The idea excited him as he imagined her with another man's cock in her pretty little mouth.

  "No," she protested hotly. "I won't cheat on you. I love you, Zander."

  "Sweetheart, it isn't about love. It is about sex. And, I think you should have an experience or two, to see what you've missed. I could arrange something, I should think."

  He could see the conflict of her emotions flashing across her face. "With who?"

  "Does it matter?"

  "Of course! I don't want to sleep with a stranger."

  "I wasn't thinking of a stranger. Do you trust me?"

  "More than anything."


  Brooke Sterling dressed with care, donning a sexy dark-red, spaghetti-strapped dress over thigh-high black stockings, a lacy matching garter belt, and strapless bra. She decided against wearing any panties, feeling risqué and naughty as she checked her reflection in the floor length mirror.

  Smoothing her hands down her dress, she turned from side to side, admiring the satin fabric against her pale skin. It cost a fortune, though Zander wouldn't mind. He encouraged her to buy whatever she wanted as long as it made her happy. She hoped the sexy dress would make him happy, too.

  She slid on her high-heels then finished the outfit with a few dangling diamond bracelets that matched her waterfall diamond earrings. Brooke spritzed her wrists with perfume and rubbed them together. She inhaled, savoring the floral fragrance as she remembered the first time Zander bought it for her in Paris.

  Memories of their honeymoon played through her mind and she smiled. Everything about it had been perfect. The city, the hotel... the sex. She had insisted on waiting until they were married before being intimate, and she was glad they waited. Paris was the perfect backdrop for her first time.

  "Okay, Brooke," she said, breaking out of her reverie. "You can do this." She forced a smile to her painted red lips as she tried to fight down her nerves. She couldn't believe it was happening, that her husband actually wanted her to be with another man. She knew that if it were reversed, that if he were asking to sleep with another woman, there'd be hell to pay. She was entirely too jealous of him and couldn't imagine his hands on another woman's body.

  Zander was the perfect man in every sense of the word. He was absolutely gorgeous—he'd literally taken her breath the first time she'd seen him at her father's office. He was oh-so-tall and dressed impeccably in a dark, three-piece suit. When he smiled at her, she melted. And, when he spoke in that divine English accent of his, she thought she'd die. Until that moment, she thought love at first sight was a myth.

  Later, he revealed that it was love at first sight for him, too.

  Once outside the house, she nodded to the hired driver that would take her to a party at Zander's friends. Liam lived in the most stunning house's she'd ever seen—one of the perks of being an architect, she supposed.

  As she slid into the backseat, her iPhone chimed with a message from Zander. A smile curled her lips as she read: 'Can't wait to see you, love. And remember, don't be nervous. I love you.'

  'Don't be nervous,' she muttered his words in a fake British accent, then scoffed. 'As if that was possible!'

  Butterflies danced in her stomach, causing her to panic. She knew that Zander was setting something up, but, she didn't know with who, or what she was supposed to do. Well, she knew the obvious—she was going to have sex with someone who wasn't her husband, someone handpicked by him. The idea both terrified and thrilled her at the same time.

  After the car came to a halt in the circular driveway at Liam's house, the driver opened the door for her and gently helped her out. As she slid out of the backseat, she took a moment to admire the house. It was three stories tall, seemingly built primarily of glass, with light pouring from the massive windows. She thanked the driver then made her way along the well-lit path towards the entrance.

  The sound of music permeated the evening air as the doors gusted opened. A couple of party guests spilled out onto the walkway and greeted her. Brooke remained outside, making small talk as she gathered up her courage to find her husband—and face whatever he had in store for her.

  "Has anyone seen Zander?" she asked, smiling to several of her friends as they stood in the foyer, holding champagne glasses and chatting loudly over the music.

  "I think he is upstairs in the media room."

  "Thanks, Jill," she said warmly.

  "You're welcome. You look great, by the way. I love that dress!"

  Brooke blushed under the compliment. "Thank you. Hey, let's catch up later okay? Call me when you're free for lunch."

  "Sure thing!"

  She weaved her way through the crowd of people dancing and worked her way up the winding staircase. The second floor was much quieter, mostly with couples or groups of three lining the hall. She peeked in the media room and found it empty.

  "Dammit," she muttered as she pulled her iPhone from her purse and texted Zander: 'Where are you?'

  He responded instantly: 'Third floor, darling.'

  She slid her iPhone into her purse as she made her way upstairs. The entire third floor was Liam's bedroom. His balcony was the most gorgeous thing she'd ever seen, covered with deck chairs that faced an infinity pool. The view was breathtaking—a twilight sky hovering over the sparkling city below. In the corner, an outdoor fireplace was lit, the firelight reflected on the smooth surface of the pool's water.

  "There you are, love," he said as she stepped out onto the balcon

  The balmy night air teased the ends of her hair. She brushed it from her face as she smiled, "It is quite a party downstairs. Why are you hiding away up here?" She looked inquisitively at him.

  "I prefer a more intimate party, sweetheart." He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her forehead lightly, "Do you trust me?"

  "You know I do," she said softly as she leaned forward and brushed her lips against his.

  "You are simply stunning," he whispered after the brief kiss. He stroked her cheek with his thumb as he smiled adoringly at her.

  "Thank you. I bought this dress just for you."

  "I love it! It's breathtaking." He stared adoringly at her for a moment then looked away, his gaze settling on someone behind her. "Ah, there you are, Liam."

  "Oh! I thought we were here alone," she said as a fresh wave of nervousness rushed through her.

  "Almost. Just the four of us," Zander said. "Cole went down to get our drinks."

  "Ah," she replied, her cheeks flushing as she turned and offered her hand to Liam. "Good to see you again." She'd met him a few times in the past and knew that he was somehow involved in Zander's work, though she didn't know the details. Her husband liked to keep his work separate from his time at home and spoke very little about it.

  Liam gently kissed her knuckles, "Likewise."

  "I feel a little overdressed," she said playfully as she glanced down, noting Liam's swim trunks. She couldn't help but to admire his physique—he had an athlete's body, trim and well-toned. His skin was beautiful, the color a light, café au lait.

  "You needn't," Zander said behind her as he brushed his hand across her shoulder and pulled the strap down her arm.

  "Zander! What are you doing?" she exclaimed.

  He pressed his mouth to her bare shoulder. "You promised to trust me," he said as he brushed his lips against the back of her ear. "I want you to have fun."

  "Indeed," Liam said as he took her by the hand and pulled her away from Zander. "We promise to have a lot of fun together." He winked at Zander, then turned his attention to Brooke. "So, why don't we get a bit more comfortable while we wait for Cole to bring us something to drink?"

  Brooke looked over her shoulder to her husband, her brow quirking as he sat down on one of the lounge chairs and stretched his legs out in front of him. "Aren't you going to join us?" she called out hesitantly.

  He gave a quick shake of his head, "I'm going to watch, love. I'll be over here as Liam ravages you from head to toe, and presumably, Cole, if he ever gets back with our bloody drinks! Damned man." Zander smirked devilishly at her, "Enjoy yourself, darling."

  She sucked in her breath sharply, feeling a bit dizzy headed at the thought of being intimate with another man. She couldn't believe it was real. It wasn't just a fantasy any longer, it was actually about to happen!

  Liam stepped behind her and unzipped her dress slowly, "I thought we could go for a swim if that is agreeable to you?"

  She nodded, not trusting herself to actually speak at the moment.

  Liam whistled appreciatively as the red fabric slid down her body and pooled at her feet. "Loving the lingerie," he said, kissing her shoulder. Chills swept down her spine as he pulled her long hair across her shoulder, then brushed his soft lips against the back of her neck.

  Her breath caught and she shuddered as her knees went weak. "Mmm," a little moan escaped her lips.

  "You're absolutely gorgeous," he said as he unclasped her lacy bra.

  Her heart raced, beating wildly against her chest. "Thank you," she said softly. Her stomach did a somersault as a fresh wave of nervousness threatened to overwhelm her.

  Liam turned her around and he gently tapped his finger beneath her chin, forcing her to look at him. "Is this what you really want?" he asked, whispering so softly she barely heard him. "I don't want to force you into something you don't want to do. Zander proposed the idea to me this afternoon, and, I have to admit, I haven't stopped thinking about it since. But, I need to hear you say that you want to do this."

  Brooke gave a quick nod of her head, her eyes wide with desire. "I want to," she whispered in return.

  "You're sure? Because once we start I don't know that I'll be able to stop," he said as he grazed his hands down her arms slowly, causing her skin to goose bump.

  "I'm positive," she said softly as desire hummed through her entire body. "I trust you, because Zander trusts you. I just want you to know that I've never done anything like this before. I've never even been with another man," she admitted sheepishly.

  "Bloody hell, are you two going to have a Doctor Phil chat session or are you going to actually get on with it," Zander called out impatiently from the lounge chair.

  "Dammit, Zander, shut up," Liam called out as he curled his fingers around Brooke's. "Do you want to go for a swim first or head inside?" He tilted his head towards the king-sized bed beyond the glass wall. "I'm good either way."

  She looked at the infinity pool, then to the bed as she chewed her bottom lip nervously. "Perhaps the bed, I think."

  Liam gave her a charming smile, "Sounds good." He led her inside and settled her down onto the mattress. Without shame, he pulled his boxers off and joined her, stretching out beside her.

  Music floated up from the party and she was suddenly aware that there were hundreds of people below, all unaware that she was about to have sex with someone other than her husband. "My heart is racing," she whispered as he kissed her neck.

  "It's okay to be nervous," he said just before their lips met. "I'll go slow." He kissed her soft and sensually, a deliberate attempt on his part to coax her desire. Liam cupped her breast, holding its weight while toying with her nipple.

  She moaned into his mouth as desire bloomed, the familiar tendrils of sexual frisson causing her to tingle deep within in her pelvis.

  He broke the kiss and she sucked in a deep breath of air. "I like the sound of your little moans," he said with a devilish grin. His mouth traveled down the column of her slender neck, his tongue delving into the hollow of her throat, and then lower, over her breast. He swiped the tip of his tongue over her nipple and lightly grazed his teeth over her little bud until it stood painfully erect, then traced the edges of her areola.

  Her moan was soft and sensual as she ran her hands over his back, hesitantly at first, exploring him shyly.

  "Touch me," he said as he reached for her hand and brought it to his cock. He kissed her, his mouth claiming hers as she tentatively curled her fingers around his erection.

  She stroked him, marveling at how silky smooth his cock felt beneath her fingers—his cock was slightly larger than her husband's. She ran her thumb over the tiny slit on the tip, smearing his pre-cum.

  "Mmm, feels good," he whispered in a deep throaty tone as he laved his tongue over her nipples.

  The familiar scent of cigar smoke wafted through the room and she rolled her head to the side. Her husband stood in the doorway, leaning against it casually. He stared at her with a look of arousal as he puffed out a plume of smoke. "Beautiful, darling."

  Brooke's eyes locked with Zander's and a thrill of excitement coursed through her. It was incredibly exciting to be watched, knowing that her husband approved of another man kissing and fondling her.

  Liam slid a hand down her torso, his fingers traveling over ribcage and below, moving at an agonizing, languid pace over her creamy white skin. He took his time, building her anticipation.

  She wanted to feel him there, to feel his fingers probing her slick pussy lips. Her stomach went taut as his hand roamed even lower, toying with her garter belt. She moaned a sweet little sound as goose bumps traveled up her spine. Her legs parted slightly, an invitation to his wandering hand.

  Liam rested his hand on her mound and pushed his fingers into her folds, teasing her as he flicked his tongue across her nipple. He rubbed his fingers through her moist lips, then over her throbbing clit.

  Zander's eyes smoldered, his jaw clenched tight. "Enjoying yourself?"
  Brooke slid her gaze down the length of her husband and noticed the bulging erection jutting against his pants. A sensual smile curled the corners of her lips, and she couldn't help but wish that he'd join them. "Very much so," she said in a sultry voice.

  Her breath quickened as Liam slid his fingers into her entrance, thrusting his digits into her pussy as he sucked on her nipple. Hot chills swept through her body and her hips bucked, pushing against his hand as if trying to force his fingers deeper.

  Liam relentlessly stroked his fingers into her while kissing a path down her stomach. He pushed her slender legs apart and hovered his mouth over her pussy. "I want to taste you so badly. I've thought of nothing else today but having my tongue right here," he said, just before lapping at her pink pussy lips. He wiggled his tongue and drew it up the length of her puffy folds, tasting and licking her with a delighted moan.

  She whimpered as she curled her fingers into the duvet. Delicious sparks of pleasure coursed through her, a tidal wave of ecstasy. The combination of having someone else pleasuring her as her husband watched was more intense than any kind of drink or drug she could have imagined. She felt euphoric, as if she were floating on a sea of bliss.

  "Bloody hell, you look amazing. You're are utterly stunning," Zander said as he watched her intently, his eyes burning with desire for her.

  Brooke stretched her hands down to Liam's head and grasped at his dark shoulders, wanting to touch him as he licked her. "It feels so good!"

  "Are you going to cum, darling?" Zander asked in between long puffs of his cigar. A cloud of smoke surrounded him.

  She panted, writhed, and moaned as Liam feasted on her, eating her as if he were a man starving. "Soon," she moaned the words. "I'm going to cum if he keeps licking me like this." Her eyes closed as her head pushed back onto the pillow. Shards of pleasure hummed and simmered through her bloodstream, scorching her from the inside out.


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