Arielle Immortal Quickening (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 4)

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Arielle Immortal Quickening (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 4) Page 1

by Lilian Roberts

  Arielle Immortal Quickening

  The Immortal

  Rapture Series

  Lilian Roberts

  Booktrope Editions

  Seattle, WA 2014


  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

  Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).

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  Cover Design by Shari Ryan

  Previously self-published as Arielle Immortal Quickening, 2013

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to similarly named places or to persons living or deceased is unintentional.

  PRINT ISBN 978-1-62015-444-1

  EPUB ISBN 978-1-62015-454-0

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2014909675

  Table of Contents


  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  A sneak peek at the fifth book in the Immortal Rapture Series, Arielle Immortal Journey

  Note to Readers

  About the Author

  More from Lilian Roberts & Booktrope


  There are a few people I would like to thank for their help with the fourth book in the Immortal Rapture series.

  My so-incredible husband, for encouraging me to continue on, and who has never complained about the long hours I have spent in front of the computer, working on this series.

  Many thanks to Jacy Mackin, my amazing editor, for guiding me through the challenging parts of the manuscript.

  Thank you to my Booktrope proofreader Lydia Johnson and cover designer, Shari Ryan.

  Thank you to my beautiful daughter Christy, for her overall support, as well as her great suggestions, that improved many parts of the story.

  Jiolanda, my lovely niece, who has never stopped believing in me, and in my ideas.

  Sárka-Jonae Miller for her ongoing, tireless support.

  Kat Sheridan, for taking a manuscript of more than 75,000 words, and crafting a brief synopsis that would give readers a vivid peek into the story.

  And finally, sincere thanks to all the friends and fans who enthusiastically supported me, motivating me to get the next volume ready for publication.

  For my daughter

  I love you with every fiber of my being. The love I have for you is as close to heaven as I can invoke.

  Chapter 1

  ARIELLE STOOD FROZEN. The hotel room lost its brightness, and the air thickened. When she tried to inhale, her lungs refused to expand. Her heartbeat pounded painfully in her chest, leaving her faint. The fear was so deeply rooted it held her like a vise. With her eyes squeezed tightly shut and her lips pressed together, she listened to the stony silence that had fallen as Sebastian gave her time to gather her thoughts. The feelings of helplessness and loss draped over her like a heavy curtain while she tried to absorb his last words…

  His soft voice had been composed, tainted with a hint of wretchedness. She wasn’t ready to accept bad news about any person she loved. Her head throbbed, her self-awareness was in full alert, and she literally felt sick from fear and uneasiness. Her knees buckled underneath her, and she practically collapsed on the floor, drowning in a huge range of intensity and emotional instability. Falling back on the bed, she rolled over and buried her face in the pillow. This wasn’t going to be good. Sebastian’s expression spoke volumes.

  He sat beside her on the bed and ran his hand up and down her back with tenderness and understanding. He was quiet, waiting for her to say something.

  She remained unmoved, wordless, her mind wandering aimlessly. Is the bad news about someone I love? she wondered anxiously. Finally she pulled herself up and sat on the bed, hugging her knees to her chest as her thoughts turned dark. She took a shuddering breath and gazed into Sebastian’s eyes. An unsettled glimmer spread across his eyes, and he pinched the tip of his nose.

  Arielle’s mouth went dry, and her chest rose and fell anxiously as she stifled a gulp. Unless her mind was deceiving her, Sebastian only pinched the tip of his nose when he was extremely uncomfortable or worried about something or someone. She noticed a flash of anguish crossing his eyes. She was afraid to hear what he was about to tell her; she was sure that her facial expression read with dread and despair. She was trembling. Her misery didn’t escape Sebastian.

  He reached for her and gathered her to him as close as possible. She laid her head on his chest, looking for reassurance. His voice was soft, but she could hear a hint of distress.

  “Arielle, did you hear me, baby?” he asked. She looked up to meet his gaze, unable to speak. She was afraid to ask any questions, knowing any negative information would be painful.

  “Arielle, please, I don’t like to see you this way. You need to hear what I have to say,” Sebastian’s voice was velvety soft.

  She tried to analyze each and every word in his sentence but was unable to accept the thoughts that invaded her head. The news could not be about her parents, because she had just finished talking to her mum on the phone. Mother said everything at home was fine. It wasn’t about their friends either, because her mother would have phoned her. Who was all this about? Could it be one of their immortal friends? She knew that eight of their friends had been hunting down Annabel ever since they’d tried to kill her and Eva at St. Jean de Luz. But if this were about their immortal friends, why would Sebastian be so reluctant to discuss it openly with her? Nothing really made sense. Why was Sebastian so upset? Sucking in a deep breath she went for it.

  “Who was involved in the accident?” she asked in a hollow whisper.

  “Our best friends,” he replied in a guarded tone.

  Her shock was evident as fright took her over and weighed down every one of her limbs. She realized that the worst feelings that had invaded her mind earlier were right now becoming a reality. Her first thought was denial, but she had to push that into the back of her mind, because she needed to find out the details. Suddenly she was conscious of the tears streaming down her face and her uncontrolled trembling.

  “What happened?” she murmured, keeping a blank face as she felt a lump climbing and closing her throat.

  For a moment, he didn’t reply, and she looked up into his eyes. His face was pale, and his expression strained. “It’s Gabrielle,” he muttered. Her eyes went wide with horror, and she felt the muscles of her chest tighten. She didn’t really seem to hear his answer. She thought
her mind was tripping into a state of shock as bad feelings were now settling inside her very core, taking completely over her senses. She felt his arms pulling her even closer, his fingers lifting her face up, and her eyes piercing hers. She tried to decipher his look, but she found herself unable to do that. Sebastian remained silent, as she looked on bewildered, her face soaked with tears, and her heartbeat hammering her chest uncontrollably. She shook her head in denial and rubbed her temples with her fingertips as she pressed her lips together harder. He took her hands and placed them flat on his chest and covered them with his.

  “Please, Arielle, say something,” he pressed on in a soft voice.

  Silence stretched and suddenly she looked up at him with horror in her eyes.

  “How bloody bad was it? You are freaking me out!” Her voice was louder than she expected, but the desperation held her in a tight grip.

  Sebastian visibly started at the tone of her voice. After a brief hesitation, he reached toward her and took her face between his hands. “Gabrielle is in the worst condition. Troy says she’s in intensive care, and they don’t know if she’ll make it. Right now, she is in a coma with a fractured skull, a broken leg, several broken ribs, and fifty stitches in her left thigh.”

  Arielle tried desperately to swallow the lump wedged in her throat. “Oh, My God... Oh. My. God!” she whispered, slumping down onto the bed. Distantly, she felt Sebastian pull her up into his arms, holding her tightly against him. Without thought, she buried her face in his shoulder and sobbed.

  He didn’t interrupt, allowing her time to grasp the truth. However, her need to know more about the accident finally broke through and calmed her. Worse, a niggling feeling told her that she didn’t know all of it yet. “Did Troy tell you what happened? What did the doctors say?” she asked into his shirt, desperate to hear that Gabby would be all right.

  “No one knows yet, but they are hoping that she’ll pull through. The surgeon told her parents that the next few days would be critical. Hopefully, she will regain consciousness without any long-term damage. He assured them that she was healthy and strong before the accident and that her body is still fighting to heal.” He hugged her tighter. “Everyone except Ian and Eva are by her side.”

  Arielle curled her fingers into the fabric beneath her palms, frantically trying to calm the quick inhalations and exhalations that left black spots and the words “dead dead dead” before her eyes. “What happened to them, Sebastian? Tell me.”

  “Both of them escaped with bruises, cuts, and a couple broken limbs. Overall, they are extremely lucky. Troy says they’ll be released sometime tomorrow.”

  “Thank God,” she praised. For a moment, she closed her eyes and concentrated on breathing. Once the spots disappeared, she kissed Sebastian’s cheek and continued. “How did it happen?”

  Sebastian half-smiled down at her, the strain of everything weighing heavily in his expression. “The vehicle overturned on their way back home from a dinner party at the Polo Club.” Arielle waited for him to continue. “Troy and I purchased six tickets to a fundraiser there before you and I decided to take this trip. Originally, it would have been us, Troy and Gabrielle, and Ian and Eva. Since Italy seemed more important, I suggested Troy invite Paul and Loren to use the tickets.

  “What happened to Paul and Lauren?” The panic pushed at her.

  “They are fine. They went to the function in their own car, so they left separately,” he assured her.

  “Good,” she murmured. “God, what happened?”

  “The four of them left the dance quite late with Gabrielle driving and Troy in the passenger seat. The roads were wet from some light showers and slick. Gabrielle insisted on driving, and, as you know, Troy is happy to let her do whatever makes her happy. Gabrielle swerved to avoid hitting something in the middle of the road, and the car flipped several times before smashing against a concrete wall that stretched along the road. They didn’t have seatbelts on. Troy saw everyone being ejected out of the car.” Sebastian’s voice was despondent.

  Immediately, Arielle knew that they had to get back to Brighton. Gabby and Eva were her friends, her sisters, her family! Words failed her as her mind raced. Decision made, she exhaled.

  “Arielle, what’s going on in there?” Sebastian pointed at her head.

  “I want to go home,” she whispered, anxiously.

  “I knew you would. I’ll make the arrangements, and we’ll be on the first flight out.” She held on to Sebastian, refusing to let go as she cried silently and prayed for her friends. He took her face in his hands again and kissed her softly.

  “Don’t worry, Arielle; I’m right here. Remember that I love your friends very much. They are part of my life now, and they’ll always be,” Sebastian’s voice was comforting. He was watching her carefully, making sure that she was okay. He smiled softly. “We have to let others go through their own journey while we stay on ours. We can love them; we can be there for them, but don’t forget that we have to be here for us, too. You have to accept this accident and let the wallop subside in order to be strong for our friends and give them the support they will need from us.”

  He gave her a pointed look, pushing her gently away and meeting her eyes. “What are you thinking?”

  “I feel so shattered, and you’re so strong, so incredibly amazing. I’m thankful I have you.” Without hesitation, she pulled him close again and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  His lips caressed her ear. “There is one lesson that I’ve learned while walking the long, miserable, immortal road for over five centuries. If we live our lives at its fullest, then we can’t stop the bad--or good--experiences from happening.” The bitter smile he gave her didn’t fit with his beautiful profile.

  And knowing that he was right didn’t disperse the hurt she felt at being so far away from the people she loved while they needed her. “I feel so helpless,” she added in a muffled voice. “I want to do something, but I am unsure what that might be.”

  “All we can do is go back home and be with them. We are going to do that as soon as possible,” he reassured her, trying to calm her. “I’m here, Arielle. Please don’t wallow in the negative; you can’t help them if you make yourself ill.” If I can just help her process what I’ve already told her, she’ll be able to handle the rest of the news soon. The hurt in her eyes was tearing him apart, but nothing he could do would make her pain go away.

  “Arielle, call your mother while I make the flight arrangements; she might have some more details.” He pressed his lips to her forehead and walked out of the room.

  She picked up her phone, and her mum answered on the first ring.

  “Mum, did you hear about Gabby and Eva? They were involved in a car accident last night.” She desperately needed to hear something comforting.

  “Yes, dear, I just found out a few minutes ago. Gabby’s mother called me a couple minutes ago; she and John are devastated. They spent the night in the ICU waiting room, because the doctor told them that Gabby’s condition is extremely critical. I called Eva’s mom once I hung up. Madeline said she stayed beside Eva’s bedside the whole night. Apparently, Eva and Ian were pretty lucky.” Arielle heard shuffling in the background.

  “Your dad and I are getting ready to go to the hospital to be with them for a bit. Unfortunately, there isn’t anything else we can do right now.”

  “Was it in the news there?” she questioned, hoping more details had been released. Like what caused Gabby to swerve.

  “Katherine told me that they splattered it all over the front page in the morning paper, and we just got through reading the details. Good Lord! Arielle, if you saw the picture of the car, you wouldn’t be able to comprehend how anyone came out of it alive!

  “The accident investigators and the police officers on the scene were stunned. They couldn’t explain how Eva and Ian could escape with minor injuries. The back of the car was completely destroyed. The amazing part is that Troy was unscathed. The paper called it a miracle. If those ki
ds didn’t have guardian angels, they’d be dead!”

  “I’m glad it turned out the way it did, Mum,” Arielle said softly. “Sebastian and I are praying for Gabby. We’re coming home with the first flight out, and we should be there soon. I love you, Mum. My heart is breaking over this accident.” Thinking about it brought tears back to her eyes.

  “Arielle,” she heard her mum’s voice, strong and reassuring. “I’m sure it’ll all work out. She’s under God’s care now, and I know she’ll come out of this soon. I love you, dearest, be careful!”

  “I love you, too, Mum.”

  Setting the phone back on the receiver, she wished she could take away the agony her friends and family were feeling. She lay across the bed, waiting for Sebastian to return.

  Chapter 2

  ARIELLE CLOSED HER EYES, and her mind drifted to Brighton. Mentally shaking aside the accident and the bad thoughts whirling in her head, she tried to recall happier times and better days that warmed her heart. Most of those dreams were shared with the two women who were lying in the hospital.

  She accepted the thought that something good would come out of this whole thing. Inwardly, she scowled. She had a strong feeling that something had changed, but she wasn’t sure yet. Pondering the possibilities, she dozed off until she heard someone enter the room.

  “What did your mum say, baby?” Sebastian asked as he entered the room with a soft smile on his face.

  Arielle raised her head and drew herself up onto her elbows. “She said the investigators were fascinated with the outcome of one of the worst accidents in Brighton history. They are sure something extraordinary took place last night. All of our friends should have died. At least, everyone except Troy, who can’t die. The car was completely destroyed.”


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