Arielle Immortal Quickening (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 4)

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Arielle Immortal Quickening (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 4) Page 11

by Lilian Roberts

  “What happened then?” Arielle asked intensely, trying to control her breathing.

  “Well, we braced ourselves for the unknown, and what took place after that was unfathomable.”

  “What…what do you mean by that?” Arielle asked.

  “Well, soon after that, we became aware that our limbs had healed, and we watched in astonishment as each other’s bruises, deep cuts, and scrapes, disappeared. Arielle, it was as if someone waved an invisible magic wand across our bodies and wiped away every mark, every pain, every fear, and every anxiety that was overwhelming us since before we left Brighton.”

  “Wow! That’s amazing. How are you feeling now?”

  “Honestly, I don’t feel any different. I actually feel great, just as Sebastian said I would. It is pretty outlandish!”

  “Wow!” Arielle whispered again, utterly mesmerized. “What did you do after you healed?”

  “Oh, this is the fun part,” she said, and chuckled. “We didn’t realize the strength that we now possess so when Ian and I decided to take off the casts, we barely got our hands around them, and they crushed between our fingers into fine white powder. It was astonishing to say the least.”

  “Unbelievable…” Arielle’s voice trailed. This was as crazy as responses could get, yet it was factual.

  “Arielle, it’s the most extraordinary feeling!” Eva continued. “We are perfectly healthy, and we feel great! We would never know that we’re different that we were before, but for the amazing abilities that we now possess.”

  Arielle heard the enthusiasm in Eva’s voice and smiled wide.

  “I’m so happy to hear that,” she, replied, warmly. “I want to tell you one more thing about Geneva.”


  “She worships the ground Sebastian walks on. This woman is blindly devoted to him,” Eva said, chuckling.

  Arielle didn’t respond right away; she was thinking about her own blind devotion to him. He was so protective, so caring; he would never let anything happen to her or to her friends.

  “Well, I can’t blame Geneva for feeling the way she does. I’m pretty devoted to him as well,” Arielle said, and smiled. “When are you coming home?”

  “Well, we know that school is starting soon, so I guess it’ll have to be sooner than we want to leave this place,” she replied, regretfully.

  “Well, I can’t wait to see you both. I love you so much!” she said.

  “We love you, too, Arielle.”

  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Arielle said, her voice filled with mirth.

  Eva snorted. “I wouldn’t think of it.”

  Arielle smiled at Eva’s words right after she hung up. She was again thinking about the incredible magnitude Sebastian’s existence created for every person that crossed his path.

  The fourth week, she was sitting next to Gabrielle’s bed running her mouth about something completely unimportant. Gabby was looking quite well compared to the first three weeks. She didn’t have the bandages around her head, the brace around her neck, or the tubes that went through her mouth and nose. She could now breathe on her own, but she still couldn’t eat solid foods.

  She had the cast on her leg, the casts on both arms, and the bandages around her thigh where she’d needed fifty stitches. Her face looked brighter, less stressed, and Arielle could see a faint smile here and there. That smile was more apparent when Troy was there. Arielle could sense the incredible love they shared. Gabby was still under heavy medication so the soreness, the ache, and the discomfort wasn’t as bad as it could have been. There were no permanent damages that would create lasting complications for her, and that was the best and most desirable result.

  Gabby’s abrupt question startled her. “I haven’t seen Eva and or Ian? How are they?” Her eyes were probing Arielle’s face for answers. Arielle wasn’t ready to share with her any details about Eva or Ian at this time.

  “Did Troy tell you anything about the accident?” she asked Gabby.

  “Um…Troy told me that they sustained some broken bones and bad bruises, but otherwise, they faired extremely well,” Gabby said.

  Arielle reached over and touched her hand gently. “Yes, that’s true. They both have casts bounding their limbs, and it’s very difficult for them to get around. They ask about you every day, and I’ll let them know when you can receive calls.”

  “Oh, I’ve missed them,” she whispered sadly.

  “Gabby, when they were hospitalized, they came in ICU more than a few times to see you, but you were in a coma. They were both very worried about you. By the time you gained consciousness, they were released. Right now, you need to rest, and don’t worry about anything else,” Arielle said and squeezed her hand gently.

  “I understand,” she muttered and nodded agreeably. Arielle changed the subject quickly. She didn’t want Gabby to think about anything unpleasant or anything that was associated with the accident. Soon they were engaged in more happy subjects.

  Loren stopped by and brought Gabrielle a beautiful bouquet of exotic flowers. Gabby was visibly pleased and gave Loren a huge hug of appreciation. Loren’s gaze swept over Gabby carefully and smiled wide.

  “You look fantastic!” she said.

  Gabby sighed and smiled. “Thank you, Loren. I wish I could say that I feel fantastic, but I don’t.”

  “All in good time,” Loren reassured her. Reaching over, she squeezed Gabby’s hands tenderly. She stayed for a little while and chatted away about some funny incidents between Paul and herself, bringing joy and cheerfulness to the room.

  Arielle left with Loren around two o’clock in the afternoon, and they decided to go downtown and do some shopping. She loved Loren’s impeccable taste in clothes, and they exchanged ideas and opinions on several of their purchases. They enjoyed spending time together and talking about Paul, Sebastian, and their relationships. They had just walked out of a clothing store when Arielle heard Loren’s immortal velvety voice.

  “Arielle, I want to thank you for something that has made a big difference in my life.”

  “Oh…” Arielle turned her inquisitive gaze at Loren.

  “It’s your friendship,” she said simply. “It has brought the most amazing and the most extraordinary feeling into my life. I was never blessed with a sister, or even a friend that I could trust with my personal relationships. When I first met you, I envied the bond that you share with Eva and Gabrielle. At the time I couldn’t even imagine how amazing it would be to share my inner thoughts with someone and know that I could trust them with my life.” She stopped and took a deep breath. “You see, it has always been my parents and Sebastian, and there are things that I just couldn’t possibly share with either one of them.” She paused. “But now I have you!” she exclaimed, pointing both hands toward Arielle. “How lucky can a girl be?”

  Arielle shifted to face her, and the look in Loren’s face was intense.

  “Well, yes, you do now have me,” Arielle said, chuckling.

  “Thank you,” Loren murmured, sincerely. “It means the world to me.” Arielle’s lips curved into a happy smile as she turned and headed toward the parking lot with Loren at her heels.

  “Loren, don’t feel alone,” Arielle said. “I remember when it was easy to talk to my mum about every thought and every problem I encountered in my young life.” Arielle stopped talking for a short moment and then hmmphed. “One day, I woke up and realized that I was grown up, and things had changed. I was struggling to keep explicit thoughts to myself, unable and totally embarrassed to talk about them. That’s where my two best friends Eva and Gabby came in. They became my secret sharers. Their minds became the secret vaults that kept every intimate thought I had safely locked away,” she said, and sighed deeply.

  They stopped walking again and gazed into each other eyes, and then they hugged warmly.

  “I’m thankful to have you in my life,” Loren muttered, and Arielle knew she was sincere.

  “I feel the same way, Loren; would you like t
o come by the house for a little while? Sebastian would love to see you. He adores you!”

  “I’d love to do that, but only for a short time. I’m meeting Paul around seven thirty.” She giggled at the sound of his name just like a little girl, and Arielle felt happy for her.

  When they arrived at the house, Sebastian was already there and in the shower. They could hear him joyfully whistling an old tune, and they both laughed out loud.

  “There’s salve in the fridge, so go ahead and help yourself, and I’ll go in and let him know that you’re here,” Arielle muttered.

  Loren turned and walked into the kitchen, and Arielle went into the bedroom calling his name.

  Chapter 12

  “HI!” SHE CALLED LOUDLY, making sure that he could hear her over his whistling and the running water. She should be used to Sebastian’s speed by now, but again she found herself completely struck by how fast he could move. He was out of the shower before she had a chance to draw her next breath. He was standing in front of her completely naked, hot steam filling the room. His beautiful sandy hair was dripping water that slid down his muscled body, pooling onto the floor. Her breath held in her throat, as he was more beautiful that a mythical Greek God.

  She had never heard the shower door open, and now she yelped as she found herself lifted up and into his arms. His mouth landed on hers, locking them into a kiss full of passion and hunger. Her pulse quickened, and her heart started to beat wildly. God, will I ever get over his immortal speed? She shot him a playful look.

  “Mmm…I missed you…” he murmured against her lips as he started to walk back into the shower with Arielle in his arms, still fully clothed.

  “No…no…not now,” she said, and he stopped. His eyebrows furrowed.

  “Why not?” She was so startled she didn’t answer him right away, and he started to walk back into the shower.

  “Loren is here; she wants to see you,” she exclaimed with amusement, and he froze in place. He set her down carefully.

  “Oh,” it was all he said, looking shocked.

  “Look what you’ve done…” she scolded him softly, looking down at her saturated clothes. “I need to change,” she complained, trying to brush the water off of her blouse. “Look at me, I’m completely drenched.” He just smiled.

  “I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t know….” He laughed again as he jumped back into the shower, and she heard his beautiful voice.

  “I’ll be right out,” he mumbled, still laughing. She couldn’t hold back a jovial laugh just thinking about his boyish looks, his extraordinary appeal, and the immense affection that filled her heart every time she was near him. She took a dry t-shirt and jeans out of the closet and dressed before walking back into the living room. Loren was standing in front of the huge window with a glass of salve in her hand, staring at the ocean and the remarkable cliffs that hovered over the blue waters.

  Her immortal abilities let her know that Arielle was standing right behind her. “What a magnificent sight,” she whispered.

  “I know,” Arielle said. “It’s absolutely mesmerizing. The view is what sold me on this house, and I know Sebastian feels the same way.” She moved a lot closer, and resting her eyes on Loren’s astonishingly beautiful face, she searched for the right words before she asked the question that had been occupying her thoughts for a very long time.

  “When are you going to tell Paul?” she finally said.

  Loren stilled, silently meeting Arielle’s gaze. Her bottom lip was caught between her teeth in pure stress, as her hand shook a little making the salve sway inside the glass from one side to the other.

  “I’ve tried, but I don’t seem to find the right words. I’m hopelessly in love with him, and I’m scared that the truth will drive him away.”

  Arielle hid her smile. This sounds way too familiar, she thought and pressed her lips together. She remembered Sebastian’s concern about losing her, and later Troy’s worry about losing Gabby. “You do have to tell him, Loren,” she emphasized. “Paul loves you; he would never leave you. But he should know your true identity.”

  Loren stood beside Arielle and listened quietly. Mentally, she was trying to formulate the words in her mind that would soften the blow when she divulged her immortality to Paul.

  Arielle gave her a side-glance, and she could almost hear her internal battle. She shook her head in frustration and turned her gaze on Arielle. “I know that Sebastian thinks that I fall in love with every guy I date, but believe me, Arielle, I don’t. I’ve never truly loved any man in my long journey on this earth. Paul has giving a new meaning to my life. He’s like a priceless gift that I don’t want to live without.” A long sigh escaped her, and she held Arielle’s gaze steadily.

  “Loren, I understand your fears, but you must tell Paul who you are,” Arielle said once again, emphatically. Looking at Loren at this very moment, she saw Sebastian emotions mirrored on her face. Boring into her eyes, she continued. “Paul and I have talked about this relationship, and I know that Paul’s love for you is unbelievable. Remember, Loren, that even though your undying world can be pretty scary for simple humans like us, we are determined to embrace it, because we can’t live without you.” She stared out the window as she sucked a deep breath. There was a long pause. Loren looked worried; Arielle reached over and took her hand, making her look at her.

  “Loren, Paul loves you unconditionally. I’m sure that your true identity will not change the way he feels about you. I’ll be here to support you if you need me,” she said with a soft smile.

  Sebastian cleared his throat, and they both turned to find him leaning against the doorframe. A wide smile was spread across his fabulous face.

  “How long have you been standing there?” Arielle asked.

  “Long enough.” He walked up to Loren and took her in his arms.

  “Hi, sis, how have you been?” he asked, and planted a kiss on her cheek, squeezing her tightly and making her giggle.

  “I’ve been busy,” Loren replied. “Arielle suggested that I stop by for a little while. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Mind? How could I possibly mind seeing my favorite sister?” Sebastian said. His lips curved into a startling smile. “Remind me to thank you later.” Arielle heard his velvety voice against her ear barely above a whisper. The tone in his voice made her shiver with excitement. She snorted, shaking her head and left the room, letting them spend some time together. She decided to start dinner, so she kept pretty busy until she heard Loren getting ready to leave.

  “I’ll ring you later,” she called out. Arielle walked to the door and stood next to Sebastian. He smiled at Loren and put his arm around Arielle’s waist, pulling her closer. She giggled quietly and waved goodbye to Loren.

  “I had a great time, Arielle!” Loren called, joyfully. She got into her car and drove off, still smiling. Sebastian pulled Arielle inside and let the front door close behind them. He leaned closer and brushed his lips against her ear, and her breathing accelerated.

  “What’s wrong?” he purred, and chuckled with amusement. His voice was smooth, filled with desire, making her shiver. She turned to look at his face, and their eyes locked. His gaze revealed a sizzling emotion ready to erupt at any moment.

  “Stop,” she said, softly. Pulling away, she walked back into the kitchen to finish making her dinner. She was making the salad when he walked in and stood right behind her. She giggled as she felt his arms around her waist, pulling her tightly against him. His warm, wet lips pressed against her neck making her knees quiver. Putting down the salad bowl, she twisted around without leaving his embrace to face him. Reaching up, she searched for his lips.

  “Mmm…I missed you,” he moaned, and she shivered with anticipation. She could feel the heat of his body, and all she wanted to do was soak in it.

  “Me, too,” she whispered. Their lips locked in a fevered kiss. His hands moved underneath her shirt, stroking her back and moving lower to caress her hips. Her body quivered under his touch and rip
ples of excitement ran across her skin. She breathed in his amazing scent and smiled, thinking how happy she was that a man like him wanted to be with her.

  “I love you, Mr. Darcy,” she murmured, against his lips.

  “What am I going to do with you?” he muttered, and she chuckled. She hadn’t heard that phrase for over three weeks. She was not surprised to find herself in bed before she could reach her next thought. His immortal speed was still something she was trying to get used to with no success.

  “Seriously, Sebastian, you have to stop doing that.” She was now lying on her back, as he pressed her down softly with his warm body.

  “I don’t understand what you mean,” he said, and she detected his amusement.

  “Your speed makes me dizzy,” she gasped. “And…” Her voice trailed as his lips moved slowly down the column of her throat.

  “And, what?” he murmured. His gaze intensified, and she almost lost herself in his eyes.

  “I…I didn’t get to prepare my dinner,” she mumbled, “And I’m so hungry.” She forced the words to sound nonchalant through a thick cloud of desire.

  “So am I,” he murmured, chuckling.

  “You are?” She met his eyes feeling his gaze scorching her face.

  “Yes, I’m very hungry for you.” His look was one of sheer excitement as he bent down once again and crashed her lips beneath his in a passionate kiss that made her tingle from her head to her toes and spread heat like a tornado across every single fiber of her body. He was an amazing man, and she was happy that he was completely hers. Sebastian released her mouth, and let his ravenous gaze travel leisurely up and down her body. His eyes sparkled with excitement; his lungs locked.

  “Mmmm…you are beautiful!” he whispered, and his arms tightened around her. The next couple of hours were filled with rising sensations, mind-blowing pleasure, blistering waves of passion, and thunderous eruptions of bliss. The sobs of ecstasy that escaped her lips stroked the core of his soul making him groan. He purred her name over and over again, capturing her consciousness, her essence, and her soul. They moaned with gratification as they lay breathless, gasping for air, lost in the haze of the aftermath. Sebastian cradled her in his arms, nestling her face in the crook of his arm, and she slid into a serene sleep. Sebastian tilted his head back and peered at her face. Passionate love washed over him; he drew a shuddering breath and grinned. He was happy; Arielle was the most amazing woman he had ever been with. Their love encounters were unbelievable. He pressed a tender kiss on her forehead, and resting back on his pillow, he closed his eyes.


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