Fake It For Me_A Fake Fiance Romance

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Fake It For Me_A Fake Fiance Romance Page 5

by Kira Blakely

  “Morning,” I said, trying to keep my tone professional and unaffected.

  “Too bad you didn’t stick around—those pancakes were incredible.”

  I didn’t know if he was joking or not. The idea of Dr. Connor Rex sitting down to a big pancake breakfast and then going to his shift in the OR was almost enough to crack my stony expression and bring a smile to my face. Almost.

  “Something I can help you with?” I asked.

  “That’s why I’m calling,” he said. “I’ve got a little dinner planned for Friday. Just a few coworkers. I’m thinking it’d be a good time to introduce my beautiful fiancée to the world.”

  He put a little bit of a regal-sounding tone on “beautiful fiancée,” making it seem like he considered this all to be some kind of game. I didn’t think it was that funny.


  “Tomorrow. You have something nice to wear?”

  I did a mental inventory of what I’d packed from home. It wasn’t much, and I hoped I had something.

  “I think so.”

  “Good,” said Connor. “Dress to impress. You don’t need to go full Disney Princess, but put your best foot forward, you know?”

  I got the distinct impression that there was something he wasn’t telling me. But I put the idea out of my head.

  “Will do,” I said. “I’ll leave the shimmering ball gown with the four-person train at home.”

  “Now you’re talking,” he said. “Come tomorrow around six—I don’t want you to look like you just showed up for the evening—we are engaged, after all.”

  “Sure,” I said, my tone terse.

  With that, we said our goodbyes and hung up. And I was left with a strange, sinking feeling in my gut. I felt like I was getting more in over my head by the minute.

  Chapter 7


  “There’s the little dude!”

  Hunter ran up to me and threw his arms around my legs as soon as I stepped into the apartment. I kicked off my shoes and scooped him up off the ground.

  “How was after-school?” I asked Eliza, who was busy cleaning up an early dinner she’d made for the two of them.

  “Oh, no complaints, Doc,” she said. “But, ah…”

  I raised an eyebrow. It was pretty clear that she had something to say.

  “You know how I feel about bad news,” I said.

  “Give it to me fast, and give it to me straight,” she said, repeating my motto on the subject.

  “Wow,” I said, “I just realized how much my policy toward bad news sounds like something from a crappy porno.”

  Eliza let out a chuckle.

  “What’s a ‘porno’?” asked Hunter as he pulled my Beth Sinai badge out of my white coat pocket and attached it to his shirt.

  “Uh, lame movies about adults hugging,” I said, forgetting my audience. “They’re boring—you wouldn’t like them.”

  Hunter was so distracted by the badge that all he could say was “uh huh” in response.

  “I met with one of his teachers when I picked him up after school,” said Eliza. “She said she wanted to talk to you about Hunter’s behavior.”

  “What?” I asked, surprised. “What specifically?”

  Eliza shrugged.

  “She wouldn’t say. She said it was a conversation that you and she needed to have.”

  “That right, dude?” I asked Hunter. “You causing problems at school?”

  He shrugged.

  “That’s no good,” I said.

  “She said for you to give her a call as soon as you could. It was, ah, Mrs. Kaufman.”

  I set Hunter down and checked my watch. I had catering coming in an hour or so, and the guests soon after that—no time to put off the conversation.

  “Watch him for a little bit,” I said. “I’m going to call.”

  “It’s what you pay me for,” said Eliza with a smile.

  I found Mrs. Kaufman’s name in my contacts and gave her a call, the phone ringing as I stepped into the bedroom. The conversation wasn’t pleasant. Over the course of the talk, I found out that Hunter had been causing trouble in class, teasing the girls and getting a little too into his roughhousing. I promised Mrs. Kaufman that I’d look into the issue.

  The conversation over, I took a seat on the edge of the bed. I knew what the answer was, but it was hard to swallow: I wasn’t giving Hunter the attention that he needed. He had one parent, and I was so busy with work that he ended up spending more time with Eliza than me. I knew he needed a mother, a good female influence in his life that wasn’t someone I was paying.

  On top of that, I knew things were only going to get worse if I did end up being chosen for this new position. The reason why Lionel was so insistent on having a family man for the role was beginning to dawn on me, but I knew that I was already in too deep to back out.

  “All good?” asked Eliza as I stepped back into the living room.

  “Not all good,” I said, turning a hard eye to Hunter.

  A shocked expression flashed on Hunter’s face and he dashed out of his room.

  “Kid knows what he did,” I said, shaking my head.

  “You still want me to take him to the neighbor’s tonight?” Eliza asked.

  “Yeah,” I said. “I’ve got a work dinner in the apartment tonight—can’t have him running around. Go ahead and drop him off and take the rest of the night off.”

  Eliza gave me an affirmative nod and went back to her cleaning.

  I stepped out onto the balcony, wondering just what I was going to do. Sometimes, I found myself wondering if I had what it took to be a single dad and full-time doctor at once. I worried that I was spreading myself too thin. But all I could do was focus on the day-to-day, to make sure that I was the best damn father and doctor I could be. What else could I do?

  A chime sounded in the apartment and I knew that meant the catering had arrived. I let them in through the elevator and the black-clad team went to work getting the evening’s spread ready. Watching them go to work, getting the food prepped and set out, it occurred to me just how long it’d been since I’d made a home cooked meal for Hunter. If I didn’t have Eliza to pick up my slack, I didn’t know what I’d do.

  Soon, the catering was taken care of, the drinks were set out, and all that was left was for me to get ready. Standing in front of my full-length mirror, I tied the knot tight on a blue and gray striped tie and took a deep breath, getting my story straight for the board. I realized with shock that I hadn’t worked out a backstory for Alice and me.

  Too late for that, however.

  I slipped a gold watch around my wrist and I was ready. After telling Hunter that he and I had plenty to talk about tomorrow, I sent him and Eliza off. Soon after they left, another chime sounded and I knew that the first guests had arrived.

  But no Alice.

  I took a glance at my watch and saw that it was a fifteen after six—she should’ve been here by now. I knew there was the distinct possibility that she might get cold feet about this whole thing, and I fired off a quick text asking where she was. But I didn’t have time to check it—the elevator doors soon opened up, revealing Lionel, Wendy, and Earl.

  And Richter Delahunt.

  Richter Delahunt was the other top cardiac surgeon at Beth Sinai, and my competition for the job. He was a reedy, long-limbed man of thirty-eight, with a bony face and head of prematurely graying, close-cropped hair. I never liked the guy—too much of a kiss-ass for my tastes, and half the surgeon I was—but here he was, in my home.

  “Welcome,” I said, masking my displeasure at Richter’s arrival.

  The four of them entered and I said my hello’s all around.

  “Quite the place you have here, Connor,” said Richter, his limpid blue eyes darting here and there. “I bet it makes for a hell of a bachelor pad.”

  Not two minutes into being here and he was already poking at me. I realized that it was likely to be a long night.

  “Not so much these days, Richter
,” I said, shaking his hand just a notch harder than I needed to.

  “Ah, that’s right,” he said. “You’re finally spoken for.”

  He let go of my hand and looked around the place.

  “But I don’t see the lucky girl? Surely this isn’t some ‘Canadian girlfriend’-type of situation.”

  He let out a light chuckle at his own joke.

  “Nope,” I said. “She’s actually from the same small town upstate as me.”

  “Such a lovely story,” said Wendy, clasping her hands together. “You and a high school sweetheart getting back together after so many years? Like something out of a movie!”

  “But…where is she?” asked Earl. “Still getting ready?”

  “Just stuck in traffic,” I said.

  I hoped.

  “Help yourself to the spread,” I said. “We’re going to be doing sort of a cocktail thing until the main courses are ready.”

  “Don’t mind if I do,” said Lionel, heading straight for the scotch.

  I took my phone out of my pocket, hoping for a text.

  But there was nothing.

  I typically made it a point to not let myself become stressed out—nothing more useless than a cardiac surgeon with anxious, shaking hands—but I couldn’t help but wonder if Alice really had decided to skip out on the whole thing.

  Then, another chime sounded through the apartment. My phone buzzed with a text. It was from Alice.

  “Down in the lobby. “

  A cool wave of relief washed over my body.

  “That the guest of honor?” asked Lionel, a big glass of booze in his wrinkled hand.

  “None other,” I said.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a slightly frustrated expression form on Richter’s severe features—it looked like he really was hoping that this was all some sort of ruse that I’d be called out on tonight.

  Little did he know.

  The elevator doors opened and there was Alice.

  “Hope I’m not too late,” she said, stepping into the living room.

  Goddamn, she looked good. She wearing a nearly skintight cocktail dress of a ruby-red color that appeared more suitable for a night out on the town than a dinner among colleagues, but I wasn’t complaining—it showed off every little bit of her curves, the hem terminating about mid-thigh, putting her lovely, shapely legs on display. Her cocoa-colored hair was styled in a simple side part, the hair on her right side tucked behind her ear. Her makeup was tasteful, a slight blush on her cheeks, her lips a sensual red, and her grass-green eyes situated among a soft smokiness.

  I felt my cock twitch in my pants, and it took all the restraint I had not to eye fuck her in the most blatant manner possible.

  “No,” I said, rushing over to her and planting a chaste kiss on her cheek. “You’re just in time.”

  Her eyes scanned the guests, a surprised expression forming on her features. She was clearly putting two-and-two together than the guests weren’t just a few work peers.

  “There she is!” said Lionel, tossing back the rest of his drink and heading over to Alice. “What a looker!”

  There were introductions all around, and Alice shot me a dirty look as she finished them up, having now likely figured that these people here were the hospital board.

  “Sorry to do this,” she said, “but do you all mind if I steal the good doctor away for just a moment? I have some boring wedding stuff to talk about with him and I don’t want to subject you all to it.”

  “Of course,” said Wendy. “We’ll just be in here.”

  Here we go, I thought.

  With that, Alice grabbed my hand very, very firmly and led me to my bedroom. As she did, my eyes latched right onto her ass—I just couldn’t help myself.

  We stepped into the bedroom and she shut the door.

  “What the fuck is going on out there?” she asked, pointing a French-manicured nail toward the living room. “Those aren’t just a few work colleagues or whatever you said—those are the goddamn people who run your hospital, right?”

  “And?” I asked.

  “‘And’?” she asked. “I’m dressed like an NYU sophomore going out clubbing! I didn’t pack anything nice to wear other than this, and it sure as shit isn’t intended for a fancy dinner with fancy people.”

  “I think you look pretty damn good, if it’s any consolation.”

  “Don’t you even start with that shit,” she said.

  The urge to tell her how cute she was when she was mad flared up in me, and I did my best to suppress it.

  I knew the right answer was to apologize. After all, she was right for being upset. I should’ve given her all the details.

  “OK,” I said. “This was a dick move on my part.”

  “You’re right it is,” she said. “Especially with this little thing we’ve got going on. You and I need to be on the same page at all times – no more springing shit on me like this, OK?”

  I held up my hands in surrender.

  “No more lies,” I said. “Other than the big one we’re going to be telling for the next month or so.”

  Her expression made it clear she didn’t find this little joke very funny.

  “Now,” I said. “Shall we?”

  “I guess we shall.”

  Chapter 8


  I hated how I couldn’t stay mad at Connor for very long. He might’ve changed a bit in how he copped to screwing up, but that didn’t mean he didn’t put his boyish charm on full display whenever he felt like he could use it to his advantage. But he seemed to be honest when he told me he’d keep me on the same page about everything.

  Still, I wasn’t happy to be dressed like this in front of some old-money folks like his board. I figured it’d be fine for some other people our age, especially considering it was all I had to wear, but not in front of a group of damn baby boomers.

  “Darling!” exclaimed Wendy, a heavyset woman with her hair done up in a hard shellac. “Where’s your ring?”

  My right hand shot to the fingers of my left and I’d realized that I wasn’t wearing it.

  “That’s a good question,” said Richter, a gaunt, bony man who looked more like a mortician than a surgeon.

  Connor flashed me a look that made it clear he wasn’t happy about this. My heart began to thud in my chest as I tried to remember where I’d put it. I’d taken it off when I showered this morning, and then I…

  My purse!

  I darted my hands into my purse, feeling around for the little zipper pocket. Once it was open I slipped my hands in and felt for the ring. To my relief, there it was. I pulled it out and slipped it onto my finger.

  And the strangest thing happened as I put it on and looked at it: An odd emotion washed over me, something like happiness. Just seeing a gorgeous ring on my finger, despite the actual reason for it being there, was enough to make me happy. Was I more eager to be married than I thought?

  I was still steamed at Connor about this whole thing. Part of me still wanted to grab him by that designer tie of his and wrap it around his neck until he gave me the apology that I was looking for. But as I stood there, my eyes fixed on the shimmering facets of the diamond on my finger, I felt my anger melt away.

  I shook my head, bringing myself back to the moment.

  “Now, that’s a gorgeous stone!” said Wendy, grabbing my hand as though I were a mannequin and holding it close to her face for a better look. “Your man’s got taste; can’t argue with that.”

  “Very nice,” said Lionel, taking a peek, and then turning back to his plate of hors-d’oeuvres.

  Glancing up, my gaze shot over to Richter, who seemed to be watching me with skeptical eyes. For a moment, I wondered if he’d picked up on the fact that something seemed out of sorts about my reaction to the ring—and how I was reacting to everything else. But if he had his suspicions, he kept them to himself.

  “OK, all,” said Connor, “enough fawning. Food’s ready if you all are.”

before he could begin to bring in the food, a low chime sounded through the apartment.

  A quizzical expression appeared on Lionel’s face.

  “We expecting more company?” he asked.

  “Not to my knowledge,” said Connor. “Hopefully we don’t have any party-crashers.”

  Then a buzz sounded from his phone. Connor glanced at the screen and nodded.

  “Ah, it’s my son.”

  “Your w-”

  I almost had to slap my hands over my mouth to prevent the words from shooting out. Thankfully, I had the presence of mind to not ask a stupid question like that, despite my shock.

  His son? He was a dad?

  I glanced around the room, noting all of the pictures of the tow-headed, good-looking kid here and there. Right away I felt beyond stupid for not realizing that there was no one else it could be other than his kid. I wanted to be furious at Connor for not telling me this oh-so-tiny little detail, but more than that I was mad at myself for not having found it out through my research. I realized that Connor must’ve gone out of his way to keep his son out of whatever public eye Connor himself was in.

  Either way, I had one more thing to be nervous about.

  The elevator doors slid open and the boy from the pictures dashed out, his golden-blond hair bouncing wildly as he ran, a big smile on his face.

  “Dad!” the boy shouted, running up to Connor.

  “There’s the guy!” exclaimed Connor as he scooped up his son.

  The guests went to fawning over him right away. I stood there awkwardly for a moment, realizing that not knowing who his son was didn’t exactly make my and Connor’s story more believable.

  “What’s going on, Hunter?”

  Connor flicked a knowing expression in my direction, as if telling me without speaking that the kid’s name was “Hunter.”

  “We’re going to the pool and I needed to get my swim trunks.”

  It took me a second to realize that he meant that there was a pool somewhere in the building. The perks of being loaded, I thought wryly.

  Then Hunter’s eyes flicked over to me. The effect was almost shocking – not only was there the surprise of his whole situation, but Hunter had the same piercing gaze as his dad.


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