Raw: Book 1

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Raw: Book 1 Page 8

by Michelle Maris

  “That’s not fair. To omit this part of my life would be to protect my wife. This lifestyle could make a woman feel insecure. I don’t want my wife ever to feel like I’m comparing her or judging her to other women I’ve slept with and if she knew I worked here, she’d know I slept with many women.”

  Madison gazed at Jeremy. Something about what he said made her want to cry. If she could easily walk, she would have found an excuse to leave the room, but she was stuck there in front of him as tears fell from her eyes.

  “Madison, sweetheart, what happened?” Jeremy leapt from his chair, scooted Madison’s chair out and knelt in front of her. He held Madison’s hands in her lap.

  “I’m sorry, I’m just emotional all of a sudden. Jeremy would you mind setting me up on the couch and then going.”

  “Did I offend you?”

  “No. You just reminded me of how jaded I’ve become, and it feels awful.”

  “I’m sorry Madison. It wasn’t my intention.”

  “I know. It’s just you being you, sweet and charming.”

  “Madison, it’s not too late to let someone love you like that.”

  Jeremy wiped the tears from her eyes using her napkin, “Jeremy, I wish it was that easy.”

  “It can be, you’ll see.” Jeremy stood and kissed the top of Madison’s head. “I’ll clean up and settle you on the couch.”

  Jeremy cleaned up the dishes then carried Madison over to the couch. He brought everything she would need and reminded her to text him if she needed him for any reason. He kissed her forehead and left her.

  As he walked back to his room, he rehashed their conversation. After the short time he spent with Madison, Jeremy began wanting those things with her; yet, he couldn’t see that being a real possibility after hearing her views on marriage. The time he spent with her allowed him to see a softer, more vulnerable side of Madison, and he liked it, but the problem was that Madison hated that side of her and she’d do anything to keep it hidden, even denying herself happiness with a man who loved her.

  Chapter 6

  The weeks that Madison was in her cast Jeremy continued to visit Madison whenever she texted him. The visits became more frequent and more comfortable. They shared meals together, showered together, and he no longer had to wear his briefs when they showered. They talked about growing up and the differences in their backgrounds.

  Jeremy’s family consisted of hard working blue-collar workers. His mother drilled into him the importance of good manners. It was not uncommon for him to get a slap on the back of his head if he stepped out of line. His mother sobbed the day Jeremy graduated from medical school and then she died three months later.

  “Jeremy, I’m sorry.” Madison and Jeremy laid on her bed talking. It was after two in the morning, and Madison asked Jeremy to come over after his night with the members ended.

  “It was a sad and painful day in my life, but she was so thankful that she lived to see me finish medical school.”

  “And now.”

  “Now, I feel like she’s watching me from above and I’ve let her down, but I don’t have it in me to continue in medicine right now.”

  “But it’s not off the table.”

  “No, it’s not. Tell me about your parents.” Jeremy asked, eager to change the subject.

  Madison let out a long and profound sigh. “My parents, where to begin? My mom is compliant to my controlling father. I hate it, and I always try and give her a pep talk, but she’s happy the way she is. I think that sums it up.”

  “Can you be happy for her because she’s happy?” Jeremy rested his hand on Madison’s stomach.

  She casually unaware stroked his forearm. “I try, but it still upsets me. I would never put up with that from a man.”

  “You wouldn’t choose to be with a man like that so you’d never have to put up with it.”

  “True.” Madison turned her head and gazed at Jeremy. She stared down at his lips. She wanted to feel his lips against hers, once again. She needed to feel the way she felt the first time he kissed her. The kisses she experienced at RAW were rudimentary at best. There was meaning behind Jeremy’s brief kiss. There was no label for its meaning in her mind, not yet, because she didn’t know Jeremy well enough. And though Madison ran scared she wanted to feel that way again. “Can you kiss me?”

  “You want me to kiss you?” Jeremy repeated her request.

  “Just a kiss, nothing more.”

  Jeremy nodded, lifted himself up on his elbow and leaned over Madison. He looked down at her lips as he pressed his fingers on her stomach. “Are you sure?” He asked.

  “Kiss me. Please.”

  Jeremy softly landed his mouth on hers. He moved back and gazed into her eyes. He needed reassurance before he continued. Madison bit down on her lip, nodded, wrapped her hand around his neck and brought his lips back to hers.

  Madison trailed her fingers down his back as Jeremy grabbed her hip and pulled her into him. He traveled kisses over her cheek and down her neck while he slid his hand up the side of her body under her shirt. He covered her breast with his palm and brushed his thumb across her taut nipple. Madison threw her head back and released a soft moan.

  Jeremy glided her shirt over her head, cupped her breast, and lowered his mouth over her nipple sucking it in. Madison let her hands explore his beautiful broad back. She outlined his muscles from top to bottom with her fingertips until she reached his behind. She flattened her palms and covered his ass pushing him into her hips. Jeremy released her nipple and stared down at Madison. She pushed against his erection as he covered her mouth, again.

  Together they nibbled and sucked, as their kiss grew more intense. Their tongues danced, and they explored each other’s bodies with their hands. Madison felt the pulse between her legs as Jeremy grinded his erection on her hip. She purred out his name and Jeremy begged her for more.

  “Madison, I need you to need me.”

  His words brought everything to a halt. Madison pushed him away. “What did you just say?”

  “What? I don’t know. What did I just say?”

  Madison shook her head. “Nothing, forget about it, but you need to go.”

  “Madison.” Jeremy brushed the back of his hand down her cheek.

  “Jeremy, leave, now.” Madison turned her face away from him.

  Jeremy stood from her bed and looked down at her. “I don’t know what I said to upset you, but I’m sorry.”

  “Please Jeremy, just go.”

  Jeremy reached for his glasses on her nightstand and grabbed his t-shirt off the floor. He ambled towards the door and looked back at Madison one last time. “Good night, Madison.”

  Madison didn’t respond, nor did she look at him.

  Jeremy snuck back to his room and stared at the ceiling the rest of the night. He didn’t know what went wrong, but Madison shut it down abruptly. Whatever he said came from a moment of passion but he obviously offended her and he knew there would be no more text messages asking him to come see her.


  Madison never did text him again after that night, and the next time he’d see her she’d be wearing heels walking through the restaurant to have dinner with Bevy.

  He took every opportunity to look at her, but Madison took every opportunity to avoid eye contact with Jeremy. Jeremy still had no clue what he said to upset her but Madison wanted nothing to do with him.

  He watched as Madison and Bevy dined together then he’d watch her leave the restaurant with her chosen men in tow. This went on for weeks, and Jeremy tried to distance himself from his thoughts of Madison. During the time he spent with her, he fell in love and now, seeing her with other men destroyed him.

  Approaching her about it could get him fired, so Jeremy waited and continued doing what he did best, pleasing the women that requested him for group sex. He directed all his energy towards satisfying the other women. Luckily, the members of RAW took a liking to Jeremy, and he had a lot of requests. The members always booked Jerem
y in Room One, and Bevy received great feedback about him. He worshipped the women when he got the chance, but group sex made it difficult.

  Jeremy’s probation period was nearing the end, but it couldn’t happen fast enough. Jeremy needed to be alone with a woman. The constant group sex wore on him, and he ached for the day he could be alone with one woman. His preference would be Madison, but Jeremy set his mind on pleasing any woman who would book him for the evening. That woman would get his undivided attention, and he’d worship her, and in turn, he hoped it would lock in his chances of being booked in Room One over the other rooms.

  In Room One, Jeremy could have sex with a woman in a more intimate manner. He didn’t have to use props; it was pure sex between a man and women. It was what Jeremy excelled at and what he enjoyed most. There was the possibility that an audience could watch but Jeremy mastered putting that out of his mind.

  Many nights at the bar, the members mentioned that they were booking him for Room One as soon as his probation was up, so all he had to do was get through the remaining few weeks and things would shift for him at RAW.

  Chapter 7

  Madison walked into the restaurant alone wearing a short black dress, a plunging neckline, and long sleeves. It was sexy but tasteful. Jeremy appreciated how Madison showed just enough skin to be teasing but not too much to be distasteful.

  To Jeremy’s surprise, Madison took a seat at the bar instead of the usual corner table she and Bevy occupied.

  The men all greeted her, Jeremy chose not to, and Madison noticed. “Jeremy, are you in a bad mood tonight?”

  “I’m never in a bad mood,” Jeremy answered as he brought his scotch glass up to his lips. He took a sip then asked, “And you?”

  “I’m doing well. I’m looking forward to relaxing this weekend.”

  “Well, you are in the right place to do it,” Jeremy answered, emptied his glass, and stood up and walked away. “Enjoy yourself.”

  Madison’s mouth dropped open as she watched Jeremy approach a woman at the other end of the bar. The other men surrounding Madison picked up the slack. “Jeremy’s feeling a little frustrated, Madison,” Timothy said as he looked over at Jeremy.

  “Why?” Madison questioned.

  “He’s over only being able to participate in group activities,” Luke answered.

  Madison thought for a moment. “Well, maybe we can help him with his frustration.”

  Luke and Timothy smiled, “We’ll go tell him.”

  “Thank you. I’ll be in my room.” Madison took a final sip of her wine and stood from the bar. She strutted past Jeremy on her way out ignoring him. Madison hated seeing him flirt with other women. He made it look legitimate, and it bothered Madison that she couldn’t tell the difference between someone Jeremy had a strong interest in and someone he pretended to be interested in.

  Luke and Timothy walked to the end of the bar as Jeremy watched them approach him. “Hey man, you’re with us tonight.”

  Jeremy wouldn’t ask who requested him until they were out of earshot of any other members. Once out in the hallway, Jeremy asked them.

  “It’s Madison tonight,” Luke answered him before Timothy.

  “She requested me?”

  “Yes, she did. Are you ready for this? She’s fucking hot. It will be like every one of your wet dreams since you hit puberty come true.”

  Jeremy nodded but thought Luke’s comments distasteful. Jeremy knew Madison on a different level and to hear Luke talk about her that way left a bad taste in his mouth. Actually, Luke shouldn’t be talking about any women that way. Jeremy waited for this moment, but now he was angry that he had to share Madison’s body with other men, especially a man like Luke who didn’t deserve to touch Madison’s body.

  They walked down a wide hallway dimly lit by chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling. The double French doors leading into Madison's room stood in the center of the hall. “Madison’s room occupies this entire wall,” Timothy whispered as he pointed from one end of the hall to the other.

  Jeremy knew that Madison’s real bedroom was down a different hallway entirely; She used this room for sex and nothing more.

  When they walked into her room, Madison sat in an oversized chair in the corner. She bent at the waist slipping off her heels. She looked at the three men watching her then directed her attention to Jeremy. “Welcome, Jeremy.”

  “Thank you,” Jeremy said as he looked around her room. “You have a beautiful room.”

  Madison smiled. “Come here.”

  Jeremy ambled towards her and stood towering over her. Madison looked up at him. “Get down on your knees.” She demanded.

  Jeremy didn’t react at first. He didn’t know what to expect from Madison during sex, but this wasn’t it. Jeremy got to know a more vulnerable side of Madison, and he liked that Madison more than what she portrayed here tonight. And even if he had her pegged all wrong, he found that women who controlled their lives outside of the bedroom, wanted men to control them in the bedroom and Madison’s behavior right now proved him wrong.

  Jeremy dropped to his knees and ran the palm of his hands along Madison’s thighs. She swept them away, and the abrupt response halted Jeremy. He gazed at her but continued sliding his hands up her thigh and under her dress. She attempted to push him away, again, but Jeremy ignored her. He grabbed her hands and placed them next to her. “Just stop.” He calmly whispered as if he begged her to stop the nonsense.

  Madison’s eyes softened and she didn’t fight him.

  Jeremy continued where he left off. He glided his hands up her thigh, unsnapped her garters and slipped her silk stocking down her leg. The silk caressed her skin as his fingertips brushed over her bare skin. Madison balled up her hands alongside her body as the flesh between her legs pulsated.

  Jeremy lifted her foot and gathered the silk stocking and placed it on the arm of the chair. He held Madison’s foot in front of his face, tilted his head and kissed the inside of her ankle. Madison sucked in a shuddering breath. Jeremy placed her foot down and worked the other stocking off her thigh.

  When he finished, he dragged her dress up as far as it would go with her in a seated position. He leaned in to kiss her, but she threw her hands up on his chest and pushed him back. “This is group sex. You need to share.”

  Jeremy looked back at Luke and Timothy. They sat on the bed waiting for direction. Jeremy stood and held out his hand for Madison. She slipped her hand into his, and he escorted her to the bed.

  Luke stepped behind Madison moving his hands up and down her body while kissing her neck. Timothy stood in front on her gathering her dress and removing it over her head. Luke unfastened her bra and Timothy slid it down her arms letting it drop to the floor. Luke wrapped his arms around her cupping her breasts and offering them to Timothy to suck into his mouth.

  This wasn’t what Jeremy wanted. Watching Luke and Timothy undress her as they touched her and caressed her skin with their mouths sickened Jeremy.

  Luke stepped back, undressed then took over touching Madison as Timothy did the same. They stood with their erections rubbing up against her front and her back.

  Madison wiggled away from them and laid back across the bed as they positioned themselves around her. She choreographed their every move without saying a word. Madison shifted their hands where she wanted them. She guided Luke’s hand up her thigh and waited as he took over her lead.

  Luke trailed his hand up her inner thigh until his fingers disappeared. Madison tilted her head back as he slid her panties to the side and slipped two of his fingers inside of her. Madison moaned and braced her hands on the bed beneath her. Timothy sat on his knees behind Madison. He slipped his hands down the front of her brushing his fingers across her nipples. Madison opened her eyes and stared at Jeremy who stood with his shoulders thrown back as if he prepared for a brawl.

  Madison lifted Timothy’s hand and placed it on her breast. He took her direction and cupped her breast with his palm then covered it with his mou
th and sucked on the taut nipple while Luke dragged her panties down her legs and stayed there working her silky wet folds with his tongue.

  Jeremy gazed down at Madison as hands covered her body from all directions. Her skin the color of honey looked smooth and flawless. He wanted to touch her. He was hard as a rock, but he didn’t want to share her. Unfortunately, this was his job, and he needed to get involved in a big way, or Madison would never invite him to her room, again, and possibly tell Bevy he didn’t do his job.

  He removed his glasses placing them on the nightstand next to her bed, and then his clothes. He sat on the bed next to her and began to palm the other breast neglected by Timothy. Jeremy stared down at Madison’s lips and then looked into her eyes. He released her breast and brought his hand up to her mouth and dragged his thumb across her lips. The intensity of Madison’s golden hazel eyes expressed her need for this, whatever this was. Madison never closed her eyes. She gazed at Jeremy. He leaned in and gently kissed her mouth slipping his tongue in and out.

  Their kisses became intense, as Madison ran her fingers through Jeremy’s thick strands while pulling him closer to her, at the same time, elbowing Timothy out of the way. Timothy shifted back on his heels watching the scene before him as he stroked his cock. She brought her knees together crowding out Luke from his task at hand. Luke and Timothy watched as the scene played out in front of them. A scene they were no longer welcomed to engage in.

  “Madison,” Jeremy whispered her name.

  “Yes, Jeremy.” She breathed the words out.

  “Ask them to leave.”

  “Excuse me.”

  “Ask them to leave.” He repeated his demand.

  Madison pulled back and shot him an incredulous look. “No.” Her stern response jolted Jeremy from his lustful thoughts.

  “My fantasy, my rules.” She said as she pushed Jeremy off of her. Timothy and Luke automatically moved further back as they waited to see what came next.

  “You go, Jeremy. I want you to leave.” Madison pointed towards the door.

  Jeremy knitted his brows together as he glanced at Luke and Timothy. Their shocked expressions mimicked the way he felt. Jeremy stood up, grabbed his clothes, slipped on his pants and threw his shirt over his shoulder. He took his glasses from the nightstand and left Madison’s room.


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