One Sizzling Touch

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One Sizzling Touch Page 7

by Tina Folsom

“Damn it, Rochelle,” he grunted against her lips and pressed his body to hers to show her what she was doing to him, how she aroused him, how his cock was pumping full with blood, ready to sink into her. Within seconds he was as hard as granite and impatient as a kid on Christmas Eve.

  In a steady rhythm he rubbed himself against her soft center, while he explored her with his tongue and demanded that she do the same. When her delicious tongue finally lapped against his, a groan escaped him.

  Her breasts were soft and warm, and her hard nipples rubbed against his chest. He drew back a little so he could touch her breasts, cup them with his palms and squeeze and caress them.

  Rochelle sighed into his mouth, responding to his touch, and he sensed how she pressed her tits more firmly into his hands. In response he rocked his groin against her hips. The contact sent a bolt of desire through his body. He was aflame. Eagerly, he stroked his hand down her torso until he reached her thigh. He gripped it, pulled her leg up and wrapped it around his hip. Now he could get even closer to her center, could press his erection even more intensely to her sex.

  Deeper and deeper he foraged into her mouth, tasted her sweet essence, inhaled her intoxicating scent. Rochelle welcomed him, didn’t push him back when he dropped his other hand to her second thigh and pulled that one up, too, in effect lifting her off the ground, so that she hung suspended between the wall and his body. Her legs were spread wide and he pressed himself to her, felt the warm wetness that emanated from her sex. Just like he felt his cock spasm in anticipation.

  Rochelle was made for love. And that was exactly what he wanted right now: to make love to her.

  He had to be inside her to wipe the thought of the other man from not only his mind, but also hers. Because the fact that nothing bad had happened to her could only mean that the other man wasn’t a criminal, but an ex-boyfriend. It was the only scenario that made sense. But he had to know for sure. Otherwise he’d never be able to stop thinking about it.

  He ripped his mouth from her and looked into her lust-drenched eyes. “Who was the guy from earlier? What did he want?”

  “What?” For a moment she didn’t seem to understand his question, but then her eyes widened suddenly and her chin dropped. “You were spying on me?”

  She pushed her hands against his shoulders much harder than he’d expected. She meant business.

  “No. My driver saw that—”

  “Let go of me!” She hit his shoulders once more and kicked her legs at him.

  Zach had no choice but to drop her back on her feet, releasing her. “I just wanted to make sure that—”

  “That what? That no other man is hunting in your territory?” Her eyes narrowed, fury spewing from them now. “You have no right to spy on me or show up here unannounced.”

  “It wasn’t like that.”

  “It was exactly like that. You offered me your car so that your driver would find out where I live. So you could just show up here whenever you were in the mood.” She gave his crotch, where his cock made a huge bulge under his slacks, a meaningful look. “Get lost! Get out of my apartment!”

  Zach had enough experience with women to know when a woman wasn’t going to accept any further explanations. Not even the truth would calm her down now and make her change her mind about him.

  He turned to the door and reached for the knob. “I’m sorry. I only wanted to—”

  “Get out!” she repeated, her voice hoarse now as if she had difficulty speaking.

  He opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. The door fell shut behind him. Then he heard her turn the deadbolt. He laid his palms on the door and closed his eyes.

  Fuck, he’d really screwed up now. How was he ever going to clear up this misunderstanding? If his cock hadn’t interfered, this wouldn’t have happened. Then he would have simply assured himself that Rochelle was okay and bid her good night.

  But no, his cock had had other ideas. Even now he was still rock hard and by the looks of it, would remain so for some time, because relief was nowhere in sight. At least not with Rochelle. Any chance that Rochelle would invite him into her bed again had just dropped to nil. And that was something he couldn’t accept.


  Rochelle took off her jacket and hung it over the back of her chair. Despite the air conditioning in the meeting room that Ivers International had provided for her and her colleagues, it was warm. Her colleague Antonio had removed his jacket two hours earlier and turned over his shirt sleeves. He sat opposite her on the long conference table, working through a pile of files, searching for any oddities. Nicole, who sat at the other end of the table wearing a short sleeved blouse, was working on the electronic files, which she’d copied from Zach’s computer.

  A frustrated sigh came from Nicole, and Rochelle tossed her an inquisitive look. “Anything?”

  Nicole shook her head. “This guy is as clean as a baby after its bath.”

  “Mmm,” Antonio grunted, closing one file and putting it on the pile, before picking up the next one. “Nicole is right. There’s nothing that sticks out.” He lifted his eyes from the file in front of him. “I’m getting the feeling that somebody is playing a joke on us.”

  Rochelle moved her head from left to right. “The SEC has to follow any tips they get and find out if there’s anything to them.”

  “I know that,” Antonio said, “but I can’t pull evidence out of my nose.” He tapped his finger on the manila folder in front of him. “How much do you wanna bet that I won’t find anything in here either?”

  Rochelle sighed. “No indication that there could be other bank accounts from which he made those stock trades?”

  “Nothing of the sort. At least not under his own name,” Antonio replied.

  “I can’t find anything either that leads me to believe that he moved money to other accounts, which we haven’t found yet. If he is trading his own stock, then he’s hidden the accounts pretty well,” Nicole said.

  Rochelle nodded. She’d come to the same conclusion. But she couldn’t give up that quickly. Her boss expected results and telling him that Zach hadn’t committed any wrongdoing wasn’t going to cut it. No, Todd Yochum wanted a conviction. He needed a big case to bring the SEC into a good light with the public.

  “Continue. There must be something,” she encouraged her colleagues and herself.

  When her cell phone suddenly vibrated on the table, she picked it up and looked at the text message she’d received.

  Need to talk to you. Alone.

  The message wasn’t from her brother, but from a number she hadn’t programmed into her cell yet. Nevertheless she recognized it instantly: the message was from Zach.

  After what had happened the night before, she didn’t think it would be wise to be alone with him. Simply thinking of the events of the previous night heated her blood. She’d almost had wild sex with Zach in the foyer of her apartment, so much had his kisses and his touch aroused her. She couldn’t deny that the passion between them burned just as hotly as before, even though they both knew they had to stay away from each other.

  Her hand trembled when she typed out a short reply and hit send.


  Apparently Zach didn’t like her answer, because within seconds he’d sent another text.

  Please hear me out. I want to apologize.

  Damn him! How could she deny somebody who wanted to apologize for his mistakes? No, she had to remain steadfast. Besides, her colleagues couldn’t find out that she was meeting Zach.

  I can’t be seen with you, she wrote back.

  Instantly his reply came: Take the elevator to the 45th floor. Code 569336. The floor is empty. There will be nobody apart from you and me.

  She hesitated.


  In five minutes.

  She powered down her laptop. “I’m gonna go for lunch.”

  Nicole looked up from her computer. “So early? It’s only half past eleven.”

  Rochelle smiled and stood. “I’ve been u
p since five this morning. My stomach is growling.” She snatched her handbag and her jacket and turned toward the door.

  “Wait, I’ll come with you,” Antonio called after her. “I need a sandwich.”

  Rochelle looked over her shoulder. “Great! I wanted to look for some shoes while I’m out. You can help me choose the right pair.”

  Antonio instantly grimaced. “Oh, you know what? Why don’t you go ahead? I’d better finish this file first before I take a break.”

  “As you wish.” Rochelle opened the door and left the conference room with a silent sigh of relief. Luckily, she was aware of Antonio’s aversion to shopping.

  As calmly as possible she walked to the elevator and pressed the button. Moments later the doors opened and she entered. She turned to the keypad left of the door and typed in the code Zach had given her. Then she pressed the button to the 45th floor and the elevator started moving.

  Nervously, she tapped her foot on the floor. Had she made the right decision to meet with Zach? Would he behave this time? Would she? Would she be able to keep her desire in check? Because if she was honest with herself about the previous night, she’d have to admit one thing: she still wanted Zach, even if she was pissed off with him for having spied on her.

  A soft pinging sound announced her arrival on the 45th floor. The elevator doors opened, and she froze. Zach stood in the hallway, already waiting for her. She took a deep breath and exited the elevator, nodding at him stiffly. “Zach.”

  A hesitant smile played around his lips when he motioned down the long corridor. “Come. I’d like to show you something.”

  He reached out his hand to her, but she didn’t take it. She couldn’t touch him. It would only make things more difficult.

  “Please,” he added.

  She nodded and walked next to him as he headed for the other end of the building. The entire floor was bare and clearly in the process of being renovated, however, she saw no workers. Apart from the sound of Zach’s and her own footsteps, it was eerily quiet.

  At the end of the corridor Zach entered a large room with floor-to-ceiling windows. The view of the southern tip of Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island beyond was spectacular.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked, his voice soft.

  She took her gaze away from the breathtaking view and looked at him. “You wanted to talk with me. So talk.”

  He nodded and pointed to one corner of the room.

  She followed his outstretched hand. On the rough concrete floor lay a blanket. On it several pillows were strewn about, together with a basket, which looked like it was filled with food.

  “I figured maybe you’d like to have lunch with me. And since we can’t be seen together anywhere…” He didn’t finish his sentence.

  She didn’t know how to react. On one hand the gesture was thoughtful, on the other hand she felt caught unawares.

  “In your text message you said you wanted to apologize.”

  He nodded and walked to the place where he’d arranged the picnic and sat down on the blanket. He took several items out of the basket: sandwiches and containers with salads and placed them on the blanket.

  Without looking up, he said, “I didn’t spy on you. At least not the way you interpreted it.” He sighed. “When Henderson, my driver, called me after he’d dropped you off at your place, I was worried about you.” He looked up, searching her gaze, his eyes warm and asking for understanding. “Truly worried.”

  Her forehead furrowed, and she couldn’t help herself and asked, “About what?”

  “Henderson saw a man waiting for you, and it didn’t look like you wanted to talk to him. But he followed you inside, and I imagined the worst. That maybe he’d threatened you with a knife and you couldn’t call for help.” He ran a hand through his hair and she thought she could see how it trembled, as if he still felt the same fear.

  His eyes, too, carried that worry. Involuntarily, she took a few steps toward him, stopping at the edge of the blanket.

  “You didn’t use your driver to find out where I lived?”

  Zach shook his head. “Rochelle, I was afraid for your safety. I was worried that guy would hurt you. That’s why I went crazy when you opened the door in that thin nightgown. And don’t even get me started on the front door. Your landlord will get an earful from me for that door not properly closing.”

  He’d really been worried about her? And he wanted to go head-to-head with her landlord? Smiling, she shook her head and slowly sat down on the blanket.

  “Why didn’t you say so last night?”

  He handed her a paper plate. “Because I was mauling you without thinking. After that you wouldn’t listen to another word I had to say.”

  Zach was right. She hadn’t been in the right frame of mind to listen to any explanations or apologies.

  “I’m sorry, Rochelle. Not only because I showed up unannounced and uninvited, but more so because of the way I behaved. I shouldn’t have kissed you. I had no right. But the thought that another man had touched you, hurt you…”

  “That man was my brother.”

  Surprise and a touch of relief spread over Zach’s face. “Your brother? Then Henderson must have been wrong when he thought you looked like you didn’t want to talk to him.”

  Zach took the lid off one of the containers and handed her a serving spoon.

  “Thank you.” She spooned a helping of salad onto her plate. “Your driver wasn’t wrong.” She hesitated and reached for a sandwich. Slowly she unwrapped it.

  Zach also selected a sandwich and put it on his plate. “It’s all right. You don’t have to tell me. It’s none of my business.”

  She sighed. “It’s just… it’s complicated. Steve always gets into trouble and I’m always the one he turns to when he needs help.” She shrugged. “You can’t choose family.”

  “Can I help in any way?”

  She looked at him, surprised, but immediately shook her head. She didn’t want to drag anybody into her family problems. Steve was her problem to deal with, not Zach’s. “I’ll handle it.”

  “What does your brother do for a living?”

  A bitter laugh slipped out before she could hold it back. “Everything and nothing.”

  Zach arched an eyebrow and bit into his sandwich, chewing slowly. She did the same. Only when the first bite of food reached her stomach, did she notice how hungry she was.

  “Mmm, that’s good,” she said in between two bites.

  Zach smiled. “The food is from the deli around the corner. I eat there at the counter occasionally, but since I can’t take you out, I figured bringing it here would have to do.” He motioned to the picnic corner he’d created.

  “You didn’t need to go through so much trouble. I would have accepted your apology without the bribery.”

  “So you forgive me?”

  Their gazes locked and she felt herself nod automatically.

  He reached for her hand and pressed a kiss onto the back of it, before she even knew what he wanted to do. “Thank you. I promise, it’ll never happen again.”

  Even though she appreciated his heartfelt assurance, it disappointed her a little bit at the same time. Did this mean he’d never kiss her again? She should be happy about that. However, to her surprise, his words filled her with regret. The kiss the night before had reawakened the memories of their night of passion in living color. Immediately she’d wanted more. But apparently all that was history now.

  Zach finally understood that a relationship between them was impossible.

  She sighed.

  While she ate her salad and sandwich, she steered the conversation into a more harmless direction, and Zach didn’t try to veer back to more personal subjects.

  “Do you want dessert?” Zach now asked, after she’d eaten the last bite of her sandwich, and reached for her plate.

  Their hands touched and a bolt charged through her, making her gasp for air involuntarily. Her gaze fell onto his mouth. Oh God, she
wanted to kiss him, wanted to feel his mouth on hers. No, she couldn’t allow this to happen again.

  “Dessert?” he asked again, his voice even softer than before, even more tempting, seductive.

  She waved him off quickly. “No, thanks.”

  “Shame. I would have liked to feed you.” He winked at her mischievously, and suddenly he seemed to have turned back into the man she’d met at the Fountain Bar.

  She felt warmth spread inside her and tugged at her blouse. Immediately she caught Zach’s gaze which had dropped to her chest. His head jerked up.

  “Sorry,” he murmured. “But as much as I try, it’s not easy to ignore an alluring woman like you.”

  “I should go back to work,” she stammered, embarrassed, and looked at her watch. “Oh dear, is that the time? Nicole and Antonio will wonder where I’ve been for so long.”

  He nodded slowly. “I’m gonna have to stay up here a little longer.”

  “But w—”

  He motioned to his groin, where a noticeable bulge showed under his dark slacks, thus cutting off her question.

  Her breath hitched.

  “You’d better leave,” he advised, his voice hoarse, “as long as I can still hold onto my control.”

  She stared at him, unable to move or say anything.

  “Please, Rochelle. Do us both a favor and go, or I’ll do something for which I won’t have any excuses.” His eyes begged her to follow his advice, while his body did the opposite. He leaned in, bringing his head so close that only a few inches separated them. “Please, Rochelle, you have to leave, before it’s too late.”

  “Zach…” she murmured, but then finally her brain switched itself on. He was right. She had to leave.

  With a deep breath, she jumped up and straightened her skirt. She reached for her jacket and handbag and ran into the hallway. Yes, she had to get away from him, not because Zach would lose control, but because she would. And then he would find himself flat on his back with her on top of him, mauling him like the tigress she’d been the night in the hotel.

  Because suddenly it was so clear to her that all the hurdles that lay between them couldn’t kill the passion that ignited between them every time they were together. On the contrary: the fact that they shouldn’t, couldn’t be together, seemed to only fan the flames.


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