Tattered Love

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Tattered Love Page 22

by Lola Stark

Page 22


  “Excuse me?” What the fuck’s wrong with me! My brain apparently went on a tropical getaway the moment Mace strolled through the door like he lived here. “What do you mean ‘here’?”

  “Here, babe. Like coming over for the night, here. You’re alright with that, aren’t you? I can call and tell the boys no. They were just so damn excited to see you. ”


  He was purposely using the boys against me. He knew full well I wouldn’t say no. I had a feeling he was up to something else too. Narrowing my eyes at him, I opened my mouth to tell him just that when the front door burst open with a flurry of activity. Jude stumbled in after the boys looking flustered and tired.

  “Thanks for doing this, guys,” Jude puffed out as the boys both ran full force into Mace’s legs, knocking him back a step.

  “No problem, Jude, have fun tonight. Boys, take your bags upstairs to the last room on the right and then we’ll have some pizza. ” Mace had apparently told them they were sleeping here too. I wasn’t about to be a raincloud, no matter how much Mace was annoying me with his take-charge attitude.

  “Have a nice night, Jude; the boys will be fine, I promise,” I assured him

  “Not the boys I’m worried about, especially if that sugary crap is for them,” he chuckled, nodding to the pile of snacks on the counter. “Anyway, good luck, and I’m outta here before you guys change your minds. ”

  Jude said goodbye to the boys and took off so fast it was almost comical. While Mace sorted the boys out with pizza and a movie, I brought drinks and popcorn into the living room. Turning, I quickly realized I’d been set up. The twins sat quietly staring at the opening credits of Transformers, while Mace lounged on the other sofa, the only spot beside him. Time to put my big girl panties on and suck it up I supposed. Grabbing a slice of pizza, I went to flop down beside him, only to land right in his lap. He’d purposely done it, the smirk on his face said so.

  “Mace,” I hissed, “either move over, or let me up. I’m not doing this with you. ”

  “You don’t wanna cause a scene in front of kids, do you now, babe?” His eyes twinkled with humor. Oh, he was going to push my buttons all night. He knew I wouldn’t start trouble with kids around; clearly, this had been his plan all along.

  “Bite me,” I snarled under my breath.

  He obviously heard me because he pulled me back into his hard warm chest, nipped my ears and whispered in that seductive voice, “Just tell me where, I’d be happy to. ” Goosebumps broke out across my neck and arms at the thought of him biting me the last time we’d been on this couch together, all sweat slicked and moaning.

  Crap. Pull it together, Scarlett!

  Clearing my throat, I tried to move from his lap, only to be pinned by strong hands at my hips. “Don’t move, babe,” he said quietly through clenched teeth. Gripping my hips, he ground me down on his lap. The hard-on he was sporting making it clear why I needed to stay put. Well this was awkward. I either had to stay on his lap hiding his problem, or get away and calm my quickly climbing hormones. This would mean risking the boys seeing him like that. Apparently, I wasn’t getting a choice though as Mace’s hands gripped my hips tighter, holding me in place.

  Twenty of the longest minutes later, I was finally able to slip off his lap and make a break for it. Those calloused hands I love so much, wrapped around me as I stood in the kitchen putting the snacks into bowls. I reared my elbow back into his stomach. All it accomplished was Mace chuckling and a sore elbow, “Get off me, you ass. Don’t think I don’t know exactly what you’re up to. ”

  His body plastered to my back, shook with his silent laughter. “I was counting on it, babe. ”

  “Stop laughing. It’s not funny. It won’t work, Mace. ” I was hoping to hell I sounded convincing because it was working a tiny little bit.

  “Looks like it’s time to step it up a notch then. I told you already, sweetheart. I’m. Not . Going. Anywhere. ” Kissing the side of my neck between each word, he stepped back palming my ass as he moved away and went back to the living room.

  Confused. That was the only way to sum up my feelings. I was confused. How could he possibly step it up a notch? He was being over-the-top sweet and touchy feely, grabbing at me, kissing me, always near me even though I’d told him God knows how many times to piss off. I had my answer almost right away.

  “You coming, hunny bunches?”

  Mace planned on being sickeningly cute. With a huff, I grabbed the bowl of snacks and stomped back to the living room. This time, I squished myself between the twins in hopes I’d be safe. Turns out, I wasn’t that lucky.

  “Are you gonna marry my Uncle Mace?” Jordan asked the second I put my drink to my lips, causing me to inhale, bubbles burning my nose.

  Squeezing my eyes together, I tried to recover to answer him, but before I could form a word Mace answered, “I hope she does, bud. ”

  “I sure hope you do too. You’d make a pretty wife, and then Uncle Mace can kiss you whenever he wants and take you to get burgers and shakes. ”

  “I—I—umm, well, you see—” I stuttered, not sure how to approach an eight-year-old boy about the fact I wasn’t going to marry his uncle mainly because he was a chicken shit. All the time Jaxson’s eyes bored into the side of my head.

  “Do you love my Uncle Mace?” My head swung around to find Jaxson watching me with intense curiosity.

  Looking him right in the eyes, I couldn’t make myself lie to him, even if it was for my own good. “Yes, I think I’ll always love him. ”

  Jaxson smiled big up at me and nodded, looking at Mace. “Okay, you can marry her and have lots of babies then. ” Great, they were planning my future, never mind me having a say in it.

  “I think that sounds like the perfect plan, Jax. How many babies do you think we should have?” Mace asked the boys, grinning like a damn fool while I glared daggers at him.

  “Lots!” yelled Jordan, bouncing up and down excited. “Enough that we can all play soccer and football. ”

  “But no girls! Girls have cooties,” Jaxson chimed in equally excited, and then he turned to me and added, “Not you though, Aunty Scarlett. You don’t have cooties. ” My breath caught the second he said Aunty. I’d never been an Aunty. I’d never thought I would have the chance to be an Aunty. To anyone. Ever.

  Mace quickly jumped in, “Alright, shower time, guys. Grab your PJs and hit the showers, one upstairs, one down. Brush your teeth too. Properly. I’ll be up to tuck you in soon. ” Both boys jumped up and scampered off.

  Mace came over to where I sat, leaned down and kissed my forehead “I’m not giving up; you may as well just give in and take me back. ” A cocky smirk crossed his face before he stood, collected all the empty pizza boxes and bowls, and made for the kitchen.

  “Hrmmpf! Not likely, buddy!” I yelled out after him. “You can’t cute me to death. It won’t work. ”

  “Wanna bet, fluff bunny?” he tossed back.

  Fluff bunny? Gag!

  A goodnight story, plenty of touchy feely hugs and cutesy names later, I was showered and ready for bed, exhausted by the day’s many theatrics It was honestly tiring, trying to avoid Mace’s new routine. Yet, regardless of the fact I wasn’t taking him back, I still crawled into bed a lot less stressed than I had been. Realizing all the creepy stalker crap had pretty well stopped was helping, and sure Mace was bugging me, but he was doing it in the sweetest ways possible. I fell asleep with a smile on my face wondering what crazy cheesy trick he’d try next.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  I was getting super freaking pissed. If Trip took off laughing on his cell one more time today, I was going to ink his eyeball. I knew who it was on the other end because that same person had been sending me sickly-sweet text messages all day. All freaking day!

  Trip looked over at me and burst out laughing. “Yeah, she’s pissy alright, glaring at me like she might take my manhood away,” he told his constant caller

  “I’m seriously contemplating it. ” I grumbled under my breath.

  Freaking assholes!

  Mace had recruited Trip and Remy into helping with his stupid plan. They were all ganging up on me. The only person I had left on my side was Teeny.

  Trip strutted his ass back over to his station smiling at me like he knew a big secret. Maybe I should wipe the smile off his face. Great, I was turning into a violent bitch.

  Not ten minutes later, in walked Mace. He made his way behind the counter like he owned the place. That ever present cocky smirk on his face, even with my mood hitting the red zone of irritated, he was still a sight. Dark worn jeans slung low on his hips, white fitted cotton shirt pulled taut over his solid chest and arms, a slight shadow of stubble along his jaw. Damn him for making my blood pressure soar and my lady bits clench. Why couldn’t my hormones stay in line with my temper?

  “Hey, kitten, looking beautiful today. ”

  Yuck, he just wouldn’t quit with the sappy shit. Maybe I should tattoo his eyeball instead? “I’m not a kitten. Why are you here?” I asked bluntly and straight to the point. I didn’t want to be rude, but he was grating on my last nerve.

  “Don’t be like that, cupcake. I brought you lunch. ” He smiled, putting a brown paper lunch bag on my work table. “Enjoy your lunch and make sure you eat it all up. You need to keep your strength up, pumpkin. ”

  I could hear Trip and Remy snickering behind me somewhere, whether it was at me or the ridiculous tone of voice Mace was talking to me in, I didn’t know. Mace kissed the tip of my nose, waved goodbye to the guys, and took off out the front door.

  “Eat up, pumpkin,” Trip mocked, flopping down into his chair all eyes on me. Curiosity got the best of me and I opened the paper bag, pulling out its contents. An apple, a juice box, a Twinkie, a packet of heart-shaped candy and something wrapped in wax paper. By this point, both boys were in hysterics. Ignoring them, I read the note left on top of the wrapped item.

  Love you, baby. Here’s a little something to show you what you mean to me.

  You are my sunshine,

  My only sunshine

  You make me happy when skies are grey,

  You’ll never no dear how much I love you.

  Please don’t take my sunshine away.

  All my love. Mace.

  What the hell is wrong with that man?

  I felt my eyebrows draw together as I unwrapped the paper. He’d lost his shit. It was official. Mace was crazy. Trip was now rolling around on the ground holding his stomach. Remy had tears rolling down his face, and there I sat, holding a peanut butter and jelly sandwich cut into the shape of a love heart. Against my will, my heart swelled; he really was making an effort, a ridiculous effort, but it was kinda sweet regardless.

  No! What am I thinking? He’s an obnoxious ass.

  “Will you two shut the hell up? It’s not funny! He’s clearly a sick man. Trip, as his brother, I think it’s your responsibility to have him committed. He’s clearly not right in the head. ”

  “You should see your face; it’s perfect. Wait. Say cheese. ” Before I could figure out what was going on, Trip was standing in front of me snapping pictures with his cellphone.


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