Dragon's Prize (Dragons Awaken Book 2)

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Dragon's Prize (Dragons Awaken Book 2) Page 14

by Maya Starling

  “A pompous ass?” Olivia couldn’t believe she’d said it out loud, but Kaden was amused by her little outburst.

  “A pompous ass, indeed! My family comes from high and noble stock. I don’t remember much about my mother. I honestly don’t know whether she died or left us. My father never talked about it. One day, when I was around four, she was simply - gone. My father was broken-hearted, but he would say only that she was gone. After that, I suppose he tried to compensate for her not being there, so I ended up being very spoiled. He was a wonderful father, now that I think back on it, and I was an ungrateful brat used to having my own way. I even played the ‘not having a mother’ sympathy on him a few times. I was a bad person, really.”

  Kaden kissed Olivia’s hand. “You would’ve hated me back then. I still worry about telling you everything, and what you will think of me in the end. But I want you to know the truth about me.”

  “When I was around twenty three, my father started pressuring me to grow up, as he always so nicely put it. He wanted me to settle down, with a wife and child so that our lineage would continue. Of course, that didn’t sit well with me. I loved my freedom too much. So, instead of growing up I rebelled even more; drinking, gambling, whor… umm, let’s just say I lived a hedonistic lifestyle.”

  Olivia’s eyes narrowed, knowing what he had meant to say, but she was mollified by his pleading look. He was not the same man anymore; that had not been her Kaden. He was obviously not proud of the person he used to be. Olivia accepted the unspoken apology in his eyes and nodded for him to continue.

  “One night, while I was gambling away my father’s money in yet another inn, two women came strolling in, acting like they owned the place. They certainly got everyone’s attention. They joined my table and asked to play cards with us. I, of course, said yes, since I found it quite amusing, though some of the other patrons clearly didn’t agree. I don’t remember the details, but the next thing I knew, the disagreement was resolved, the other players acquiescent, and the game began. I instantly clicked with the women and, to cut a long story short, we became... close friends. Lucia and Lilith were twins, even though they didn’t look alike… And, I learned that night, they were witches. Lilith was tall and slender, with curly black hair and hazel eyes, while Lucia was her opposite - fair-haired with dark brown eyes, petite and curvaceous… Lucia was much more similar to me in personality, very mischievous; Lilith, on the other hand, was more composed, but wanted to be more like her sister. Lucia had a greater talent for magic than Lilith, so Lilith worked extra hard to be as good. I doubt that Lucia was aware of Lilith’s awe of her. Lucia loved her sister endlessly, she was just very outgoing and happy.”

  Olivia watched Kaden lose himself in his memories, noticed the way he smiled when he mentioned Lucia. The sudden feeling of jealousy was new to her, and decidedly not pleasant.

  “The three of us were inseparable, unstoppable and always up to no good. We gambled and partied hard, with some thievery thrown in for good measure, but just for the fun of it. We never hurt anyone, and we stole only from the rich.”

  Kaden stole an apprehensive glance at Olivia. He wanted her to see that, though he had not been the best person in his youth, he was not a bad one either. He was mischievous, not malicious. Again, Olivia only nodded.

  “Please say something, love. It is so unlike you not to ask any questions.” Kaden caressed her cheek.

  Finally, Olivia smiled and he visibly relaxed. “I am listening. I do have questions, and many of them, but you might answer them as the story proceeds, so I am practicing my patience and thus preventing nonsense from slipping past my lips.”

  When Olivia mentioned lips, Kaden’s eyes were immediately drawn to hers. He smiled, and, naturally, couldn’t resist leaning in and stealing another kiss, feeling Olivia’s mouth curl in an answering smile.

  As he pulled away, Olivia continued, “I know you are a changed man now, and I fell in love with the person you have become. In a way, it feels like you are telling someone else’s story. I do realize that all those experiences made you who you are today… and in the end, brought you to me.”

  “You’re amazing.” Kaden gave in to Olivia’s tempting lips again. “I’m so lucky that you love me.” A bright, happy smile lightened up his dark features.

  “I know.” Olivia winked, making Kaden chuckle. “On with the story,” she commanded playfully.

  “Yes, my lady. We were, let’s say… harmless troublemakers. A few years later, I finally started to grow out of it. I thought more about my father and my responsibilities. I’d seen a lot, and learned how lucky I was. I tired of the adventure. I wanted out, but before I could get out, it was too late. My friendship with Lucia and Lilith came to a tragic end one night, when we pranked a nobleman. The man was a mayor and had done something to get on the twins’ bad side. We were seen, but ran and decided to split up. One of us would distract our pursuers and get caught, the other two would come back for the captive later. A guard jumped in front of me, about twenty feet away. I didn’t slow down, but charged him instead. He raised his crossbow and fired. I anticipated his attack and managed to dodge the bolt... What I didn’t know was that Lucia had followed me. She was right behind me and likely didn’t see the guard. So when I ducked, the bolt missed me and pierced her throat. Only the sound of her body hitting the ground and the gurgling noises made me look back. I was maddened and I charged the guard, knocking him unconscious. I barely managed to pick her up and make my escape. She died in my arms as I ran through the streets to meet up with Lilith outside the town walls. I believed she could save Lucia.”

  Kaden didn’t realize that he was crying until Olivia pulled her hand from his to wipe away his tears. She then took his hand again, kissed it gently, and gave him a small, encouraging smile, waiting for him to finish the story.

  “When I found Lilith, she was furious. She had seen what happened to her sister. I think that, from her vantage point, it looked like I’d known Lucia was there and allowed her to be killed in my place. She was mumbling something about me running away before she could reach us. I tried to reason with her but she was beyond listening. I put Lucia’s body down and begged for Lilith to hear me out, but it was too late… She started muttering strange words, her eyes turned completely black, her hair was floating around her head as if a strong wind was blowing when there was none. Before I had a chance to react, I was hit with the force of her spell and lost consciousness. I woke up in an unfamiliar forest - in the body of a dragon.”

  Kaden let out a deep breath. He was relieved. Sharing his story with the woman he loved lifted a heavy burden off him.

  “You know the rest… Well, most of it. It took me a while to figure out what had happened and to learn how to move in my dragon form. At first I was lost and confused, then despair settled in. I realized I was magically prevented from telling anyone that I was a man trapped inside a dragon’s body. The words just wouldn’t come out, stuck in my throat. Then, the urge to steal started. You know the short version of what happened between then and the moment we met.”

  Olivia studied his face. He had unmasked his emotions to her, and among them, she was surprised to see, was fear. She couldn’t figure out what he was afraid of, was it her? Olivia found his story heartbreaking. She’d had loving parents and everything she had ever wished for, while people around her struggled. She wished everyone had it as easy as her, especially her Kaden. To have to go through all that, have your best friend die in your hands, and then the other curse you into a life of misery. The pain of loss and betrayal he must have felt...

  “I still love you.” Olivia didn’t know what else to say or offer. “I do have one question though.”

  “Only one?” Kaden tried to tease but his voice betrayed his nervousness. She could see it in the way his smile didn’t reach his eyes.

  “Do you blame yourself?”

  “I did, for a very long time… I kept thinking about what I could’ve done differently. I realized, there were si
mply too many ifs. I don’t know what would’ve happened if she had lived. And I wasn’t the only one to bring us there that night. We were all to blame. I still sometimes feel guilty. But I’ve learned to deal with it, because now I know better. Anything else you wish to know, love?” Kaden raised his left eyebrow.

  “Not now. There will be plenty of time to unravel what makes you you,” Olivia said.

  “Well then,” Kaden said as he rolled them over, eliciting a surprised squeak from Olivia; she was now completely underneath him. He braced himself above her, his elbows on either side of her head, his body covering hers like a warm blanket. The intimate physical contact made Olivia’s cheeks heat up. She had never been close to a man as she had been in the last few hours with Kaden.

  “I think the mood needs lightening. How do we do that, my love?” Kaden said playfully. He loved seeing her blush. What he loved more, was the determination that shone in her eyes afterwards.

  “I think I know how we can do that.” Olivia teased back, gathering courage to be a bit more daring.

  “Really? Do tell.” Kaden couldn’t keep the smile off his face. He was glad that she had let him change the topic. He was ecstatic, though, that she loved him still. Was it possible, was even more love shining in her eyes than before?

  “Well…” Olivia slowly pulled him closer, only a whisper of a breath between them. “There is something I recently discovered I find extremely enjoyable.” As she spoke, her lips brushed slightly against his.

  “Whatever makes you happy will make me happy, but I have a feeling I might enjoy it just as –”

  Olivia closed the tiny distance between their mouths with a searing kiss.

  She had a tight hold on his head, preventing him from pulling back, and Kaden didn’t mind one bit. The kiss quickly turned more heated. Their breaths mingled, tongues gliding and exploring, both giving and taking. Kaden couldn’t stop himself, as he let his hand wander down her side. The thought of feeling her up had been haunting him since he’d stolen a glimpse of her glorious naked body as she changed clothes in his cave.

  His hand crept slightly in underneath her and he squeezed her behind. Olivia’s eyes shot wide open. No one had ever touched her there.

  Kaden chuckled and pulled back from the kiss. “Sorry, love, I just couldn’t resist.” He reluctantly placed his hand back on Olivia’s face. “I’ll show more restraint, I promise.”

  Olivia shook her head in disbelief, but smiled at him.

  “Olivia, do you want to –” Charlie burst into the room, stopping short at the sight of Olivia and Kaden entangled. “Oh, I’m so sorry…” she said. Olivia hid her face in Kaden’s chest.

  Kaden laughed, “No…. it’s alright, we should, ummm… get up anyway.”

  “Not so sweet, innocent and shy as I thought, are you, Olivia?” Charlie raised both of her eyebrows and laughed.

  “Go away, Charlie.” Olivia mumbled, still not looking up.

  Kaden smiled up at Charlie and she realized she was not as afraid of him at that moment.

  He tried to sit up but Olivia still held onto him, hiding. He managed to move so she now sat on his lap.

  “Charlie, could you please give us few moments, we’ll be right out.”

  “Sure.” Charlie walked out with a smile on her face. She was happy for Olivia.

  “Liv?” Kaden stroked Olivia’s curls, “She left. You can come out now.”

  Olivia peeked out and when she was sure they were alone again, she looked up at Kaden, completely flushed. “That was so embarrassing!”

  Kaden ran his hands over her hair to comfort her. “Why? It’s all completely natural, and we weren’t doing anything at the moment.”

  “Yes, but still. That is private.” Olivia countered.

  “You weren’t complaining earlier, in front of the whole tribe.”

  “Please do not remind me.” She dropped her head on his shoulder and groaned.

  “Love, you need to get used to it because I plan to kiss you whenever I can.” Kaden kissed the side of Olivia’s head. “We should go out now; I need to get cleaned up.”

  Chapter 19

  Olivia, Kaden and Charlie met Cassiel and Pup at the eating area, sharing a table and exchanging tales of what had been happening since they were separated on the mountain. Bast joined them so she could listen to their stories and learn. She particularly wanted to learn as much as possible about Magnus. He was the greatest potential threat to her tribe, if he ever decided to act against her people, to claim the forest.

  Olivia was thrilled to hear that Kaden had met the stable master and told him that he had been the one to give her the dagger. She also completely fell in love with Mousse when he told her how she helped him take out the bandits.

  Olivia shared her story about what happened with Magnus the night of their escape. She noticed the anger in Kaden’s eyes as she talked and quickly crawled into his lap, and hugged him tightly to ensure him that she was now safe. She kissed him, and Kaden calmed down. His eyes returned to normal and everyone around them relaxed. The only thing keeping him somewhat settled was the touch Olivia’s hand on his leg. It seemed to him that his fuse was much shorter nowadays. When he got angry, he snapped easily. Kaden guessed it was because of the dragon trapped within him. When he was angry, the gap between them was narrowest. Rage brought him and the dragon closer, it was a feeling they shared.

  Charlie had been unusually quiet during the retelling, the fire in her eyes dimmed and her spirit cowering in fear whenever Magnus was mentioned.

  “I didn’t take the time to thank you, Olivia.” Charlie finally spoke up.

  “What for?”

  “Saving me from Magnus.” The redhead looked into her friend’s eyes.

  “No, Charlie. It should be me thanking you… for all the times you saved me from him, the times you offered yourself and I did nothing but stand by, even though...” Olivia teared up.

  The others watched the exchange in silence. Bast was the most surprised by Charlie looking so sad and subdued. She had gotten used to the little redhead following her around, unabashedly talking nonsense. Seeing her now, hurting, made Bast hate the prince even more.

  Olivia rose to her feet, walked over to her friend and pulled her up. She cupped Charlie’s face. She could see that the spark in her friend’s emerald eyes was now gone. “You saved me from a terrible fate. You gave me hope that Kaden was still alive, you gave me your friendship and comfort. Do not depreciate yourself; you are worth so much more than you think. You did what you had to do to survive and it was the only thing you knew, that does not make you a bad person. I have known you only for a short while, but I am so proud of the person you are despite what you have been through. I am proud to call you sister, even if not by blood.” Olivia kissed Charlie’s forehead. Charlie cried and they hugged tightly, like long lost sisters reunited.

  By the time they finished the emotional recounting of their adventures, the sun had descended and people gathered to celebrate their visitors’ reunion.

  Disa lay next to Bast and eyed Pup, who was playfully chasing Koda around. The boy’s happy laughter echoed in the clearing.

  By the time the dinner feast was ready, the shamans from the neighboring tribes started to arrive. There were three of them and they were accompanied by two younger boys, probably shamans in training, both older than Koda. They gathered at a table that was set aside, discussing matters in hushed voices, Koda among them.

  After dinner, Bast excused herself to go on patrol. She had used her time with the visitors to ask about the prince and the outside world. She only knew the life of the tribe, but she wanted to know more, wanted to make her father proud and, someday, to be a great leader of their tribe.

  When Charlie noticed a man intercept Bast, the same man her warrior goddess had been trying to avoid the night before, she used it to her advantage. Charlie excused herself and went after Bast, knowing that Bast would pay attention to her now since it appeared that she’d rather deal with Char
lie than the man. She was adamant that she would win Bast over, even if it meant staying with the tribe. She had decided to chase her own happiness.

  “Bast!” Charlie called, jogging a bit to catch up with the tall warrior woman. The man narrowed his eyes at her but Charlie ignored him.

  Bast turned swiftly and smiled at Charlie; she knew what the little one was up to, coming to her rescue, and was thankful for it.

  “Excuse me –” Manu said.

  “You’re excused; I need to talk to Bast anyway…” Charlie cut him off.

  Taking Bast’s hand, Charlie pulled her away, leaving Manu scowling after them. Disa faithfully followed her human sister.

  Bast was surprised and amused. No one had ever brushed Manu off quite like that before.

  When they stopped she faced Charlie. “Thank you. I know what you did back there.”

  Charlie smiled, proud. “You’re welcome. I’ve noticed you avoiding him, so I decided to help.”

  “Yes, well… I need to learn to say no to him.” Bast sighed and looked back, but Manu was not there anymore. “I –”

  “It’s alright.” Charlie cut in. “I’ll go back to my friends… I know, I can be overly pushy.” She looked up at Bast, hope and sadness in her green eyes.

  The green reminded Bast of the forest, and she found herself slightly lost while looking into the small woman’s eyes. She frowned at her thoughts and shook her head. It seemed to her that Charlie wasn’t simply starstruck. The redhead wanted more than friendship, which confused Bast. She had heard of women bedding women and men bedding men. There were some in her tribe, as well. But, an intimate relationship with anyone was not something Bast was looking for. The tribe and its safety were her priority.

  “I have been meaning to ask you…” Bast saw one of her patrol men waving her over. “We’ll have to talk later, I need to go now.” She looked at Charlie and saw the spark shining in her eyes again.

  “That’s alright, take your time.” Charlie turned to walk away. She glanced over her shoulder as she added, “But not too much.” She winked and walked off.


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