Dragon's Prize (Dragons Awaken Book 2)

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Dragon's Prize (Dragons Awaken Book 2) Page 21

by Maya Starling

  “As I have said… I have taught you all I know. You are already a mighty warrior, the best in this tribe, but that’s not all that makes a great leader. It takes wisdom and experience. Yes, you have learned a lot from my experience, and from my mistakes. But now you need to see the world for yourself, learn from your own mistakes.”

  Marok put a comforting hand on her shoulder. She never was much for physical comfort, but she didn’t mind it this time. “I never thought I would say something like this,” he chuckled. “But you take your role too seriously, you’re too… narrow-minded, you need to broaden your horizons, learn on your own. I love you very much Bast, me and your mother both. We are so very proud of you. You would already be as good a chief as I am, though perhaps a bit stricter, but I want you to be even better than me. I know you can be better.”

  Bast could see the tears welling up in her father’s eyes.

  “The outsiders… the world out there has changed. I want you to learn about the way of the people outside the forest, learn what you can of this foul Prince, but most of all, I want you to learn from the dragon as well, accept the wisdom he shares… and you will be the mightiest warrior and the best tribe leader any of the tribes have ever had.”

  Bast was speechless. Her father had never praised her as much, and at the same time, made such a big demand, with a speech that couldn’t be turned down.

  So she did something she hadn’t done in years. She took a step forward and hugged her father. He was astounded at first but quick to reciprocate. A few tears escaped him.

  Marok pulled back, quickly brushing away the tears as he smiled at Bast. “I can take that as your acceptance?”

  Bast smiled, keeping back her own tears. “Yes. I respect you too much and value your opinion just as well. I cannot say no to you. If you believe I need this, then I accept your decision.” She nodded. Disa brushed against her thigh in comfort. Bast reach down and scratched her feline sister behind her ear.

  “Let us go back. I want to make the announcement immediately.”

  They walked back together and once Marok had everyone’s attention, he spoke up, “Olivia, Kaden, Cassiel and Charlie, since you will be leaving us tomorrow, we will celebrate tonight. More people are coming to witness the dragon in person. I want you to know that you are welcome to stay longer but I know your reasons and worries. I also want to invite you to come and visit us again, anytime you want. You will always be welcome. You are a part of my tribe now, and we protect what is ours. At the same time, I have an announcement to make, a request you could call it.”

  His eyes landed on Kaden.

  “I wish for Bast to accompany you.”

  A scream pierced the air and all eyes turned to Charlie. She blushed and hid her face behind the curtain of her red hair, suddenly finding something fascinating in her lap.

  Bast groaned inwardly. Then she sighed. It would be a very long and interesting journey with them. When she heard the people around the table chuckle, she realized that she’d actually groaned out loud.

  “We would love to have her with us.” Olivia spoke for the group and once again everyone settled down and resumed chatting.

  While Kaden was talking with Marok and Bast, discussing their plans for going back to the Moore estate, Charlie walked up to Olivia.

  “C’mon Liv. Let’s go…umm… freshen up.” The redhead winked and offered her hand to help Olivia up.

  Olivia considered declining, knowing full well that Charlie had other things in mind, but she couldn’t say no to her, so she nodded and leaned in toward Kaden, letting him know she would be around with Charlie. With great reluctance and a sudden searing kiss, which made Olivia blush, Kaden agreed.

  As Kaden turned his attention toward Cassiel, Charlie intercepted. “He doesn’t need to follow us, we will be dealing with… womanly... things.”

  Kaden looked from Charlie to Olivia who only shrugged, but a smile was on her face. “Be careful,” he said.

  Charlie grabbed Olivia’s hand and pulled her along, “Don’t worry, I won’t let her out of my sight. She’ll be safe with me,” she yelled over her shoulder, followed by Olivia’s laughter.

  “You are crazy,” Olivia said through her laughter.

  “Yeah, well, not as much as that man is crazy about you,” Charlie said as she looked over her shoulder at Olivia’s beaming face.

  “I do not mind one bit.” Olivia hastened her step so she could walk side by side with Charlie. “What are you up to?”

  “You’ll see… I need to give you something, after the raunchy night you had.” Charlie wiggled her eyebrows, making Olivia gasp.

  “Charlie! Do not use that word!” Olivia didn’t know how else to respond. “And while we’re speaking of last night… where were you?”

  “Don’t worry.” Charlie led her friend up the steps of their hut and into their room. “My night wasn’t as interesting as yours. Nice to see you remembered to clean up after yourselves.” She plopped onto her bed, pulling out a pouch from one of her new belt bags, made by Kamil herself.

  “Must you be so crude?” Olivia asked but sat down next to Charlie nonetheless.

  “Must you be such a prude?” Charlie nudged Olivia and handed her the pouch. “Here… I went ahead and asked Ma’ad for it, saying it was for me so you don’t have to feel embarrassed asking for it.”

  Olivia took the small pouch, opened it and saw some herbs inside. “What is it?”

  “It helps prevent pregnancy.” Charlie shrugged and leaned back.

  “Oh! I have not thought about that really. I do not know if… I will talk to Kaden about it first.” Olivia put the pouch in Kaden’s saddlebags. “Thank you, though.”

  “You’re welcome. So, how was it?” Charlie crossed her legs and leaned forward, curiosity and mischief dancing in her eyes.

  “How was what?” Olivia joined Charlie on the bed, tucking her legs underneath her and to the side.

  Charlie rolled her eyes. “You really can be oblivious. I meant, how was last night? Was it good? Was Kaden good? Did it hurt much? How did it happen?”

  Olivia choked on a cough, and her eyes widened in surprise. The flush to her cheeks quickly followed.

  “I do not want to talk about it… it is not proper, Charlie.” Olivia finally managed to stutter.

  “Oh, Livvie, don’t be such a downer.” Charlie poked Olivia’s side.

  “Well, I think you know how it happened. All I have to say that it was… amazing,” Olivia said with dreamy sigh.

  “Good! You deserve that… so he was good to you?” Charlie prodded further.

  “He was very tender and careful.” Olivia bit her lip, remembering how very passionate he’d been, too.

  “C’mon… tha’s all you’re gonna give me? Tender and careful? That’s the best you can do?” The redhead exclaimed in disbelief.

  “Yup…” Olivia stood up and walked toward the doorway. “He was wonderful…” Olivia paused before adding, “… both times,” she walked out with a wink and a giggle.

  “Both times?!?” Charlie jumped to her feet and ran after Olivia.

  They spent some quality time together, just being girls and carefree. Charlie showed Olivia what Kamil had managed to teach her thus far, taking Olivia’s measurements so she would be able to make something for her as well. They discussed Charlie’s interest in Bast, making her swoon on her feet as she went on and on about how amazing the warrior was. Olivia could barely hold back her chuckles, and Charlie admitted that Bast was the reason she’d been considering staying. Both agreed that Bast coming along with them was the best possible solution.

  It wasn’t long before they joined everyone for dinner, just as the sun started setting, washing the sky in orange and purple colors, an occasional puffy white cloud drifting by. The forest was slowly being covered in the orange glow as well, and birds chirped happily in the trees.

  Kaden was relieved when he finally saw Olivia again. He’d been on the brink of going to search for her several times, b
ut Cassiel had assured him they were just fine and that they needed some bonding time together, one where neither of them was threatened or had to fear for their virtue. He’d even offered and gone to check on them himself, Kaden’s worry abating, but only slightly.

  Kaden was on his feet quickly as he strode over to Olivia, pulling her into his arms, hugging her tightly. Charlie only winked at Olivia behind Kaden’s back as she walked past to join Cassiel.

  “Where were you?” he asked once he pulled away, keeping Olivia’s face in his hands.

  She smiled brightly at him and leaned up, placing a sweet kiss on his lips. “In our cabin with Charlie. We needed some time together. She also gave me something we should discuss together… No… get that scowl off your handsome face, it is nothing serious. Everything is alright.”

  Kaden kissed her in return and caressed her cheek gently. He took her hand, leading her back to their table. “Did you have fun?”

  “Yes! I missed you, though. I couldn’t say no to Charlie, she just seemed so happy and relaxed.”

  “No need to apologize to me, love. I was just a bit anxious, but I’m happy you had fun. I do get to have you all to myself tonight after all.” Kaden whispered the last part in Olivia’s ear and she shivered with anticipation.

  The evening was very similar to the one the night before, though with less tension and apprehension, less exhausting as well. All the tables were set in a wide circle around the bonfire, leaving enough space in front of it for Kaden once he shifted.

  The feast was huge, more people came from other tribes, and there was a lot of music and dancing. Olivia and Charlie tried to learn the tribe’s dance as well, and Olivia even managed to pull Kaden up for a spin or two.

  As the sun finally set, and night once more covered the sky, brightened by twinkling lights, Kaden let Órva’ar take over. The dragon basked in the awe and the attention. The newcomers from the other tribes reacted just as Marok’s tribe had the night before, and Órva’ar used the opportunity to go for another flight.

  Once Órva’ar returned, Kaden spent some time answering the questions he was bombarded with. Soon after, Olivia and he excused themselves as they retreated for the night under the pretext they would have to travel tomorrow, starting bright and early.

  Kaden and Olivia walked back to their hut, hand in hand, in companionable silence. As soon as they entered and Kaden let the flap fall, he didn’t waste time in turning Olivia around and pressing her fully against himself.

  “Finally…” he mumbled before he lowered his head for a long-awaited, passionate kiss and showed her again how much he loved her.

  Chapter 25

  “No,” Kaden mumbled when Olivia tried to sneak out of their bed. He grabbed the fabric of the shirt she was wearing, his shirt, and pulled her back. He wrapped his arms around her, snuggling her into his chest.

  Olivia laughed. “We have to get up,” she protested half-heartedly as she nuzzled into Kaden’s chest.

  “Mmmhmmm… that we do,” Kaden said but didn’t make any movement toward actually rising.

  Olivia inhaled Kaden’s scent. She was warm, safe, loved and cherished… but yet, they needed to get up. As she held Kaden, she looked up and saw he had his eyes closed. She smiled, a feeling of extreme happiness surged through her.

  She scooted up a bit so her lips could reach his. “As much as I regret saying this, we really do have to get up.” Olivia pecked Kaden’s lips softly. What started out as an innocent kiss, soon turned to more as Kaden sunk his hand in her hair, preventing her from breaking away. Truth be told, she didn’t resist that much.

  Kaden chuckled once they parted, looking over Olivia’s sparkling eyes and glistening lips. “Let’s start again,” he said. “Good morning, love.”

  “Good morning, Kaden.” Olivia’s eyes darted back and forth between his eyes and lips, as she bit her own. She wanted more.

  “You really like saying my name.” Kaden said as he caressed her cheek.

  “I love your name, almost as much as I love you.” Olivia leaned into his palm. “I just…” she closed her eyes, gaining composure, “I worry about my parents.”

  “We’ll make good time today, I promise you. I know where we can spend the night, but it’s going to be a long journey.” Kaden slipped his hand back into Olivia’s dark tresses, massaging her scalp. Olivia couldn’t suppress a moan.

  “I can handle long…” Olivia whispered, eyes closed from pleasure, but when Kaden choked a cough and started laughing, she realized how it sounded.

  She hid her head in his chest. “Did I just say that?”

  Kaden continued laughing and she felt him nod.

  “This is all your fault, you know.” Olivia glared up at him; her cheeks still rosy from embarrassment. “It’s those fingers of yours.”

  Kaden had just managed to regain his composure when she said that. Her words caused him to snort again. He chuckled.

  “Kaden!” Olivia exclaimed as she smacked his chest when her slip of the tongue registered in her brain. “I am not speaking again until my mouth wakes up… No! Brain! I meant brain!”

  Kaden guffawed, clutching his stomach, tears coming to his eyes.

  Olivia rolled over onto her back, crossed her arms over her chest and pouted.

  “Oh, I love you so much…” Kaden managed to choke out between his gulps of air and he pulled Olivia back, kissing the side of her head, melting her anger.

  Once they were up, Olivia took off Kaden’s shirt, handing it to him before slipping into her dress. Kaden halted his actions so he could admire her body. He loved the fact that she was finally comfortable enough around him to shed her modesty.

  Olivia turned back around, running the comb through her hair. “What?”

  Kaden shook his head with a self-indulgent smile, and they set about packing their belongings. Olivia didn’t have much with her, since most of her and Charlie’s things had been left behind in Magnus’s camp. She did have several gifts from the tribe, but what she needed most was a new, clean dress.

  “Oh! I forgot to show you this!” Olivia turned around; holding up the carved dragon Koda had given her. “Koda made it.”

  Kaden approached Olivia, holding something in his hand. “That really is quite remarkable.” He took the carving in his other hand and inspected it. “All the details are there. That boy is very special,” he said, feeling Órva’ar's sense of pride wash over him as he handed the carved dragon back to Olivia.

  “Do you know what this is?” Kaden held up a small pouch. “I found it in my saddlebag.”

  “Oh! I cannot believe I forgot about that.” Olivia snatched the pouch and checked its contents. “Yes, that is it.” Olivia groaned and resisted the urge to smack herself on the forehead as she sat down on the bed.

  “What’s wrong?” Kaden sat next to Olivia and put an arm around her shoulder.

  “Charlie gave me these herbs. She said the mixture helps prevent pregnancy and I wanted to talk to you about it before taking it, and before we… you know… again.” Olivia leaned into Kaden with a sigh. She was worried about what he would think. She did want to have children someday, but once everything settled down. Once they settled down.

  “It definitely is something we need to talk about… should have talked about already.” Kaden squeezed Olivia gently, trying to reassure her.

  “What are your thoughts about it?” Olivia looked up at him, biting on the inside of her cheek.

  “Well…” Kaden thought about it for a few moments, kissing Olivia’s forehead before resting his chin on the top of her head.

  “You wish to have children?” he asked and felt Olivia nod. “So do I. It would probably be the second best thing to ever happen to me.” Kaden moved his head away and lifted Olivia’s chin with his finger so he could look into her eyes.

  “How about this… if they truly won’t harm you, take the herbs. Once we get back… once we’ve settled down and are safe, we can let things happen in their own time? I also want to make
us a family officially before the little ones come.” Kaden hoped Olivia would agree.

  “That makes sense,” Olivia replied readily and Kaden let out a breath he didn’t realize he had been holding. He gave her an adoring smile. “I would like that.”

  They leaned toward each other, not able to rein in their desires. Pup chose that moment to find his way under the doorflap and ran straight for them, tackling Olivia in the process.

  “Pup! Get off!” Olivia laughed, trying to push away the excited little wolf.

  “I think he misses you. I’ve been keeping you all to myself whenever I have the chance.” Kaden chuckled but helped Olivia in getting Pup off of her and down.

  “Awwww… my poor little boy, have I been neglecting you?” Olivia cooed as she crouched down and hugged the cub. “Come on, puppy, let us find Charlie.” She stood up and faced Kaden. “Meet you outside in a bit?”

  “Yes, I will finish packing here, not much more to do.”

  Olivia nodded and turned to leave but Kaden caught her elbow gently. He turned her to face him, and coddled her face in his hands. “You forgot something.”

  Before Olivia could ask the question, Kaden closed his mouth over hers, an ardent declaration of love and possession.

  “Mmmm…” Kaden praised once he pulled back. Olivia was breathless and dazed. “That should keep me sated for a while.”

  Olivia could only nod, bringing her fingertips to her still tingling lips as she walked away stunned, Kaden’s chuckle keeping her company until she was out of the hut.

  The moment had come.

  They were gathered in the little clearing in front of Chief Marok’s hut, the one where Olivia and Kaden had spent their nights together. She would definitely never forget the place.

  She considered the people forming a half-circle around them. Most of the tribe was there, and in the middle stood Chief Marok, with Kamil, Koda and shamans Ma’ad and Nahane. She looked at the people standing at her side. There were five of them, nine with Pup and Disa, Starlite and Mousse.

  Olivia watched Bast crouch before Koda, wiping away his tears, while talking to him encouragingly. She found it mesmerizing to watch Bast and Koda interact. The warrior woman was so gentle and tender, unlike her usual demeanor, and Koda was suddenly just a boy, missing his big sister already. Olivia had only just noticed their age difference, but didn’t ponder on it for long. They had each other, loving siblings… she felt tendrils of jealousy wrapping themselves around her, but still, she was happy for them. Just as they were about to hug she heard someone calling her name.


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