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Dragon's Prize (Dragons Awaken Book 2)

Page 33

by Maya Starling

  “I am sorry we meet under these circumstances. I am Olivia Moore.” Olivia turned her attention to the woman at Sebastian’s side. Her blonde hair was braided and her light brown eyes twinkled with a mix of awe, fear and curiosity. When the woman smiled, showing off the dimple in her left cheek and the small gap between her front teeth, Olivia felt relieved and some tension left her body.

  “Oh no, no, this is just fine, very… unusual. I can say I will never forget the day we met. I am Eliza and was told to be grateful to you for encouraging Sebastian to –”

  “Yes, my sweetling. We will tell Olivia our story later as well.” Sebastian wrapped his arm around Eliza’s waist which did nothing to soften the glare she shot him for being interrupted.

  Olivia smiled at them. “I already know it will be a pleasure getting to know you. Now, if you would excuse me, I have a sulking dragon to deal with.”

  Sebastian nodded as he led Eliza away. “Good luck,” he called over his shoulder.

  “Oh… I do not need it. I will be fine,” Olivia responded as she stomped toward the field.

  “I was talking to the dragon.” Sebastian yelled back, followed by a grunt as Eliza elbowed him. “Ouch, woman,” he scolded Eliza who only shrugged in return.

  They joined Marie, Olivia’s friends and the rest of the servants gathered in front of the house. Nobody moved, keeping their eyes trained on Olivia and the dragon. She had reached him now, and was waving her hands in the air as she spoke. The dragon nodded and tried to speak but Olivia wouldn’t let him. She just continued to scold him and the dragon could do nothing but hang his head in shame. They watched her frantic waving cease and could no longer hear her raised voice. She took a step closer and put her hand onto the ridge of the dragon’s nose. He nodded again.

  Olivia stepped back. Smoke enveloped Órva’ar and Kaden walked out of it. “Olivia…” he went to reach her with outstretched hands but Olivia retreated back, shaking her head no.

  He dropped his hands, and narrowed his eyes in confusion. “I’m sorry?”

  “I cannot… not now… It is too much.” She hiccupped, holding back tears. She could not allow herself to fall apart now. “Órva’ar and you. I explained things to him, but I need some space.” She looked down, feeling guilty for the broken look in Kaden’s eyes. “It is confusing.” She brushed her hands over her face, still not glancing up. “Too much is going on… I cannot handle him now… it’s –”

  “I understand, love,” Kaden said in a tender voice. Inside, he was panicking. His heart was beating fast and he wiped sweaty palms on his pants. He didn’t dare argue, he was afraid of even speaking so as not to push her even further away. She was his everything.

  He was brave enough though, to take a tentative step forward. When Olivia didn’t retreat again, a small sigh of relief escaped him as he brought his hand up to cup her cheek gently. He lifted her gaze to his, and his heart broke at what he saw, defeat and despair. “I understand, love,” he repeated. “You can have all the space you need and all the time as well. I will always be here.” Kaden brushed away a tear sliding down her cheek. “Go talk to your friend and I’ll take care of everything else for you. Just take the time for yourself. Alright?”

  Olivia only managed to nod. She didn’t want to do this. She wanted nothing more but to throw herself into his arms, but she needed space to deal with everything. Her mind was a mess. Closing her eyes, Olivia leaned into the touch.

  “I love you.” Kaden kissed her cheek and walked away.

  Olivia sucked in a deep breath and opened her eyes. She saw Kaden walk off behind the house, giving her the space she needed to go to her friends. When her eyes shifted toward the front, she couldn’t help but snort at the sudden commotion her gaze caused.

  Wiping away the remnants of her tears, Olivia gathered herself as she went to catch up with a dear friend.

  The rest of her day was spent in the company of Lord Mykke and his betrothed. After she explained about falling in love with a dragon, her unfortunate adventures with the prince and her mother’s death, Sebastian and Eliza talked about how they came to be a couple. Olivia welcomed the distraction and was content to finally be the one listening and asking questions.

  It wasn’t long before the sun started setting, and Olivia was glad and thankful that her friend agreed to take some of her people in, at least to provide safety for those with young children.

  Kaden never strayed far from her mind. Olivia’s heart yearned for him the whole day. After Sebastian and Eliza left, she sought him out. She found him in her mother’s largest garden, the one behind the main house. He stood brooding in the shadows of a sycamore tree, leaning against the trunk, staring off toward the riding field where George was galloping back toward the stables.

  Seeing him, she realized it wasn’t really his fault, none of it. If anything, he had it worse. He couldn’t just walk away from Órva’ar, he was stuck, not having the control over the dragon within. He was dealing with it the best he could. Olivia had come to admire him even more in the last few hours. She tried imagining herself in his predicament, how hard it must be for him, she couldn’t.

  I have been so selfish, Olivia scolded herself as she neared Kaden on soft steps. I should give him more time to adjust; I should help him instead of making him doubt himself and our love.

  Kaden heard her approach. He knew it was Olivia because his heart started pounding in his chest and nervousness fluttered through his guts. He feared her rejection. Not making any moves, he waited for her to come to him. He didn’t want to do or say anything that might push her further away.

  When he felt her arms wrap around his waist as she rested her head on his back, he expelled a deep, relieved breath. It felt as if he had been holding it in since he left her side. He closed his eyes and cherished the moment, letting Órva’ar feel the full effect Olivia had on him as a man. He then turned around and hugged her tight, burrowing his face in her dark tresses.

  Olivia felt the tension leave her body and her muscles uncoil once she had Kaden’s arms around her. She had missed him so much and loved him even more. Despite everything, Olivia knew she couldn’t and wouldn’t be parted from him again. She needed him. He was her friend and her lover, her sanctuary.

  “Let’s go to bed.” Kaden murmured into her hair.

  Olivia nodded as she pulled back and looked up into his eyes. They were still filled with apprehension but softened with relief. “I need to apol –”

  “None of that, my love… none…” Kaden brought his head down and captured her lips with his in a soft, loving kiss.

  Chapter 37

  Reed watched Magnus pace the room. The prince was aggravated for not having heard from the Inventor yet, the man who had provided him his new weapon. It had proved its efficiency against the dragon before. Reed wouldn’t want to be in prince’s place, he was content being who he was and everything it encompassed. He had grown up with Magnus and pitied him. Of course, the title of prince was something a lot of people admired, but not Reed. He knew better. He had seen what Magnus had to face and go through, the responsibilities, duties and dealing with the king himself, that cold-hearted, bitter old man.

  He couldn’t believe King Magnar was doing it again. It was not the first time he’d stooped so low. Whenever something was wrong in the Kingdom, Magnar would be conveniently stricken with an illness so that Magnus would have to temporarily take over the throne. Of course, the king wouldn’t warn Magnus about the problems arising, thus making it easier to blame his own incompetence on his son. Magnus would take over only to have Magnar dump his problems onto Magnus’ shoulders.

  Despite people’s opinion of Magnus, he was quite a capable ruler. He would solve the problems, ease the people’s unrest and their worries. The prince had a charm about him which he was able to use to his advantage, as long as he reined in his temper. And just before Magnus was done dealing with the difficulties and could take the acknowledgment for them, Magnar would recover, take rule back into his o
wn hands and claim all the fame and recognition in his son’s stead.

  No wonder Magnus had turned so bitter, always looking for excuses and opportunities to leave the capital and seek refuge in creating and solving his own problems and challenges. He wanted the accomplishment for his own deeds. Killing the dragon was the prince’s biggest life’s desire.

  Reed, though, was fine with his own status, that of Magnus’s right-hand man. It gave him almost all of the perks of being a prince, without any of the responsibilities. It was worth it being Magnus’s bitch, as some other knights called him, because Magnus was his best friend and nobody understood him like Reed did. They were very much alike.

  Even with the scarred face, Reed still wouldn’t change places with Magnus. At least his own… equipment was in perfect order. There would always be willing whores to please him for the right amount of silver pieces.

  Their taste in women differed. Magnus liked them fiery to begin with, he liked the challenge, but in the end, he preferred them to submit to him. Reed on the other hand, never wanted the challenge to cease. Of course, he enjoyed whatever he could get from a woman, fiery or not, but if he were ever to settle down, it would be someone like… like the witch Lilith. That was a real woman, unwavering and headstrong. She knew what she wanted and how to get it. Reed admired the fact that Magnus feared the witch, it made her that much more interesting. It was rare to witness someone standing up to the prince.

  There was Olivia, of course, but even though she had stood up to Magnus, it was pure luck she got away with it. Her stubbornness and unwillingness to yield to the prince were what gained Magnus’ attention. Now, Magnus was determined to break her and be rid of her once and for all.

  “Are you listening to me?” Magnus’ exasperated voice snapped Reed out of his musings. His gaze traveled up toward the prince’s face, which was contorted in anger.

  “I apologize, my prince.” Reed shrugged while he kept his eyes locked on Magnus’.

  “You useless idiot. Why do I even have you around?” Magnus pivoted on his heel and stalked back to the table where he sat on a chair with a wince.

  “Who else would take your lashings in stride and still have your back?” Reed dared to tease.

  The prince scoffed, but nodded in agreement. “I was trying to tell you while you were daydreaming –”

  “I was not daydreaming… daydreaming is for cunts!” Reed interrupted, but recoiled when Magnus shot him a look. He rolled his eyes when the prince glanced at the papers strewn on the table.

  “Don’t interrupt me again or I’ll have you whipped. I was saying that when you leave with the witch and that little chit of hers, keep your paws off the girl. I don’t want her spoiled. If she is to be mine, I want to have her first.” The prince was sure to glare at Reed again, just as a precaution.

  “I won’t, I know she’s yours. She’d be fun the first time round, but I don’t think I’d enjoy having her after that. But, her mother… now there’s a piece of meat I’d like to taste. She doesn’t seem disgusted by my face and seems quite eager, actually… I’ve seen her looking at me.” A twisted smile spread across Reed’s features.

  Magnus barked a laugh. “She must be blind then… Actually, I think the burns might work to your advantage. You were an ugly piece of shit before, this way you might get women to screw you out of pity.”

  Reed laughed along and didn’t think before he said, “At least my cock can do the job, unlike yours.”

  By the time he realized what he said, Reed jumped up when a dagger sunk into the wooden floor between his legs with a dull thump.

  “Get out!” Magnus hissed through his gritted teeth. If he could kill just by looking at someone, Reed would have been dead by now twice over.

  Reed’s long strides carried him to the door quickly. He dared not turn and face Magnus now. As he pulled the door open he almost crashed into Lilith.

  “Watch it, you brute!” the witch protested, glaring up at him. He could see the amused twinkle in her eyes though.

  “Reed, I told you to leave!” Magnus’ voice boomed and another dagger lodged itself into the doorframe right next to Reed’s head.

  He gripped Lilith’s shoulders, wanting to push her away and out of danger. She swatted his hands away. Reed was at a loss for words, for he had never felt protective of a woman before.

  The witch strolled into the room with her daughter following behind as usual. Reed narrowed his eyes at Delilah as she passed by. She was a quiet and shy one, but very observant, and there was a studious and curious spark glowing in the depths of her warm brown eyes.

  “What is this yelling all about?” Lilith demanded as she stopped in front of Magnus with her hands crossed over her chest. Delilah was quick to find a corner so she could hide in the embrace of its shadows.

  “I don’t have the time to –”

  “You’re an adult, so start acting like it. You screaming around like that makes you appear like a kid throwing a temper tantrum. Whatever the reason, surely it was not worth getting yourself all worked up like that.” Lilith’s stern hazel eyes challenged.

  Magnus glanced at Reed over her shoulder, his eyes narrowing again.

  “I’m the one talking to you, so look at me… don’t go taking it out on him.” Lilith poked Magnus’ chest, and his cold, furious eyes snapped back to her.

  “Better,” the witch praised him with a pat to his chest and, before the prince could mutter a response, she continued, “Whatever it was, work it out later, because I have good news for you.”

  Magnus’ gaze shifted from furious to curious and he uncurled his hands from the tight, muscle-cramping grip he had squeezed them into. He nodded for Lilith to continue.

  “Information has reached me of where I might find the herb needed to help you with your… um… recovery. We will leave tomorrow, Delilah and I; she is still not yours so I’ll keep an eye on her for you. I want this knight of yours to come with us, as protection.”

  Magnus snorted. He knew full well that Lilith didn’t need any protecting, but he knew better than to deny the witch’s request.

  “You can have him. I’ve been seeing his ugly face every day for the last few months, I could use some respite,” Magnus said as he walked back to his desk.

  “And I could use some respite from that filthy mouth of yours,” Reed added from the doorway where he still stood. He noticed the prince relax and the fury leave his eyes. He knew it was safe to banter again.

  The prince chuckled. “Do you hear what I have to put up with… me… the prince!” Magnus complained to Lilith.

  The witch only rolled her eyes.

  “When do you leave?” Magnus said.

  “Tomorrow… the sooner we get you well enough to handle hard travel the better. I want to hear the dragon’s heart cease beating as I drain him of his life… I want it yesterday. So…”

  “Aye. Reed will go with you tomorrow. I do need someone to keep an eye on you. You’re quite a handful. And also to keep an eye on the girl. I want no man spoiling her for me.” Reed could hear the double warning in Magnus’ voice, one meant for him as well.

  He nodded in acknowledgment. “Do you need anything else of me before we leave?”

  “Yes. Here’s a letter of recruitment for Cathal and Galor. Tell them I need more men, I’ve lost too many. But I’m not recruiting in the name of the king, just some mercenaries for my own use.”

  “Very well.” Reed walked over to Magnus to take the letter.

  “Wonderful!” Lilith exclaimed. “Now that you two are no longer pouting at each other, I shall see you tomorrow morning before we leave.” The witch turned and sashayed to the door, Reed following right behind her. He stopped to let her through first.

  Lilith paused to look at her dismayed daughter. “Come along, Delilah. You’ll get to play with the prince later.” She winked on the way out.

  Reed noticed the look Delilah threw at the back of her mother’s head and that when she realized he was watching her, she school
ed her features and scurried along after her mother. Just as she was passing him, he squeezed her ass. She gasped and jumped up slightly, shooting him a look of disgust and resentment as she dashed away to catch up with her mother.

  “Reed…” Magnus warned after Delilah left.

  “You didn’t say anything about an occasional grope.” Reed shrugged. “She’s just too easy to –”

  “You’re incorrigible!” Magnus said. “Leave now.” The prince waved his knight away, but didn’t reprimand him any further.

  Chapter 38

  Three days later, Lilith, Delilah and Reed arrived at a small village near the Forbidden Forest. The days it took them to get there were the longest of Delilah’s life. She tried to be as inconspicuous and invisible as possible, but with Reed using every opportunity to put his dirty hands on her, she obviously wasn’t succeeding. He found it amusing, but her mother didn’t. Delilah concluded that Lilith was jealous, even though Reed spent most of his time around the older witch. Her mother was used to attention and she felt that Delilah was stealing it from her. The truth was so far from that fact. Delilah wouldn’t be surprised if her mother bedded Reed just to prove she was more desirable than her daughter.

  Go for it mother, you deserve each other. If I could only get away… Where would I go? Delilah pondered as they made their way to the only inn the small village had. It wasn’t really an inn but more of a taphouse. She was sure that her mother would find them beds for the two nights they planned to spend there.

  Since they arrived late, the night already cloaking them in darkness, Lilith didn’t waste any time in finding them proper accommodations. The fact that Reed, Lilith and Delilah had been sent by prince himself didn’t help persuade the man who met them at the door. It seemed Magnus’ reputation was tarnished, so the witch resorted to using her magic to sway the man’s mind. Eventually she made the innkeeper and his wife offer them the hospitality of their own home while they themselves spent the night in the stables.


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