Dragon's Prize (Dragons Awaken Book 2)

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Dragon's Prize (Dragons Awaken Book 2) Page 43

by Maya Starling

  Olivia stopped before reaching the last step.

  “I suppose I should say something,” she started. Kaden squeezed her hand in approval. “As much as I like to talk, I don’t consider myself to be good with words, so I will just be honest. I want to thank all of you for doing this. For taking my side in standing up to the tyrant. He has caused us so much pain, but no longer. We will either make him leave us alone or fight him. I do not care for his title. If he was worthy of it, this would not be happening. He is no prince, just a conceited man, hungry for power and control.”

  Olivia paused for breath.

  “I am so proud to be standing here before you. You are the real kings and queens of this Kingdom. You are caring, kind, loving, supportive, compassionate… You are good people and I am humbled to call you all my family. When all of this is over, you will no longer be working for me but for yourselves. The land and the estate might be in my name, but they are yours just as much as mine. Any profit we make will be divided equally.”

  Murmurs of confusion spread among the throng of people.

  Olivia shook her head. “I am straying… Now is not the time to talk about that, but about who we are to face. We will try to negotiate, to reach an agreement, but if it falls through, we will not run. We will stand and fight for what is ours! We will not be subjugated without reason and we will not be punished on the whim of a spoiled prince!”

  Words of approval floated up to Olivia as she continued. “We will face the consequences with a clear conscience, for we will do what is right in our hearts! Thank you once more!” Olivia bowed her head and followed suit. There was no applause, no cheers or whistles, only a respectful silence as everyone bowed their heads, returning the gesture.

  “Let us get ready,” Olivia said and descended the last two steps with a proud man by her side.

  Once the attention was away from her, Olivia let out a sigh and her shoulders sagged with relief. She felt Kaden’s arm slide around her as he let her lean on his side for support. It was then that Olivia felt her heart pounding and her hands tremble. “I’m proud of you, Liv. That was a wonderful speech,” he kissed the side of her head, directing their steps towards Cassiel and Delilah.

  “It was good?” Olivia asked back, her brows pulled together in worry. “Was it encouraging enough? I have never had to make such a speech. I do not even remember what I said just now, except that I am thankful and proud.”

  “I couldn’t have worded it better myself.“

  “Thank you for being by my side, for being my strength,” Olivia said, pressing to Kaden.

  “Always, love. I’ll forever be by your side.”

  Olivia beamed up at Kaden, and he leaned down to brush his lips against hers in a chaste kiss.

  “Where’s Charlie?” Olivia asked as they neared Cassiel and Delilah.

  “She was there, listening with a proud smile on her face the whole time… I think she barely held herself back from whooping and cheering you on.” Kaden’s chuckle rumbled through Olivia, and she giggled along.

  “There she is!” Olivia gestured left with her chin.

  Charlie stood close to Bast, the redhead’s face cradled in the other woman’s hands. Olivia noticed the tenseness of Charlie’s posture, glimpsed the fear in her expression. Worry overtook Olivia, but she didn’t want to intrude on their moment. She watched Bast whisper soft words to Charlie. To everyone’s surprise, Bast then leaned in and kissed Charlie’s on the mouth.

  Olivia stopped and gaped at this display of affection. She had known something was going on but not that anything had actually happened. Charlie would have some explaining to do, but the happy grin that erased the worry on her best friend’s face made it worth everything.

  Once Charlie shook off her blissful daze, she squealed in delight and jumped up at Bast, who couldn’t do anything other than catch the little firecracker in her arms.

  “You kissed me, in front of everyone!” Charlie squeaked as she wrapped herself around Bast’s waist and neck.

  “And you’re crazy,” Bast said back, ignoring the curious stares.

  “Crazy about you!” Charlie rubbed her nose against Bast’s. She took the public kiss as a sign of declaration. She pecked Bast’s lips and whispered in her ear. “I love you, Bast. I have since the first moment I saw you.”

  Bast pulled Charlie into a closer embrace, bringing her tight against her own body and smiled into Charlie’s neck. Hearing those words, she recognized her own feelings of love. The relief that washed over her at the discovery felt liberating, as if her heart finally found its safe haven. “Oh, Spark. I love you, too.”

  Charlie’s delighted squeal so close to Bast’s ear made her wince.

  “Charlie!” Bast scolded, setting her woman back on her feet. Heat crept up Bast’s face, bringing a rosy tint to her cheeks.

  “Just let me have this moment of happiness.” Charlie pleaded and Bast could see the earlier worry and fear creeping back into her face.

  “It’s alright,” Bast said and took Charlie’s hand in her own. “And everything else will be alright as well. I promised you, I’ll protect you to the best of my abilities. They won’t harm you ever again… either of them.”

  Charlie nodded and walked back into Bast’s embrace. “Let’s join the others.”

  When they reached their friends, Cassiel was strapping Olivia’s buckler onto her new bracers.

  “Livvie! You look so menacing, and shiny!” Charlie said.

  “Menacing and shiny?”

  “Yes. Menacing with all the black and the dragon and all. And shiny because of all the glistening silver, the rivets and your greaves,” Charlie explained and Olivia laughed.

  “Where are Theo and Damien?” Olivia said.

  “Right behind you,” Theo answered.

  “Where were you?” Charlie prodded.

  “Umm… Busy.” Damien supplied eloquently.

  “Did you two just...?” Charlie raised her eyebrows at the couple.

  “Please do not answer.” Cassiel’s eyes widened.

  “But –”

  A rider was galloping toward them and confirmed that Magnus was near. They had to get to the field so they could welcome the prince there, on their own terms.

  No more words were spoken as people hastened to get ready. Some of the men ushered their wives and children inside the stables. Those unable or too young to fight were to hide in there, so they could easily ride away should the need arise. Aimee, her mother and sister were escorted inside by Giant, who would take a stand alongside his new friends, against the prince.

  Just as the crowd, led by Olivia, Kaden and the rest, reached the centre of the field, Magnus and his escort rounded the corner, exiting the forest, riding their horses down the cobbled road.

  When he noticed the people in the field, he spoke to his men and led them to the fence. Olivia’s eyes scanned the prince’s crowd and she was glad her assumptions were right. Magnus had fewer men at his side.

  Magnus dismounted, and his men followed, Reed helping Lilith. The bandits started kicking at and hacking away the fence, tearing down the obstacle.

  Olivia’s heartbeat quickened and she could hear it pulse in her ears. Her breaths came in shallow pants, and only Kaden’s hand in hers prevented her from stepping back.

  This was it. It was actually happening.

  Magnus was here and she would face him again.

  Chapter 50

  Olivia watched Magnus and his horde of men approaching. The rays of the sun, low on the horizon, glinted off golden breastplate of the prince’s full armor, but also made him squint against the assault of brightness. On his left, Reed stalked, in his own full plate, unsheathing the long-sword from the scabbard on his back as they drew nearer. A wicked and contorted smile further disfigured his scarred face.

  Lilith seemed to float on Magnus’ right, her steps lithe and her movements graceful, the silky emerald dress courting the breeze as she walked by. She scrutinized the people in front of her with st
ern hazel eyes which darkened when she found Delilah’s face. A shift in the air caused everyone to inch away from the older witch. A corner of her mouth quirked into a mischievous smirk. Her eyes next settled on Kaden, and Lilith’s gaze softened for a fleeting moment before she snapped her emotions under control, once again presenting a cold and detached visage.

  Cathal and Galor marched just behind the prince, with the rest of the men trailing behind them. They wore various pieces of mismatched armor, their weapons already drawn. Surprise crossed the features of some of them, causing Olivia to steal a backwards glance.

  Although the people behind Olivia outnumbered the enemy, they looked anything but experienced in fighting. But they have spirit… we have more to lose. She bestowed on them an encouraging smile. Giant nodded his head in response as he took the double-axe off his back, twirling it in his hands with a serious expression. He bulged his eyes out forcefully, making him appear slightly wild. Olivia knew otherwise, knew that Giant had a gentle heart, and she could see the fear in his eyes, lurking behind his menacing demeanor.

  She saw Rylan leaning against a tree, Luke right by his side. Theo and Damien had suggested they stop near the trees, and only five of them had scattered in that part of the field. She gave the pair a slight nod and turned back just in time to see Magnus stop a short distance away. Her heart pounded and she had to resist the urge to worry her lower lip. Instead, Olivia forced herself to square her shoulders and take steady breaths, her hand in Kaden’s helping her stay grounded.

  Behind her, Theo and Damien shared a parting kiss and went to climb a tree on opposite sides of their group, their bows strapped to their backs.

  “Ahh… the buttfuckers! Should have known those traitors would wind up here. I should have you all hanged for treason! You threatened my life! A prince! Maybe I should have just sent the king’s army at you. But then, it wouldn’t be such a sweet victory as this will be once you’re all dead! Most of you, at least,” Magnus said.

  Lilith suppressed an eye roll.

  “We never threatened your life. Our arrows were never pointed at you, my prince,” Theo spat and Olivia’s eyes narrowed at him. He bowed his head to her, acknowledging that he should not have let himself be provoked so.

  “We do not wish to fight you, Magnus,” Olivia said.

  “Ah! My princess. My dearest puppet has grown up, I see. She even has her own little army.”

  Olivia sighed and shook her head while Magnus’ eyes swept up and down her body.

  The prince scoffed. “Even got yourself all dressed up. Who do you think you are? I’ll rip that pathetic armor off you just as I did the dress you wore the last time I had you in my bed.” Magnus taunted further.

  Olivia felt Kaden’s muscles coil next to her, his aura darkening. Órva'ar was close to the surface, but this time, the dragon was calming the human. Órva'ar was prepared and had been warned about what was likely to happen, so he helped soothe Kaden’s fury.

  Olivia too, tensed, but her fear dissipated, replaced with vehement resolution. She would no longer be trampled, used, then discarded. Adrenalin coursed through her body as her eyes lit with rancor.

  “I should have completely cut off your little manhood the last time you had me in your bed,” Olivia answered scornfully, narrowing her eyes at Magnus.

  Kaden snickered, standing proud at Olivia’s side, his previous anger transformed into amusement.

  “Watch it, you little bitch!” Magnus fumed and turned to rag Kaden, “You should keep her on a tight leash, or at least teach her how to be a proper woman. I would gladly show you how.”

  Kaden balled his left fist, the one not holding Olivia’s hand, and glared at Magnus beneath furrowed brows. His eyes shifted to amber and back to black.

  “Now, now. Settle down, children,” Lilith sneered and faced Kaden again. An old, familiar sensation of affection tingled through her but as the memory of her sister’s dead body rose to the fore of her mind, those warming feelings were swept away by hate, bitterness and resentment.

  “Lilith…” Kaden said in a pleading voice. “It doesn’t have to be like this. Please, talk to me. Let me explain what happened that night. No blood needs to be spilled today.”

  Lilith’s features remained detached and unaffected; the memory of her twin sister’s death was still fresh in her thoughts, as if it had happened only a few days ago. It still hurt the same. It still haunted her very soul.

  “Your blood still needs to be spilled. Your blood for hers!” Lilith snapped and turned her blazing gaze on Delilah, “And you... to betray your mother so. I wish I could trade your life for Lucia’s. You’re not worthy of being our kin.”

  Delilah’s voice lodged in her throat. She had known Lilith harbored those feelings towards her, but hearing the witch say them out loud hurt all the same. It broke a piece of her heart. Lilith was still her mother, even though Delilah wanted nothing to do with her and had even renounced her, that woman had given her life. Growing up, Delilah had looked up to Lilith, always seeking her approval and acceptance. But these things she had never gotten and was only demeaned in return.

  “Why would I want to be?” Delilah’s loud and steady voice caught everyone by surprise. They were used to a quiet and timid girl, but Lilith's cruel words ignited her inner fire. “You are nothing but a power-hungry hag, bitter and full of hate. Living in the past instead of letting go and living in the present. How can you go on like that? What makes you happy? Are you happy, or do you live day to day, waiting for the happiness to return. I know I haven’t been out in the world very long, but I’ve realized that the way you do things, mother, doesn’t bring joy to anyone’s life, not even your own. I know that being evil, bringing harm to others doesn’t help fill the void in your heart. So… why do you do it?”

  Cassiel took Delilah’s hand in his own. Even though she appeared brave and strong, her hand was cold and clammy. He squeezed it in support and pride shone in his eyes when Delilah glanced up at him.

  Lilith glared. She opened her mouth, but no words spilled forth.

  “You know nothing, child,” the witch said once she gathered her thoughts, “nothing of life, nothing of loss and nothing of heartbreak. You might learn soon enough,” Lilith’s gaze settled on Delilah’s and Cassiel’s entwined hands, “Maybe that’s what it’ll take for you to finally become who you were destined to be. I don’t want mutts as grandchildren –”

  “Enough!” Delilah snapped and scowled at Lilith.

  Lilith tilted her head to the side. She clearly recognized Lucia’s fiery spirit in her daughter. “In the end, when all of your friends are dead or gone, you will only have me again, and you will obey me.” She diverted her eyes from Delilah, ending the argument as she shared a look with Magnus.

  The prince nodded.

  The witch’s gaze swept over the faces of people across from her, and she probed their minds with her own.

  Delilah quickly caught up. She stared back at Lilith, but helped the people fight the witch off by boosting their defenses. Lilith frowned and tried harder, bashing into the weakest mind. Delilah flinched at the assault as she summoned a stronger shield around that person’s willpower.

  The others stood quietly, watching the silent battle between mother and daughter, waiting for the outcome, for if would greatly influence the result of the whole encounter. None dared move or say anything in case of breaking the tense concentration.

  Cassiel brushed his thumb in gentle circles over the back of Delilah’s hand. Hating her next action before she even executed it, Delilah drew a bit of life-force from Cassiel to feed her powers. When Cassiel felt it, he opened himself up for Delilah. He trusted her.

  Delilah’s eyes widened in surprise at the support she received.

  “I see my daughter has been hiding things from me,” Lilith said when she pulled back. It was beginning to drain her. “There is still hope for you. Now, be a smart girl and come back to your mother before it’s too late,” she said in a soft voice and raised he
r hand as if reaching out for Delilah’s.

  Delilah shook her head. “I have no mother… ” Her voice was barely above a whisper, and she heaved a sad sigh.

  Eyes narrowed, Lilith stood still and stared at Delilah. She had misjudged her daughter. Since they had left the forest, Delilah had grown up. Of course, the witch had noticed the little changes about her, and believed them good for her daughter, but it seemed that Delilah had hidden just how much she’d changed and learned about the world around her.

  “They’re all traitors, what did you expect?” Magnus scoffed.

  The witch averted her gaze from Delilah to Magnus and recognized the hint of worry in his eyes. “I hoped to get one more chance,” she responded, her eyebrows raised, hinting to Magnus she needed a bit more time to execute their plan.

  Magnus gritted his teeth but nodded nonetheless. He didn’t have much choice but to wait, and he did have one more, and maybe the most important, question to ask.

  “So you’re the dragon, huh?” The prince nodded at Kaden. “I have a proposition. You give me the amulet that gives you the power of the dragon, and I just might consider letting you go in peace, at least give you a head start.”

  Magnus taunted while Lilith expanded her search for pliable minds beyond the field. She presumed there had to be more people than those standing before them; there were too few women, while the children and the elderly were absent.

  Kaden snorted. “There is no amulet.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The dragon is a part of me. Lilith’s curse had some interesting, although unwanted consequences. One of them was the melding of the souls of a human and a dragon into one body.”

  “You lie!” Magnus bellowed. “You only want to keep it for yourself, but you are not worthy. You’re just a lowly man!”

  “No, my prince,” Cassiel spoke up, “He speaks the truth. There is no need for this…” the knight swept his hand around. “There is no amulet to fight for. A petty revenge is not worth so many possible deaths, even your own. And why would you insist on having someone who clearly does not want you as your queen? It would only bring you trouble, which would bring unrest to the Kingdom itself. Do not let your rage cloud your judgment. Consider what is best for your Kingdom and your people.”


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