The Havenshire Resistance (Heirs to the Throne Book 2)

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The Havenshire Resistance (Heirs to the Throne Book 2) Page 17

by Diane Rapp


  Felesia stroked Marra’s head and contemplated the trail leading through canyon walls that loomed overhead. Killer poked his wet nose out of her pack and chided her for keeping him confined in the hot space.

  “I’m sorry, Killer. You’re better off riding.” She scratched his head. Mollified, he ducked into the pack, wriggling until his body made a bulge in the leather. Felesia wished she could curl a tail around her face and hide from the enemy who plagued her sleep.

  The morning air felt hot and stagnant. Dust clung to her feet and legs as the silent canyon echoed with the crunch of her footsteps. Marra sniffed the dry creek bed and hissed, eyeing canyon shadows.

  Felesia swallowed her fear and walked into the canyon. She’d rather face creatures dwelling in the eerie chasm than let that devil catch her. As she walked deeper into the canyon, she felt his dark force diminish and hoped the Canyon of Blood might curtail pursuit.

  In the shade of overhanging ledges Marra plodded ahead with an unhappy yowl. The trail followed a zigzag path and soon the red canyon walls enveloped the weary travelers. Felesia’s mind cleared and the tightness in her chest eased. It might be safe to rest. She sat on a rock, wiped sweat from her forehead, and released Killer from her pack. Chattering at Felesia he settled on the boulder to groom his long nose, perky ears, and sleek gray body with tiny paws.

  The great cat wandered down the canyon, but Felesia touched the security of Marra’s mind. Leaning against the smooth sandstone, she sipped from a dwindling water bag. Killer licked a drop from the mouth of the bag and then darted away to explore.

  Felesia relaxed in the shade and her heavy eyelids closed.

  She dreamed about a blue fog. As it drifted closer, Felesia tried to run but her legs felt like dead weight. The fog felt menacing and hungry as it pulsated and reached out to engulf her mind. She screamed, desperate to escape. With a crackling growl Marra appeared in the dream and rubbed against Felesia.

  The cat’s energy vibrated around the girl as the blue fog pressed close. Marra snarled. Angry, Felesia gathered a ball of white-hot fire and threw it into the sickly blue fog. Where the fire touched the fog, it shrank away.

  Marra hissed. Felesia stretched out her hand and it became a massive black paw with sharp claws. She swiped at the fog in a feral rage and ripped jagged lines across its surface.

  Felesia felt an overwhelming craving for the salty taste of blood and the pleasure of sinking sharp fangs into the soft throat of her enemy. Enjoying the sensation of raw feline power she growled in defiance. The fog shimmered and evaporated. A sensation of triumph surged through the cat-woman as she woke from the dream.

  Felesia separated from Marra’s mind with a jolt. The cat’s hot body leaned against her human friend. Felesia drew comfort from the contact but fought a desire to meld with the great cat and disappear forever. She jumped up and ran through the canyon.

  She needed someplace safe to hide.

  Steep walls rose high overhead and the sky narrowed to an azure sliver of light. The blood-red stone, streaked with black, gold, and green, looked like a waterfall turned to stone by a witch’s curse. The dry streambed taunted them with the promise of water. Felesia licked cracked lips and craved a drink. She must conserve every precious drop in the water bag, hanging limp from her shoulder.

  Marra’s muscles rippled under dusty fur as the cat trudged ahead. Her head hung low and bones protruded. Signs of water surrounded them, dry hollows rimmed with white water rings, deep ruts carved into sandstone rivulets, and water-smoothed rocks scattered along the canyon floor.

  Killer appeared. A long snake dangled from his mouth as he squeaked with pride. Felesia bent to examine the dead snake. Its shiny scales looked healthy with vivid color.

  “It’s a water snake! This kind of snake doesn’t live in dry sand, so show me where you found it.”

  Killer scampered down a narrow side gorge, chattering encouragement.

  “There’s water ahead!” Felesia shouted. “I can smell it.”

  Marra’s nostrils flared as she chased Killer, tail whipping with enthusiasm. The small fissure abruptly ended in a spear of bright sunlight. Felesia gazed at a broad river gorge rimmed by massive red cliffs rising hundreds of feet above the grassy valley and sparkling river. The water beckoned, a few hundred feet from the opening of their fissure. Other openings in the gorge were marked by waterfalls trickling, spraying, or spouting into the deep ravine.

  Marra yowled happily and bounded down a steep path leading to the river. Felesia scrambled to follow. Kneeling beside Marra at the water’s edge, she savored a long, cool drink, and then she jumped into the river heedless of her clothes.

  The cool water felt glorious. She stretched out her arms and floated in the gentle current as her hair spread out like a fan. Marra jumped and splashed like a kitten, lapping the tasty water along the shallow bank. Suddenly the cat sniffed the breeze with a hunter’s intensity, detecting game. The cat dropped to a crouch and crept through tall river grass, intent on her prey.

  Felesia eyed the steep vertical walls rising from the ravine like a majestic fortress. Small canyons pierced the gorge high above the green valley floor. The wide river meandered through rich marshlands fed by storms from high elevations. Game thrived in the marshes. Marra devoured a tasty lunch and started licking her paws clean.

  This looked like a perfect place to hide. It had plenty of water, fresh game, and canyons where she could set up house. To avoid intruders she must find a high vantage point with a natural hollow for shelter.

  Felesia felt happy. Closing her eyes against the bright sunshine, she drifted with the current, allowing her body to float lazily.

  She failed to notice a shadow fill the sky until Marra snarled a warning. Opening her eyes she saw a large dragon hovering over the water. As the creature examined the object bobbing on top of the river, its wingspan filled the sky with iridescent colors swirling through the translucent skin. Felesia was mesmerized by the splendor of the creature with curiosity. As the enormous body drifted closer, a long tongue flicked from its snout tasting the air for scent. Felesia should have felt terrified but there was no menace in the beast’s mind. It wasn’t hungry or hostile, just inquisitive.

  The dragon hovered effortlessly in the stiff breeze. Its sinuous neck arched to let the wedge-shaped head turn sideways and a sparkling eye focused on the girl. The giant creature ignored the frantic chatter of the tiny animal dashing along the shore and the large black feline growling from the water’s edge. Felesia wondered how the dragon’s spider-web wings could support its immense body. Rows of sharp teeth glistened like gems inside the beast’s cavernous mouth.

  Felesia touched the dragon’s mind and saw the lazy blue-green river. She felt the sun’s heat against her wings and enjoyed a full stomach and pleasant weather. She peered at the creature floating in the water until an ominous ripple in the water drew her attention.

  Snake! The creature that killed my mate! Hatred filled her mind as she focused on the rippling wake. Kill! Kill!

  Felesia’s mind was ripped away from the dragon when sharp teeth punctured her right leg and coils squeezed her body. Felesia kicked and thrashed, but it was too late! The snake constricted and dragged her under the water.

  A piercing shriek gurgled through the water as a jarring impact vibrated through the snake’s coils. The dragon’s strike made the reptile loosen its grip on Felesia for one precious moment. She squirmed free and swam through a churning caldron of blood and ichor.

  The snake whipped free of the dragon’s talons and a surge of water engulfed Felesia. She gulped water and gasped for air. She touched the bottom and scrambled through gooey mud to gain a foothold. The dragon smacked the snake with a thunderous clap. The resulting wave hurled Felesia toward the safety of dry land. Pain exploded through her leg as she scuttled up the slippery mud bank.

  Marra bounded to her side. She hung on the cat’s solid neck and hobbled through sucking mud to reach dry ground. Exhausted,
she collapsed on the grassy river bank. Her lungs burned and pain throbbed up her injured leg as she stared at the churning water. Glowing ichor dripped from the dragon’s slender body as the snake’s fangs ripped its gossamer wings into shreds. Red and green oozed across the water as the creatures rolled in a death grip neither dared break.

  Felesia wiped tears from muddy cheeks.

  It was my fault! I should’ve been more careful, swimming like an addle-brained child in unknown waters. As the twisted bodies sank under the surface, Felesia heard a gurgling keen from the elegant dragon. The exquisite creature saved my life with her own death!

  As Marra licked Felesia’s face and Killer chattered, feelings of happiness and love inundated Felesia’s mind from her friends. She stroked them and assessed her injuries. Blood welled out of two punctures marks on her leg and her ribs felt bruised. Hanging onto Marra, she tried to stand. Pain shot through her leg and fire consumed her bones.

  Gasping, she searched for a stick to support her weight. Driftwood littered the shoreline. A long piece of driftwood looked the right size, so she limped with Marra to retrieve it. Afraid to sit down, she leaned against Marra and carefully stripped away bark with her knife. She jammed the notch under her shoulder and tested its strength. The wood supported her weight, but she felt exhausted.

  Wiping beads of sweat from her brow, Felesia glanced apprehensively at the water, concerned she’d see giant bodies floating in the current. No sign of the struggle remained. Would the river current drag the corpses downstream for scavengers to devour? She shuddered at the thought and wondered what other dangers might lurk under the placid surface.

  She must find a safe campsite.

  Walking with the makeshift crutch was painful and slow, but she couldn’t afford to rest. She retrieved her muddy pack from the riverbank and tore strips of cloth from an old shirt to bandage her throbbing leg. The animals watched intently, their heads tilted.

  She laughed at their quizzical expressions. “Don’t just sit there! Help me find a safe place for the night.”

  Felesia hobbled to a clear stream and filled the water bag as she surveyed the canyon. We need to find a cave. She projected the image of a cool dark cave to Marra, but the cat rolled in the warm sand, unconcerned about finding shelter.

  Felesia projected a picture of herself, Marra, and Killer sitting in a cozy cave next to a warm fire. She filled her mind with a yearning to find a safe retreat. Marra’s head popped up. She tested the breeze, flicked her long tail, and trotted along a deer path up the canyon. Pleased, Felesia kept her mind linked with the cat.

  Wading through tall grass, Marra stopped to sniff. Delicious smells drifted on the breeze, rabbits, lizards, squirrels, and the musty scent of wet rock. The smell is a cave! Marra scanned the shadows to spot the cave opening. Another whiff of damp air drifted on the breeze. She vigilantly followed the scent to a sandstone wall where smooth rock rose straight overhead. She stood on hind legs and stretched against the sandstone, digging her claws into the rough surface.

  The smell drifted down from an opening hidden behind a bush on the ledge. It was well above the canyon floor but an easy jump for the cat. Sticking her head inside the opening, Marra snarled with satisfaction. A predator once occupied the cave but the scent was old. She squeezed past the bush and entered the empty cavern, large enough for a den. Marra happily bounded back to find Felesia.

  The girl broke mental contact with the cat and sat on the mossy rock to wait. She fought the strong desire to immerse herself in Marra’s mind and stay safely hidden. Normally she linked with her friends and broke away without a problem, but it felt dangerous to mind-link while she felt so tired and sick. She must rest and heal before trying it again.

  Marra cantered down the trail, flicking her tail like a kitten. Startled by Marra’s growl, Killer woke from his nap and scolded the cat with loud chattering. Felesia soothed Killer with one hand and patted Marra’s head with the other.

  “Okay let’s go see our beautiful cave. I need to take a long nap.” Marra led the way with Killer keeping pace. Felesia hobbled slowly toward the cliff, pushing pain out of her mind. Reaching the cave would be difficult with an injured leg. She examined the canyon wall for an easier entrance but the sheer walls looked too steep. Finally she decided to anchor a rope around a large rock outcropping, hoist herself up, and swing sideways to the ledge.

  “Killer, carry this rope over that rock.” He grabbed the rope and scampered up the wall, holding the rope like a prized snake. “Now come back down on the other side. That’s it.” He scampered back down to her and dropped the rope into her hand.

  Felesia tied the rope around her waist. Taking deep breaths she clenched her teeth and braced both feet against the cliff. Pain jolted her body, but she inched herself up the cliff. She stopped and glanced down. The sharp rocks below would break her bones if she fell.

  I must keep climbing!

  Sweat trickled into her eyes and the rope rubbed her skin raw. Finally she drew even with the ledge but her abused muscles trembled with fatigue. The outcrop anchoring her rope was too far from the ledge. I must jump! There will be only one chance to succeed. Without looking down Felesia gathered her strength.

  Marra snarled in agitation, and Killer squeaked from the rocky ledge.

  She gripped the rope with slippery fingers, bunched her aching leg muscles, and shoved off with all her strength. The momentum of the leap flung Felesia precariously onto the edge of the rock cliff with a jarring thud. The rope whipped past her face as it uncoiled from the outcropping.

  I didn’t jump far enough! Help me, Marra!

  Felesia’s aching fingers clawed the gritty surface. She scrambled to wedge her foot against the crumbling sandstone as her body slipped over the edge. Suddenly sharp teeth gripped her shoulder, and Marra dragged her safely onto the ledge. The cat dragged dead game for miles but seldom handled a carcass carefully. As Felesia rolled onto the ledge, pain burned through her leg and in her shoulder. Marra stared into her face then everything blurred. Pain and fear dissolved as Felesia sank into a comfortable void.


  Felesia lay naked in a soft bed. Rhythmic music pulsed through her head and the scent of heavy perfume hung in the air. The bed felt warm and safe, but wrong. She opened her eyes and saw a man with a surly grin staring at her naked body. Fear jolted her, but she couldn’t move to cover herself. The man moved nearer. The black pits of his eyes absorbed her willpower.

  As Felesia opened her mouth to scream she heard a snarl. Marra’s anger flared inside her mind, and she took refuge in the panther’s feral mind. Linked with the furious cat, Felesia woke from the nightmare.

  Marra’s throaty yowl echoed through the cave. She hissed and swiped at a ghostly blue haze hanging in the air. When her claws touched the haze, it vanished. Marra’s tail twitched, and her fur bristled, as she searched the cave for the enemy.

  Felesia said, “You linked with my mind and forced him to leave!”

  Marra plopped down and rubbed her head against Felesia. “You kept him from stealing my mind like he stole Arrow’s.” A purr rumbled through Marra’s body, but Felesia grimaced with pain. She felt hot, her ribs and leg ached, and her shoulder bled from Marra’s teeth.

  Her stomach growled. Rummaging in her pack she found a nutty fruit bar she’d pilfered from the tribe of women. Biting off a chunk, she tried to chew the sweet morsel but the effort was too tiring. She lay back and drifted to sleep on the soft bed of leaves, the bite melting in her mouth.

  Marra watched Felesia until she heard the steady breathing of sleep. She sniffed the night air and rose to hunt, slipping down into the valley of the river gorge. A cool breeze carried enticing aromas of quail, rabbits, mice, and river otters. The scent of deer was too faint to track tonight. She padded silently across the spongy grass and honed in on the smell of a rabbit, good for a quick meal. Her heart pounded with the excitement of the hunt.

  Music wrapped Felesia in a hypnotic pulse that matched her hea
rtbeat. She should flee from the music and the evil eyes. Where was Marra? The cat must drive the evil man away! She sent her mind out to find the cat and felt the night breeze ruffle her whiskers. Her lithe muscles rippled through muscular haunches as she ran through soft, moist soil. The rhythm of music pulsed through her mind and Marra growled. Felesia felt the growl rumble inside her chest.

  A rabbit jumped from its hiding place, and she leapt after the prey. She zigzagged through willows and tall grass, sinking her claws into the soft turf. The exhilaration of the hunt felt thrilling and drove the music from her mind. Her tail whipped over glossy black fur as she followed the rabbit’s white bobbing tail. The prey was almost within reach.


  The ache in her belly accelerated her pace. Anticipation mounted as blood pumped through her powerful muscles and the delicious scent filled her nostrils. She forgot about the cold human body in the cave, mindless, barely breathing with a piece of fruit bar melting slowly in its mouth. Felesia’s mind no longer inhabited that body. She was a panther not a girl.

  The taste of salty hot blood burst into her mouth as sharp fangs sank into the soft neck of the kill. With incredible night vision she saw other animals scuttle away, but she was not greedy. The rabbit was enough for tonight. She carried the kill toward the cave but sounds attracted her attention. She stopped to listen.

  Something was wrong!

  Her tail twitched. Sniffing the breeze, she detected the scent of the horses and humans, the enemy. She diverted her path away from the cave and carried her kill to a ledge overlooking the gorge. The cat watched the place where Felesia’s trail broke out of the narrow canyon into the river gorge. Tearing the flesh of the kill, she ate and watched for the enemy.

  Although a meal usually demanded a nap, Marra felt too wary for sleep. Music tried to pierce the part of her mind where Felesia hid, but Marra snarled and blocked the contact. Flexing her claws, the sharp tips sank into soft sandstone. Her nostrils flared as the scent of horses and men got stronger. Her ears swiveled as the noisy creatures clomped down the hard packed trail into the gorge.


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