The Havenshire Resistance (Heirs to the Throne Book 2)

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The Havenshire Resistance (Heirs to the Throne Book 2) Page 21

by Diane Rapp

  “Open it! Your mother and Belva both thought it was important.”

  She cut through the frayed string holding the box closed and opened the lid. Inside was a bracelet molded with intricate gold and silver vines and a jewel at the center of gold flower petals. As she touched the crystal it sparkled with beautiful colors. “The colors swirl just like a dragon’s eye.” She slipped the bracelet onto her wrist and tears trickled down tanned cheek.

  “I remember my sisters! As a child I learned to survive alone. The forest creatures were my friends, but I felt so lonely until I found you. This stone vibrates with power and memories. It makes me sure I’m not afraid to fight for someone I love! We won’t let the evil of the blue haze take you! We’ll destroy it together!”

  Marra growled, Killer chattered, Flash stretched her wings, and Arrow swooped down from the sky with talons extended. They all looked ready to fight the enemy.

  Felesia grinned. “You see? We all want to fight for you.”

  Jordan felt overwhelmed. “I couldn’t hope for a better army. If we learn to defeat the blue haze, you’ll become my wife.” He stroked her hand tenderly. “I long for that day, my love.”

  She snuggled his neck and gave him a long, lingering kiss.

  “Did Arrow find other dragons?” he asked.

  Felesia shook her head. “I’m afraid we’ve got to teach Flash ourselves.”

  Jordan nodded. “The best place for lessons is the hatching cave. The winds are strong and she can practice in a safe enclosure.”

  “Good. We’ll all go to the hatching cave tomorrow. It will be fun.”


  Kriegen watched the humans lift a strange creature up a cliff. It took him a long time to get close without raising an alarm, but time was running short. Krystal needed her daughters. They must all work together to defeat Jarrack. The wolf bristled at the sight of Jarrack’s son.

  Jordan climbed onto a ledge and wrapped ropes around a large rock to support the weight of the gangly creature. Felesia pushed the bewildered youngster from behind.

  “I never thought I’d return to this creepy place,” Jordan grumbled.

  “Don’t give up! We’re almost there,” Felesia called from below.

  Flash chirped as Jordan heaved the heavy chick over the ledge. Felesia scrambled up and wiped sweat from her forehead. They entered the large cavern and felt wind blow into their faces.

  Kriegen crept to a hidden vantage point and watched the humans.

  “We’re here so now what do we do?” he asked.

  “We teach Flash to fly, just like her mother would have done.” Felesia sounded sure of herself.

  “If she’s not strong enough, her wings might collapse under the strain.” Jordan stroked Flash’s satin head as she nuzzled him.

  Felesia grinned. “You sound like a worried parent. Look at her. She’s already testing the wind. It almost lifted her weight, but she needs to learn what it takes to fly. Let’s get higher where the wind is strongest.”

  “She’s so young.”

  “You can’t protect her forever. Wild creatures learn quickly or die,” Felesia said. “She’s ready.”

  “Let’s get started,” Jordan said. He pointed at a high shelf inside the cave where Marra sat licking her paws.

  Felesia nodded. “That must be where the chicks were taught to lift off. See? There’s a hole in the roof that creates a strong updraft. I’ve flown inside Arrow’s mind and felt the way wind lifts her outstretched wings. Here she comes.” Arrow hovered effortlessly in the steady wind. “See how much lift she gets in this breeze? Dragons must choose hatching caves with strong air currents.”

  Flash responded to Felesia’s excitement with orange colors swirling through outstretched wings. “How do we get her up there?” Jordan asked.

  “We’ll walk up this path and get her to follow us. We’ll help her test the wind.”

  “All right, give me a minute.” Jordan climbed up onto the shelf and tested it by stomping his foot. A strong gust whipped his hair straight up as he leaned into the rushing air. “It must feel wonderful to soar high in the sky. Come on up, Flash,” he called. “You can do it.”

  With a chirp Flash waddled up the sandstone ramp, digging her talons into the rock as she climbed. Jordan shouted encouragement and Felesia followed the chick. “Just a few more feet, you can make it,” Jordan crooned.

  Wind whipped through the cave. Flash’s facetted eyes gazed lovingly at Jordan as she reached the ledge and rubbed her head against Jordan’s chest. He stroked the soft skin of her elegant neck.

  Arrow landed on the ledge but kept her wings spread. Flash cocked her head and watched the wind lift Arrow off the ground without effort. Colors swirled in Flash’s wings. She cheeped at Jordan and stepped to the edge. Enticing fingers of wind rippled over her smooth body. She spread her wings and leaned into the breeze. The membranes of her wings billowed like sails against a strong gust of wind.

  “Go on, Flash.” Jordan whispered.

  Flash twisted her sinuous neck and eyed him with a coy expression.

  “You’re a beautiful dragon,” he said. Flash stretched her neck, leaned into the wind, and confidently stepped off the ledge.

  Jordan gasped.

  The wind howled through the cave and lifted the young dragon’s body. She hovered, testing the strength of the air currents, looking elegant and beautiful in her first moment of triumph. Felesia cheered and Jordan grinned as Flash crowed.

  Their voices rang through the cave and Kriegen crept closer.

  Arrow flew in small circles around Flash, swooping and diving through the powerful air currents. Flash tilted one wing and followed the hawk. She turned in a wide spiral and then tilted the other wing to bank in the other direction. Felesia giggled as her friends played in the large cavern, and Jordan hugged her triumphantly.

  “She looks beautiful!” he said.

  “Yes. She’s a smaller version of her mother.” Felesia sighed. “I wish we could fly like them. We’d make a wonderful pair soaring through the sky.”

  Jordan gazed into Felesia’s eyes. “I’d love to do anything with you.”

  Suddenly Marra roared and Arrow shrieked. Flash flapped her wings and managed to land on the cavern floor.

  “What’s wrong?” Felesia asked.

  Jordan pointed. “It’s a wolf. The largest one I’ve ever seen. Is it a friend of yours?” The animals flanked Felesia as Jordan unsheathed his knife. They all stood ready to defend Felesia.

  Kriegen watched them through glowing gold eyes until Felesia’s mind touched him. Who are you? Why do you come here? She asked.

  Kriegen saw the glowing stone of the bracelet. We are named Kriegen. Search your memories with the stone. It will help you remember when you escaped from the castle with your sisters. My cubs played with you in our den. You must join your sisters in the coming battle to rescue Donovan from Havenshire.

  Jordan heard the mental conversation. He asked, Why should Felesia trust you?

  Kriegen lifted his lips to display gleaming teeth. You are the cub of the evil one, the enemy of Felesia’s pack.

  Felesia stepped between Jordan and the wolf. He’s not evil. I love him and he’s part of my family now. You can’t blame him for the evil of his father.

  Kriegen studied Jordan. When a lone wolf stakes out new territory, a she-wolf may join him to create a new pack. Felesia’s pack needs her to join them in the upcoming battle against your father. Her duty to Donovan’s pack must come first.

  Felesia’s fingers gripped Jordan’s arm. I remember my family. They need my help, so they must accept my future husband.

  Kriegen bristled. How can we trust him to fight his sire? His loyalty will be to his blood kin.

  No! My father sent a blue haze to destroy my mind, so he’s as much my enemy as yours. I’ve sworn to defeat him before I marry Felesia. I’d never let him harm her. Jordan’s mental voice vibrated with conviction.

  It is against the law to commit host murder!
We knew the evil one intended this sacrilege. You may join the battle against Jarrack. Kriegen stared at Jordan and Felesia with glowing eyes. We will vouch for you to Donovan’s pack.

  Flash squawked and projected colors of hunger in their minds.

  Felesia laughed. Flash is young and her stomach rules. We must feed her, so let’s continue our discussion at our cave. Felesia led the hungry chick outside.

  Marra eyed the wolf as she followed Felesia.

  Jordan trailed behind and walked with the wolf. I need to make a request.

  You may ask.

  Promise to kill my body if my father takes control of my mind. If he commits host murder, I must not be allowed to hurt Felesia. Jordan’s mental words were clear and convincing.

  How will we know if he succeeds? Kriegen asked.

  My body will glow with a blue aura. Concentrate, can you see the color of my aura now?

  We do not see colors.

  Then I am doomed. Jordan felt dejected. I can’t stay near Felesia if he can overtake my mind.

  We will think of a way. Perhaps another human can see the color of your aura. Kriegen and Jordan walked out of the hatching cave. Felesia will not go without you. We heard it in her mind.

  Kriegen is right, I won’t leave without you. Felesia said to both males as they saw her waiting outside the cave. I can see the color of Jordan’s aura and I know the touch of the blue haze. If Jarrack kills your mind, Marra and I will destroy your body with him inside. Marra and I killed your brother’s body together and now I have the power of my bracelet to help.

  Kriegen yawned, stretching a long tongue over white fangs. It appears we found someone who can see the blue color and fulfill the task. Felesia will be a strong and clever mate. We hope you live to enjoy her company.

  Jordan glanced at Felesia and felt reassured. We’ll make sure we both survive.

  Flash bypassed the ropes used to pull her up the cliff and sailed off the ledge with her wings spread. As sunlight filtered through her wings, she shouted her name in a glory of color. Jordan felt sorry that Kriegen couldn’t enjoy the marvelous display. Color was an important part of his life and he loved watching Flash enjoy herself.


  As she finished packing, Felesia said, “I feel frightened. I’ve been alone so long I won’t know how to act among people.”

  “You’ll be perfect. I’ve never met anyone like you. Everyone will see how wonderful you are and will fall in love with you.” Jordan kissed her gently on the cheek. “I fear that you’ll be attracted to a handsome young soldier and I’ll be out of luck.”

  “That could never happen.” She frowned until she saw his eyes sparkle. “Oh you’re teasing me.” She hit him playfully.

  “I might be teasing, but I won’t leave you alone with other men. I’ll hover around like one of your animals. People will think I’m just part of your menagerie.”

  Felesia’s eyes clouded. “I’m worried about the animals. How can I take them into crowds? They might get frightened and hurt someone.”

  “Control them with your mind. Keep yourself calm and give them mental guidance. They didn’t attack Kriegen and he seemed dangerous.” Jordan handed her another bag. “We’d better get going. It’s a long trip.”

  Felesia looked at their cave. “I’ll miss this place.”

  “We’ve got problems to solve before we make a home for ourselves. When we defeat Jarrack, we could return if you wish.”

  “The trouble facing us makes this place seem peaceful and attractive. I’m anxious to meet my family. If they need our help we must go.” She lifted her pack and whistled for the animals.

  Kriegen watched Felesia arrange travel plans with her animals.

  Flying was a great joy for Flash, and the dragon’s wings swirled with happy colors, as Felesia spoke with her. Flash tested the wind and twisted her head to peer at the black wolf. The wolf’s eyes were a beautiful gold color that Flash added to the colors in her wings. Colors were like words to the dragon, and Jordan realized that shade of gold was Kriegen’s name in her mind.

  A hissing sound from the river prompted a response from Flash.

  Hatred! She flashed red through her wings and the color flooded Jordan’s mind as she launched herself into the air.

  Felesia shouted, “It’s the snake that killed her mother! Don’t let Flash go after that snake. Stop her, Jordan! She’s too small to attack that creature.”

  Kriegen ran after Flash, followed by Marra and Arrow, heading to the river. Flash was a tenth the size of her mother but fierce fury propelled her attack. She sounded a bugle as the slithery white head rose above the green water. Aiming her talons at the creature’s red eyes, she folded her wings and dropped like a rock.

  Primeval instincts drove Flash to fight her oldest enemy, the giant water snake. She crowed as her sharp talons sank into the soft white tissue of the snake’s head. Within seconds her pleasure turned to terror as the snake whipped its coils around her body and sank into the cold water.

  Writhing bodies churning the water echoed the bloody scene of Felesia’s nightmares. “We must do something! Help her!”

  Jordan dove into the water with a knife gripped in his teeth. Marra and Kriegen followed his lead. Flash broke the surface gulping air before she was dragged under again. Teeth and talons ripped at the snake’s skin, a knife jabbed at the snake’s red eyes.

  Suddenly Flash surfaced and floated free of the strangling coils. Felesia swam to Flash and lifted her head above water. “Breathe!” Felesia demanded. “Don’t give up on me, breathe.” A facetted eye glistened and Flash coughed. Ichor dripped from her side and she cheeped pitifully as Felesia stroked her neck. Something brushed Felesia’s leg and she kicked.

  “What a great welcome!” Jordan chided and rubbed his sore ribs. “We probably didn’t kill the snake, but our surprise attack freed Flash. Is she all right?”

  They climbed out of the river and stood next to the dripping wolf and panther. Flash waddled up the riverbank.

  “I see scrapes and bruises but she’s alive—thanks to you. Oh Jordan, we almost lost her! This place doesn’t look so beautiful now.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed.

  “Don’t cry—we’re fine. Let’s get out of here before the snake tests us again.” Flash scratched deep gouges in the muddy the river bank and crowed as if she had won the battle all by herself.

  “That’s gratitude! She doesn’t even give us credit.” Jordan laughed.

  “Where’s Killer?” Felesia looked into her empty pack. “He was right here when the commotion started. You don’t think he went after the giant snake.”

  “No. He tackled something more his size.” Jordan pointed at Killer dragging a small snake through the bushes. He promptly delivered the prize to Flash.

  “He brought Flash a reward.” Felesia laughed as Flash gobbled the offering and Killer squeaked before scampering into her pack. “We’re all accounted for, now let’s get going.”

  “We don’t need more surprises.”

  Kriegen shook water from his coat and trotted ahead of the group, while Marra took a position at the rear. Flash tried her wings once more with success and Jordan walked with Felesia beside the heavily packed mare. The strange-looking party meandered through the twists of the Bloody Canyon without looking back.


  Amber slunk low as she heard the surly voices and clomping hooves. Her hackles bristled at the stink of horse sweat and the spicy odor of desert riders. She crouched in the shadows of a dense fir tree while the group of men passed her hiding place. A perfumed man, wearing silk and jewels under a heavy fur cape, rode past; his round body jiggled and his overworked horse panted.

  Sensing the wolf’s presence, the horses whinnied and sidestepped, but their riders spurred them up the trail. How did the desert riders know which trail the girls would take? Amber scouted the trail ahead of Trenton’s party and waited most of the night for the rest to catch up.

Rising from her hiding place, she ran back down the mountain to warn Trenton about the danger ahead. A sly rider, who stayed behind the group to investigate the source of the horses’ fear, spotted Amber and aimed a spear at her heart. His sneer reminded Amber of the man who lay crushed under tons of rock.

  Steely human eyes glinted with overconfidence as he hefted the spear, but Amber rose in battle stance, snarled and gripped the blade strapped to her chest. Facing a fearsome creature, straight from a spine-chilling campfire story, the soldier hesitated.

  The snarling wolf sprang at the man with her knife ready. The soldier jabbed his spear into the wolf but her razor-sharp blade sliced his soft throat. Amber dropped to the ground as the frantic horse bucked, flinging the soldier’s body from the saddle and down the steep mountainside. Dodging sharp hooves, she limped into the dense undergrowth. Hot blood melted a red trail through the soft spring snow.

  She heard pounding hooves and angry shouts. She crouched ready to greet the next attacker with bared fangs, but the witless humans allowed their mounts to trample her bloody trail as they searched for the dead soldier. They left the scene without finding her, and she marveled at her luck.

  She relaxed, licking her wound, nauseous and dizzy as ancestor voices scolded her. They told her to move, but she rebelled. Trenton would come soon. She could warn him about men traveling up the mountain. Darkness closed in on her mind as she lay unconscious and alone, even the ancestors couldn’t help her as snow fell again.

  The heavy snow covered signs of Amber’s struggle, so Trenton passed the spot where Amber hid, unaware of the trap waiting ahead. The party climbed steadily up the steep trail on surefooted steeds while Amber’s blood seeped into the ground.


  Awkwardly straddling his horse Beltram scowled at the sky, surrounded by rough soldiers waiting to ambush the high priestess. Garth said, “Sire, this storm threatens our safety. Should we delay until nightfall, the pass will become dangerous. It’s difficult to traverse even in good weather.”


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