Foretold Fate (Sisters of Danu Series Book 2)

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Foretold Fate (Sisters of Danu Series Book 2) Page 24

by Mia Pride

  Kissing the tips of her fingers tenderly, Brocc never broke contact with Una’s gaze. “When I came home and heard you were marrying Collin, I was shattered. I wanted so badly to steal you away, but that was the very behavior that you seemed to loathe in me. You saw my passion for you, my need to protect you, as me trying to control you instead.”

  “But, you did come. And you did steal me away,” Una questioned with a smile.

  “Aye, well,” Brocc shrugged with a chuckle, “I had planned only to speak with you. I had already determined to confess my love for you before I arrived home. Once I did, I feared I was too late. When I walked into Collin’s home, my only intent was to share my feelings with you, ask for one last chance to marry you, and then let you decide. Only, what I found was you naked and drugged on the floor. I almost left you there, feeling like an intruding fool. However, it only took one hint of the scent of the poppy juice to put it all together. I could not leave you there, vulnerable and naked. I know it was Mealla who did this. I worried she would return to harm you and the child if I left you. I hope you do not mind me taking matters into my own hands and seeing you safely back to my home.”

  “Nay,” her voice cracked as she smiled at him, “not at all. Only, I can promise you with absolute certainty that Collin and I did not lay together, not last night nor any other night. I have nay idea how I became disrobed on the floor with him…” A chill ran down her spine, thoughts of being violated passing through her mind as she folded her arms tightly around herself. Brocc put his arms out and she came willingly into them, allowing him to embrace her as his warm strength soothed her nerves. He gathered her onto his lap, wrapping her tighter into his body as he breathed in the soft familiar scent of rose in her hair.

  Una felt slightly exposed with no more than a thin blanket wrapped around her otherwise nude body as Brocc held her in a possessive grasp. The heat of his palms on her waist warmed her body thoroughly, even through the blanket and, though she should feel more vulnerable, she couldn’t help but feel like she was finally home.

  “I love you, Una,” he whispered into her hair. “You and our child. I love you both more than my own life. I am only sorry that I waited so long to say it. I want nothing more than for us to be a family.”

  “I love you, too, Brocc. I always have. I was in awe of you when we were younger. Then you became king and I felt as if you were too good for me. I am sorry for being such a stubborn woman!” Openly sharing her long-hidden emotions with Brocc felt like a weight finally being lifted off her shoulders.

  “Una...about Mealla. I don’t know what to say. I am so ashamed and I don’t blame you if you never forgive me. But truly, I remember nothing at all and—”

  Una let out a gasp and clutched her chest, cutting off Brocc’s plea for forgiveness. “I know, Brocc. I only just now remembered this, but, before everything went black, Collin seemed nervous and blurted out that you did not sleep with Mealla at all, and something else about him loving me so much and making bad decisions…” she gasped again and covered her mouth. “He said they set you up! Oh, Brocc!” She clutched at him and burrowed herself into his warmth. To think he was innocent all along. She would never forgive Collin for trying to ruin her life!

  Brocc must have felt her anger and she realized she was shaking. “My priority is to you and our babe. Once you are fully recovered, I will deal with Mealla and Collin.” He kissed the top of her head and laid her back in the bed, tucking a wool blanket around her body.

  “Please, do not leave me! I dread being separated from you again!” She clung to him, thinking of all that had happened to her. She felt betrayed, violated, and manipulated. She was not ready to be alone and he made calming shushing noises in her ear.

  “I have nay intention of letting you out of my sight, mo chroí. Not until this is all resolved...mayhap not ever.” He affectionately kissed her forehead and snuggled in closer to her body. Feeling safe in his embrace, her eyelids began to flutter shut.

  “Una,” he squeezed her hand gently and she forced her tired eyes open. “Please, will you marry me? Tis all I have ever wanted in this world, for you to be my wife.”

  She saw the nervousness in his eyes and her heart melted down to her toes. She had been so cruel to him, rejecting him time and time again simply because she was too blind to see his love. She lifted her hand to his lightly bearded cheek and gave him a soft smile. “Nothing would make me happier, my love. I will gladly be your wife.”

  Just then, their child gave her a swift kick in the ribs and she placed his hand on her abdomen, allowing him to feel their moving babe. “Lie with me, please. I want to feel you while I sleep. It will make me feel safe.” With a warm smile, he obeyed. Untying the leather straps of his boots from up his calves, he kicked them off and nestled down next to her in the bed, wrapping one strong arm around her back while the other rested on their child. He felt a flutter against his hand as their babe kicked in response to his touch, and an overwhelming love pulsed through her veins as she and Brocc shared in that special moment, eyes locked with smiles of contentment on their lips.

  “How I love you, Una.” He whispered as he closed his eyes. “I promise to never hide my emotions again.” With that, they both drifted off into a peaceful sleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

  A hard rapping at the door sent Isobel sputtering across the house with haste, hoping to stop the knocking before Brocc and Una were awakened from their much-needed rest. When she swung the door open, Collin stood before her with wide blue eyes looking around wildly as he peeked into the home. “Una! Is she here? Please tell me!”

  “Calm down, Collin, she is here. She is asleep, recovering from…whatever it is you did to her.” Isobel crossed her arms and looked at him with distaste.

  “You must let me in, I need to speak to her, and Brocc.”

  “That is not a good idea, Collin,” she said as she looked nervously over her shoulder, twisting her fingers in her white apron. “He is in a foul mood since he found Una…in the condition in which he found her.”

  “Aye, which is precisely why I must speak with him!” Collin pushed his way into the house and took a seat near the hearth. “I will wait, if necessary,” he said with a look that told Isobel that she had no other choice but to let him stay.

  “Waiting will not be necessary.” Brocc was looking forbidding as he leaned against the white wall, black hair ruffled from sleep, but his face was straight and serious, hazel eyes blazing. “I am surprised to see you here, Collin, after what you did to Una.” Brocc moved forward and took a seat next to Collin on a bench along the wall, placing his forearms on his knees with his hands dangling between his legs, leaning forward to speak quietly. “Tell me everything.” In that moment, Collin’s heart rate increased guiltily; he was certain that Brocc must know he was involved with some scheme against him.

  With a deep sigh and steadying breath, Collin divulged all, from his part in making sure Una was out of the house so that Mealla could end up in Brocc’s bed, to convincing Una to go to Brocc’s the next morning, knowing she would find Mealla there. “I cannot begin to tell you how despicable I have felt since I aided Mealla in her plans!” Collin admitted. “I really do love Una and wanted more than anything to be with her…but not like this, not at the expense of her happiness. At first, I had convinced myself I was doing what was best for her. When I came over to her that day, she was so sad. I truly felt as if I could offer her more happiness. But, as time went on, I could see her falling into this permanent void of melancholy.” Collin shook his head and sighed.

  “The very same day I resolved to correct my errors and help her reconcile with you, she announced that she agreed to marry me! I was shocked, and not nearly as happy as I expected to be. I felt as if I was only winning because of our plotting. I was never the man who she truly belonged with. That night, I told Mealla I could nay longer live with the falsehoods. I wanted to give Una a couple days to change her mind on her own, otherwise, I was going to tell her the truth
, that you did not lay with Mealla. Of course, you know Mealla. She cannot stand to lose. She must have then plotted against me! I am such a fool for not suspecting her or questioning where the mead came from.”

  Letting out a deep breath, Collin ran his fingers through his hair, anxious to rid himself of all his dark secrets. “All I remember is drinking a large mug of mead and seeing Una slump in her seat and slide down limply to the floor before everything went blank. I woke up this morning naked on the floor and Una was gone! I thought Mealla had taken her, or worse! I rushed over here right away to make sure she was safe!”

  Brocc ran his fingers through the short hairs on his chin while he listened to all of Collin’s admissions. Then he popped his knuckles and cracked his neck, as if readying for a brawl. “Are you certain you did not lay with her? Why were you both unclothed on the floor when I found you?”

  Collin grunted uncomfortably. “It serves me right that I was finally naked in Una’s arms and cannot remember a thing.” Seeing that Brocc was not entertained in the least, he cleared his throat and continued, “I have nay idea how it came about, but I have an idea as to why…” Quickly, Collin explained how excited Mealla was when he told her that Una agreed to marry him and how she wanted to plot for Brocc to find him in bed with Una. When Collin refused to play along any longer, he believed that Mealla contrived a plan to drug them both and create the illusion that they made love.

  “I have underestimated Mealla’s ability to plot!” Brocc grumbled, still stroking his jaw. “So many things had to go exactly the way she had hoped, for her to pull it off…but, she overlooked two minor details.”

  “Oh aye?” Collin asked, crinkling his brow in question.

  “She used the same blue fabric on your gifted jug of ale as her mother used for one of Una’s dresses. Also…” Brocc said as he leaned forward and Collin stiffened, preparing to defend himself in case Brocc attacked. Instead, he clasped Collin on the shoulder and said, “She underestimated you.” Collin’s brows raised in surprise.

  With a chuckle, Brocc explained, “Collin, you are a man in love, a desperate one, aye, but a good one. Believe me, I have made so many mistakes since I fell in love with Una. The woman seems to put a spell on you, does she not? Mealla found your weak spot and preyed on it, but your conscience was too strong to fulfill the deed, and I respect that. Tis the only reason I have not separated your head from your neck…yet.”

  Collin swallowed, clearly understanding Brocc’s threat to stay away from Una in the future. It had crossed his mind that confronting Brocc could lead to his demise. Brocc was a warrior and all Collin knew of life was farming. He was thankful that, for once, Brocc seemed to maintain a cool head where Una was concerned. “Am I to assume you are Una are to wed?”

  Brocc locked eyes with Collin. “Aye. And I expect nay more trouble from you. My sword arm will not be so still in the future.” He quirked a brow and stood up to open the door for Collin.

  “Right,” Collin murmured. He got up and left before Brocc made good on his threat.

  Chapter 19

  A few hours later, Una awoke feeling refreshed. She stretched out, rolled over in the bed and made eye contact with Brocc, who was lying next to her, one hand resting on her abdomen. “Have you been here the entire time?” she asked with a surprised smile. He nodded and sat up next to her on the bed, kissing her brow softly.

  “How do you feel?” he whispered as he pushed her hair away from her face affectionately.

  “Much better,” she sighed and leaned into his touch.

  “You are so beautiful, mo chroí.” Bending over to kiss her forehead again, Brocc inhaled deeply, soaking up her floral scent. “Collin came to call on you.”

  She wrinkled her nose slightly as she thought about him. “Why? I do not want to ever see him again after what he did to you!”

  “He was worried about you. He thought Mealla hurt you.” Brocc shifted and sighed before he spoke again, “He explained all to me. I am not happy with what he did. Believing I had betrayed you with Mealla ripped me apart for days. But, in a way, I pity him. And when it mattered most, Una, he could not continue to hurt you. He told Mealla he would nay longer deceive you. That is why she drugged you both. She wanted to stop him from telling you the truth and make me believe you and Collin had lain together. In a way, Collin is just as much a victim to Mealla’s malice as we are.”

  “What a foul woman she is! Making me believe you lay with her and then doing the same to you. She is vile!” Una shivered and rubbed her shoulders. “Do you think I should pay Collin a visit? I am furious with what he has done. Ant yet, he was very kind to me…” she sighed and looked up at Brocc for guidance.

  Brocc placed a large warm hand over her worrying fingers. “Tis all managed, a chailín mo chroí. Let Collin have his peace for now.” He looked at her from his peripherals, wondering if she would be angry with him for handling Collin without her.

  A relieved sigh escaped her lips and she sat up in bed slowly, forgetting that she was still unclothed. “Well, that is a relief for now. I will want to speak with him on my own eventually, but for now, tis good to be home.”

  Brocc’s eyes widened at her exposed breasts and a feral grin spread across his face. Just as she realized what he was gawking at, she laughed and tried to pull the wool blanket over her, but he was much swifter, wrapping his arms around her back and holding her tightly against the length of his body. Looking down at her, he mumbled, “So, this is your home now, is it?”

  “If you will still have me after all I have done...” Her heart was thudding wildly against her ribs and she thought that he must feel it against his own bare chest.

  “I,” he whispered in her ear as he kissed her temple, “will have you every day and night for the rest of my life.” He trailed soft kisses down the nape of her neck and she tilted her head back with a sigh, glorying in the feel of his touch again. She had been secretly longing for him since the first time they made love. It seemed like an eternity ago, or perhaps some wondrous dream that only lived in forbidden corners of her mind. But the proof of that one night now resided within her womb, fluttering away as it rested between their two warm bodies pressed together.

  “Say you will marry me…” his lips moved over to her shoulder, placing soft kisses on her smooth skin as he slowly moved further over her collar bone. His hot breath left a burning trail in its wake, causing her to melt further into his embrace.

  “I have already answered you,” she giggled as he pulled back slightly, his lips continuing their journey downward. The feeling of her sensitive nipples exposed to the air made them pucker and she felt Brocc’s strong hands come up to cup them warmly.

  “Answer me again,” he breathed softly as he brought his mouth down, swirling his tongue around one firm nipple, teasing her with excruciating slowness. As he bent, she caught the scent of his hair and her heart swelled with warmth and contentment. He was her home, her heart, her everything. And now, he would be her husband.

  Breathing shallowly, she whispered, “Aye, I will marry you…my…love.” Her words seemed to encourage him further and Brocc took her breast into his mouth, suckling and teasing while Una squirmed in his arms, her sensitive flesh reveling in the sensations. Her hands roamed up and down the hard contours of his chest, feverishly groping until she found a trail of hair that led down below his trousers. Tracing that line all the way down, she felt the heat from his skin and the brush of course hairs against her fingertips.

  The last time she had been with Brocc, she was timid and unsure. Not this time. Too much had transpired between them for her to ever feel timid again. Boldly, she tugged on the string that served as the only barrier between her and his arousal.

  His trousers loosened and Una tugged them down quickly, feeling his hot length against her abdomen as it sprang free. With a groan, Brocc pushed her back onto the bed as he kicked his trousers onto the floor. He hovered over her, propping himself up with both hands on either side of her head. He stared dow
n at her with glazed eyes and she chewed on her lower lip, looking up and down the length of his nude body.

  Rush lights flickered all around the dim room and the smell of the burning wax and smoke drifted in the air as every cell in Una’s body poised itself in anticipation for Brocc’s touch. Those hypnotic gold flecks shone in his eyes, as they so often did when his emotions ran high. Only this time, their intensity did not frighten her. They were filled with unspoken promises of love, of possession, of forever.

  “You are beautiful, Una,” he whispered softly as he leaned in to capture her lips with his again. “So beautiful.” He tugged on her lower lip as he released his mouth from hers and trailed slowly down her throat. Her hand was slowly grazing down his chest, feeling every rippling muscle as she worked her way down.

  His body tensed as her fingertips grazed along his length, but she did not pull away. She would have worried before that his flinch was a sign of pain or hesitation, but she knew now what happened between a woman and a man. She knew that there was more than simple lust behind the act. This was love and she was eager to share herself with him. Gripping him tightly, she guided him between her legs as his eyes locked on hers. His nostrils flared as his breathing increased and she could feel the heat radiating off his body. Her pulse sped up when his eyes narrowed in on hers intensely and she quirked a challenging brow at his hesitation.

  “You are mine, Una.” He growled as he entered her roughly and she felt his primal need to claim her pulsing through his body. Once, she would have balked at the thought of being claimed, thinking it barbaric and offensive, but now it seemed as natural as the sun rising in the east. With this realization, all her walls of resistance came crashing down. She knew that he had waited years for this moment. Not just the act of mating, but to be able to call her “his” and to know the truth of it. And she wanted it too, she suddenly realized with a rush. She wanted to be his, to feel protected, cherished, and possessed.


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