Ah! ambition is a fine thing!
The Duc de Sairmeuse and the Marquis de Courtornieu were past middleage; their lives had been marked by many storms and vicissitudes; theywere the possessors of millions, and the owners of the most sumptuousresidences in the province. Under these circumstances one mighthave supposed that they would desire to end their days in peace andquietness.
It would have been easy for them to create a life of happiness by doinggood to those around them, and by preparing for their last hours achorus of benedictions and of regrets.
But no. They longed to have a hand in managing the ship of state; theywere not content to be simply passengers.
And the duke, appointed to the command of the military forces, and themarquis, made presiding judge of the court at Montaignac, were bothobliged to leave their beautiful homes and take up their abode in ratherdingy quarters in town.
They did not murmur at the change; their vanity was satisfied.
Louis XVIII. was on the throne; their prejudices were triumphant; theywere happy.
It is true that dissatisfaction was rife on every side, but had they nothundreds and thousands of allies at hand to suppress it?
And when wise and thoughtful persons spoke of "discontent," the duke andhis associates regarded them as visionaries.
On the 4th of March, 1816, the duke was just sitting down to dinner whena loud noise was heard in the vestibule.
He rose--but at that very instant the door was flung open and a manentered, panting and breathless.
This man was Chupin, the former poacher, whom M. de Sairmeuse hadelevated to the position of head gamekeeper.
It was evident that something extraordinary had happened.
"What is it?" inquired the duke.
"They are coming!" cried Chupin; "they are already on the way!"
"Who? who?"
By way of response, Chupin handed the duke a copy of the letter writtenby Martial under Chanlouineau's dictation.
M. de Sairmeuse read:
"My dear friend--We are at last agreed, and the marriage is decided. Weare now busy in preparing for the wedding, which will take place on the4th of March."
The date was no longer blank; but still the duke did not comprehend.
"Well, what of it?" he demanded.
Chupin tore his hair.
"They are on the way," he repeated. "I speak of the peasants--theyintend to take possession of Montaignac, dethrone Louis XVIII.,bring back the Emperor, or at least the son of the Emperor--miserablewretches! they have deceived me. I suspected this outbreak, but I didnot think it was so near at hand."
This terrible blow, so entirely unexpected, stupefied the duke for amoment.
"How many are there?" he demanded.
"Ah! how do I know, Monsieur? Two thousand, perhaps--perhaps tenthousand."
"All the towns-people are with us."
"No, Monsieur, no. The rebels have accomplices here. All the retiredofficers stand ready to assist them."
"Who are the leaders of the movement?"
"Lacheneur, Abbe Midon, Chanlouineau, Baron d'Escorval----"
"Enough!" cried the duke.
Now that danger was certain, his coolness returned; and his herculeanform, a trifle bowed by the weight of years, rose to its full height.
He gave the bell-rope a violent pull; a valet appeared.
"My uniform," commanded M. de Sairmeuse; "my pistols! Quick!"
The servant was about to obey, when the duke exclaimed:
"Wait! Let someone take a horse, and go and tell my son to come herewithout a moment's delay. Take one of the swiftest horses. The messengerought to go to Sairmeuse and return in two hours."
Chupin endeavored to attract the duke's attention by pulling the skirtof his coat. M. de Sairmeuse turned:
"What is it?"
The old poacher put his finger on his lip, recommending silence, but assoon as the valet had left the room, he said:
"It is useless to send for the marquis."
"And why, you fool?"
"Because, Monsieur, because--excuse me--I----"
"Zounds! will you speak, or will you not?"
Chupin regretted that he had gone so far.
"Because the marquis----"
"He is engaged in it."
The duke overturned the table with a terrible blow of his clinched fist.
"You lie, wretch!" he thundered, with the most horrible oaths.
He was so formidable in his anger that the old poacher sprang to thedoor and turned the knob, ready to take flight.
"May I lose my head if I do not speak the truth," he insisted. "Ah!Lacheneur's daughter is a regular sorceress. All the gallants of theneighborhood are in the ranks; Chanlouineau, young d'Escorval, yourson----"
M. de Sairmeuse was pouring forth a torrent of curses upon Marie-Annewhen his valet re-entered the room.
He suddenly checked himself, put on his uniform, and ordering Chupin tofollow him, hastened from the house.
He was still hoping that Chupin had exaggerated the danger; but whenhe reached the Place d'Arms, which commanded an extended view of thesurrounding country, his illusions were put to flight.
Signal-lights gleamed upon every side. Montaignac seemed surrounded by acircle of flame.
"These are the signals," murmured Chupin. "The rebels will be herebefore two o'clock in the morning."
The duke made no response, but hastened to consult M. de Courtornieu.
He was striding toward his friend's house when, on hastily turninga corner, he saw two men talking in a doorway, and on seeing theglittering of the duke's epaulets, both of them took flight.
The duke instinctively started in pursuit, overtook one man, and seizinghim by the collar, he asked, sternly:
"Who are you? What is your name?"
The man was silent, and his captor shook him so roughly that twopistols, which had been hidden under his long coat, fell to the ground.
"Ah, brigand!" exclaimed M. de Sairmeuse, "so you are one of theconspirators against the King!"
Then, without another word, he dragged the man to the citadel, gavehim in charge of the astonished soldiers, and again started for M. deCourtornieu's house.
He expected the marquis would be terrified; not in the least; he seemeddelighted.
"At last there comes an opportunity for us to display our devotion andour zeal--and without danger! We have good walls, strong gates, andthree thousand soldiers at our command. These peasants are fools! Butbe grateful for their folly, my dear duke, and run and order out theMontaignac chasseurs----"
But suddenly a cloud overspread his face; he knit his brows, and added:
"The devil! I am expecting Blanche this evening. She was to leaveCourtornieu after dinner. Heaven grant that she may meet with nomisfortune on the way!"
The Honor of the Name Page 20