The Mermaid's Escape

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The Mermaid's Escape Page 15

by Kellie McAllen

  “Okay, lay down, and I’ll write a name on your belly, and you see if you can guess what I’m writing.”

  I lay down, putting my hands behind my head and stretching out my body. Jude hovers over me with a smirk and runs a finger lightly over my skin. It’s obvious he’s spelling his own name.

  “Jude,” I say confidently.

  “Yes, Coral?”

  “Jude.” I point to my belly.

  “What? You need me to do it again?” He smirks and repeats the process only this time much slower.

  “Jude!” I giggle, squirming under his fingers.

  “What, baby? What do you want?” He bends close to me, his breath warm on my skin as he traces the letters again.

  “Jude,” I growl, pulling him down to me till his body covers mine and his lips caress me.

  “Is this what you want, Princess?” His voice is husky and low. “You want Jude? All you had to do was ask.”

  We kiss for a few more moments till Liam grunts and walks away, muttering something about getting a room. Then we kiss a bit more since we’re alone.

  By the end of the day, I can write all of our names, I know the names of half the letters, and I can’t wait to try spelling other words. But most of all, I feel like someday I could actually fit in their world if I just keep learning.

  I vow to spend every moment I have from then on learning everything I can about what it means to be a human. Someday, maybe, they’ll forget that I’m not.

  Chapter 18

  “It’s your turn tonight, Liam. Ready?” I ask, grabbing a container of water. I ask that question to a different guy every night.

  Liam looks at me, a wide, bright smile lighting up his serious face. “Yeah, let me just grab some extra clothes. It might be cold up there tonight.”

  “That’s never a problem when you’re up there with me, is it, Princess?” Jude winks at me, and I roll my eyes but then blow him a kiss. He reaches out and pretends to grab it then smacks his hand to his lips.

  I chuckle and walk over to give him a proper kiss. “I’ll miss you,” I whisper in his ear, and his face goes pink.

  “Goodnight, Gio. Night, Avery.” I wave at them as Liam and I make our way up the hill to the lookout. Every night, the guys take turns staying up there, but I go every night. It’s fun when we’re all together, but I love having private time with each of them.

  I’ve yet to mate with any of them, but I know they all want to. I see it in their eyes and hear it in their thoughts when they don’t realize I’m listening. I think maybe they’re waiting for me to ask, and I want to, but I’m also afraid that if I mate with one of them it will change things with the others, and I don’t want to ruin what we have.

  Liam helps me practice my English as we walk. He points out things, and I try to say a sentence about them. “Snakes are scary… but yummy,” I say when he points to a harmless snake hiding in the grass.

  Liam laughs and nods his head, and an overgrown lock of his black hair falls in his face. He pushes it back, revealing bright, green eyes that twinkle with pleasure. He loves it when I surprise him with my words. I try to learn something new every day, just to see that look on his face. Besides, there’s not much else to do here.

  I’ve lost count of how long we’ve been here, but I know the guys have almost given up hope of ever being rescued. Gio says no one is looking for us anymore. If we get found, it will just be random luck. I know the guys are devastated. They all had goals and dreams that will never be fulfilled if we stay here. I’m a little disappointed that I might never see what the rest of human society is like, but I don’t really care. As long as I have them, I’m happy.

  Life on the island isn’t that different from life underwater. It’s simple, uncomplicated. We eat, we sleep, we watch for ships, and the guys tell each other stories about their past. I haven’t told them much about myself yet, I never seem to know the right words to answer their questions. But I’ve been practicing, and I think I might finally be able to share my story.

  I want Liam to hear it first, though, and help me perfect it. I’m sure he’ll be fascinated and have a school of questions. He can help me figure out the answers.

  When we get to the top of the hill, we stoke the fire, collect more wood, and lay down fresh leaves for our bedding. I admire Liam as he works, his pale skin now more tanned and stretched tight over small but nicely-toned muscles. He doesn’t seem to be as self-conscious about taking his shirt off now.

  Once he’s satisfied, he sits down cross-legged next to me on the pile of leaves. I lay a hand on his knee, and he looks up at me.

  “Liam, I want to say something. Will you help me?”

  He grins at me, giving me that look I crave, and scoots himself around to face me. “Of course. What do you want to say?”

  I drop my head and bite my lip then peek up at him. “My story.”

  He raises his eyebrows and his mouth drops open. “I can’t wait to hear it, Coral. I’ll help you if you get stuck.”

  I give a tiny nod, hoping I don’t make a fool of myself. I run my fingers through my hair, mindlessly braiding it as I work up the nerve to speak. It reminds me of the elaborate braid Muriel gave me on my wedding day, the day I escaped. The terror of that day has faded some, and I take a deep breath and smile at Liam as I begin.

  “I am a princess.” I use the word they’ve called me since the first day they met me. It surprised me then; I didn’t understand how they knew. I’ve since learned that they mean it as an endearment; they have no idea it’s the truth.

  Liam cocks his head. “Coral, I know the guys like to call you that, but do you know what that word really means? A princess is the daughter of a king and queen, the rulers of a kingdom.”

  I nod my head. “My grandfather is the king. My parents are gone. I am next.”

  Liam looks at me in disbelief. “Next? You mean, you’re supposed to be the next ruler, the queen?”

  I nod. “When I get married.”

  Liam’s bright eyes darken. “And when are you supposed to get married?”

  “Two days before I met you.”

  His mouth falls open. “You ran away on your wedding day and came to this island?”

  I nod my head and smile, relieved that he understands what I’m trying to say.

  “Why?” His eyes are concerned and curious.

  How do I answer that? I’m not even sure I understand my reasons, let alone know the words to explain them. I decide to go with something simple.

  “Kai didn’t love me. Kai loved Meribel, my friend.” I drop my head to hide my embarrassment. I was the highest ranking mermaid in the kingdom, and yet even the man I was supposed to marry didn’t want me.

  Liam frowns. “Kai is the guy you were supposed to marry?”

  I nod, still looking at the ground. “Grandfather chose him. He was the best.”

  Liam puts a finger under my chin and lifts my face up, level with his. “He wasn’t the best if he didn’t love you, Coral. And he was cheating on you with your girlfriend? Sounds like an asshole to me.”

  I gasp at the insult and shake my head; Liam never talks like that.

  “Kai is a good merman; he was my friend. He didn’t cheat. But I didn’t want to marry him.”

  Liam takes my hand, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. “Of course not, Coral.”

  He lifts his other hand and cradles my neck, his thumb rubbing my cheek, and gazes deeply into my eyes as his voice softens to a whisper. “You deserve so much better than that. You should be with someone who loves you.”

  His words unlock the cage that’s kept me bound for so long. All my life, I’ve been told that my duty to the shoal was more important than anything else, more important than my own wants and desires. None of that mattered. I didn’t matter. But Liam validates what I’ve wanted to believe all along. I deserve to be loved. I am worthy of love. And now, I am loved.

  He doesn’t say the words, but I see them in his mind, and my heart stutters. Liam loves me. Now
that I can speak, sometimes he forgets that I can still read his thoughts. My eyes start to tear, and Liam wipes them away gently. He’s afraid to say the words out loud, afraid I won’t want to say them back to him. I decide to show him how I feel and let him draw his own conclusions. I smile at him and lean my body into his, closing my eyes as my lips find his.

  He meets me halfway, his arms reaching out to pull my body closer. I run my hands over his chest and down his sides, and his fingers clasp around my waist. He rains kisses down on my face and neck, his warm breath caressing my skin. I groan as he sucks at the indentation at the bottom of my neck.

  His fingers follow the ties that hold my chest covering in place then slide around to trace the edges of it. “The day we met, your hair was braided so intricately, and you were wearing this fancy bra; I thought it might be for a special occasion. Is this what mermaids wear to their weddings?”

  “Yes. We cover our breasts when we get married.” I glance down at the decorated shells, realizing I’ve grown so used to wearing them that I’ve forgotten about them. Why am I still wearing them as if I was taken?

  “It’s gorgeous, Coral, just like you. You’d make a beautiful bride.”

  “I’m not a bride, anymore.” My hands reach around to undo the ties holding the shells in place, and they fall to my lap.

  Liam gulps and drops his gaze to my chest. He gently covers one breast with his hand, and his fingers lightly trace the aureola of the other one. My breasts swell in response, and my nipples peak.

  “Beautiful,” he whispers, then lowers his mouth, sucking on one nipple and caressing the other with his thumb.

  I gasp at the sensation and raise my chest up to meet him. He slides a hand up my back and gently lowers me to the ground then continues his ministrations, switching sides. When both nipples are red and tender, he trails kisses down my stomach, swirling his tongue around my navel, making my abdomen pulse with waves of pleasure.

  He lays a hand over the mound between my legs, and I feel the heat of his hand penetrating through the thin layer of material I wear around my waist, but he makes no move to go farther.

  “Liam!” I press myself up against his hand, desperate for more contact.

  “What do you want, Coral? Tell me.” His voice is hoarse with desire, and I know he wants me as much as I want him.

  If he asks me to mate with him, I’ll say yes, but I don’t want to be the one to initiate it. I don’t want the others to be jealous that I didn’t ask them first.

  “Touch me, Liam,” I whisper, hoping that’s enough to spur him on. His fingers move to the edge of the fabric and slide underneath.

  His hands caress me, and I spasm as streaks of fire race through my body.

  “More!” I cry out, reaching for him, but instead of continuing, Liam raises up and looks at me, stilling his hands.

  “Are you sure this is what you want, Coral?”

  I nod and pull him down to me, whimpering. “Please.”

  Liam’s deft fingers untie the knot that holds my skirt in place, and he pulls away the fabric, exposing me. He’s so close, his warm breath ruffles the soft patch of hair. He slides a hand between my legs, letting his fingers trail between my slit, spreading the wetness, massaging me, and I writhe beneath him. He slips one finger inside me, and I clench around him as he strokes me, the heel of his hand pressing against my nub. The sensation is better than I could ever imagine.

  I cry when he pulls his hand away, but it’s only so he can unbutton his shorts. He stands, and the fabric drops to the ground, followed by his briefs. My eyes widen at the sight of his naked body, firm and ready.

  No wonder the guys keep themselves covered; their parts are so exposed, nothing like a merman’s organs that are hidden behind their scales. They only come out when a merman is ready to mate, or so I’ve been told. I’ve never had a chance to see for myself.

  I reach out to touch him, and he lets me explore, waiting patiently as my fingers tremble up and down the length of him. He’s hard but silky, and the skin slides a little when I wrap my hands around him. I circle my finger along the rim, and a drop of moisture leaks from the tip. I touch my thumb to it, and Liam shudders when I rub the drop into his skin, breathing in the musky scent of him.

  When my curiosity is satisfied, Liam stretches out on the ground next to me and runs a hand up my side, following the dips and curves of my body. I tremble under his touch, shivers of pleasure following his fingers. When he get to my neck, he cradles my chin in his hand and leans in. His lips alternate between whispers of affection and tender kisses, and I moan as I press my body into his, wanting more.

  “Are you ready, Coral? Are you sure?” he whispers in my ear, his voice strained with him own need.

  I nod and drag him closer, my fingers digging into his back. He slides a leg between mine and hovers over me, and my legs fall open, inviting him to settle between them.

  Hot blood pulses through my veins, and my body thrums with longing as he lowers his body down onto mine and slides himself up and down along my cleft, torturing me with desire. With one gentle thrust, our bodies join, and pleasure floods my senses as he begins to stroke.

  Later, Liam and I lay by the fire, our limbs entwined. My body is hot, but the night air is quickly drying my sweat, chilling me. I burrow against him as my skin cools.

  It doesn’t take long before Liam’s sated flesh relinquishes control to his ever-inquisitive mind.

  “So, instead of marrying Kai, you ran away and came to the island. Does that happen often? Are there other mermaids walking around on land that we don’t know about?”

  I gaze at him, wondering how he’ll feel about the answer to that. “All mermaids come to the land to mate with humans. Then they go back to the sea.”

  Liam’s eyes widen, and he sits up. “Mate with humans — you mean like we just did?”

  I blush and nod as memories of my own experience come rushing back. “So their merlings can walk and swim.”

  “Merlings. That’s what you call baby mermaids? So they’re like hybrids — half human, half mermaid? And that’s what you are, too?”

  I nod, and Liam gets up and starts pacing. “So, you’re telling me that there is this entire species, that we know nothing about, that regularly cross breeds with humans? This is unbelievable, Coral!” His hair flops in his face as he walks, and he shoves it back, yanking on the ends.

  Suddenly, he looks away, and his face turns to stone. “So, now that you’ve… mated,” he stumbles over the word, “are you going back?”

  “No!” I jump up and go to him, embracing him, and Liam relaxes against me. “No. I want to stay here with… you,” I say, already wondering how our mating will affect my relationship with the others. So far, they seem willing to share my affections, but this is a lot different.

  Maybe I can keep it a secret? Would Liam be okay with that? Probably not. If he’s anything like the mermen I know, he’ll want to brag to the others about his conquest. I can’t quite see Liam doing that, though. But I don’t think he’ll be willing to hide it.

  When the sun comes up, Liam and I head back down to the beach, his arm around me. He’s smiling and laughing more than I’ve ever seen before. I don’t regret what we’ve done, but the way he’s acting, it’s going to be obvious to everyone.

  Sure enough, Avery takes one look at us and narrows his eyes at Liam. “Did you sleep with her?”

  His words draw everyone else’s attention, and all eyes turn our way. I cower under Liam’s arm, but he doesn’t flinch. “Yes,” is all he says.

  Jude rushes up to Liam and pulls back his fist, slamming it into Liam’s face. Blood spurts from Liam’s nose, and I scream as he covers his face with his hands and falls to his knees. I drop down beside him and wrap my arms around him as Jude hovers over us, huffing.

  Gio stops what he’s doing and stomps over to us, pushing Jude away. His jaw is tight, his voice is cold and hard, and his fingers turn white as they clench around the coconut he’s holding
. “Whose idea was it?”

  My heart pounds, beating so hard I clutch my chest to ease the pain. My hands grow damp, and the hair on my arms bristles as I wait for Liam to respond.

  He holds his ground against Gio, staring up at him, his hand over his nose. “I didn’t push her, if that’s what you’re asking. She asked for more; I just gave her what she wanted.”

  Gio breathes loudly through pressed lips and turns to me. “Is that true, Coral? Are you okay?”

  I nod and squeeze Liam’s hand. Gio stares at me for another moment, nostrils flared. Finally, he backs off, and my tense body relaxes.

  “What about protection, Liam?” Avery mutters, and every eye swings Liam’s way.

  “It’s not a problem. I’m… sterile.” Liam stares at the ground, embarrassment flooding his cheeks.

  Disappointment washes over me. I hadn’t given much thought to the consequences of mating with Liam, but in the back of my mind I knew that mermaids mate so they can have merlings. Does this mean I can never have merlings with Liam?

  Gio jabs the knife into the coconut, dismissing the issue, but Jude and Avery glance at each other and glare at Liam.

  “How could you do that, Liam? She’s innocent. She probably had no idea what she was asking for.” Avery sneers at him in disgust.

  Liam curls his lip and shakes his head. “She’s not a child, Avery. And don’t try to tell me the rest of you haven’t touched her, kissed her. We just went a step farther. She knew what she wanted… and who she wanted it from.”

  “So, you’re the one she’s chosen then, huh? You’re the winner? She belongs to you now?” Jude puffs his chest and looms over Liam, and the tension ratchets up till the air pulsates with it.

  Liam flinches a bit under Jude’s gaze, but he shrugs and glances at me. “That’s up to her, I guess.”

  I suck in a breath and hold it, hoping the world will stop and give me a chance to think. How do I explain how I feel, what I want from them, when I’m not even sure myself? All I know for sure is, I don’t want to lose any of them. Maybe if I tell them my story, it will help them understand.


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