Hitler 1889-1936: Hubris

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Hitler 1889-1936: Hubris Page 114

by Kershaw, Ian

  Austrian Federal Army, 523

  Austro-Hungarian empire, H’s view of, 81

  authoritarianism, 73, 379, 441

  ‘Axis’, 583

  Bach, Isidor, 146

  Bad Godesberg, 484, 512, 513

  Bad Harzburg, 356

  Bad Wiessee, 512, 513, 514, 515

  Baden, 309, 318–19, 462, 708n.

  Badeni reforms (1897), 32

  Balkan countries, 762n.

  Ballerstedt, Otto, 175–6, 659n.

  Bamberg, Upper Franconia, 121, 274–8, 288, 294

  Bank of German Labour (Bank der deutschen Arbeit), 536

  Bapaume, 96

  ‘Barlow-Palais’, Munich see‘Brown House’, Nazi Party headquarters, Munich

  Barth, Karl, 432

  Bauhaus, 258

  Baumann, Professor, 126

  Baur, Hans, 494

  Bavaria: anti-Italian feeling, 291; anti-Prussian feeling, 85, 95, 99, 150; a bastion of the conservative Right, 115; ‘cell of order’, 159, 169, 171, 172; commissary government ministers, 462; conditions in (1923), 202; Einwohnerwehr units, 154; and the emergency decree, 460; fear and hatred of Bolshevism, 115; H banned from public speaking, 269, 292; H visits local party branches, 269–70; Himmler’s power-base, 540; House of Wittelsbach falls, 111; H’s speeches in, 299; Ministry of the Interior, 200, 513; National Council, 109; nationalist Right in, 128; opposition to Weimar democracy, 169; paramilitary politics, 170–71, 172; police, 205, 208, 209, 216, 664n., 673n.; Protestant Churches, 575; provisional government, 112–13; and the refounded NSDAP, 265; and Reich Governors, 469; religiosity, 145, 262; revolution in, 112–14, 116; ruling triumvirate, 203, 204, 205, 207, 209, 210, 212–13, 215; scale of arrests in (1933), 463; separatism, 126, 155; state elections (1932), 363, 364; state of emergency, 202, 679n.; and strong-arm tactics, 456; Supreme Court, 237, 238, 239; tension with the Reich, 175, 197; völkisch vote, 229; War Ministry, 301; ‘white-blue’ Bavarian separatists, 115, 171, 172

  Bavarian army: H joins, 89–90; and the putsch (1923), 205, 208, 210, 666n.

  Bavarian Peasants’ League see Bayerischer Bauernbund

  Bavarian People’s Party seeΒVP

  Bavarian Political Police, 478, 485, 757n.

  Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment 16see List Regiment

  Bayerische Reichswehr Gruppenkommando Nr 4 (‘Gruko’), 121

  Bayerischer Bauernbund (Bavarian Peasants’ League), 333

  Bayerischer Hof, 188

  Bayernbund, 175

  Bayreuth, 22; H at, 188, 270, 522, 610n.

  BDM see Bund deutscher Mädel

  Bechstein, Carl, 188, 283, 299, 653n., 660n.

  Bechstein, Frau Helene, 188, 283, 299, 653n.

  Beck, General Ludwig, 442, 511, 548, 550, 584

  Beelitz, near Berlin, 95, 101

  Beethoven, Ludwig van, 42, 552

  beggars, 541

  Belgium, 194, 510, 548, 587;see also Flanders

  Bellini, Vincenzo, 42

  Bendt, Oberleutnant, 125

  Benn, Gottfried, 480

  Berchtesgaden, Bavarian Alps, 183, 188, 199, 209, 270, 282, 283, 284,370, 661n.

  Berghof, Obersalzberg, xxvi, 283, 536, 750n.

  Berlin, 81, 740n.; antagonism towards, 171, 172; antisemitism, 562; architecture, 82; the Berlin Gau, 327; council elections, 319; extreme Right schemes to march on, 201–2; faction-ridden Berlin party, 296; general strike over Leviné, 114; growth of, 31; H on leave during the First World War, 96, 101; Hanisch tells H about, 53; Herrenklub, 413; H’s rooms, 12; H’s schemes for rebuilding, 361; Karl-Liebknecht-Haus, 457, 460; Kroll Opera House, 465, 587; Lustgarten, 287; ‘Marxist’ government, 150; metalworkers’ strike (1930), 358; munitions strike, 101; Opernplatz, 483; police, 350, 577; Presidential Palace, 373; ‘red’ districts, 303; the SA in, 347–50, 371, 372, 422, 426, 433, 501; Sportpalast, 304, 305, 330, 331, 347, 361, 362, 388, 418, 452, 453, 454, 490; State Opera House, 545, 552; Tempelhofer Feld, 476; torchlight procession (1933), 433–4; transport workers’ strike, 390–91, 439; and Vienna, 31; Wall, xx

  Berliner Arbeiter-Zeitung (Berlin Workers’ Newspaper), 296

  Berliner Börsen-Zeitung, 358

  Bernstein, Eduard, 36

  Bertram, Ernst, 181, 481

  Best, Werner, 365, 541

  Bethel, Westphalia, 489

  Betreibsräte see‘Works Councils’

  Beuthen, 382, 383

  Beyschlag, Rudolf, 123–4, 126

  Bismarck, Prince Otto von, xxv, 33, 184, 289, 464, 470, 477, 704n.; dimisssed, 77; H criticizes, 486; Kulturkampf, 76; as national hero, 77; ‘revolution from above’, 73; Unification, 76; Erinnerungen (Thoughts and Memories), 240

  Bismarck cult, 77, 180, 181, 484

  Black Front, 329

  ‘Black Reichswehr’, 665n.

  Blackshirts, 180

  Blank, Herbert, 335

  Blaue, Reiter, Der, 82

  Bloch, Dr Eduard, 12, 23, 24, 63, 103

  Blomberg, General Werner von, 443, 445, 446, 459, 464, 509, 550, 551, 584–7, 589; accepts the ‘Aryan paragraph’ for the officer corps, 504; aims to keep the Reichswehr out of politics, 422, 438; blunt warning to H, 511; and expansionism, 548–9; forbids officers to attend Schleicher’s funeral, 521; Geneva talks, 491–4; at ‘Heroes’ Memorial Day’, 552; Hindenburg recommends for the Defence Ministry, 420; H’s dependency on, 503; introduces the NSDAP’s emblem into the army, 504; invites H to address military leaders, 441; and the ‘Law on the Head of State of the German Reich’, 524; and the oath of unconditional loyalty, 525; praises H, 517, 518; and rearmament, 444; and the Röhm ‘evidence’, 512; and SA deployment, 505

  Blomberg–Fritsch crisis (1938), 529

  ‘Blood and Soil’ (Blut und Boden), 333

  ‘Blood Flag’, 279

  Blood Law, 567, 569, 571, 761n.

  ‘blood-value’, 289

  Blücher, Gebhard Leberecht von, 554

  Blüml, Johann, 120

  Bodelschwingh, Friedrich von, 489

  Boehm, Max Hildebert, 136

  Boer War, 15

  Bohemia, 3; Czech language equality with German, 32, 33; Hitler Youth, 387; National Socialist movement emerges (1904), 625n.; and Social Democracy, 36

  Bolle, Ewald, 124

  Bolshevism, xxiii, 152, 190, 235, 339, 390, 457, 508, 541, 569; Britain and, 553; Catholics and, 547; ‘cultural’, 482; fear of, 115, 413, 426; H attacks, 151, 440, 442; and H’s ‘world-view’, 104; Jews and, 112, 115, 151, 152, 177, 241, 243, 245, 246, 250, 275, 410, 760n.; national, 271; Rosenberg’s antipathy towards, 246; Rothermere on, 336; and the Russian civil war, 115

  Bonn, 295

  Bormann, Martin, 506

  Borsig, Ernst von, 190

  Bose, Herbert von, 508–9, 512, 515, 745n.

  Bosnia, annexation of (1908), 620n.

  Bouhler, Philipp, 271, 300

  Boxheimer Documents, 365

  Boxheimer Hof, Hessen, 365

  Brahms, Johannes, 42

  Brandenburg, 297

  Brandmayer, Balthasar, 92–3, 94, 95, 101, 119, 634n.

  Braun, Eva, xxvi, 284, 352, 355, 388, 535, 635n.

  Braun, Otto, 368, 727n.

  Braunau am Inn, 5, 9, 10, 11, 15

  Braunschweig, 356

  Brecht, Bertolt, 258, 482

  Bredow, Major-General Ferdinand von, 515, 519, 745n.

  Bremen, 462

  Bremen (a steamer), 569

  Breslau, 330, 334, 362, 472

  Brest-Litovsk Treaty (1918), 247, 677n

  Brigade Epp, 174

  Britain: Admiralty, 556; Anglo-German Naval Agreement (1935), 556–8; and Bolshevism, 553; disarmament talks (1933), 491, 493; Eden’s talks with H, 553, 554–5; and the eugenics movement, 79; in the First World War, 94, 95, 96; Foreign Office, 554, 556, 557; as foreign-policy target, 150, 151; and France, 247, 543, 583–4; and German rearmament, 549, 552–3; German rivalry with, 78; H considers allying with, 246, 275; H’s hostility to, 246; imperialism, 79; parliamentary democra
cy, 74; and the Rhineland, 584, 589; and the Ruhr occupation, 246; sense of nationhood, 76; social Darwinism, 78; support against Russia, 247, 249; survival of democracy, 317, 318; world trading policy against, 249

  British Empire, 553, 556

  broadcasting, 386, 433, 440, 452–3, 456, 511, 553, 562, 760n.

  Brodsky, Louis, 760n.

  Broszat, Martin, xi

  ‘Brown House’, Nazi Party headquarters, Munich, 328, 343, 344, 392, 485, 514, 703n.

  Brownshirts, 329

  Bruckmann, Frau Elsa, 187–8, 282, 299, 353

  Bruckmann, Hugo, 187, 282, 299

  Bruckner, Anton, 42

  Brückner, Wilhelm (H’s adjutant), 202, 388, 485, 513, 673n.

  Brüning, Heinrich, 361, 365, 379, 384, 394, 407, 449, 467–8, 492, 717n.; decision to dissolve the Reichstag, 324–5, 328; his downfall, 366–7, 416; and the emergency decree, 349, 355; finance policy expert, 323–4; growing disillusionment with his administration, 358; meeting with H, 338–9; and the ‘proscription list’, 743–4n.; replaces Müller as Reich Chancellor, 322, 324; and Schacht, 357; and the SPD, 335

  Brunner, Alfred, 138

  Buch, Major Walter, 226, 327

  Bucharest, 7

  Büchner, Frau, 188, 282–3

  Büchner, Herr, 282–3

  Buchrucker, Major Bruno, 665n.

  Bullock, Alan, xi, xiii, xiv

  Bülow, Bernhard Wilhelm von, 493, 543, 544

  Bund Bayern und Reich, 172, 177, 662n. Bund Blücher, 197

  Bund deutscher Mädel (BDM; German Girls’ League), 433

  Bund Oberland, 172, 193, 197, 199, 204, 666n.

  Burg Werfenstein, 50

  Bürgerbräukeller, Rosenheimerstraße, Munich, 144, 183, 205–10, 213, 215, 217–18, 266, 276, 304

  Bussche-Ippenburg, Erich Freiherr von, 442

  Buttmann, Rudolf, 267

  BVP (Bavarian People’s Party), 197, 213, 269, 303, 304, 334, 364, 384, 423, 478, 488, 723n.

  Café Fahrig, Munich, 88

  Café Heck, Galerienstraße, Munich, 158, 342, 343, 352, 353

  Café Neumaier, Munich, 158, 187, 352

  Café Stephanie, Amalienstraße, Munich, 84

  Cambrai, 96

  camouflage organizations, 226

  capitalism, xxii, 448–9; Fedler’s ideas on, 123, 125; H’s portrayal by the Left, 412; international, 34; ‘Jewish’, 123, 138, 152, 245, 288; and Lueger’s antisemitism, 35; the SA and, 560;see also anti-capitalism

  Caputh, Brandenburg, 372

  car industry, 450–52

  Castro, Fidel, xxv

  Catholic Action, 515, 521

  Catholic Church, 5, 10, 467; clashes with H’s régime, 435, 582; Dinter and, 298; the international power of, 263; Ludendorff attacks, 262; radicals and, 560–61; and the Rhineland, 588; Schönerer and, 34, 58

  Catholicism/Catholics, 375; apprehensive about H, 432; and attacks on the Churches, 562; and Bolshevism, 547; Catholics as targeted ‘outsiders’ under Bismarck, 76; H accused of making concessions to, 265; and Kulturkampf, 76; and ‘Marxists’, 456; and the NSDAP vote, 334, 461; political Catholicism, 85, 392, 426, 475, 478, 488; popular Catholicism, 35; in the Saar, 546, 547; and the sterilization law, 487; view of H, 412; youth organizations, 408

  Centraiverein (Central Association of German Citizens of Jewish Faith), 411

  Centre Party, 269

  Cerruti, Vittorio, 551

  Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de: Don Quichote, 41

  Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 135, 151, 187, 240, 660n.; Grundlagen des 19. Jahrhunderts (Foundations of the 19th Century), 78

  Champagne, 96

  ‘Charismatic leadership’, xiii, xix, xxvi

  Chemnitz-Zwickau, 334

  Christian Social Party, 34, 35, 65

  Churches: escalating struggle, 581; political compromises of, 435–6; the rights of, 467;see also Catholic Church; Protestant Churches

  Churchill, Winston S., xix, xxv, 755n.

  Circus Krone, Munich, 129, 149, 157, 164, 165, 192, 197, 198, 286, 288, 292, 293

  Citizens’ Defence Force see Einwohnerwehr

  Citizens’ Defence Forces, 170

  civil service: demands for reform of, 111; Jews dismissed, 474; as a potential career for H, 16, 17, 18

  Claß, Heinrich (‘Daniel Frymann’), 100–101, 248, 310; Wenn ich der Kaiser wär (If I were the Kaiser), 80

  Clausewitz, Karl Marie von, 158

  Coburg, Bavaria, 178, 309, 389

  Coburger National-Zeitung,389

  Cold War, xx

  Cologne, 588, 589

  Cologne-Aachen, 461, 740n.

  Comines, 96

  Comintern Congress (Moscow, 1935), 568, 569

  Committee for Work Creation, 444

  Communism: loathing and fear of, 409, 456; Soviet, 113, 245, 286,see also Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD)

  ‘community of struggle’, 290

  ‘comrades of the people’ (Volksgenossen), 316, 330

  concentration camps: deaths in, 540; expansion, 540;see also individual camps

  ‘Confessing Church’, 490 conscription, 441, 549, 550, 551–2, 555, 567

  conservatism, Prussian, 464

  constitutional monarchy, 74

  Conti, Dr Leonardo, 487

  ‘coordination’ (Gleichschaltung), 479

  Corinth, Lovis, 81

  Corswant-Cuntzow, Walther von, 263

  Councils Republic see Räterepublik

  ‘Councils of Trust’ (Vertrauensräte), 507

  Cramer-Klett, Theodor Freiherr von, 262

  Cuno, Reich Chancellor Wilhelm, 191, 195, 200, 357, 658n.

  Czechoslovakia/Czechs, 548; agitation against Czech workers, 59, 135; anti-Czech feeling, 63; Austrian concessions made to (1890s), 18, 32, 33; and German rearmament, 552; national socialist parties, 161

  Dachau, 463–4, 516, 740n.

  DAF see Deutsche Arbeitsfront

  Dahlem, Berlin, 415, 490

  Daily Mail, 184, 336, 547

  Dante Alighieri, 41

  Danzig (Gdańsk), 248, 387, 543–4

  DAP see German Workers’ Party

  Darmstädter Bank, 355

  Darré, R. Walther, 333, 370, 507, 534, 577–80

  David, Anton, 626n.

  Dawes, Charles G., 212

  Dawes Plan, 212, 257, 309, 330

  ‘Day of National Labour’, 476

  ‘Day of Potsdam’, 464–5, 476

  ‘Day of Awakening Nation’, 461

  DDP (Deutsche Demokratische Partei), 356, 477

  death camps, 434;see also concentration camps

  death penalty, 411, 460

  ‘Decree for the Protection of the German People’, 439

  Defence Law (1935), 564

  Delmer, Sefton, 399

  democracy, 104, 136, 137, 192, 289, 324, 326, 726n.; attack on, 295, 304, 305, 309, 316, 317, 318, 330, 335, 424–5, 441, 453; disillusionment with, 306–7; Germanic, 294; Lanz von Liebenfels and, 50; and leaders of big business, 358; liberal, 286; liberal bourgeoisie feels threatened by, 31; parliamentary, 74–5, 111, 330, 481; pluralistic, 302, 412; populist, 35; Schönerer and, 33, 34; survival of, 317, 318; the Weimar Republic and, 73–4, 293

  Depression, 259, 309, 317, 319, 320, 322, 404, 406–11, 424, 425, 432, 484, 702n.


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