Kalindra (GateKeepers)

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Kalindra (GateKeepers) Page 7

by Bennett, Sondrae

  With a harsh cry, she launched over the abyss. Flying farther and faster. Exploding over the edge with the force of her release. Her nails dug into the flesh on his shoulder, needing something to hang onto as her mind fractured.

  Vaguely, she heard his cry. Felt him shoot his release inside her, sending her up again as her desire began to fall. He continued to thrust inside her, gentling each one until they were both spent.

  * * * *

  He’d known sex with Kalindra would be hot. He just hadn’t realized how hot. The woman damn near killed him.

  But what a way to go.

  Her head rested against the tree behind her, eyes closed, exposing her throat. A feast presented before him. He ran his hands up her waist and saw her eyes pop open before he leaned in and indulged in the taste of her skin.

  She hesitated for a moment, her hands fluttering around his shoulders. Then with a groan, she wrapped her arms around him and gave into the sensation.

  “We are going to have to do that again,” he murmured against her skin.

  Hands clenched in his hair as her body writhed against him.


  Chapter 7

  There was no reason to feel guilty, Kalindra assured herself as she glanced guiltily over her shoulder. All quiet. When she’d left, Cameron had been fast asleep. No reason to suspect he would discover her plan until it was too late for him to change anything.

  A noise to her left caused her to freeze. She glanced toward the sound as a mouse skittered past. Kalindra released the breath she’d been holding.

  Damn it, she was not guilty. She wasn’t. This was what she needed to do to keep him safe. Protecting the gate was her job and hers alone. Put simply, there was no reason to involve Cameron.

  Of course, if she tried to explain that to him, he’d yell and they’d get in an argument. Then things would be unpleasant again. No, this was a better solution. Emotion had nothing to do with it.

  No matter what Cameron believed, she had to protect him. Even from himself. That much had been obvious when he put himself in the middle of her fight. That was the reason she was doing this. The only reason.

  Kalindra paused with her hand on the fence surrounding the property. That was a lie. Everything had changed last night. He wasn’t just her charge anymore. He was more. She cared about him, and more than just a friend or casual lover. More than company to ease her endless loneliness. He was laughter and fun. Life. Cameron brought her to life again.

  She wouldn’t lie to herself. What she felt for Cameron had everything to do with this decision. But it didn’t change anything. Even if this was an emotional decision, it was also a logical one. She needed to protect the object. He had the object. Therefore, she had to protect him. Luckily what she needed to do and what she wanted to do were one and the same.

  Taking the key out of her pocket, Kalindra slid it into the lock. She nervously looked over her shoulder one more time. Silly. Cameron was never up at this hour. Dawn hadn’t even broken the dark of night.

  Once she finished here, she’d head back to bed and snuggle into his arms. He’d never even know she’d been gone. And when he woke up, they’d pick up where they left off last night, trying to fuck each other silly, before falling into a pleasure-induced coma.

  The snick of the lock as she turned the key made her jump. Not guilty, she assured herself again.

  Still no sign of Cameron. She breathed a sigh of relief that he hadn’t caught her. Pulling herself together, Kalindra gripped the key in her hand, raised her chin, and crossed to the front door.

  This was the right thing. No telling when the next attack on the gate would be. She couldn’t risk him jumping into the fray and getting hurt. She wouldn’t allow him to gamble with his life.

  It had been pure luck he hadn’t sustained any injuries the last time. And against the gorgons, of all creatures. No matter that if he hadn’t come to her rescue, she might have died. Kali shook her head in denial. She would’ve gotten out of it somehow. But even if it meant her death, at least Cameron would live. The next gatekeeper would take her place, and Cameron would be safe.

  Her gut clenched. She didn’t want to die. Not now.

  Turning away from his bedroom, Kalindra made her way to the kitchen for a glass of water.

  She’d thought she’d be ready when the time came. Had known her death would come in battle ever since she’d been chosen. Gatekeepers just didn’t die of old age.

  But everything had changed. She’d never wanted to die in battle. Never wanted the responsibilities of guarding the gate between worlds. But she’d accepted both long ago.

  At least she’d always assumed she had.

  Filling a glass from the sink, she thought about the moment the gorgon had almost ended her life. At the time, not grabbing the joy she could have had with Cameron had been at the forefront of her mind. Had sleeping with him lessened the need? If anything, she feared it had worsened. One night with that man was not enough. She wondered if a thousand would be. Two thousand? How many would it take to get him out of her system?

  She drank deeply. They still had a lot of training left to do. Cameron was pretty good with a broadsword, but he wasn’t ready to be out on his own.

  When they’d started training, she’d told him she wouldn’t release him until she thought he was ready. And he’d agreed. Technically, she could keep him until she tired of him. It would be within her power to tell him he wasn’t ready, even if he was.

  She dismissed the idea with a shake of her head, knowing she could never keep him here if he wanted to go. Which meant, sooner or later, he would leave. Until then, she’d enjoy what time she had with him.

  “Kali?” his voice was filled with sleep.

  She turned toward the doorway, and her heart jumped into her throat. Hair stuck up oddly on one side, he stood barefoot and shirtless. One hand rubbed through the curls on his chest. Craving punched into her gut. For him.

  Putting down her glass, Kalindra sauntered over to him, loving the way lust darkened his gaze as it snagged on her hips. No, they didn’t have forever. But they had now. And now was as good as any to start enjoying the time they had left.

  * * * *

  The woman could tempt a saint. Pure sin.

  He was helpless to resist. At least he probably would be if he had any inclination to resist.

  He felt himself stiffen. Blood pooled in his groin. Her hips swayed back and forth as she walked toward him making his fingers itch to grip them while he plunged into her. The pout on her lips begged him to kiss them. The drowsy heat in her eyes called forth an answering fire inside him.

  When she reached him, she slid her hands up his chest. Everywhere she touched, she lit fires inside him.

  His hunger was a yawning beast inside him, urging him for more. More of her. No one had fired his blood to such intensity. No one had him craving to the point of pain.

  Sex with Kalindra was a unique experience. She took everything he dished out and begged for more. And she gave as good as she got. He’d spotted the bloody scratch marks on his back from where she’d gripped him. Badges of honor. Just like the bruises he was sure marked her hips.

  But it wasn’t great because of the heat, although there was plenty of that. When she’d ripped his shirt right off his body, he couldn’t help picturing her as the plundering scoundrel ripping the clothes off of innocent ol’ him. The memory made him smile.

  Kali was unlike any female he’d ever met. Not that he’d met a lot of harpies. But something told him they wouldn’t be like her. She was unique to this world and the other one as well. A treasure. And, for the moment, she was all his.

  He wrapped his arms around her and lifted until her legs settled around his waist. His lips met hers as he carried her back to bed.

  He knew one thing for sure. Life certainly wouldn’t be boring.

  Chapter 8

  Resting on her stomach, Kalindra basked in the afterglow of good sex. The gods knew the man gave good sex. G
reat sex. Fucking fantastic sex.

  To think, she’d actually thought the act couldn’t possibly live up to the anticipation. Or that the pleasure would diminish each time they did it. How wrong she’d been. Instead, each time was like the first time. Only better. Because now they knew each other’s bodies. He’d learned when he dug his fingers into the right spot on her hips, she’d melt for him. She’d learned when she nibbled on his ear, he lost all semblance of control. She really liked when that happened.

  As he grazed his fingertips up and down her spine, she shivered, but didn’t turn her head. The way he touched her sometimes, as if she were fragile, filled her with an emotion she had no name for. The same way someone would handle finely spun glass. Precious. But when he let all the passion he felt for her loose, pushing her to withstand the force of it, she felt strong. Powerful. A heady contrast.

  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt this good. When his lips caressed her shoulder, she grinned into the pillow. Insatiable.

  But as his lips moved lower, she felt the hunger stir inside her. She sucked in a breath as his teeth scraped a particularly sensitive area beneath her shoulder blade. Would she ever tire of this man?

  “There hasn’t been an assault on the gate in a while.”

  It took a moment for his words to sink past the haze of pleasure, but when they did, her body tightened in dread. Why was he bringing that up?

  The only reason she could think why he would mention the gate would be to broach the subject of leaving. The thought brought a pang her chest.

  The sex between them was amazing. Incredible, even. The pleasure couldn’t all be one-sided. And if he felt half of what she did, what reason could he have for wanting to leave?

  “Almost two weeks,” she replied. Not since the gorgons had attacked.

  His lips continued to travel the expanse of her back, but she no longer felt desire. Dread coursed through her. He was pulling away. Maybe not physically, but there could be no other explanation.

  Then he leaned up and she felt the withdrawal like a punch to the gut. Soon she’d have nothing left but memories. Alone with the gate once again.

  “Kali? What’s wrong?”

  As if he didn’t know. Did he think she was stupid? That she wouldn’t figure out his motives?

  Smug bastard. He couldn’t have even waited until her sexual afterglow had faded. No, he needed to ruin a perfectly good afternoon.

  A thought hit her, making her freeze. What if he’d slept with her this afternoon to get her drugged on passion? Oh gods. Was that why he came on to her in the first place? Did any of it mean anything to him?

  Of course it didn’t. She shouldn’t be surprised. Humans were manipulative and petty. He’d told her his feelings about her that very first night. She should have paid closer attention. He’d called her a monster. It hadn’t bothered her then, but now it felt like a knife plunging into her.

  She would rather he hit her. It would’ve hurt less.

  Hard hands gripped her shoulders, pulling her up until she faced him.

  “What’s happening?” Concern colored his voice. For her? That didn’t make any sense.

  Her jaw clenched as she tried to slay him with her eyes. Never would she let him see how he’d hurt her. She tried to yank her arms out of his grip, but he held firm.

  “Talk to me.”

  She didn’t want to talk, she thought with a shake of her head. All she wanted was to get away from him. He didn’t even have the decency to wait until the sweat had cooled on their bodies.

  “Damn it, what is it?” Anger mixed with the concern in his eyes and voice as he shook her. What right did he have to be angry?

  “You really think you’re ready? That you could hold your own in a fight against someone from Outremer?” Even knowing it was the bitterness talking, she couldn’t stop the words from pouring out. “Well, you’re not. You’re slightly less pathetic than when we started training. But only slightly. You’re no warrior, yet.”

  It was a lie. He was every inch a warrior. Maybe not ready to take on the denizens of Outremer, but he was far from pathetic. In the past month and a half, he’d proven himself more than capable.

  He was pulling away from her. Using her. He’d made her feel feminine and strong, and then he took it all away. She wanted to hurt him as badly as he’d hurt her. She could tell by the hardening of his jaw that her strike had landed.

  “I hold my own against you.”

  “Because I hold back,” she spit out. No need to tell him she’d been holding back less and less. His skill with the broadsword, his weapon of choice, grew every day.

  “Why are you acting like such a shrew?”

  “Don’t you mean like such a harpy?” she shot back.

  “No, I meant like such a shrew. But I suppose harpy works as well.” His face twisted into a sneer as he got out of bed and pulled on his pants.

  “Fine, leave then. Doesn’t matter to me either way.” She threw the pillow at him, wishing it had been something heavier. Something that would hurt him.

  “Well, I’m not going to stay here and be yelled at.”

  Then he left. The tears Kalindra could no longer keep at bay slid down her cheeks, and a sob of grief tore from her throat. She wouldn’t stop him. Wouldn’t beg him to stay.

  Collapsing on the bed, she buried her face into the pillow and let her grief take over. She’d always known this day would come, but she’d hoped for more time.

  The bed dipped. Strong hands lifted her, and she found herself cuddled into his embrace. Cameron. The comfort he offered was all the more painful because she knew it was done of pity.

  “Shhh,” he soothed, rubbing her back.

  She wrapped her arms around him and gripped his shoulders, desperate to hang onto him. If this was all she’d have once he left, she’d take it and be grateful for his kindness.

  When her tears had dried up, he lifted her gaze to his.

  “Do you want to tell me what all that was about?”

  Kalindra shook her head, but he wouldn’t let her look away.

  “Nothing,” she said after a long moment. Oddly, she did feel better after her cry. If a little foolish. Talk about a major overreaction. So what if he left? She’d been fine before him and she’d be fine after him.

  Even as she thought it, she knew she was kidding herself. She’d be devastated when he left.

  “Don’t lie to me.” His voice caused shivers to race up her spine. Even upset, he affected her.

  She opened her mouth, readying a lie, even though he’d warned her against it. Something to save her pride. He could leave, but he wouldn’t know how much it hurt her. At least she’d keep that. But then her gaze snagged on his, and she read the determination in his eyes. He wouldn’t stop until he knew the truth. Something told her he’d know if she lied. She rolled her eyes and sighed in exasperation. Whatever. He’d be gone soon, so what did it matter what he knew or didn’t know?

  “I just didn’t think you’d want to leave so soon.” She bit the inside of her lips and gazed at the ceiling. “I’m sorry for what I said earlier. Your skills are far from pathetic. You are a warrior among humans.”

  His silence made her nervous. Couldn’t he see she was pouring her heart out here? Gathering her courage, she met his gaze once again.

  “What made you think I wanted to leave?” he asked, his tone curious, as if he really didn’t know what she was talking about.

  “You said so.” Now she was confused. He did want to leave, right?

  “No, I didn’t.”

  “Yes. You did.”

  “Well, that would’ve been pretty stupid of me, since I don’t want to leave. God, you’re difficult.” But his smile took the bite out of his words.

  “You…don’t want to leave?” Dare she hope?

  “No.” And in his eyes she read the truth of his words. Jeez, what a mess she’d made. But still…

  “But, then why ask about the gate?” That part didn’t make sense. I
f he didn’t want to leave, why talk about the lack of assaults on the gate?

  “Conversation?” The upward inflection at the end gave him away.

  “What happened to no lying?” Sugar wouldn’t melt in her mouth, her tone was so sweet.

  He coughed to cover obvious discomfort. She knew it. He did want to leave.

  “I…worry about you. About when you’re not with me.” His discomfort was obvious in the tightening of the muscles around her.

  Shocked, Kalindra could do nothing but stare. What was he saying? Could he feel a need to protect her? And what did that even mean? Was it just his protective nature, or something more?

  “Oh.” What else could she say?

  She’d like to believe it meant he cared for her. Enough to want to keep her safe. Maybe as more than just a friend. But her mind warned caution. Already she was lost for him. Best not to let her imagination run away from her. There were a lot of reasons he could worry about her. After all, who would protect him if she was gone? And no one could train him as well as Kali.

  “You okay now?” he asked, drawing her away from her musings.

  “More than okay.”


  Still, neither moved. Kali was content to stay here in his arms for the rest of the day. Safe. Secure. Cared for. She rested her head in the crook of his neck and felt a brush of lips in her hair.

  * * * *

  When her breathing became slow and even, Cameron knew she’d fallen asleep. But he had no desire to move her. Her body was a comfortable weight in his arms. He felt needed. And it felt good.

  Reaching up, he swept a hand over her hair, but froze when she shifted. He didn’t want to wake her. Clearly she needed more sleep. Or something else to help her relax.

  If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe Kali would break down like that. Yell at him, sure. That he could picture. The passion raging between them brought out strong emotions. So he could understand the shouting. Hell, he’d half expected her to start throwing things–more than just the pillow.

  Her anger annoyed him at the time, but hadn’t really bothered him. Expected was the wrong word…but none of it surprised him.


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