The Dom, the Switch, and the Sub [Club Libertine 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The Dom, the Switch, and the Sub [Club Libertine 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Diane Leyne

  Luke suppressed a laugh. That was not what they expected him to say. And he planned to keep them off balance. He was looking at this as a military campaign. His objective was to win the war and have them both in his bed. To do that, he planned a series of skirmishes and would even let them win a few carefully chosen battles, but he planned on being the ultimate victor.

  The waiter showed up right on time. Luke had asked him to come over just as soon as everyone was seated so there was no time for awkward silences or conversation. The waiter reeled off the list of specials and then took drink orders. Since they were working, they stuck to soft drinks, except Luke, who had another coffee.

  “Does everyone like salmon?” asked Luke. When Zack and Serena answered in the affirmative, he ordered three salmon specials and returned the menus to the waiter. Then he started a conversation about life in Seattle.

  “I’ve just lived here a few months. I was tired of the winters in the Northeast, and I had a buddy who offered to let me bunk at his place until I got settled. Serena, I know you are also new to Seattle. Zack, have you always lived here? Maybe you can play tour guide and show me and Serena the sights of the Northwest?”

  “I’ve already been showing Serena around,” bit out Zack.

  “Yes, we went to the zoo yesterday,” added Serena.

  Then everyone went quiet. Zack and Serena were visibly uncomfortable. Luke was just as nervous, but he knew how to present a calm exterior. No one looking at the table would ever guess just how hard his heart was pounding.

  Luckily, since they’d ordered the special, it came quickly, and they all dug in. Again, Luke was the only one who seemed relaxed and tucked into his meal. Zack just picked at the fish, and Serena just seemed to be pushing the same piece around her plate.

  Luke frowned.

  “Don’t waste good food. Besides, you’ll need something in your bellies. Carrie’s still sick, and it’s just Zack and me on the floor until midnight, so it’ll be a while before any of us get a break.”

  “We’ve got a lot on our minds,” began Zack.

  “And I don’t?” interjected Luke. “But I learned in the military not to skip meals. You never knew when you were going to eat again. But I interrupted you. Please go on. Something is bothering you so much you can’t eat? Or maybe it’s excitement or anticipation that has taken away your appetites. Maybe I can help.” He grinned wolfishly, his eyes glittering.

  Zack looked at Luke who was pleased by the wary expression in his eyes. Luke was glad he’d left off his trademark sun glasses. He wanted the intimacy of eye contact and maybe to make them just a bit uncomfortable when he looked at them…

  “Look, Luke.” Serena paused, choosing her words carefully to avoid giving offense. “I know I was talking about experiencing the Dom/sub dynamic for my school paper, but that’s not who I am in real life. You understand I was just talking about a school project. And Zack offered to help.”

  “I’m a blunt talker, so please don’t take offense. At the club, you two just say that you are roommates, but you are sleeping together, right? I can see the connection between you, the familiarity, like right now. You probably don’t even realize that you are holding hands to show a joint front against the interloper, who would be me.”

  Zack and Serena jumped. She colored and tried to pull her hand away, but Zack held tightly, glaring slightly at Luke.

  “You got a problem with that?”

  “Not at all. You two know how to be discreet. That’s good. I don’t advertise my business either. Next question. Are you exclusive? I get the feeling Zack wants to be. The way he looks at you, Serena, he definitely has strong feelings. I see the heat in his expression when I put my hand on your arm. He doesn’t like seeing you touched by another man. And you, Serena, you like it when he touches you. A lot. I see how you watch him when you think he isn’t looking.

  “Zack, is Serena playing hard to get, or are you just holding back and not actually expressing your real feelings toward her?” Luke looked intently at Zack. “Come on. Say it. What do you really feel for Serena?” Luke saw Zack starting to say the words directly to Luke himself and immediately stopped him.

  “No, don’t tell me. Turn around and tell her.”

  He suppressed a smile of satisfaction when Zack immediately obeyed.

  “I’ve loved you since the day we met.” Zack seemed a bit surprised as the words just seemed to pop out, but once he got started, Luke was pleased to find that the words kept pouring out. “I’ve said I was fine with Friends with Benefits, but I’m not, damn it. Every time you came home and talked about another guy, I hated it, but I was your ‘friend’ and had to smile and pretend it wasn’t tearing me up inside.”

  “What about you, Serena? Did you care about any of these other men? Or, hmmm, was there ever really anyone else?”

  Serena looked at him in awe.

  “Tell Zack, not me.”

  “Zack, there hasn’t been anyone else for me since we met. I was just trying to make you jealous so you’d make a move. I always wanted more than Friends with Benefits, too, but I decided to take what I could get. I see how those uncollared subs stare at you. Any of them would jump for the chance to wear your collar, so I tried to play it cool.”

  “Oh, jeez, Serena. Now you tell me.” They clasped hands and stared into each other’s eyes.

  Luke’s gaze narrowed as he watched them. It was all very touching and RomCom, but Luke had an agenda and time was running short until he had to get to work.

  “Glad I could help. Now on to topic number two. Serena. That course assignment of yours. Your professor isn’t really expecting you to become a sub so you can write about it, is he? And he certainly doesn’t expect you to try out life as a Domme.”

  He looked at Serena. He could see by her expression that he was right again. The little minx wanted Zack to be her Dom, but couldn’t find the courage to ask outright.

  “Serena, I don’t understand. Is what he’s saying true?” She nodded. “Then why did you say what you did? You’ve been talking about the paper for weeks and how you were trying to find a topic and then a subject and…” Comprehension dawned. “You were manipulating me to dominate you? You wanted to submit to me, but you tried to trick me into it?”

  “Topping from the bottom. A typical sub method of manipulating her Dom. I’d say she’s earned quite a punishment for that.”

  “I agree completely. When we get home, Serena, I’m going to redden your bottom. And then I’m going to start preparing it. I’ve dreamed of that since we met, and I’m not waiting any longer.” Zack gave her his best Dom glare.

  Luke looked from one to the other, his gaze settling on Zack whose expression held a mix of arousal and fear with maybe a little nausea mixed in. Excellent.

  “Zack, my boy. Don’t be so quick to come down hard on your little sub. You are not without blame here. You’ve been sleeping with her for what, three months, and I’ll bet you haven’t even spanked her yet. Have you?”


  “No buts. Or rather, no but the conjunction, but yes to butts as in I’m going to spank both your butts before I take them. I’ve come to the conclusion that Serena isn’t the only one that needs a Dom. You need one, too. You can top her, but you need me to top you both.”

  He turned to Serena.

  “Have you ever had a cock in your ass?”

  “No.” She colored as the word popped out almost involuntarily.

  “What about you, Zack?”

  “No,” he stated forcefully.

  Luke could see there was a trace of color in his fair cheeks, so he continued to press.

  “Ever had another man suck your cock?”

  “Yes.” Zack’s voice was quiet, and he glanced over at Serena. Luke watched closely as Zack appeared to be reassured by what he saw in her face. “Yes I have. In college.”

  “You ever sucked cock?”

  Zack nodded reluctantly, again looking sideways at Serena who seemed to take the news i
n stride. In fact, she looked intrigued. Better and better.

  Luke smiled broadly, eyeing them both and enjoying the fact that his expression seemed to make Serena shiver. He knew she thought he was dangerous and she was right to think that way. He was a man who commanded men and women in life-or-death situations. And he was a Dom through and through. He leaned forward, his elbows on the table, and watched the anticipation rise within her. He could see her hard nipples poking out through the thin fabric of her top. She was aroused whether she wanted to be or not.

  “I’ve always believed in living for today. And after doing four tours over in a war zone, seeing my buddies die beside me, I’m more convinced than ever that you never, ever hesitate once you know what you want. And I want you both. Happiness isn’t just handed to people. You have to fight for it and sometimes take chances. It won’t always work out the way you want it to, but at least you won’t have to look back and regret not having tried.

  “And I’m willing to take that chance with the two of you. The question is, are you willing to take that chance with me?”

  There, thought Luke. I’ve laid it on the table. Now to close the deal.

  “I think you, Zack, are a fine young Dom, and Serena is in need of a firm hand. I believe you should top her. But I also think that I’m the man to top you both. You’ll find I’m a strict Dom, but fair. I take good care of what’s mine.”

  “That doesn’t sound fair at all,” complained Serena. “You both get to top me and I end up with two big Doms bossing me around.”

  “And you love the thought of it, don’t you?” Zack grinned at her. “You always loved it when I took charge, but then I always backed off. You’ve talked before about not understanding how your high-powered lawyer sister can go home and kneel naked waiting for the commands of her two Doms. I didn’t want to frighten you off, but I realize now that what you really needed was for me to stand up and take charge of you.”

  “You both understand that it won’t be like Michelle’s life with Mac and Sean, or Cindy’s life with your brothers, Zack. Those Doms are equal. And they only share their sub. They don’t play with each other. But I’m not like them. I want you both. I just don’t want Serena’s virgin ass. I want yours, too, Zack. Can you give me that? Can you submit to me fully when I demand? Because I won’t be asking.”

  “Would I always be on the receiving end?” asked Zack hesitantly. “When I was in school and, well, experimented…” He trailed off, as if not quite sure how to ask what he wanted to ask.

  “Are you trying to say that sometimes you’d like to top me? Would you like that, Zack?” Luke let the amusement show in his voice. He knew he’d have to work on getting Zack to ask for what he wanted and not be hesitant about pushing for things that mattered.

  Luke smiled encouragingly as Zack nodded. The younger man smiled back tentatively, holding Luke’s gaze. “Yes, yes I would.”

  Serena stared at the two men, wide eyed. Luke watched her expression closely. Her eyes were dreamy and unfocussed. She was thinking about something that aroused her. Was it the kiss in the parking lot? If so, was it when he kissed her or when he kissed Zach. Would that turn her on, watching him and Zach make love?

  “That works for me. I’ll still be top Dom, but I’m okay with bottoming for you occasionally, when you’ve been a very good boy. But remember, that I’m not above getting revenge if I think you’ve taken advantage of any power I’ve given to you.” Zack nodded again. His brow furrowed. “Well, spit it out. I can see you’ve got something to ask me.”

  “Well.” Zack squared his shoulders. “You see, I’ve been planning on initiating Serena, and the thought of you taking her ass first, well, it doesn’t seem fair.”

  “What does fair have to do with it?” Luke said with a laugh. But then he looked closer at Zack and realized that he was really distressed. “I told you I am a fair master. I’d say you’ve earned the right to have her ass first, but I’ll be taking your ass at the same time.” He saw identical shocked expressions on their faces. “So what do you think, Serena? Do you want to help me make a Zack sandwich?”

  “Oh yes, very much.” She grinned. “But one thing, though. How come Zack gets to top me and you get to top us both and I don’t get to top anyone? Not even on my birthday.” She looked wistful and a little sad.

  “Such is the lot in life of a sub, Serena. But how about this? For your birthday, each year, you’ll get to top us both for the day.”

  “Oh, I’d like that very much.” Serena grinned broadly and a little smugly. “By the way, my birthday is next Sunday.”

  “Oh, Serena my dear, I won’t go back on my word, but you’ve just earned yourself one great big punishment, hasn’t she, Zack?”

  “She has indeed.” His tone was more forceful than Luke had ever heard it. His boy was learning quickly.

  He watched Serena shiver as she looked at Zack with surprise. Was she thinking that Zack seemed much too excited by the thought of punishing her? She looked back and forth between Luke and Zack and the excitement and arousal in her expression sky rocketed. Clearly she was turned on by the idea of the two of them punishing her and hopefully by the thought of them fucking her afterward. That was good because he planned for them to do that just.

  Luke looked at his watch.

  “Well, it looks like I have to leave you. I promised Duncan I’d help set up at the bar. You guys stay and have dessert and talk. I want you to give serious consideration to what we’ve just discussed. I won’t hold you to anything you’ve said this afternoon. I know how easy it is to get swept away in a discussion and say things that you later regret.

  “Today is Thursday. If you want to give a ménage relationship a try, if you are willing to submit to me as your Dom, be waiting for me after work Saturday night, which I guess is technically Sunday morning since we don’t close until four. Anyway, if you want to give this a try, be waiting in the staff lounge after work. If you aren’t there, I’ll know you have decided you don’t want to be with me, and I’ll respect your wishes and not ask again. And it’s an all-or-nothing proposition. Either you both come to me or neither of you do.

  “And one last thing. No taking her ass until the three of us are together. But I’m okay if you want to start stretching her. Oh, and no other type of fucking either. You can kiss, but no coming. I want you two hot and horny Saturday night.” With a saucy wink, Luke got up and dropped some money on the table. His expression changed.

  “Think about this carefully. I know what I want, and it’s the two of you, together. But I’m not going to push. For the next two days, it’ll be like this conversation never happened. I don’t want you to feel pressured. But understand this. If you do decide to give yourselves to me, you will be handing me power over your bodies to pleasure and to punish and to control absolutely. I promise to take good care of you, but make no mistake. I will own you both.”

  And then he got up and left, leaving Serena and Zack staring at his departing back.

  * * * *

  “Well, well, well, well, well,” said Zack.

  “Couldn’t have said it better myself,” agreed Serena.

  Chapter Five

  Luckily work was really busy that night. The club was crowded, and Zack barely got a chance to breathe. It was a crazy night, with two almost fights that Luke stepped into, and one journalist who tried to slip past Serena. He shouldn’t even have made it as far as the elevators. Usually security on the ground floor would have prevented it, but he waited until a large group was coming in and then joined it, chatting as if he belonged.

  Luckily Serena noticed him before he got through the main doors and called Zack and Duncan since Luke was busy with two Doms who were both interested in the same uncollared sub. By the time he’d convinced them to consider sharing, the drama at the front desk was over and things settled down as two a.m. and closing time approached.

  By the time Luke had helped Duncan sort out the bar, Serena and Zack were gone.

  One part of Luke
really wanted to go after them and persuade them to let him stay the night. He knew he could overwhelm them and get his way, but that’s not what he wanted. They might suffer from buyer’s remorse the next morning, and they could never undo something like that.

  He wanted them to come and give themselves to him freely and not wake up the next morning regretting the decision. It was an especially big step for Zack. He didn’t know if Zack’s brothers knew that he had leanings that way. Not that Liam or Connor had problems with men being together. A number of the club pairings were same-sex couples, and they were treated the same as anyone else. One of the House Doms who’d been around almost since the club started had a male sub collared, and they’d been together for almost a decade and often came to play together at Club Libertine.

  He’d been comfortable with his own sexuality for as long as he could remember. But then again, he’d been six feet tall and two hundred pounds as a high school senior and captain of the football and wrestling teams. Not many would try to push him around.

  Luke finished up with restocking the bar and said good night to Duncan. Lucky Duncan had the very sexy Andie to go home to. Luke was going home to an empty bed, but with any luck, it would be his second-to-last lonely night.

  * * * *

  Serena and Zack avoided talking about Luke and his proposal quite easily at work since they were so busy, but once they were in the car, the silence hung heavily, both of them lost in their thoughts.

  When they got home, they walked into the bedroom, stripping as they went. They kissed almost in a frenzy, their hands all over each other, but when Zack propped himself over Serena, preparing to enter her, he paused. He felt Serena’s body stiffen.

  He hesitated. Did she stiffen because he paused, or did he pause because she stiffened? The two events had happened almost simultaneously.

  He lowered himself to his elbows, his torso against her, her hard nipples poking against his chest, and kissed her deeply. She kissed him back. It wasn’t like the frenzied kissing earlier. It was calm and loving and full of promise. Zack rolled off Serena and hugged her tight to him.


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