Waves of Passion (Kimani Romance)

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Waves of Passion (Kimani Romance) Page 8

by Linda Hudson-Smith

  * * *

  Cameron anxiously waited for Gabrielle on the ship where a tender would transport them to the island of Freeport. His eyes scanned the area for any sign of her, hoping she’d make it before the last tender departed. The instant he spotted her a huge grin appeared on his face. “Over here, Gabrielle,” he shouted, waving his hands back and forth.

  With limited time, Cameron had decided to hire taxis to get around the island. As much as he would have loved to have Gabrielle’s arms wrapped around him on a scooter, it wasn’t practical.

  As soon as they reached the island, Cameron hailed a taxi to Xanadu Beach. With its incredibly beautiful white sand and shallow greenish-blue waters, the beach was unrivaled. Cameron most appreciated that nobody there hassled tourists to buy trinkets and souvenirs. Beaches just didn’t come any better than Xanadu.

  Gabrielle and Cameron raced across the sand to see who’d be first in the water. This time around she lost. Not only was he way ahead of her, he was already swimming farther out. Once she hit the water, she savored its welcoming warmth. The vivid turquoise water was just as clean as it was at Cable Beach.

  Diving underwater, her eyes took in the beauty of fair-size, brightly colored fish. A school of smaller white fish was so close she could scoop them up in her hand. She came up for air, only to go under again a few seconds later. Wondering if she could see more sea life farther out, she began swimming toward the area she’d last seen Cameron in. The water turned frothy from her powerful leg kicks and her steady arm strokes.

  Gabrielle resurfaced and looked around for Cameron. He was nowhere in sight, but she felt confident that he was okay, just like he had been at Cable Beach. Moving toward shallower water, she turned over on her back and floated. Once she reached the shoreline, she came out of the water, looked for Cameron and saw that he was already out of the water.

  She ran all the way to where they’d left their things, quickly grabbed her beach towel and began drying off. “You sure were in and out of the water in a hurry. Did you even enjoy your dip?”

  Cameron chuckled. “Every second of it. How about you?”

  “Loved it. Wish we had more time.” She appeared thoughtful. “I can’t understand why the Gulf of Mexico waters surrounding Galveston Island beaches are so brown when the Caribbean’s water is clear as glass. The beaches are also much cleaner.”

  “It’s all about what’s on the surface of the water, like seaweed, silt, et cetera. Some water becomes muddy and murky after big storms and hurricanes. Not to mention, beach maintenance is a must in these parts since tourism is the main moneymaking attraction.”

  After pulling on regular clothes over their swim attire, the couple hastily made their way out onto the bustling streets. Cameron immediately hailed a cab to Lucaya National Park, which was a full-day excursion in itself. Because time was at a premium, they’d explore the park for approximately forty-five minutes before taking another cab to Count Basie Square.

  There, Gabrielle and Cameron joined a crowd of locals and tourists dancing in the streets to funky calypso music. It seemed like everyone was having a good time. She danced shoeless with Cameron, and they laughed together and whiled away the short time they had to spend there.

  Freeport, she’d heard, had great nightlife; the Joker’s Wild was cited as one of the best club venues. But they wouldn’t be able to visit any clubs because the ship would set sail long before sunset. Shopping was another of the island’s most popular tourist attractions. At the Straw Market, on Cameron’s recommendation, Gabrielle purchased guava jellies for her family and picked up a few things for her own use.

  At the International Bazaar, they eyed the indescribable emeralds and other magnificent jewels. Then they went their separate ways to do some clothes shopping for themselves.

  Gabrielle wandered into the area of women’s island-style clothing. It didn’t take her long to see something she liked. She pulled it on in the dressing room, then stepped out and went to the mirror she’d spotted earlier.

  As she twirled around and around, she looked at how the soft purple dress looked from the front, sides and back. It was a perfect fit, and she thought it would go nicely with her white sandals. After turning back to the front, she suddenly saw Cameron’s image in the mirror. He was right behind her.

  Cameron grinned. “Nice dress, lovely color. You should buy it.”

  Her heart rate was going crazy on her. “I think I will. Thanks for your input.” She gave him a sweet smile, then hurried away and disappeared into the dressing room.

  * * *

  Frustrated with the way she made his insides shake like Jell-O, Cameron sighed deeply. A few minutes ago he had been happy about his bargain purchases, but the wind had been knocked out of his sails. He’d never met a woman like Gabrielle, a true designer’s original.

  To distract himself from his troubling thoughts, he looked down at his watch. He knew full well it was close to the time for grabbing a cab and heading back to the place where they’d catch a tender back to the ship. It wouldn’t do for either doctor to get left behind. Missing the boat, literally, would more than likely get them fired.

  He walked over to the dressing room. “Gabrielle,” he called out softly, “we’ve got to get going within the next few minutes. It’s later than I thought.”

  Already redressed, she instantly came out of the dressing room. “Do I have time to purchase the dress or should I just forget about it?”

  He looked around for an open register. “There,” he pointed out to her, “there’s no one in line. We have time if you hurry.”

  “Okay. I’ll pay cash.” She took off running.

  Outside on the street, Cameron hailed the first cab that came by. Once the vehicle stopped, he opened the door and let Gabrielle precede him into the backseat. He slid in right behind her then gave their destination to the driver.

  As the cab pulled off, Gabrielle scooted to the other side of the backseat so she could look out the window.

  “Scared of being too close to me?” he asked in a teasing tone.

  She slowly turned her head to face him. “Want to repeat that?” She’d heard every word he’d said, but she wanted to hear it again.

  “No I don’t.”

  Not surprised that he hadn’t repeated himself, Gabrielle scooted over the seat until she was right up under him. “Still think I’m scared of closeness?”

  He grinned wickedly. “You’re a little tease, aren’t you? I think you carry around a lot of fear, but your boldness also surprises me. I like daring. Don’t hide it away.”

  She winked and flashed a flirtatious smile. “There are so many things you have yet to discover. Daring is only a fraction of my personality.”

  * * *

  As Cameron slipped between the sheets, he thought of how well the excursion had turned out, though he hadn’t expected anything different. He was pleased that he and Gabrielle had more in common than just the same profession, and he liked how easy she was to talk to. Although he had been surprised when Marjorie had asked him to join the dinner party the night before, he had to admit he was excited about it. This situation was a no-win for both him and Gabrielle, yet he still wished things could work out in their favor.

  “Love and labor” was how Gabrielle had referred to coworkers dating. He’d never heard that phrase before, but he thought it was rather catchy. He knew scores of people who had loved and labored together, and it hadn’t affected them adversely. Husbands and wives both working as doctors wasn’t anything out of the ordinary in the world of medicine. He also knew a lot of lawyers married to lawyers, and most of the couples he was well acquainted with were still married.

  The big problem for him and her was they’d both been badly burned by mixing work and play. There had to be a way to figure this out. How was it that other couples in the same profession could make it together, yet he and Gabrielle seemed doomed to fail? He was positive there’d been failures among other professionals, but he was only concerned with himself
and Gabrielle.

  These same questions kept coming to his mind, and Cameron already had the answer as to why it kept on happening. His deep attraction to the woman he worked with was the only possible answer. The gorgeous doctor simply mesmerized him—and he didn’t think his attraction to her was going away anytime soon. The playfulness Gabrielle had turned on in the cab had him wanting more of the same. He’d loved her daring and wanted to see how daring she could really be.

  * * *

  Three passengers were waiting at the front door of the clinic when Gabrielle arrived for work. “Hello,” she said cheerfully. “Does everyone need to see a doctor?”

  The two men and one woman gave positive responses.

  Gabrielle smiled. “In that case, I’d better get this door open in a hurry so I can take care of you.”

  Once Gabrielle was inside, she had the passengers take a seat in the chairs lined against the wall. “I’m Dr. Grinage. I’ll be taking care of you. Who was here first?”

  One of the men was pointed out by the other two arrivals.

  Gabrielle went behind the nurses’ station and retrieved the paperwork for patient registration. “Sign in on this sheet,” she told them before going back to her office.

  She reappeared in seconds, smiling. “Since we’re all through with the registration process, let’s get started.”

  The first patient sat still as Gabrielle took his vital signs. Once she had his readings, she escorted him into one of the treatment rooms so they could have privacy. Instead of sitting on the treatment table, the man sat down in a chair. “I’m having muscle spasms in my legs. I didn’t think to bring anything to help out.”

  Hearing the front door open, Gabrielle looked out and saw Cameron come in. She was glad to see she had help, even though she knew she could’ve effectively handled all three patients.

  * * *

  Smiling, Cameron kicked back with his feet up on his desk. He and Gabrielle had worked so well together the entire shift. There weren’t many patients who’d come through all day, but they had expeditiously and thoroughly helped the ones who had.

  Gabrielle suddenly popped into Cameron’s office. “What’re you smiling about?”

  “Are you sure you want to know?

  “Hmm, it’s that bad, huh?”

  “It all depends on how you look at it,” he responded softly.

  She plopped down on a chair. “I have a pretty open mind. Try me, Dr. Quinn.”

  Before she’d come into the office, Cameron was sure he’d gotten up the nerve to invite Gabrielle to be his guest at the formal dinner sitting less than three hours away. His visions of her in an evening gown had been enough to spur him on.

  As he looked her right in the eyes, his hands began to sweat. He took a second to regroup. “Since we’ve become friends, my question isn’t a bad thing. I’d like you to accompany me to the formal dinner this evening.”

  Gabrielle did her best to hide her shocked reaction. “Of course, I’d love to.”

  He was surprised that she had accepted, but even more than that, he was extremely pleased.

  * * *

  The image staring back at Gabrielle in the looking glass was both sophisticated and stunning. The gold lamé formal gown she wore had a low neckline in the front and a cowl neckline that draped dangerously low in the back. A side split added even more sex appeal to her already head-turning look.

  Pleased with her appearance, Gabrielle smiled at her reflection, marveling at what she’d accomplished in such a short time. She and Cameron had gotten caught up in a lot of paperwork at the clinic, and she’d made it back to her cabin with not much time to get ready for dinner.

  This was Gabrielle’s first appearance at a formal night aboard the ship, although one formal had already been held. She had decided not to attend, even though Marjorie had insisted. She had later regretted her decision, but now she could make up for it.

  Gabrielle always tried to move forward with her life in general, yet there was a major area in her personal life that was stuck like glue. Wavering over the issue of a romantic liaison and working under Cameron’s command kept her frustrated.

  This time was different from all the others. Cameron asking her to attend dinner as his companion had made her happy, but then the nagging questions had begun. Getting him out of her mind proved impossible at every attempt.

  Marjorie and Tristan would also share Cameron’s table, at his request. She admitted to having mixed feelings over them not dining alone, but she was ever mindful that he’d asked her out as his friend. Being asked out as his friend pleased and saddened her, all at the same time. She wanted more than his friendship, yet she was confused and continued to hold back.

  Gabrielle jumped suddenly when the phone rang. She peeked at the clock, hoping it wasn’t an emergency call or perhaps Cameron calling to cancel. Then a sharp rap came on the door, which sent her into a bit of a tizzy. It was then that she realized how badly her nerves were frayed over her relationship with Cameron.

  Gabrielle picked up the phone and carried it to the door. Without peering through the security screen, she swung the door back, only realizing how foolish a move she’d made once she’d put herself at risk. While there was plenty of security aboard the ship, a problem with crime had been mentioned repeatedly in orientation. For more than one reason, she was glad to see Cameron standing there.

  “I called first then decided to just pop on over here to see if you’re ready to go,” Cameron explained.

  Gabrielle stared at Cameron as if she was seeing him for the first time. His formal dress was a white jacket and black tuxedo pants. The shoulders were embellished with gold braiding and medical insignias. As blood rushed to her head, Gabrielle felt slightly dizzy. The man was drop-dead gorgeous, and she considered herself superlucky to be his guest for the night. But she also thought Cameron should consider himself just as lucky.

  She struggled to locate her voice. “Can you…give me…a minute…to put the phone…back?”

  Cameron grinned. “Please promise me you won’t run away at midnight.”

  His sweet remark charmed her. “I promise. I’m yours until—”

  He raised both eyebrows. “You’d better be careful there. If I hold you to that, you won’t leave my sight. I hope I can hold out another minute.”

  Gabrielle smiled before going back inside. Cameron was the sweetest man she’d ever come across and his charm was driving her insane.

  So was Jordan, in the beginning. No, don’t you dare compare Cameron with the likes of him.

  Angry with herself for making the comparison, she vowed to never compare Cameron with another man. The gorgeous Dr. Quinn was in a class of his own. She had a hard time believing he’d lead someone on just to break her heart later. Some men were after one thing only—and their game was over once they got it. If she and Cameron turned out to be incompatible, that was one thing, but she was almost sure he’d never purposely wound another human being.

  * * *

  As Gabrielle walked away, Cameron couldn’t draw his eyes from her. She looked like a fairy-tale princess and he was ecstatic, wishing there were an easy way to become her Prince Charming. He’d never been more excited about an evening out. Normally Cameron wouldn’t bother with the ship’s festivities unless it was a special occasion for one of his staffers, but a lot of things had changed since Gabrielle arrived.

  She returned, her smile angelic. “It looks like I needed less than a minute.”

  Cameron turned on the boyish charm. “How’d you know I was missing you?”

  “Your spirit summoned me.”

  Her smile accelerated his heartbeat. “In that case, I’ll have to thank my spirit.”

  Do you have more of the beautiful lipstick you’re wearing? Because I want to kiss you hello so badly. Not sure I can wait to kiss you good-night.

  He nervously cracked his knuckles. Cameron wasn’t sure he should even try any type of romantic move on her. She had no idea he had a hot and heavy cra
ving for her. He glanced at his watch. “We should go now.”

  Gabrielle stepped out of the cabin. “I’m ready.”

  * * *

  She had to be supercareful to conceal how elated she felt to be his date. If he knew how much she wanted to feel his sexy mouth on hers, it would probably have stunned him good.

  She knew a romantic liaison wasn’t an ideal situation for them, but she still hadn’t found a surefire way of curbing the hot desire burning deep inside her. Just being in Cameron’s presence had Gabrielle hotter than the desert in summer. Not only did she burn for him, but thoughts of him came to her when she was in bed every night. She yearned for him no matter where she was.

  With her arm looped through Cameron’s, Gabrielle walked the corridors, loving the thrill of him beside her. So much had changed between them even though neither had uttered a word about how they felt, and it was certainly inappropriate for her to bring it up. Yet he wouldn’t look at her that way if he didn’t feel something. He seemed attracted to her because he stared at her often, but she’d have to hear it directly from his mouth for confirmation. Gabrielle couldn’t help feeling that her and Cameron were sailing on the same waves.

  Will those waves ever crest into full-blown passion?

  * * *

  Seconds after arriving at the Paris dining room, Gabrielle and Cameron cheerfully greeted Marjorie and Tristan. Both women hugged and the guys exchanged firm handshakes. The two couples were then ushered to their reserved table.

  Gabrielle smiled at Marjorie. “You look so elegant. Who’s your dress designer?”

  Marjorie smoothed her hands down over her electric-blue, form-fitting gown. “It’s Dior.”

  Cameron let Gabrielle precede him into the roomy booth. Tristan and Marjorie sat directly across the table from them. Cameron ordered wine for the foursome then they settled down to chat.

  “Our next trip is to the Western Caribbean,” Cameron mentioned. “We’re at sea for two days before we make port in Montego Bay, Jamaica.”

  “Then move on to the Cayman Islands, right? I think Cozumel is one of our last ports of call,” Tristan said. “I love that the Parisian Paradise has alternate itineraries.” His gaze settled on Gabrielle. “How are you feeling about your first days on sea duty?”


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