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by Jessica Loft

  Damon sucked in a breath, trailing his fingers over the bruised skin where Brock had cruelly wrapped his fingers around.

  “I’m going to kill him for hurting you.”

  Eve relaxed, relieved that the fury she had seen wasn’t directed at her.

  “It’s fine, it doesn’t hurt much,” she whispered.

  Damon blinked, and his gaze dropped lower to rest on the swell of her exposed breasts. He pushed the robe off her shoulders, and it fell to the floor to pool around her feet. Eve stood before him naked. He let out a growl and lifted his shirt over his head. She reached for his belt, assisting him out of the rest of his clothes.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this,” she breathed, her gaze roving over the perfection of his naked form. Muscles bulged in all the right places. Her eyes lowered, and she gasped at the sight of his jutting erection.

  “Do you want to stop?” He asked.

  “No. It doesn’t look like you want to either,” she added, her eyes still on his growing length.

  He grinned and grasped the nape of her neck, pulling her in for a hard kiss before lifting her off the floor. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he strolled to the bed. He sat with her still straddling him. Damon lowered his head to take a nipple into his mouth, sending shards of pleasure through her. Moisture pooled between her thighs. He could smell the intoxicating scent of her arousal. The knowledge that she wanted him as much he wanted her, drove him wild. An animalistic growl rumbled deep in his chest.

  Eve froze. Did he just growl? She glanced down at him with a frown. Before she could say anything, he switched his attention to her other breast and a moan escaped her lips.

  “Now, Damon.”

  He lifted her slightly and impaled her with his thick length. She slid down inch by slow inch until she engulfed him completely.

  “Oh, God,” she moaned. Damon inside of her felt like heaven. Eve placed her hands on his shoulders and began to move, matching the rhythm of his thrusts. Her head fell back, and he feathered kisses along the length of her neck. Damon groaned, holding onto his control by a thread. Her soft moans in his ear didn’t make it any easier.

  “Eve, you feel amazing,” he whispered. He rolled them over, pinning her beneath him. Staring into her violet eyes, he increased the pace of his hips, pushing deeper into her. She arched her back, her nails sinking into his shoulders. She held his gaze, mesmerized by the intense blue eyes. For a second, she thought she saw his eyes change to a golden yellow, but she blinked, and it was blue again. Maybe she was so overcome with pleasure; she was hallucinating.

  “Damon,” she gasped his name as she reached her climax. She let out a cry as she convulsed beneath him.

  “Oh, my.” It was the most intense orgasm she’s ever experienced. He continued to pound into her, sending shockwaves through her core. After a few more thrusts she felt the muscles of his shoulders bunch, and he shuddered, emptying himself inside her.

  Damon rolled off of Eve, afraid of crushing her with his weight. He waited for his breathing to steady, his mind racing. It was done. He had claimed his mate in the most intimate way, and he’d only known her for a day. She didn’t even know what he was. She would no doubt run for the hills if she ever found out. The real question was: would he be able to let her go? She was the one for him. He felt it in every atom of his being. He was one of the few of his kind lucky enough to find his true mate. Was that what had happened to his brother? Had he found the one woman created for him? That had to be the explanation as to why Luke would join a gang. His brother made a habit of getting himself into trouble, but Damon would never have thought he would get himself killed.

  Eve propped up on her elbows to glance at him.

  “You’re already regretting it, aren’t you?”

  “What? Of course not. That was damn incredible.”

  “You just got so quiet.”

  “I was thinking about you and wondering if I will be able to let you go.”

  Her eyes widened, taken off guard by his words. What did she say to that?

  “Uh, but you barely know me.”

  “I know that you belong with me. I know you feel it too.”

  God help her she did. She had wondered why she felt safe with him even when she thought he was a part of Brock’s circle. She did feel the magnetism between them. But it had to be pure sexual attraction and nothing more. Right? There was no way in knowing she belonged with a man she had met only hours ago.

  “Well, I-I-“

  “Aidan is awake.”

  She frowned at him.

  “How do you-” The sound of Aidan’s sudden cry stopped her mid-sentence. How had he known the baby was awake before he started crying? She let out a laugh.

  “Are you psychic or something?”

  “Say I was, would you be freaked out?”

  Her brows knitted as she got up and grabbed her robe from the floor. What a strange question.

  “Um, maybe at first but I would get over it.” She shrugged. “I can accept… different. I’d better go to Aidan.”

  Damon lay staring up the ceiling when Eve disappeared. She claimed to be able to accept someone different. But how different? If he shifted and stood before her in his massive tiger form, would she be able to accept that? Probably not. He could hear her footsteps approaching the room. Her scent mixed with Aidan’s. He got up and stepped into his pants before Eve appeared.

  “I thought I’d bring him back in here so you two could get better acquainted. You know since you might be his uncle.” She smiled shyly at him. “Would you like to hold him while I go and prepare a bottle?”

  Damon’s eyes widened. He wasn’t very good with babies.

  “Uh, hold him? He’s so small.”

  She laughed at his expression.

  “Well, of course, he is, he’s only four months old. Come on; he won’t bite.” She shoved Aidan into his arms and left the room before he could protest. Damon stared down at the bundle he held awkwardly in his arms. Aidan blinked up at him and then smiled as if he knew who held him. Damon grinned, his heart melting instantly. The child had his brother’s features, except for the blond hair he must have gotten from his mother.

  Eve returned to the room a little while later. She stood at the door, studying man and baby. Damon sat on the bed, holding Aidan. He was in the middle of telling Aidan, a story about his father. Aidan kicked and cooed, reaching up to grab at Damon’s face.

  “Well, you two look like best friends already,” Eve commented, stepping into the room. She held up the bottle. Damon stood up offered the baby to her.

  “Hey, little guy. Hungry?” She settled into a chair with him and put the bottle to his lips. Glancing up at Damon, she asked,

  “Where did you get the crib?”

  “It was mine. My mother was the sentimental type. Thirty years later, I still have it.”

  Eve smiled and returned her attention to Aidan.

  Damon watched them quietly.

  “He loves you.”

  Eve looked up.

  “Well, mine is the only face he has seen for weeks.”

  “I can see his love for you in the form of images in his mind.”

  Eve gave him a strange look.

  “You say the weirdest things; you know that? Well, if he loves me that’s great because I love him too.” She smiled down at Aidan.

  “You left your life behind to protect him. That’s very noble.”

  She shrugged.

  “Of course, just look at him. The thought of anyone hurting such a sweet little guy is unbearable. I don’t regret it either. I would do it all again if time were reversed. I just wish he still had his mother.” She blinked rapidly, starting to tear up again.

  “Is there anyone back home wondering where you are, Eve?”

  “No, I grew up in the system, moving from home to home. Casey was my only family, and she’s gone so no one misses me.” His heart tugged at the sadness in her tone. “Well, Aidan is my family too.”

  Damon le
aned against the bed post and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Why does Brock want to kill the child?”

  Eve glanced at him in surprise.

  “I thought you would know better than me. Didn’t he tell you anything?”

  “I only joined Brock’s gang to get answers about my brother. I didn’t find out much in the one week I was with him. I had no idea about you or Aidan until I heard him ordering his men to find you.”

  “During the last conversation I had with Casey, she said Brock had found out what Aidan’s father is. I have no idea what she was talking about. Maybe if I had met this Luke person, I would know a little more.”

  Damon stiffened.


  “Yeah, that’s what she called Aidan’s father. She said he joined Brock’s gang because of her.”

  Damon muttered an expletive.

  “What is it?” Eve asked.

  “My brother’s name is-was Luke. They are both dead. If your friend is dead, so is my brother. If she were his true mate, he would have fought to the death to protect her.”

  “His true mate?”

  Damon straightened and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “I uh, need a minute.”

  “Okay.” Eve watched him walk from the room, his shoulder’s tense. She could only imagine his pain.

  After about an hour of cursing his brother for not coming to him for help and cursing himself for not going after Luke sooner, Damon had himself composed. His brother was gone; there was nothing he could do about it. All he could do now was ensure that Brock never touched Aidan or Eve. It was a good thing he had decided to go undercover and befriend Brock, or he would never have found out he had a nephew. He also wouldn’t have found his true mate.

  He made his way back to Eve and Aidan. They were both in the chair, fast asleep. Eve held Aidan to her bosom and the child clung to her tightly. It was like the four-month-old was aware that the woman who held him was his savior. Damon walked to them, scooped them both up and carried them to bed. Instead of leaving, he stretched out beside them and soon fell asleep.

  Chapter Six

  Eve rolled over in Damon’s massive bed. She flung a hand to his side of the bed to feel for him. She sat up when she realized he wasn’t there.

  “Looking for someone?”

  She smiled and turned to the door at the sound of his voice. He stood in the doorway holding Aidan. She and Aidan had been in Damon’s home for a little over a week, and they both loved it. Eve swallowed, looking at baby and uncle. She felt like they were already a family. But she would have to leave soon. She couldn’t stay in Damon’s home forever. Sure, they’d slept together every night, but he would probably soon tire of her. Before long, she wouldn’t be needed. Aidan and Damon had already adjusted to each other. They were related by blood, and she was an outsider.

  Damon frowned.

  “What is it, Eve?”

  “Er, nothing.”

  His eyes narrowed, but he didn’t push. She scooted out of bed.

  “How about breakfast?” She asked.

  “You don’t have to. I can make something.”

  “I don’t mind. I love taking caring of my boys.” She paused. “I-I mean, it’s no problem.” With a blush, she scurried from the room.

  The day turned into night and Eve stood on the balcony. It was a place she had stood almost every night to think. Tonight, she thought about how hard it was going to be to leave Aidan and Damon. She loved them both. She sighed. I’ve gone and fallen for Damon in a week. It was impossible not to fall in love when she had spent every day in his presence and every night in his bed. She heard the man that filled her thoughts approach her from behind. Large hands spanned her hips, and she pushed back into him.

  “Are you ready to tell me what’s wrong?” He asked.

  “What makes you think something is wrong?”

  “You have been distant all day.”

  “I’ve just been thinking that maybe I have outstayed my welcome.”

  Damon spun her around to face him.

  “Of course, you haven’t. You can stay here as long as you want.” I want you to stay forever. He would have to tell her what he was before she found out some other way.

  “But Aidan doesn’t need me anymore. You’ve learned how to take care of his needs very quickly.”

  Damon cupped her face between his hands.

  “He does need you, Eve, and so do I.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes, very much. Eve, I-” His head snapped up.

  “Damon, what is it?”

  He snarled.

  “I need you to go inside. Go to Aidan’s room and lock the door.”

  “What? Why?”

  He grabbed her arm and pulled her behind him. Eve dug her heels into the floor.

  “Damn it, Damon. You’re scaring me. Tell me what’s wrong, now.”

  He let out a frustrated sigh.

  “Brock is coming, and he’s not alone.” He sniffed. “There are seven of them.”

  She frowned.

  “I didn’t hear or see anything? How do you know they’re coming and how could you possibly know how many?”

  “I’m different, Eve. I’m not human?”

  She let out a laugh.

  “Say what now?”

  “I’ll explain later. Just do as I say.”

  Eve’s heart jumped when she heard the unmistakable roar of motorcycles in the distance.

  “Oh, God, you were right. H-how did they find us in another state?”

  He grabbed her hand once again.

  “Aidan’s room, now.”

  She followed behind him on shaky legs. Damon shoved her inside.

  “Stay here.”

  “No, I’m coming with you. You can’t face them alone. They’ll kill you.”

  “I’ll be fine.”


  Damon captured her lips, swallowing her protest. He lifted his head.

  “I just hope you don’t detest me when you find out what I am.”


  He pulled the door closed and shouted.

  “Lock the door, Eve.” He moved when he heard the click of the lock.

  Standing on the front step, Damon’s tiger growled. Brock and his men drew closer. His lip curled into a wicked grin. He would get revenge for his brother’s death sooner than he thought. He stepped down and strolled forward as seven motorcycles stopped in front of him.

  Brock hopped off of his bike and removed his helmet.

  “I have found the traitor at last.”

  “How exactly did you find me, Brock?”

  “I had Craig stay behind at the motel in Texas to make sure you finished Eve off. Imagine my surprise when he called to tell me that you left with Eve who was very much alive and my nephew. He followed you as far as he could. It took a bit of time to dig around, but I finally pinpointed your exact location. I assume Eve and my nephew are inside. I’ll take care of them after I end you.”

  “Aidan is my nephew, and you won’t touch him or Eve.”

  “Your nephew? What the hell are you talking about?”

  “His father was my brother. You killed Luke, and now I get to kill you.”

  Brock’s eyes widened.

  “That means you’re a freak of nature as well.”

  Damon shrugged.

  “Whatever you want to call me, Brock. How did you find out what Luke was?”

  “The idiot attacked me because I was slapping my sister around a little bit. He turned into a damn animal right before my eyes. Both he and Casey got away. But when I had my sister back in my clutches, he came for her. I was ready for him that time, of course. It took almost the entire gang to take him down. I got rid of my sister afterward. She was no better than he was for sleeping with him. That’s why I can’t let the child live. He must be an abomination just like his father.”

  Damon had heard enough. He’d just wanted to know for sure that Brock was responsible for his brot
her’s death. He wasted no more time, lunging after Brock and shifting at the same time. His face stretched, taking on the shape of a jungle cat and his bones contorted. He sank sharp fangs sank into Brock’s neck. He screamed, dropping the gun he had drawn to the ground. The other six men looked on in shock. When Damon lifted his head, the men drew their guns and aimed at him.

  “No!” Eve shouted from the balcony.

  All eyes flew to her, giving Damon the chance to attack. He moved with great speed, dodging bullets. The men soon laid on the ground in a mass of limbs and blood. Eve watched, paralyzed. She had seen Damon change into a great white tiger. How was it possible? She wasn’t losing her mind because Brock and the other men had seen it too.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered, recalling his words. He had told her he wasn’t human. Of course, she had thought it was some kind of joke. She watched Damon take out each man one by one, moving so swiftly it was hard to keep track of him. She gasped when a bullet hit him in the shoulder, and he staggered backward. The man who had shot him stood alone, his face twisted in terror. Another shot rang out.

  “Damon!” She turned and ran to the door, heading for the stairs. She ran through the living room and flung the front door open. She came to a halt when she saw the giant tiger standing over the lifeless body of the man who had shot him.

  Damon turned, pinning Eve with gold eyes, which suddenly turned blue. She stood frozen, gaping at the animal. All the color had drained from her face, and she looked ready to faint. He padded toward her, stopping when he reached the steps. Would she want him to go near her?


  He blinked and dipped his head. Her gaze flew to the wound on his shoulder.

  “I thought you were dead,” she whispered.

  He was surprised by her reaction. Except for her pallor, she was calm. He began to shift, taking on his human form.

  “Holy shit,” Eve murmured, staring at a naked Damon. It doesn’t get any stranger than this.

  “Eve, you weren’t supposed to find out this way. I told you to stay inside.”


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