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BreakingBeau Page 4

by Chloe Cole

  Okay, something was definitely up. His mind raced, running through all the possibilities. After years of groupies coming on to him, his sex-ometer was pretty refined, and only one possibility made any sense.

  She wanted him for real.

  The thought that maybe she’d come to her senses and realized she could date and still start her business sent a thrill through him.

  “Absolutely.” He took her hand and pulled her to the exit and out into the dark lot behind the club.

  “New dress?” he asked as he swung her around to face him in the warm evening air.

  “Yep.” She was slightly breathless as she gazed up at him.

  “I liked the way you looked before.” He knew he sounded like an asshole but he couldn’t help himself. She was different than the girls he was used to and he liked it. There was no question that the clothes showed off her assets, but a part of him missed sweet-looking Gigi with her spicy side cleverly hidden by an apron just waiting for him to draw it out.

  She moved her hand away from his and cleared her throat. “Well, you seemed to really like the way I look now while you were onstage.”

  “I do.” He reclaimed her hand and ran his thumb over her palm. “Very much. Your clothes fit you for a change, which is nice. I just meant that it doesn’t matter to me. You don’t need all this.”

  “That’s good.” She took a deep breath and let it out in a rush. “I want you to have sex with me. I mean, I’d have sex with you too, like it’s…ugh. Beau, will you sleep with me tonight?”

  As he stared at her, he could feel his throat working but no sound came out.

  She continued, the words coming so fast she could’ve been an auctioneer. “You don’t have a girlfriend, so no worries there. And I’m too busy for a man. In a nutshell, we’re perfectly wrong for one another, so there’s no way for anyone to get hurt, you know?”


  She flinched and guilt stabbed at him like a tack. He was shorter than he’d intended to be, but the combination of shock and lust at her suggestion had left him reeling. Sweet Gigi, virginal Gigi, suggesting a one-night stand?

  She began to wring her hands together, and her gaze flicked to the door. For a second, he thought she was going to turn around and walk away. Instead she let her hands fall apart and met his gaze head on. “Why not? I can tell you wanted to when we kissed. Well, enough to manage it at least. So tell me why not.”

  His brain still floundered like a fish on dry land as he thought about how to answer. A second later, her shoulders slumped as her bravado faltered some.

  He cleared his throat. “Well, I can sure enough manage it. But is that what you’re willing to settle for? Is that what you waited for all this time, someone who can ‘manage it’?”

  She shook her head. “That’s where you’ve got things mixed up. I told you before, I’m not some starry-eyed romantic holding out for some knight on a horse.”

  “I get it,” he replied slowly. “But you’ve gotten where you wanted to be, you have your college degree and you’re a chef. You’ve waited this long, why not lighten up a little, have a normal relationship and let nature takes its course?”

  “Unless I make a success of this business, every sacrifice I’ve made up to this point was for nothing. I don’t want a relationship, I don’t have the energy to expend on a relationship. I just want to feel what it’s like to—” Her gaze grew shuttered, and she turned away, yanking her hand from his grasp. “You know what, it’s no big deal. Forget I asked. I just thought we…never mind.”

  He wanted to grab her, pull her back, but he restrained himself. As much as he wanted to take her up on her offer, doing so would make him a top-notch douche bag. After years of spending time with girls who were just looking for the next meal ticket, it was easy to forget that there were good women out there. Even more of a reason not to take advantage. Especially of one as good as Gigi.

  She deserved better. She deserved roses and champagne. Romance and adoration. He had no idea if he was capable of that and even if he was, she didn’t want it. The right thing to do was to let her walk away. Someday soon she’d find someone she was crazy about, a guy she felt was worth the risk. His jaw tensed at the thought.

  Gigi approached the door, then turned to face him. Her voice wavered. “No matter what, I’m not going home a virgin. I can’t live like this anymore.”

  His stomach did a flip. What that fuck did that mean? “Oh really. And how do you plan to rectify that? Am I going to wake up with you on top of me or something?”

  Her face paled and he wished he could take the words back. He was frustrated at her stubbornness and taking it out on her. She recovered quickly and leveled him with a stare full of the steely determination she seemed to apply to everything in life. “I think you might be overestimating your allure, Mr. Trudeau. Or underestimating mine. I’m not desperate, you just seemed like the logical choice. Since that’s not an option, I’ll move down the list.”

  “The list? Okay, so humor me. Who’s next on ‘the list’?”

  “I’m going to ask Tai.”

  His gut clenched, hard. “What?” His voice had risen to a pitch he usually reserved for singing harmonies with Rex and he struggled to normalize it. “No. No way. That’s not an option.”

  She stuck a hand on her round hip and glared at him. “He’s sweet. And he thinks I look pretty. So why not?”

  Because the thought of his hands on you makes me want to gut him like a catfish. Because I want to bury myself between those curvy thighs until you scream. Because I want you all to myself. A dozen more reasons flashed in his mind and died on his tongue, unspoken. He could promise her nothing and she wanted even less.

  Would she go through with it? Maybe it was a bluff and maybe it wasn’t. Either way, she was grown and it was her life. He pursed his lips and stood.

  “Fine. If that’s what you want, then go for it. Ask Tai. But don’t come crying to me when you realize it’s more than just smashing bodies together. There are repercussions. Feelings.”

  “Yeah.” She snorted. “Because I’m sure you love all the groupies you sleep with.”

  “I’m not you. And to be honest, that’s getting a little old, even for me. Not to mention this is going to be your first time.” He let his voice go soft and tried one last time. “It’s not going to fill the hole, Gigi.”

  “You’re wrong there, Beau,” she fired back. “By definition, that’s precisely what it will do. Sweet dreams.”

  Then she turned on her heel and walked inside.

  * * * * *

  It was after midnight as Gigi made her way through the opulent lobby of the Belvedere Hotel. The concierge had given her a key and she gripped it tightly as she stood in front of the elevator. The ornately carved door slid open with a whoosh, and she stepped in, pressing P for penthouse.

  The elevator soared upward. Like the rest of the hotel, the view was stunning but she had to look away as her stomach lurched. She’d told Tai not to go to any trouble, but he’d insisted that if they were going to do this, they should do it right. He’d been so sweet to her when she’d asked. At first, he’d looked at her, through her really, with those serious, almond-shaped eyes, but didn’t speak. When he finally did, he’d said very little.

  “I’m honored, Gigi. But are you certain you want to do this?”

  She’d assured him she was, but the embarrassment and anger at Beau’s rejection that had given her the balls to ask Tai had long since faded. Now she was just a jellylike mass of doubt and nausea.

  The elevator stopped and she stepped out, directly in front of the only door in the hallway. She hadn’t even realized she’d been holding her breath, and let it go in a rush. Something that felt remarkably like terror coursed down her spine. Tai was sweet, handsome and not looking for a long-term relationship. Plus, while he was certainly attractive, she didn’t feel as if she was falling off a cliff when he touched her. She only liked him as a friend, which made him an even better choice than Be
au. Easier to walk away from.

  So why did it feel so wrong? This was about sowing some oats before she got so old they fell off. She just needed a guy willing to help with the sowing. But if that was true, why did the thought of sleeping with Beau make her weak in the knees and the thought of sleeping with Tai made her weak in the stomach?

  She pushed away the face that kept weaseling its way to the forefront of her thoughts. The devastating dimples, the honey curls, the smoldering eyes, so true blue they matched the color of a child’s crayon.

  Damn it.

  She might not know Beau well enough to be in love yet, but deep down she had the unsettling feeling that she could fall in love with him…so very easily.

  Her hands were slick with sweat as she stared at the hotel room door. She lowered the hand she’d raised to knock and leaned in to rest her forehead on the cool wood frame. In less than two weeks, she’d be back home, knee deep in work.

  Again, she raised her fist to knock but before she could, the locks tumbled and the door swung open.

  Chapter Six

  Gigi’s brain went on the fritz as she tried to process this turn of events. Beau stood in the doorway, his broad shoulders taking up the entire space. His face was inscrutable as he stared down at her.

  She took a step back and grabbed hold of the doorjamb to steady herself. “Where’s Tai?”

  “Not here.”

  Her heart pounded and she tried to keep her voice steady. “Where is he?”

  He shrugged. “Don’t know. I told him you and I had some unfinished business to settle, and he agreed with me.”

  Anger burned away the shock. “So now you’re not just my conscience, you’re my keeper too? I’m a grown woman and I want to know what the fuss is about. Tonight, I’m going to find out. Wrap up the lecture so I can go find my date.”



  He gave his head a slow shake and his voice dropped to a level that made her insides quiver. “No.”

  She looked away in an effort to break the spell he was weaving before she embarrassed herself more than she already had. “Enjoy the rest of your night. I’m done here.”

  “The fuck you are,” he growled, then stepped forward, pinning her against the door. His warm, sweet breath fanned her cheek. “When you asked me to be with you, I said no. I told you why it was a bad idea, but I didn’t tell you the rest. I didn’t tell you how flattered I was. Or how much it killed me to say no. I also didn’t tell you how turned-on I was.”

  As he gazed down at her, he traced her bottom lip with his thumb and she trembled.

  “Since the second we kissed, I haven’t stopped imagining it. The thought of sliding my cock deep inside you, hearing you gasp, watching you come. I can’t think of anything I’ve ever wanted more. I was just trying to do the right thing.”

  Her nipples peaked at his provocative words. God, how she wanted all that and more. “So what changed?” she whispered.

  “I’ve managed to convince myself that this is the right thing. If you’re set on doing this—having a one-night stand—I want it to be with me.”

  “Are you sure you’re not just trying to be nice? I don’t want to be some kind of pity fuck, Beau.”

  He took her hand and pressed it over the thick ridge in his jeans. “Does this feel like pity?”

  Relief swamped her with such force she was almost lightheaded. She believed him, needed to believe him. She wet her lips. “I was coming in to tell Tai I changed my mind. Because I wanted it to be with you too.” She couldn’t help it, and squeezed him gently. Yum.

  He sucked in a breath and pulled her hand away. “Don’t try to spoil my good intentions. We’re going to take it nice and slow.” He grinned and stepped backward, into the room, pulling her along with him. Music played softly in the background and she smiled when she recognized the tune. I Only Have Eyes For You by The Flamingos. One of her favorite oldies.

  “I love this song.”

  “I thought you might. Me too.”

  He took the key from her hand and laid it on the table. “Would you like a glass of champagne?”

  “You got champagne?”

  “Yep. It’s a big night.”

  A nervous laugh bubbled past her lips, but his expression was so genuine, it gave her pause.

  “I want to make this good for you. Special. So let me, okay?”

  His words sent a sizzle down her spine and she nodded. “I’ll have a glass.”

  “Why don’t you head on into the bathroom and I’ll bring it in to you. I ran you a bubble bath. Thought the warm water and glass of wine might relax you a little. What do you think?”

  “Are you coming in with me?” Now that she knew he wanted her, she couldn’t wait to get her hands on him. She ached to feel the rush she’d felt when he’d kissed her.

  His gaze burned into her and her pulse skittered. “I’ll do anything you want me to.”

  Her mind whirled with possibilities. This was really going to happen. And with Beau.

  She brushed a hand over his chest. “Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes, okay?”

  “Try to stop me.”

  She slipped off her high heels and padded into the bathroom, almost vibrating with excitement. If she wasn’t so nervous, she might have done a jig.

  Beau snagged two glasses from the bar then popped the cork. He was…happy. Not in the regular “I’m gonna get laid” kind of way, but genuinely happy. Happy to see Gigi so excited. Happy to buy her champagne and take a bath with her, spend the night with her.

  Don’t overthink it, man.

  He picked up the glasses and headed for the bathroom. The door was ajar so he toed it open then stepped in.

  The candles he’d lit a little while earlier bathed the room in soft light. Steam coated the mirror, and the light scent of vanilla permeated the air. The giant tub took up the far wall and he held his breath as he approached.

  Gigi had put her hair up in a loose pile. Her head was tipped back, her eyes were closed and she had a soft smile on her face. Bubbles covered her up to the creamy swell of her breasts and he found himself praying she would sit up just an inch more so he could see her nipples.

  “Hey,” he called softly.

  Her eyes popped opened and the tub squeaked as she shifted. “This place is unreal, Beau! Do you hear the music? The speakers are built into the dang walls. And this tub? How am I ever going to go back to my shower stall at home? This is so awesome.”

  He grinned at her excitement. “I’m glad you like it.” He held out the flute of champagne and she took it with sudsy fingertips.

  “A night to remember,” he said and held his glass out.

  She echoed him and they drank. The crisp, icy liquid exploded on his tongue and he sent a mental fist bump to the concierge who’d recommended that particular bottle. When Gigi groaned her approval he vowed to stop on the way out and give the guy another twenty.

  She set the champagne on the side of the tub and met his gaze. “You getting in or what? Plenty of room, that’s for sure.”

  He nodded and as their eyes locked, for the first time, nerves assailed him. He’d been with a lot of women, but if he’d ever been someone’s first, he sure didn’t know about it.

  So don’t fuck it up.

  He set his glass down then gripped the hem of his t-shirt. He yanked it over his head in one motion and tossed it to the floor. Gigi’s gaze burned a path from his chest, over his abs, down to his fly. He’d been living with an almost perpetual hard-on since their kiss and her unabashed appreciation was killing him.

  His cock pulsed as he lifted a hand to his button-fly. Even over the music, he could hear Gigi’s breath falter and that amped him even more. He unbuttoned his pants and jerked them over his hips. Balancing on one leg, he stepped out of them and kicked them across the marble floor.

  “N-no underwear?”

  He shook his head. “Not onstage. Too binding. I like to move around, feel free.”

She wet her lips, her gazed pinned on his throbbing cock. “It’s…bigger than I thought, in real life. Imposing.”

  “I think that’s about the sweetest compliment I’ve ever gotten.” He let out a pained laugh. “I’m going to climb in, okay?”

  “Wait. Can I just touch it for a quick second?”

  She lifted a soapy hand from the water and he turned away, calling on his last reserves of self-discipline. “If you touch me now, that’s exactly what you’re going to get. One quick second. I’ve been thinking about fucking you almost nonstop since we kissed and I don’t think I can take it. How about this first time we make it all about you? Let me touch you for a while. Then next time you can touch me to your heart’s content.”

  “Okay.” Her eyes were still locked on his cock and she reached for him again.

  He stepped back, chuckling. “Did you even hear what I said?”

  “Yeah. You said we were going to do it more than once.”

  He raised his eyes to the ceiling and said a silent prayer for strength. “There was more to that speech, but yes. If you want to, I think more than once is definitely called for.”

  She nodded and lowered her hand. “Get in.”

  He moved to the opposite end of the oblong tub then lifted a leg and stepped in. The hot water enveloped him and he sank in with a sigh.

  His legs slid over hers and she opened them to accommodate him. “Put them on top of me.”

  She braced herself on the edge of the tub then laid her legs on top of his thighs. He slipped a hand into the foam and grabbed her ankle, lifting her foot onto his stomach. Pressing his thumbs into her instep, he began to rub.

  “Oh God, that feels amazing,” she moaned.

  “I knew when I saw you walking around in those shoes you’d be needing a foot massage.”

  “Heels or no heels, this is the best thing I’ve ever felt in my life.”

  He pressed deep and she whimpered, arching closer to him. Her calf pressed against the thick length of his cock and he bit back a groan.

  She was so fucking responsive. He started to think about how she would react when he licked her pussy for the first time, but cut that thought short. There were a lot of things he wanted to do to her before that and he wasn’t going to rush it, no matter how much his body protested.


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