Immortal of My Dreams

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Immortal of My Dreams Page 21

by Alexis McNeil

  I gently kicked back in slow motion. Even with a belly, I’d be able to do some damage to my captor. “Thanks, I can definitely remember to kick in the knees. I don’t know about hitting my head back though. I might knock myself out too.”

  “Weel, hopefully, ye’ll ne’er need ta use these moves. After all, ye got yerself a huge warrior ta look after ye now.”

  I smiled and squeezed his hand. “Thanks again, Gideon.”

  “No problem, I’m just glad I could help before I leave.”

  My smile disappeared. “You’re leaving? Where are you going?”

  Gideon made a sad smile and looked down through his lashes. “I’m leaving for Dumfries. I ha’ a few close friends still there I want ta visit…before they get too old.”

  “When are you leaving?”

  “After I break my noon fast.”

  “Well, I’ll miss you. Will you return?”

  Gideon smiled. “Yes, I’m no sure when, but ye can count on seeing me again. I want to try and find my soul mate, too.” Gideon’s lips formed a thin line. “I’d like ta find what ye and Merrick ha’. Maybe, someday, ye’ll be at my Ceremony o’ Beginnings.”

  “I’m counting on it.” I leaned forward and hugged his wide chest. “Be safe.” Gideon just nodded.

  “Come, lass, ‘tis cold out here. Ye should get inside.”

  * * * * *

  I took a deep breath of fresh spring air. It was the first “warmish” sunny day, which was odd, since spring had just arrived. I sat on a stone bench in the garden admiring all the buds and tips poking up through the earth that would soon bloom into a beautiful assortment of flowers. My stomach thumped after a powerful kick from my baby, causing a smile to fall across my lips as I day dreamed what the precious bundle of joy would look like. My feisty little one kicked and rolled at what seemed like from sun up to sun down. The only time she’d stay still was at night, when Merrick talked and crooned to her.

  “Hi, Jilly,” Elise said walking over to me. I glanced up and smiled at her. “Is ye’re bairn still causing a raucous in ye’re belly?”

  “She won’t stop,” I said laughing as another jab struck just below my ribcage. “It’s a wonderful feeling to know this little baby trusts me and needs me to nourish it. I’ve never been so happy.” To think I had actually thought about returning home, so close to almost losing such a precious gift.

  “Weel, I think I might be experiencing those motherly instincts soon enough,” Elise said ruefully.

  My head snapped up and I stared at Elise in surprise. “Are you—“

  “I’m pregnant!” Elise blurted out with a huge grin.

  “Oh my God, that’s wonderful. You and Cameron will be super parents.” I stood up hugging her as my round beach ball stomach bumped up against her still incredibly flat one.

  “Thank ye, but dinna say anything ta anybody. I havna told Cameron yet. I’m planning ta tell him tonight,” she said excitedly. “I just ha’ ta be carrying his bairn. My monthlies are ne’er late and I’m now ten days overdue.

  I hugged her, “I’m so excited for you!”

  “Thank ye, Jilly. That means a lot. I think o’ ye as a sister,” she said putting her hands on her flat stomach. “Come on, Jilly. Let’s go see if we can find any spring flowers that ha’ bloomed early for tonight’s special surprise!” She put her arm through mine and we slowly made our way through the mud and soaked earth to the edge of the woods.

  We haphazardly picked flowers while imagining futures with our children, laughing, and reminiscing about how our mothers raised us. “Oh, I see a beautiful pink one over there,” I said, “I’ll be right back.” I headed over to the base of a huge tree where a bright pink cluster of tiny flowers grew. I bent down and started plucking.

  “’Tis a nice day ta be out and aboot,” Grant said, startling me as he poked his head from around the tree. I opened my mouth to say something when Grant held up his hand stopping me. “No, please, Jilly. I need ta say this.” He came around the tree and stood in front of me looking sheepish. “I havna been a verra good friend this past week. I should ha’ came ta the Ceremony o’ Beginnings for ye, but—.“ He paused rubbing his hand through his hair. He peered up into my face with a sad smile. “I just wished ‘twas me ye had feelings for. I wish ye carried my bairn.”

  I opened my mouth a few times but nothing came out. I looked down at the flowers, shifting the basket awkwardly in my hands. Grant took another step forward and slowly brought my face up to look at him. “Jillian, I’m apologizing. ‘Tis verra hard for me since I want ye so badly for myself, but I want ye ta be happy and…weel, if that means ye choose Merrick, then that’s who ye choose. I hope we can still be friends.”

  I smiled. “I’d like that, Grant. I was hoping you’d talk to me again. We’ve had a lot of fun in the past. You’re a great guy.”

  Grant seemed embarrassed and glanced down at his toes. “I’m really not that great o’ a guy, Jilly,” he said quietly.

  “Oh, nonsense! Come on, why don’t you help pick some flowers with us.”

  “I can’t, Turu is flying overhead. I’ve got ta go clean all the wee beasties he’s hunted.

  “So…you’ll be at dinner tonight?” I asked stopping him as he started to turn around to leave.

  Grant shot me a satisfied look over his shoulder. “I wouldn’t miss it.” He smiled tightly. I watched him disappear into the brush.

  “Oh, those are perfect!” Elise said, coming up next to me. “Come on, let’s go. Cameron and Merrick are probably waiting for us and ye must feel like ye need a rest by now.”

  * * * * *

  The great hall had a vibrant energy running through it following the news of the Laird expecting his first child. I stood in a small circle with Alexander, Cameron, Elise, and Merrick. We all laughed at Alexander’s comment about a miniature Cameron running wild through the castle and Alexander even grinned over at me. He no longer sent me his usual chilled stare, although he still seemed guarded around me.

  “What’s going on?” Grant asked as he joined our group. Everyone grew quiet except for Elise. She beamed and said, “I’m expecting brother! Isna it wonderful!” He made a small smile and quickly hugged Elise.

  “That’s great news, congratulations,” Grant said looking over to Cameron. Alexander turned and began talking to a group of guards and Cameron excused himself along with Elise. I felt the tension build into a thick wall between Merrick and Grant.

  “Let’s go take our seats, lass,” Merrick said, lightly grasping my elbow.

  Grant abruptly stepped in our way holding up his hands. “Wait, please, I need ta say something ta ye, Merrick.” I saw Grant swallow and he continued, “I’ve ne’er been too kind ta ye in the past. Ye’re mortal now, a human being like the rest o’ us, so I guess I’m telling ye I would like ta ha’ no more animosity between us. Ye ha’ more important things, like being here for Jillian and the babe she carries, keeping them safe.”

  A muscle in Merrick’s jaw ticked. “First, I’m still the same mon I was before,” he said coldy. “But now, I can die. Secondly, my wife and my child will always come first in my life, so ye dinna need ta tell me ta be here for them. I always will.” Merrick took my hand and began leading me away.

  “Wait!” Grant yelled, blocking us again. “This is coming out all wrong. I’m apologizing, I’m sorry for the way I acted before.”

  Merrick’s lips tightened and he glanced over at me. I made a pleading look up at him. He turned back to Grant and stared hard at him before saying, “I’ll accept ye’re apology, but remember this Grant, the Immortals are still my brothers, ye disrespect them, ye disrespect me.”

  “Aye, I willna speak an ill word toward any o’ them again, I promise.” Merrick made a tight nod and began to escort me over to our seats, when Grant stepped in front of us blocking our path once more. “Please, one more moment o’ ye’re time. Jillian, I ha’ a surprise for ye.” I felt Merrick grow tense beside me and his grip on my waist tightened. Grant
looked over his shoulder and motioned someone forward. Out from behind a small group of people walked the McDougals.

  My mouth turned into a huge smile. “Oh my God! I missed you guys.” I ran over and met them half-way.

  “Och,” Rebecca said, “ye look verra good indeed, and a bairn on the way, oh my!” I gave Rebecca a big hug and then one to a smiling Robert.

  “Oh you must join us for dinner!” I said.

  “O’ course me dear,” Rebecca said.

  “I already ha’ seats waiting for them,” Grant cut in. I turned and gave Grant a huge hug.

  “Thank you! This is one of the best surprises I’ve had.”

  “Anything for ye, Jilly,” Grant whispered next to my ear.

  A throat cleared behind me. “Are ye ready ta take our seats, lass?” Merrick asked calmly. I nodded and went to Merrick’s side taking his hand. He led me over to the table as the McDougals and Grant followed.

  I sat down releasing the breath I held. “Thank you for accepting his apology,” I said when Merrick sat down next to me.

  “I still dinna like him. A mon doesna change who he is that fast, not with all the hate he had toward me and the other Immortals.”

  I placed my hands over his arm. “He really is a nice man. He’s just…he’s jealous of you and all the things you have.”

  Merrick glanced over at me. “I think every mon is jealous o’ me. Ye’re quite a bonnie lass.” Merrick smiled a sexy grin and lightly kissed the tip of my nose.

  The food was served and a light joyous mood filled me once again as I caught up with the McDougals. My life finally felt like it was falling into some order. “Ye need ta eat more than that,” Merrick said after I stopped eating after only a few bites.

  “I can’t. I’m seven months pregnant, Merrick. Our little girl is crowding me out. My stomach feels like it’s the size of an apple.” Merrick laughed and pressed his palm to my stomach.

  “Maybe I should speak ta her. She always listens ta me.” Just then Merrick glanced up over at Alexander who was grabbing his forehead. “What is it?” Merrick asked.

  Alexander squeezed his eyes shut for a moment and then slowly lowered his hand opening his eyes. “The Guardians ha’ a special mission for me. I canna speak o’ it here. Meet me up at the turrets on the west side of the castle after dinner. I’ll tell ye then.”

  * * * * *


  After showing the McDougals to their room, Merrick and I went up to the turrets to meet Alexander. Merrick had not wanted me to come, but I begged and pleaded, eventually telling him I’d go regardless. He let out a deep sigh and gave in. Alexander turned around when we approached his back. He glanced quickly at me and then rolled his eyes up at Merrick, as if he understood Merrick had no choice but to allow me to come.

  “What’s wrong?” Merrick asked. “What’s the mission?”

  “’Tis Cain. He left from here a sennight ago. He’s time-traveling without the use of the belt. He’s powerful enough now.”

  “What do the Guardians want you to do about it?” I asked.

  Alexander let out a sigh glancing back over at me. Hesitantly, he continued. “Being that I will ne’er find my soul mate and turn mortal,” he said bitterly, “I’m the best candidate ta go bring Cain back ta the Guardians. I dinna ken how many days, weeks, or years this will take, being that he’s jumping through time, but alas…all I ha’ is time,” he said quietly.

  “Did the Guardians give you the belt to travel after Cain?” I asked.

  “No, I ha’ a special amulet they gifted me with. I can go any where. I also ken when I’m close ta Cain, which will aid me in my search to capture him.” Alexander regarded Merrick. “Be safe brother. I dinna ken when I’ll see ye again.”

  Merrick’s lips tightened as they clasped hands in tight fists and hugged quickly with two hard pats on the back. “I will see ye again, that I’m sure o’,” Merrick said with a smile.

  “Jillian,” Alexander said discerning me, “keep ye’re babe safe and be good ta this mon.” Alexander leaned down, hugged me, and whispered in my ear. “I always kenned ye were the one for him. I just wasna ready ta lose my best friend. Take care o’ him.” Tears filled my eyes. I nodded. Alexander pulled back while I smiled dabbing at my eyes. Alexander glanced at Merrick one more time and then swiftly strode past us and down the turret stairs.

  Merrick walked over to the edge of the wall peering out into the night sky. “He’s been by my side my entire life,” he said quietly.

  “And he’ll see you again,” I said reassuringly. “Besides, you have a wife and a child on the way who will occupy a lot of your time.” I smiled over at him as I wrapped my arm around his waist.

  Merrick looked over and smiled at me. Quietly he pulled me to his side and we gazed out at the stars together with only the future looming on the horizon.

  * * * * *

  I let out a sigh rubbing my lower back. I had one month to go. One month and I’d be free of this extra weight. I walked down into the great hall finding the large doors open letting in the fresh cool spring air. It was the middle of May, but it wouldn’t get warmer until the end of June or July. I found Elise knitting baby clothes in a rocking chair next to an open window.

  “Elise, have you seen Merrick?” I asked waddling over to her side.

  “Aye, he went ta ye’re manor house ta get some work done.”

  “Thanks. Could you tell him, if you see him before I do, that I’m taking a walk. I need to move around a bit. My back is driving me crazy.” I remembered waking up when Merrick was getting dressed at the break of dawn, but I couldn’t remember where he said he was off to. I, being so exhausted, had fallen back into a deep sleep almost instantly.

  Merrick had surprised me a few weeks ago with buying a manor house on the edge of Cameron’s land. It was built in the twelfth century, but still had charm. He showed me the “cozy” old stone house, which seemed more like a small castle to me. He wanted a house of his own for us, so he spent most of his days at the house fixing it up. Hopefully, it would be finished and livable before I birthed our child. We planned to deliver the baby here at Cameron’s, since he would be delivering my child and then, when deemed safe enough to travel, we’d move into the house which sat only a half-hour ride from here.

  Elise stopped knitting and sat up. “Do ye want company? I could get one o’ the guards ta go with ye.”

  “No, I won’t be long. I’m just walking to the loch and back.”

  Elise sat back relaxing once more. “All right, ha’ a nice walk.”

  I slowly made my way down to the edge of the forest finding the cleared path leading to the loch. I was out of breath when I arrived at the bank, but my back seemed to have loosened feeling somewhat tolerable. Sitting down on a nice, plush area of grass, I watched the wildlife around me.

  A pair of mallard ducks swam in the chilly loch as every so often a fish would jump out of the water splashing the calm surface. A giant hawk flew over head, while small creatures scurried under bushes behind me. I closed my eyes breathing in the refreshing midday air.

  As I smoothed my skirts, I noticed a long string that I must have snagged walking through the woods. The thread was too thick to break with my hands, so I untied my dagger from my thigh, which Merrick made me carry when he wasn’t with me, and sliced the thread off.

  Just then, a rustling sounded behind me, which sounded much larger than a rabbit or squirrel. I gripped the dagger, hiding it in my skirts at my side. Grant emerged from the woods. “Jilly? What are ye doing out here?” Grant asked, sounding not at all surprised to find me. “Are ye by yerself?”

  I let out my breath. Thank God it wasn’t a wild bore or worse. “I needed a walk. Merrick’s fixing the house again today, so I thought I’d get some fresh air.”

  Grant sat down next to me resting his arms over his knees. “’Tis a bootiful day. I wonder how cold the water is. Ye want ta take a swim?” I raised my eyebrows at him doubtfully as he laughed. “Suit
yerself.” Grant pulled his tunic up over his head while I quickly glanced out over the water. Somehow it felt wrong to be so close to him half-dressed. I knew he still had feelings for me. The night the McDougals had come by way of Grant’s invitation had really bothered Merrick. Merrick had insisted later that night when we were alone in our chamber that Grant was trying to make him look bad. As much as I liked Grant, I had to agree with Merrick, but I had assured my worried husband that Grant could try all he wanted, but Merrick would always be the man I dreamt of. “Ye embarrassed?” Grant suddenly asked.

  “N-no,” I said standing up. “I’m going to head back. You enjoy your swim.”

  “Ye should really stay, Jilly,” Grant said as he began pulling off his boots. He leered up at me with a feral grin across his face. “I promise ta leave my breeches on…unless ye want me ta take them off.” I felt my cheeks warm as I lowered my gaze. I glanced down at his exposed back and instantly felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I glanced down at a scar of a perfect bite mark on Grant’s shoulder. I sucked in a breath as a memory from a night long ago came rushing back to me, the night when I thought it was Merrick who was with Lorna in the garden. Was it Grant who had been with her? Was that an impression from Lorna’s teeth? Did that mean….

  “’Tis no polite ta stare,” Grant said quietly as he sat motionless staring straight ahead. Slowly, he turned and looked up at me. Suddenly, a devilish smile crossed his face.

  I licked my dry lips as it dawned on me that Grant knew I came here alone. Did he follow me? I tightened my grip on the dagger which I still concealed in the skirts at my side. “Um, I should go,” I said trying to hide the nervousness from my voice. “I’ll see you later.” I turned to walk into the woods when Grant quickly reached out grabbing the hem of my skirts in a tight fist.


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