Immortal: The Chosen

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by Terra James

Immortal: The Chosen


  Terra James

  Copyright © 2015 Terra James

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations, and events are portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Trademarks: This book identifies product names and services known to be trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective holders. The author acknowledges the trademarked status in this work of fiction. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Immortal: The Chosen


  Terra James


  I would like to dedicate this first to God for giving me the imagination to write. I want to thank my husband for standing by me, never letting me quit, or give up on my dream. I would like to thank my parents for encouraging me to be the best I could always be. To my angel in heaven, Dad this one is for you. I just wish you were here to read it, because it was your passion for books that encouraged my passion for reading and writing. I would also like to dedicate this to my three beautiful children, because they have made me the person I am. Their imaginations never cease to amaze me. To my daughter, I hope you never give up hope while you continue to strive to be what you want to be. Baby girl, your dreams can come true. To my son, I hope you continue to strive to be whatever you want to be. There are endless possibilities, and beyond the sky is the limit. To my angel baby Jaden, I know you are looking down from heaven watching over me as my guardian angel. Last but not least, to all my wonderful friends that have always believed in me whether online or in person.



  Seraphina sat reading the Supernatural Immortals History book to our coven explaining every detail for my initiation ceremony. It always has been my blood line that should carry on the Chosen Reign. I am so excited that it's my initiation day. Little did I know that it would soon become the longest reign of all.

  It has been five generations. This is the generation that is to produce the Ultimate Five, or at least I hope that will happen when given the chance. The potential to produce a Chosen skips a generation. The five that will save the supernatural races. The prophecy written by the last chosen is found in the Five Supernatural Immortals History book so that history would repeat itself. A Chosen's reign ends when the next is born, and it doesn't matter if she can rule or not. The first generation of witches didn't produce anyone to reign. The third generation produced a Chosen with no powers. Therefore as history goes, the fifth generation should produce a powerful one to reign. There are rules to this, as there are rules to everything unfortunately. To produce a Chosen with full potential of powers, every rule must be followed.

  It is said to be a Chosen, on a female's seventeenth birthday she would meet her soul mate before she even knows she is a witch. After full explanation and acceptance that she is a witch, she would then complete her initiation ceremony into her Keeper's coven. She holds only one-fifth of her magic, which makes her different from other witches. She would only be known as a Chosen once the mark has been shown, and she has proven that she in fact has the Soulmate's gift. It is then that the High Priestess of her coven will receive the gift of becoming her Keeper. The Keeper holds one-fifth of her magic. The Keeper ceremony will be completed, adding to her markings, a star which is the Keeper symbol located inside of her marking.

  The second step will be completed after the Keeper Ceremony, and she will be bound to her soul mate for life. It is then that her heart will beat for him. She can actually live without her soul mate, but it is excruciatingly painful. Her soul mate can't live without her, because she has now become his life force. He becomes her everything, the other half to her soul. Also he holds one-fifth of her magic, and without him she can't be a Chosen. It is after the bonding has taken place, that the marking of the infinity symbol will also be located inside of her marking, signifying that she has a soul mate.

  The third step is to be completed after the mate bonding has taken place, and she then will be also be bound to her Protector for life as well. The relationship here is completely different in that they can each live a normal, pain free, and human life without each other. Her Protector will give his life for her, and vow to protect her at all cost. He also holds one-fifth of her magic. Their trust is what will bind them together. She gives him the ability to be whole, to be someone's mate in return, and the ability to share his supernatural gifts with their race. He will be lonely forever without her, and without him she can't be a Chosen. It is said that The Protector is the mate to a Chosen's Healer who he can't live without and vice versa. She will have the Protector symbol of a wolf added to the other symbols inside of her own marking after she is bound to her Protector by trust.

  The fourth step to be completed after the Protector bonding has taken place is that she then will be bound to her Healer for life as well. They can live a normal, pain free, and human life without each other. Her Healer will heal her, and be able to hear her call of pain anywhere. The Healer is one-fifth of her magic. Their friendship is what will bind them together. A Chosen gives her Healer the ability to be whole, someone's mate in return, and the ability to share her supernatural gifts with their race. She will be lonely forever without her, and without the Healer she can't be a Chosen. It is said that the Healer is the mate to a Chosen's Protector who she can't live without and vice versa. Once they are bound by friendship, she will have the healer symbol of a teardrop added to the other bound symbols inside her marking.

  The fifth and final step of the Five Ceremony is to be completed as follows. Each person stands at the five points of a Pentagram, and they are all given the choice to be bound to the Chosen. If they choose to be bound to her for life, only then will she get her full abilities and magic. She will become the ruler of all supernatural races. She will keep peace between them all, and they can all live freely to do as they choose.

  I can't wait for another Chosen to be produced. The supernatural races are in ruin, and they have been fighting for generations. Vampires against werewolves, witches, fairies, and vice versa. All hell has broken loose, and all supernatural races continue to fight amongst themselves, and wreak havoc in what was once a peaceful world. The God of the supernatural world has left, and vowed to never return unless love is restored by the sixth generation. He will destroy us all, and we will cease to exist. If a Chosen is produced and all rules are followed he will give the races each a special gift. He will then give the Chosen's Coven the gift of being royalty. I have cried many tears as I have watched our races tear each other apart. I pray for a Chosen to be produced soon, before our races are destroyed, and we cease to exist.

  Chapter One


  I woke up this morning punching the alarm clock, and swearing under my breath. It was another restless night. Mornings are getting to be ridiculous, and I am so irritable. Today is supposed to be a better day though. Better day, blah, my ass! I always hate the silence in my house - it is so deafening. Who could have thought silence would deafen somebody? But oh how it could, and make you feel as if you were suffocating and drowning into nothingness. I wake up every day with the same routine. I'm alone, punching the alarm clock, and in a rush because I am late.

  This morning I got up, and donned my new jeans and t-shirt that my mom had purchased. She laid them out on the back of my desk chair for me to wear today. Mom is never around, in fact she is always away. Where you might ask? I have no idea, because my mom and I don't have the kind of relationship where you can talk about things. As a child I was bette
r seen and not heard, as a pre-teen I was left alone, and as a teenager I pretty much take care of myself. My dad works all the time, and when I say all the time I literally mean it. As an only child this leaves me very lonely. I resent the hell out of this fact, but hey this is the life I have to lead.

  Dressed now, I head into the bathroom to give my hair a quick brushing, and put a handful of mousse in it to try to give a little bit of body or curl. My hair has always laid the way it wants to like it has a mind of its own. I always wear my hair down now that I am older, because it gives me a way to shield my face and thoughts.

  I don't like to be noticed, and I strive to become the nobody that I feel I am. I used to wear it up all the time, because it was so thick it used to give me excruciating headaches. I couldn't hide behind it then like the shadow that I want to become. Thanks to my mother, I was able to get it layered at the beginning of school this year. I need the privacy that I can achieve by wearing my hair down, but I also need it to be lighter on my head so that it won't cause headaches.

  I make a quick detour at the bottom of the steps into the kitchen to grab a chocolate-covered honeybun, a favorite of mine that Mom always leaves for me to eat for breakfast. I know, I know, real nutritious breakfast. But as I said, this is the life I lead. I grab a Mountain Dew out of the refrigerator on the way out of the door.

  Little did I know that this day was going to turn out to be the most life-altering day ever? Even though I am turning seventeen today, I still don't have my own car. I have my license, and I drive my mom's car only when they need me to run errands. I am hoping for a car soon, because I want the freedom that affords me to not ride the bus with a bunch of screaming younger children.

  I begin the short walk to the bus stop where most of the kids of my condominium complex are standing. You know the places I am talking about, where the next condominium beside you looks just like the other fifty beside them. I mean you could never accuse these architects of being creative. Silly me, that would be too much to ask for.

  There is one person I don't see though. Dravon Riley, all American athlete, snob of the century, and sprinkle in just enough bad boy to make him the boy most mothers fear their daughters will bring home. He likes to tease me, and I like to act all indifferent about it. It is like our own special game. As that thought passes, I hear his voice.

  "Hey, Watson you sure are looking like a tom-boy today," he says teasingly.

  I answer back as usual, "Oh, shut up Dravon, give it a rest already."

  As I turn around I see the most shocked look on Dravon's face that I have ever seen. He just stands there staring at me as if I have sprouted another head, and I being confused just stand there staring back at him. This time I hear what he is saying, but his mouth doesn't move not even slightly.

  “Watson is going to think she is losing her mind. I was going to try to be nice today, because it is her birthday. It's going to be difficult enough for her as she learns who she is, and the journey she must choose to take.”

  I'm astonished, scared, and bewildered all wrapped up in a tight ball of emotion in the pit of my stomach. My vision begins to swim, my hands begin to shake, and I start to tremble from head to toe. I just know that I am going to pass out at any moment. I am desperately trying to steady myself and hold onto consciousness. I blink a dozen times or more, but in the end it is too much for my brain to process that I might be telepathic. As I'm falling to the ground, I feel strong arms lift me up and pull me to his chest.

  "Emmaline, are you okay?" James asks worriedly.

  I pass out, before I can even reply.

  I feel this tingling sensation all over my body when I start to regain consciousness. It covers me like a silk blanket, making my body pulsate, and spread warmth with each one. It is a strange feeling that I have never experienced, but I'm not uncomfortable at all. I am trying to replay the events that just happened in my head, when I hear Dravon's voice again.

  “I hope she does better processing this as the day progresses, because she has so much more to learn and experience today. I hope that passing out is not going to be a reoccurring thing for her. I know that she is going to continue to be overwhelmed.”

  I don't open my eyes to see if his mouth is moving, somehow I just know that it isn't. I keep my eyes closed, and do the only normal thing you would do at this time. You know since it just makes sense to talk to him in my head, since we have been telepaths forever. That's a reasonable thought, right? This makes me hysterical, and I want to laugh but I don't. Just at that moment I feel that tingling sensation begin to fade, and it is replaced by an enveloping comfortable warmth I have never felt before. I snuggle down in James's arms, and feel right at home without a care in the world. As quick as the warmth came, it suddenly leaves me aching for more.

  “Dravon, what the hell is going on?” I ask in my head, slowly opening my eyes to find Dravon staring at me. James is holding me so I look up at him.

  “James, you can put me down now. I appreciate it, and sometimes I don't know what I would do without you.” I try to speak to him telepathically, but James just continues to stand there holding me as if it is the most natural thing in the world for him.

  “Emmaline, it only works on one person, and as you can see that person isn't him. You're stuck with me.”

  “Okay, this is getting weirder by the minute. I am talking to someone telepathically. I have woken up in wackville, and any minute someone is going to admit me to the psych ward. Oh my God, what the hell is going on? Did my mom put acid in my honeybun? I mean seriously, who suddenly wakes up one morning, and has telepathic abilities? Oh, God! What am I going to do? I have seen this on TV before, and it never ends well. The person is usually psychotic, schizophrenic, or has some other mental illness. I mean, this is one of the questions on those questionnaires at the doctors, located right under the one asking if you are homicidal or suicidal. Okay Emmaline, just chill out! I mean there has to be a totally rational explanation for this, right?”

  I look up to see Dravon chuckling to himself with the biggest, sexiest smile that will melt any girl's heart within a mile's radius. I realize that he has just heard my whole inner dialogue, and now I blush a scarlet color. I am also filling my head with math problems quickly. Yes, crazy I know, but I love math. I am extremely embarrassed, stressed, and freaked out at this moment, so filling my head with math has always been my coping mechanism. I will just fill my head with math problems, and keep myself busy working out the equations like it is the most normal thing in the world. It is normal to do such things, right? This is the first time that Dravon has ever said my first name, but I am so scatter-brained I don't realize that just now.

  Finally, aboard the bus, I'm safely seated beside James thinking this is all a bad dream, when suddenly I come to the realization that Dravon has in fact said my first name with love in his voice. One piece of information dawns on me now that I have a clear mind. There is only one person I can communicate with telepathically, and this just raises more questions in my mind that threaten to make me hysterical. I begin to feel squeamish all over again, and it's like that's James's queue to grab my hand. The feelings that I felt earlier are there again without so much as a warning. I feel the tingling sensation start to spread throughout my body, and I'm engulfed from head to toe in comforting warmth. Just as quickly as it arrived, it departs again leaving behind a euphoric feeling. This is the most wonderful calming feeling I have ever felt, and I never want it to depart. I'm not confused by it, because it feels normal like it's been a part of my life forever.

  I ponder over the situation. This is weird, because first I can communicate with Dravon telepathically. I'm feeling a tingling sensation and warmth when James touches me now. He doesn't seem to realize or feel it. James and I really need to have a conversation, but I don't understand what's going on myself. How am I supposed to explain all this to him, when it seems so unbelievable to me? I need more answers, so that maybe I can understand some of this myself. I am freaking out
here, and I feel as if I'm going to lose control at any moment. I can't imagine what he might think about my sanity if I try to talk to him about any of this. I need to know what is going on with me, before I can even attempt to explain it to someone else. Wait a second! Dravon can communicate with me telepathically too! Does this mean we are both psychos, or am I just hallucinating? I wished I had some more answers, because I don't think I can talk to anyone about this

  “Emmaline, please calm down and trust me! Your Gran will explain everything when we go to see her, and I will fill in any details if left out. I will always be here for you, and you can talk to me about anything. I will never judge your sanity, because I can never think badly of you. You are the best person that I know, and I know that you are not losing your mind. I believe that there is something happening that is greater than anything that we have ever faced, and I think that together we can make it through anything. I at least want to give it a shot. I know that I tease you a lot Em. It's because you are beautiful, and if I had to spend one day without seeing you I don't know what I would do. Please trust that I have your best interest at heart! I promise with my whole heart that we will get through this together. Can you trust me?”

  “What does my Gran have to do with this? Are you telling me that she knows about this, and has never said a word to me? I mean how hard would it have been to just say - hey Em, you will become telepathic one day? I mean would it have been too much to ask for? I fainted on the way to the bus stop, and my heart was beating fast enough to supply two or three people with blood. I could have had a heart attack, but did she think about that? No! Let's just leave her beloved Emmaline in the dark. I mean it is not like that this is need to know information, because it's not her life, body, and mind that is involved. By the way, Dravon just how the hell do you know my Gran? I want to trust you, because my heart is shouting at me that I can entrust my life to you. The answer to your question is yes. I will trust you Dravon, but if you betray me I promise you will be sorry. I don't usually give my trust away so easily, but this just feels like it is destined to be.”


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