Immortal: The Chosen

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Immortal: The Chosen Page 8

by Terra James

  "Sadie, Sadie, has anyone ever told you that you have a big mouth; that you don't know when to keep shut?" I ask angrily.

  "More people than you care to know," she spits out just as angrily.

  "Well, then shut it!" I scream. "Drew, take care of this!" I say pointing at her with a snide grin.

  Drew knows to obey my commands, because he knows that if he doesn't, bad things will happen to him. He strolls into her cage, and nonchalantly hits her with a violent force. I think he has just broken her jaw, as her head snaps back, and she falls to the floor with a thud. I cringe, but I hide it because I can't seem weak to my gang.

  "Jesus Christ!" I scream and Drew jumps. "I said to take care of it. Did I say to break her damn jaw? You idiot!" I scream even louder, because I am now shaking with rage. Drew knows that it is time for him to leave, so he uses the speed his vampiracy has given him and hastily retreats. My God, we are bunch of immortal death-causing idiots. This is one of the many reasons it all has to end. I have to put a stop to this. I don't let my gang see me, as I have screamed for them to leave me in peace and they obey. I pick Sadie up off the floor and deposit her back on the cot in her makeshift cell. I look at her beautiful features, and she reminds me of my Jess. She is beautiful from head to toe and just as innocent as my Jess. I hate that it has to come to this, and the fact that I have reduced myself to such violence is repulsive.

  I run my hand across her jaw to check for any fractures, and I find that it, in fact, is not broken. I am so grateful to see that it isn't that it almost brings me to my knees. Her jaw is bruised badly from the blow though. It has already started to swell, and her eye looks as if it will be swelled shut soon. She didn't make it out of this ordeal unscathed. I will have to be more direct with my orders, but how do I do that and not show weakness? How do I accomplish my goal without hurting anyone else? I see the bowl of water and wash rag that was used to clean her up is still in her cage. I take the wash rag that is still cool with water, and place it on her eye willing the swelling to go down.

  "Kacey! Take care of her while I’m gone! Get the healer here ASAP!" I bark out orders quickly. The others have left to meet up with Liam, and I need to be leaving soon as well. I have to know that she is taken care of while I’m away, before my racing heart will settle to normalcy.

  I am getting attached to this girl, but need to go now. We have business to attend to, so with one last look, last regret, last smell, and last smile, I leave the cell knowing in my heart that this will be over soon. I am renewed with a determination that I never knew existed as I leave that cell. No one else can be hurt because of what we are, and I will make sure of that if it is the last thing that I ever do.

  Chapter Twenty


  I nervously watch Gran make her way towards Ella, and wonder what is going to happen. I am new to this after all, and I think that I am still in a little bit of shock. I mean who wouldn't be at this point? I am still worried about Sadie, but I push that to the back of my mind as Ella begins to speak. I know that what is happening here is of the utmost importance, and I intend to give it my full undivided attention for the moment. As soon as this is over I will find my best friend and relieve this dreaded feeling of doom.

  "Step forward Molly" says Ella and my Gran steps forward.

  "Molly, you are already dedicated, been cleansed, and have been a cherished member of this coven for years. Do you understand to do no wrong? And if you do, it will come back to you thrice-fold?" Ella asks.

  "I do," Gran says.

  "Do you promise to uphold the laws of this coven?"

  "I do."

  "Do you make this sacrifice of yourself to always be dedicated 100% to your coven?"

  "I do."

  "Do you promise to guide in perfect love, perfect peace, and perfect trust as if you were a Goddess?"

  "I do."

  "Please present your right hand."

  My Gran presents her right hand to Ella. Ella takes the athame and slashes gran's hand with it.

  "I take the blood of the willing,

  I mix it with dedication of the tear,

  Let it be known, the blood spilling,

  Wasn't a gift of fear.

  It was willingly given to,

  protect and uphold the spirit and law of the Goddesses, and the magic that they give to you,

  Let it be, as the spirit blesses," Ella chants facing the North.

  I watch in amazement, as the cut on my Gran's hand heal in a matter of seconds. I am shocked. I see a swirling haze of purple, lilac, light blue, light pink, and light green colors wrap her up like a tornado would, but it doesn't lift her up. The colors flow inside of her, and she glows with them while her cheeks redden and her hair begins to shine. I have never seen anything like this.

  "The Goddess has spoken, and you are now High Priestess of this coven. I will complete the Keeper ceremony. Your reign will begin as soon as that initiation takes place," Ella says.

  "I understand and I am honored," Gran says and nods her head.

  "Emmaline Watson, please step forward," Ella says.

  I step forward with determination. What just happened to my Gran didn't hurt her in any way, and I am not afraid anymore. I am to become the Chosen. I am not sure what all that entails, but what I am sure of is I don't think that status is for the weak-minded. I need to know what all of it means, but there will be time for questions after the initiation. I trust my Gran, and even though I don't know the specifics of a Keeper, I am sure she will explain everything that I need to know and do. I don't want the supernatural world to cease to exist. That would mean that devastation would strike. I would lose a lot of family and friends. Heck that means that I too would die. My thoughts are interrupted by Ella's voice.

  "Emmaline Watson, do you wish to prove your status as Chosen?" Ella asks.

  "I do." I wait for an explanation.

  "Gentlemen, turn away. Emmaline, may I partially unzip your dress, so that you can slide the shoulder straps down, exposing your back?"

  I nod and Ella helps me lower the straps. My markings are on display. I hear a gasp from Ella looking at the pentagram with the unity symbol on my back, but I stand perfectly still as she instructs the males of the coven to inspect my back. I keep my back turned towards the males, because this is neither the time nor the place for a peep show. They only need to confirm the Soulmate symbol. Curiosity gets the best of me though as I stand there, and I look over my left shoulder to see if Dravon is looking. I want him to be looking at me. I even desire it, which is a first for me. The thought of Dravon wanting me has my hormones beginning to run wild. He is being a perfect gentleman though, and he has his back to me.

  “I've seen you naked already. Are we forgetting that? I don't want a repeat, Em. As much as I would love to look at your exquisite body, it leaves me with a desire that you are not ready to fill. You are only seventeen.”

  “How old are you, Dravon?”

  “I’m old enough to know that you need time to make such a decision.”

  “Are you avoiding my question, my dear?”

  “Why yes. Yes, I am.”

  “Dravon, are you seriously willing to wait on me for a physical relationship if I am not ready.”

  “Em, can we focus? We can talk about a physical relationship and your virginal status later.”

  My face heats up, and I can feel the redness creep around to the back of my neck. Two can play this game. If he wants to embarrass me, I can give him something to think about. I am a virgin, but he doesn't know that.

  “Who said I was a virgin?”

  And with that last thought I slam that telepathic wall into place, just like he taught me to.

  "Emmaline, you do in fact have the marking, but have you also found the gift of your soulmate?" Ella asks.

  "Yes, I have," I say with confidence.

  "And whom may that be?"

  "Dravon Riley," I say shyly.

  "Dravon Riley, please step forward," Ella says.
r />   Dravon steps forward stopping right beside me, smiling at Ella, and taking my hand in his. He rubs circles on the back of my hand with his thumb. His hands are so cold that I shiver slightly, but the action is comforting and the coldness doesn't bother me at all. He doesn't even act is if we just had a conversation in our heads that I have blocked him from. He just stands there staring straight ahead while he rubs circles on the back of my hand like what I said doesn't bother him at all. When in fact I know down deep in my heart it does.

  "Molly, whisper to me a color, number, and a symbol then whisper the same color, number, and symbol to Emmaline in front of me without Dravon being able to hear. If Dravon can tell us these things from her mind, then we will know that he has given her the gift of telepathy, and we can move forward with the Keeper ceremony," Ella says.

  Gran and I get closer to Ella. Gran whispers to Ella and I. "Peach, seventeen, peace symbol."

  "Dravon, what say you?" Ella demands.

  "Peach, seventeen, and peace symbol," says Dravon almost bored.

  It's like he has been reading my mind forever. He has a cocky grin on his face that I sort of like, and in the same instance hate. It's funny how you can have a love-hate relationship with these sorts of things.

  "Emmaline do you accept that you are now a witch? You will also be initiated into this coven, because your Keeper is in this coven. Is this acceptable?" Ella asks.

  "Yes, it is my pleasure and I am honored," I say.

  "Emmaline, are you seventeen today?" Ella asks.

  "Yes, I am."

  "Do you promise to abide by the law of the Goddess, to do no harm, to do so in perfect love, perfect trust, and perfect peace?"

  "I do."

  "Do you understand if you do cause harm that it will come back to you thrice-fold?"

  "I do."

  "Please step forward and produce your right hand," Ella says authoritatively.

  I step forward holding my right hand out. She takes the athame and cuts a wide gash into my right palm. I expect it to hurt but it doesn't. I don't even get sick like I usually do at the sight of blood. Instead of pain and sickness, I get this burning sensation in the middle of my palm, but the burning doesn't hurt. It feels very soothing in a weird sort of way.

  "I take the blood of the willing,

  I mix it with dedication of the tear,

  Let it be known, the blood spilling,

  Wasn't a gift of fear.

  It was willingly given to protect and uphold the spirit and law of the Goddesses, and the magic that they give to you,

  Let it be, as the spirit blesses.

  The Goddesses bless this sacrifice you freely give,

  And in return, they initiate you as a witch, the Chosen,

  Your body holding magic captive,

  As five combined powers are spun," Ella chants facing the North.

  As soon as her words are spoken the gash completely closes with no evident sign left that it was ever there. The blood is gone as well, leaving no outward sign of an injury. As before, a swirling haze of purple, lilac, light blue, light pink, and light green colors wrap me up like a tornado would, but it doesn't lift me upward. The colors flow inside of me leaving a trail of warmth everywhere it passes, and I have an outward glow while my cheeks feel hot and redden like cherries, and my hair begins to shine like blue sparkles in the sunlight. My jet black hair gives off the blue hue when light shines on it, or in this case I should say through it. I have never felt anything like this, and this makes the second time today I am in awe of what I have seen. There is nothing that compares to experiencing it though.

  "Let it be known before the Goddess that Emmaline Watson has been identified as the Chosen," Ella says, happily touching the athame to my pentagram marking.

  I feel a slight burning sensation, but it dissipates just as fast as it began.

  "Also let it be shown that there is a star inside of the pentagram marking that symbolizes you now have a Keeper which is one-fifth of the requirement as a Chosen. Now appearing inside your pentagram is a blue shining star representing the Keeper's job to watch over and guide you. Just as the function of the stars is to watch over us at night and guide us during the day, so shall that be the duties of your Keeper. Let it be known that you have accepted becoming a witch, and therefore Molly is your Keeper, adding inside her pentagram marking a blue star identically matching yours. She has given you one-fifth of your magic, and with that one fifth of magic the gift of psychokinesis and psychic ability is freely given. You in return strengthen and unleash her magical power that was lying dormant inside her body, waiting to be awakened. It is understood that you will be patiently taught your gift by your Keeper, and you will practice learning how to use it without doing harm. You will also be bound to your Keeper for life, and you will never have another. Is this all understood?" Ella asks as she finishes.

  "Yes, I understand."

  "Now for the soul mate ceremony … I hereby pronounce you, Molly, as High Priestess of this coven. Please kneel."

  Gran kneels in front of Ella, and Ella produces a wand with which she touches my Gran's shoulder. A white light appears at the end of the wand, and flows into her shoulder traveling the length of her arm until you can see each fingertip light up. In the palm of her hand floats a star of the purest blue with tiny sparkles. It's nothing short of amazing. I have seen things tonight I would never be able to explain to the normal person. What is even normal anymore?

  "Now rise, Molly. Take this athame, wand, candle representing the North, and your place in the circle, so that you may continue with this ceremony," Ella says and bows to Gran.

  "Rise my dear and beloved friend Ella. You have given me the dearest gift a friend could ever give, and for that I will be eternally grateful," Gran says, taking her place at the North.

  "Dravon Riley, do you understand that if we bind your life to Emmaline's that she will become your life force, and that you will never be able to live without her another day?"

  "I do." Dravon confidently stares into my eyes, never once wavering from them.

  “Dravon, what does that mean? Life force? You can't live without me?”

  “Emmaline, relax. We need to do this. It will be okay. I promise.”

  I am feeling light-headed now, but I have to choose to trust Dravon that everything will be alright. If I don't trust him everything stops here, and for whatever reason that hasn't been explained to me as of yet. The supernatural race will cease to exist. I have to continue with this no matter how panicked I am. I have a choice to make. Either I become Dravon's life force or I become the reason we all cease to exist. I can handle the first option a lot better than the latter. I take a steadying breath willing myself to calm down. I feel Dravon's thumb making circles on the back of my hand once again.

  "Emmaline are you willing to become Dravon's life force? To be bound to him for the rest of your life?" Gran asks nervously.

  "I am willing, and I will be bound to him," I say as confidently as I can muster through the nervousness that has taken up residence in my heart. My eyes never leave Dravon's, because it's like I am staring into the depths of his soul, and all I can see there is unconditional love.

  "Dravon and Emmaline please step forward and produce your right hands," says Gran just as authoritatively as Ella did before her.

  We step forward holding hands because Dravon has a death-grip on my hand. He never lets go until we are standing before Gran. He only let's go of my hand so I can once again produce it. She takes the athame and slashes a wide gash into my right palm once again. I expect it to hurt this time as it is the second cut of the day, but it doesn't. I still don't even get sick like I usually do at the sight of blood. I only feel the slight burn as before that actually feels soothing. Dravon produces his right hand and a gash is cut into his right palm to match the one in mine.

  "Please join blood to blood hands," Gran requests and we do as we are instructed.

  "I take the blood of the willing,

I mix it with dedication of the tear,

  Let it be known, the blood spilling,

  Wasn't a gift of fear.

  It was willingly given to, protect and uphold the spirit and law of the Goddesses, and the magic that they give to you,

  Let it be, as the spirit blesses.

  The two joined hands,

  The soul mate of the Chosen,

  The savior of the supernatural lands,

  Two lives joined in time, frozen.

  Let it be in front of the Goddesses,

  This union for eternity,

  The magic binds and blesses,

  The combined souls for infinity," Gran chants as she ties our hands with red ribbon.

  "Elements Earth, Fire, Water and Wind around me united as one,

  Your love shall be fiery hot as much as the sun.

  Bound forever by Earth's long course of life,

  Your love won't be cut as the red rope by knife," chants Gran five times, and then cuts the red rope from our hands.

  "Dravon, do you have the gift you wanted to give to Emmaline?"

  "Yes, I do," says Dravon but his eyes don't meet mine.

  "Emmaline, do you understand that now that you are bound to Dravon he can only drink from you? That your heart will beat for both of you? He can no longer live without you, because you have become his life force. You can, however, live without him but it is excruciatingly painful," Gran says in a hurry. I think she is afraid that I will reject.

  "Yes, I do."

  "Dravon you may now do as you requested," says Gran with a smile.

  "Emmaline, as everyone here knows already, I am a vampire. I am 112-years-old, so to say that I am old-fashioned, would be an understatement. I know that we are bound for eternity together. I want an eternity of friendship, love, and happiness. I want to make you mine in every way possible. I want this union to not just be to save the supernatural race. I want it to mean more, because I have searched these 112 years of my life looking, for love and I know I have found that forever love with you. "

  I shyly look at Dravon with tears, in my eyes for he has said the most beautiful thing that anyone has ever said to me. He actually cares about me. Dare I even say that he loves me? Is that possible in this short amount of time? If this day has shown me anything, it's that anything is possible. For goodness sakes I can believe that Gran and I are witches, Dravon is a vampire, James is a wolf, but I can't believe that love can happen that fast. What is wrong with me? I know that I am just unsure because this is my first true relationship. I’m terrified of a relationship that hasn't even really begun yet, because I want a fairy tale romance. I’m afraid that can’t be achieved.


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