Take the Honey and Run: Sweet & Dirty BBW MC Romance, Book #6 (Sweet&Dirty BBW MC Romance)

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Take the Honey and Run: Sweet & Dirty BBW MC Romance, Book #6 (Sweet&Dirty BBW MC Romance) Page 19

by Cathryn Cade

  "Thanks," Manda said, "But maybe I should wash, and you put things away, so I don't put everything in the wrong place."

  Velvet laughed, and flapped a thin hand with long, silver nails. "Like anyone 'round here would notice, or care if they did."

  "Hey," T said, grinning at the older woman. "Sara might. And we don't wanna piss her off."

  "You let me worry about Sara," Velvet told him. "Webb and me are her number one babysitters—we got an 'in'."

  "That's true." T ambled away, though not before pressing a soft kiss to the top of Manda's head. His beard tangled in her hair and ruffled it, but she didn't mind a bit.

  Velvet grinned, but said nothing—about that. She did however chat about everything else under the sun while smoking a cigarette, and drying pots and pans and putting them away in cupboards and drawers.

  Since Manda loaded the dishwasher and started it first, there weren't too many dishes. Not that she minded. Cleaning up with friendly company didn't seem as much of a chore. And here, there was room to move, room to put everything away without leaving it piled precariously on counter-tops, the stove top, and even the table itself.

  After they were done, as if by magic, Webb appeared to collect Velvet, and the couple left Manda alone.

  When she walked out into the hallway, she stopped short. Rav leaned against the wall across from the kitchen door, right next to her bedroom door. His head was down, his hands were up as he fiddled with something on his phone, one of his feet was up behind him, his boot planted against the wall. Manda hesitated, and then moved to pass him, on the way to her room.

  He reached out a long arm, and barred her way, tipping his head to the side to peer into her face. "Hey," he said in his deep voice. "You sure are pretty. Since you don't have a man, you up for a little private party, just you and me?"

  Manda took a step back and sideways in the other direction. "No. Thanks, but no."

  He raised his brows, and looked her over. "That a permanent no, or a not tonight no?"

  "Both," she blurted, and then tensed, in case he took offense, as a big, admittedly handsome in a rough way, biker man in his club's domain.

  He dropped his arm and straightened, holding up his hands, palms out. "Whoa, there. No need to look scared like that. I get it. T's a lucky bastard."

  Then he turned and walked away, back out into the main room. Manda blew out a breath of relief, and hurried to open the door of her room, and duck inside. She locked the door, and then went to curl up against the pillows on the bed, her phone in hand.

  Then she ducked her head to her knees and started to giggle helplessly. Had that just happened? A hot, dangerous biker stranger accosting her and offering her a—a sex party for two? Rav Whatever-his-name-was was hot, no doubt about that. Geez, were it not for T-Bear, she might have been tempted by his offer.

  She fell sideways on the bed, laughing so hard she soon had a stitch in her side. Breathless, she managed to draw a breath, then another, and calm down. But she lay there smiling to herself for a while. He'd offered, she'd said no, he'd backed off immediately and completely.

  She didn't care what Det LaRond said, the Flyers were good guys.

  When she stretched her arms over her head, and caught the scent of her own pits, however, she lost her smile. Euww, she needed a shower, like right now.


  * * *

  One thing Manda could say for the Flyers' clubhouse —they had good showers.

  The hot water and shower gel felt really good on Manda's skin. She washed her hair, conditioned it, and then soaped her body, enjoying the feel of the hot water and her hands sliding over her bare skin. Over her nipples, her belly and her ass. Over her mons, and when she crooked her leg up and to the side to rinse, over her pussy lips.

  Cupping herself, she remembered how T had held her in his big, hard, hot hand, and how he'd thrust his finger carefully inside her.

  Her pussy clenched around her own fingers, and she stroked herself again, finding her swollen, wet clit and stroking it as she hooked two fingers of her other hand inside herself. And yeah, maybe she imagined he was the one touching her, but that was her business.

  She came with a choked moan, delicious spasms around her fingers, but not ... enough.

  It would have to do her though, 'cause she wasn't going out there and accepting Rav's proposition. As for T... did she have the courage to proposition him? Um, that would be a no. When it came to sex and romance, she was a weenie.

  Then, amongst the noise of music playing from the main club room, of rowdy men's voices and the occasional laugh of a woman, and after the flush of a toilet on the other side of the bedroom wall, Manda heard T's deep voice—muffled by the wall but still clear enough to hear...every...word. He was in his bathroom, right on the other side of the wall.

  "Honey girl, you are gonna be the death of me," he told her. "I hear you makin' those sweet little sounds, makes me want my cock buried inside you, where I can feel you cum too."

  Manda froze, her eyes wide, her mouth open. He'd heard her quiet sounds? Crapity crap, she obvs hadn't been as quiet as she thought. Her face burned, but so did the parts she'd just been caressing. His graphic words were so hot. And somehow, knowing it was he who'd heard her wasn't as embarrassing as it would've been if someone else had heard.

  He spoke again. Manda didn't breathe or move a muscle as he went on. "I'm comin' over there, sweet woman. And you know I can satisfy you better than you can your own self. So come and unlock your door for me."

  Then his heavy footsteps moved away.

  Moving slowly, as if in a dream, Manda took the towel hanging by the shower and wrapped it around herself. She raked her fingers through her hair, pushing the damp strands back off her face. Then she waited in the bathroom doorway, hardly breathing, until a firm knock came on the bedroom door.

  She padded slowly across the room to the door, reached for the handle and hesitated, her heart tumbling over itself in her chest.

  Should she do this? Or hide, safe and alone.

  "Manda," he said again, his voice a poignant groan. "Need you, sweet woman."

  She turned the lock, and watched the knob turn as he opened the door, just enough to allow T-Bear to step inside.

  He loomed over her, six feet plus of virile, ready biker man, wearing only a pair of faded jeans—jeans that revealed a very long, thick, hard shape beneath the zipper. Above that stretched acres of broad, hard torso, lightly freckled and dusted with auburn curls. His chest was a miracle of sculpting like a Roman gladiator statue... or maybe Hercules, holding up the Earth.

  And of course, his tattoo. She could spend hours just tracing that with her fingers, her lips and maybe her tongue too.

  "You with me?" he asked, a smile in his voice.

  Manda jerked her gaze back to his. His hair and beard were still wet and wild, as if he'd toweled them and headed out without looking in the mirror at all. And he was smiling at her. "You showered," she blurted.

  "Damn right I did," he said, his gaze dropping over her in a hot trail, then rising again to lock with hers. His eyes were hot, his nostrils flared. "Wanna be clean for you. So you'll touch me all over, an' let me do the same, the way we didn't have time for that first time."

  Manda nearly whimpered at these words. She pressed her thighs together and twisted the fold of her towel in her hand. "Okay."

  He searched her eyes and then smiled slowly. "Yeah?"

  She nodded. "Yeah. But T? I... right now, I'm not interested in getting into a-a relationship, you know?"

  His smile froze, and his heavy brows drew together as his chin went back. "You mean you wanna get with other brothers too?"

  "No!" she nearly shouted. She drew her own chin back, giving him a look of disgust. "Geez, what would make you think that? I—I don't want to play around with other guys. I just... don't know what I'm going to do, or where I'll go from here."

  He shrugged massively. "Okay, fine. Then we'll just have us some awesome fucks."

  "Okay." That was relief she felt, she assured herself. Not hurt or even irritation. But he didn't have to agree quite so quickly.

  He prowled forward, slowly, as if she might lose her nerve and bolt if he moved too fast. Forgetting about everything else, Manda curled her toes in the carpet. It was a lot more likely she would jump him if he didn't hurry up.

  Luckily, he did not stop until their bodies brushed, until she could feel the heat radiating off of him, reaching out to envelop her in all that was him.

  She leaned forward that last inch and let her face nuzzle the hollow of his broad chest. She inhaled deeply. "You smell so good," she whispered. All warm and damp, with his intrinsic scent laced with herbal body wash.

  "You smell pretty awesome yourself," he said, his own face brushing her damp hair. "And I bet you taste even better."

  She froze. "Y-you do?"

  His chest quivered against her face, and his hands lifted to cup her bare arms. "Uh-huh. Wanna know what I love more'n cookies? More'n cake or pie?"

  She was on fire, from the inside out. "What?" she breathed.

  "Pussy. I been wantin' to taste yours since the first minute I laid eyes on you. Wanted to lift that pretty dress, lay you back on that bed, and eat you out."

  As he spoke, he walked her backward until the back of her bare legs met the soft quilt, and the bed. Then he urged her back and down. Manda went, her legs so weak she wasn't sure she could've stood much longer anyway.

  She sat, and then because he kept urging her back, she fell back onto her elbows. He pressed close between her bare thighs, his skin hot against hers, delicious.

  He cast a look of hot, naughty intent over her. "Now, 'bout the only thing I see between me and what I want is this towel," he said. "But since you're hangin' onto it for all you're worth, I'm guessing you don't wanna let it go. But that's fine, I can make do. 'Cause like you said, I am real good with my hands."

  He slid one big hand under the towel, up her inner thigh. "Mm-mm," he growled. "Nothin' softer than the inside of a woman's thigh... except this."

  As he spoke, his blunt fingertips stroked down and then up her labia, which were already so swollen and wet that they both heard the succulent sound made by his touch. Heat burned her cheeks, to match the heat flaming inside her. "Oh, yeah, makin' my mouth water," he told her. His hazel eyes locked onto hers as he stroked her again, this time finding her clit, swollen and ready.

  Manda flinched, and uttered a sound that made her bite her lip. He merely raised a devilish brow. "What d'you know? Found it." For a man who'd professed his desperation a short time ago, he was sure taking his time now.

  It was, she discovered, incredibly embarrassing and yet erotic to have a man stroke the most sensitive place on her body while he watched every expression on her face. T-Bear withdrew his hand from under the towel, and as Manda watched, spellbound, he lifted it to his mouth and licked his fingers. His eyes grew heavy, and he uttered a growl.

  "Oh, honey girl. I wanna make you cum on my tongue. You gonna let me give you that?"

  Her pussy spasmed and her thighs clenched on his waist. "If—if you want to." Her voice was barely a whisper.

  "Oh, I do. Now let go that towel, honey girl... 'cause I like to see what I'm eatin'."

  Manda uttered a strangled giggle, and he chuckled, the dirtiest laugh she'd ever heard. But then she let go of the towel, it parted, and he drew it open. His laughter slid away, leaving only hot, carnal intent in its wake.

  "So fuckin' pretty," he muttered, gaze on her. He reached out and cupped his hands over her breasts, and fondled them, groaning as the stiff tips of her nipples rolled across his palms. "Sweet titties, and even sweeter pussy."

  Then, without another word, he bent his head to her. His beard tickled her inner thighs, his mustache her lower belly, and his nose burrowed through the damp curls on her mons as he inhaled deeply.

  If anyone had told her she would part her legs farther, and arch her back to urge him to hurry and put his mouth on her where she wanted it most, Manda would not have believed them.

  But she did, and he promptly showed his appreciation by putting out his tongue—hot, wet, silky and rough, and so very, very knowing—and teasing her clit. He circled with the lightest of touches, then dove down to thrust his tongue between her pussy lips in a teasing imitation of coitus.

  When she lifted her head in shock, she saw his tongue lapping at her, his eyes nearly closed, and an expression of rapt bliss on his face, the look someone might give to a gourmet ice cream cone on a hot day.

  Then he found her clit again, and this time he attacked with quick, merciless precision, flicking the little nub and pinching her nipples in unison until Manda wanted to scream. And then the pleasure coiling tighter and tighter snapped, and she did scream as ecstasy pulsed through her.

  He let go one of her breasts to slide a finger inside her, and groaned happily. "Oh, yeah. That's it. Lemme feel you cum, baby."

  While she lay there, reveling in the sweet aftershocks, he stood, stripped off his jeans, and crawled onto the bed over her, grinning down at her. "Uh-huh, now that's a look I wanna see on your pretty face lots of times a day. Starting with at least twice tonight."

  She reached up, because he was right there, and what woman wouldn't want to get her hands on this massive, hard body? So silky there, so hard here, and that trail of hair leading down must be followed. "What? No, I already, you know... I'm fine."

  He captured one of her hands, lifted it to his mouth and nipped playfully. "Yeah, and you're gonna be again, if I have anything to say about it."

  Then he put her hand on his cock, and her eyes widened. Oh, God, yes. This was where she most wanted to touch him. He was so hard and hot, yet satiny in her grasp. She put out her tongue to the corner of her mouth. "Would you... I mean, can you lie down? On your back," she added with a rush, her face burning despite what they'd already done together.

  "Uh, yeah." He dropped to his side beside her, and rolled onto his back, grinning at her. "Cept not all of me is gonna lay down, if you see what I mean."

  Yes, she definitely saw what he meant. Braced on her hand and one hip, she looked at him, and licked her lips. He definitely had a gorgeous cock. Not that she had a lot of experience with the real thing, but she'd seen quite a few on the internet.

  T-Bear's cock was like him—built on a grand scale. Long and thick, it sprang from the auburn curls on his groin, flushed with arousal and quivering under her gaze, demanding attention.

  "What do you like?" she asked, moving closer to him, so her knees met the lightly haired heat of his brawny thigh, and she could lay her hand on his abs. Abs that weren't ridged, but were plenty hard enough. And the trail of ginger curls down the middle, widening into a nest of curls around his cock.


  "Fuck," he groaned. "Anything, babe. Just for God's sake touch it."

  Oooh, license to play. Manda moved closer, sliding her leg over his, and turning so she lay on his thigh, close enough do whatever she wanted—and she wanted to do everything. She stroked, squeezed, traced the bulging vein on the underside, and finally tasted the clear drop of cum on the fat, flushed head. "Mm-m," she approved. Musky, faintly salty and all man.

  He sucked in a sharp breath, and went rigid under her touch. "Fu-uu-uck," he groaned as she opened her mouth and sucked the wide tip inside her mouth.

  Laced with daring that he seemed to bring out of her, Manda tossed her hair back so it fell over the other side of her head, then used her hands and mouth to lavish him with kisses and attention—carefully, because of her bruised lip, but he didn’t seem to mind. T moaned and grunted and swore, and then he broke.

  Knifing up, he pulled her up over him, lowering her astride his thighs.

  "Condom," he growled. He leaned to the side, grabbed the packet, tore it open and rolled it on, all under her fascinated gaze.

  Then he pulled her down to him, and kissed her. When she winced, he shifted his mouth to her throat. Cocking his head, h
e sucked on her neck like she was a lollipo[, while his other hand worked between them with savage precision. Stroking her open with two fingers, he planted the head of his cock there, and then pulled her down onto him, rocking up under her at the same time.

  "That's right," he muttered against her ear "Take me, honey girl. Take me deep and tight...fuck, yeah."

  Holding on to his massive shoulders for balance, Manda answered by rocking, striving to take him deep.

  When he slid all the way home, they moaned together, stilling for a moment to savor. But then he grasped her ass with both hands, lay back, and began to fuck her, fast and hard and oh, so delicious.

  The mattress creaked underneath them, the bed thudded against the wall, and Manda could not possibly have cared less. As T-Bear's cock raked that perfect place deep inside her again and again until it sparked the ultimate pleasure, she moaned her praise of him. And when he stiffened under her, every muscle going rigid, he shouted his own completion to the entire clubhouse.

  Someone banged on the wall outside the room. "Yeah! Get it, bro!"

  Raucous, although muffled laughter followed, and Manda scrunched her eyes shut, doubled over and hid her face in the hot, damp hollow of T-Bear's shoulder. Oh, no. The whole club had probably just heard them making sex noises.

  T-Bear, in contrast, was bothered not at all. His big frame quivered under her as he laughed. "Sorry, baby. Should've blown more insulation into these interior walls when we remodeled this place. Can't see nothin' in here, but you can hear a lot."

  "I'm not having sex with you here anymore," she told him, her voice muffled in his throat.

  He wrapped his arms around her, still laughing. "Aw, 'cmon. Gotta tell you, I've heard plenty from Rocker, Pete and their women. And Stick—whoo. But 'nuff said about that. Point is, no one gives a shit. All adults here this time of evening, and no prudes in the bunch. And that right there is the sound of somebody turnin' the music up," he pointed out as bass began to pound through the floor and walls. "So you got nothin' to worry about."


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