Audacious Fiancé: A Hero Club Novel

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Audacious Fiancé: A Hero Club Novel Page 1

by Liz Lovelock

  Liz Lovelock

  Audacious Fiancé

  A Cocky Hero Club Creation

  Liz Lovelock

  Copyright 2020 Liz Lovelock

  All Rights Reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to real events, real people, and real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, organizations, or places is entirely coincidental.

  All rights are reserved. This book is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the express written permission of the author. All songs, song titles, and lyrics contained in this book are the property of the respective songwriters and copyright holders.

  Editing by Lauren Clarke at Creating Ink

  Proofing by Swish Design & Editing

  Book design by Swish Design & Editing

  Cover design by Tall Story

  Cover Image by CJC Photography Copyright 2020

  Cover Model by Dan Rengering

  All Rights Reserved

  Audacious Fiancé is a standalone story inspired by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward’s Cocky Bastard. It’s published as part of the Cocky Hero Club world, a series of original works, written by various authors, and inspired by Keeland and Ward’s New York Times bestselling series.

  Years ago, he broke me.

  Now he’s back with a proposition.

  He needs a fake fiancée, and I’m the one he’s come to.

  Audacious—that’s how I would describe him. He was my first love, my first kiss, and my first heartbreak, from which I never truly healed.

  Kane was once the man of my dreams, on paper—strong, handsome, and a complete charmer. But the problem is, he has never given a damn about anyone but himself.

  I’ve never witnessed a desperate man until Kane knocked on my door with literally the proposal of a lifetime.

  I must admit, it’s ironic he’s come to me given the way things ended between us.

  It’s possibly the worst idea ever, but I need the money. How do I not fall for Kane all over again and risk history repeating itself? Only time will tell.

  For my kids.

  Reach for the stars and don’t stop there, keep going.



  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  More Books to Check Out


  Connect With Me Online

  About the Author

  Chapter One


  Checking my watch, I sigh. “Only six hours to go.” We’re twenty minutes into our flight and so far, I’ve had three complaining guests, a spewing child, two crying babies, and all I can hope is that things will get better. Thankfully, I’m on business-class service today.

  I’m pouring a glass of wine when Cammie brushes my side.

  “Did you see that hot guy sitting in my section?”

  I shrug. “Usually, most guys that sit in there are so far up themselves they only notice one thing, their reflections.” I scoff to keep my voice low. I smile at the young lady I’m serving, and she nods in agreement as she accepts her champagne. I turn and make my way back behind the curtain. Cammie is hot on my heels.

  Cammie, oh sweet, easily persuaded Cammie is always looking for the next best thing. She’s had worse relationships than me. I mean, I’ve gone from guy to guy, but I have nothing on her and how quick she flicks the love switch and starts seeing wedding bells before the third date. Of course, I pined for the elusive Carter Clynes, every woman did. Now he’s off the market and left a trail of broken hearts in his wake. I never thought I’d find my rose amongst the thorns until Nathan came into my life. Even if I work stupid hours, he’s patient with me. I need the crazy hours. It’s essential for my mother’s wellbeing.

  “Just go check him out. I’m about to take him to the mile-high club.”

  I raise my eyebrows and give her a pointed stare. She looks as though she’s about to wet her pants with excitement. Here we go—another thorn to add to her collection.

  “Really?” Sarcasm drips from the word.

  “Don’t judge me. Wait until you see him, I’m sure you’ll want to beat me to him.” She pulls open a drawer where drinks are kept, taking out a soda and a plastic cup. “He asked for this, so it’s time to turn the flirt game up a notch.” Squaring her shoulders to accentuate her already noticeable breasts, she then struts back out like she’s on the runway.

  Following her, I check on everyone else in my area.

  Someone laughs, loudly. I glance over to where it came from. Cammie stands in front of a seat, her smile bright, and her hand resting over her chest as she looks down at her soon-to-be conquest. Their chatter is loud enough to fill the entire business cabin. She needs to get back to work.

  Pulling my navy-blue jacket down, I make my way over to where she is. I tap her shoulder. She stops suddenly and turns.

  “You need to get back to work and stop flirting,” I say in a harsh tone, keeping my voice low.

  I lean around her and give a smile to the passenger. My smile quickly fades as my breath evaporates from my lungs. Suddenly, I’m back getting my heart broken all over again. The pain. The humiliation. The secret. My chest begins to ache, and it’s all his fault—Kane Taylor.

  It’s been—I don’t even remember how many years since I’ve laid eyes on him, and now here he is, sitting on my plane. Of all the places he could be. His perfect little rich family could fly them damn selves everywhere, and here he is.

  Snapping my mouth shut, I turn and storm away. Once out of view back in the crew area, I grip at my chest and suck in some deep breaths.

  “Hey, girl, are you okay? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.” Cammie asks, placing a hand on my shoulder.

  Yes, that pretty much sums it up. Have the ghosts from my past decided to come pay me a visit?

  Brushing my hands over my jacket, I steady myself against the counter. “Yes, I’m fine.” I tug my jacket down and put on my authoritative voice.

  “Jojo? Is that you?”

  I reel back at the sound of his voice.

  “Please go back to your seat.” I stumble over my words, and all authority I had with Cammie now vanishes.

  Kane steps through the small doorway. I flick my head his way. He’s still one fine specimen. Broad shoulders fill out the black suit jacket that hugs his frame. He has
that alluring square jawline, and those eyes—they’re dark swirls of chocolate. He is the same but older and more filled out in places.

  “You two know each other?” Cammie’s head flicks back and forth between us, a bewildered look on her face.

  “A long time ago.” I do the math quickly, and it’s got to be at least seven years since I last saw him. I meet his gaze and see the wheels are already turning in his mind. I suck in a sharp breath. “Anyway, that’s old news. You need to go back to your seat, Kane,” I finish dryly, trying to show my dominance in this situation.

  There’s a part of me that wants to rush up to him and slap the side of his perfect face, but then there’s the other side that feels sad and remembers all I’ve lost. And I guess you could say he lost it too, only he didn’t know how much he actually lost. He left and never looked back.

  I swipe my hand over my stomach, trying to calm the storm that’s erupted there, and stare at Kane. He watches me. What is he thinking? I can’t believe he’s standing here in front of me.

  “Jojo . . .”

  My stomach twists. He still has that effect on me. I have a boyfriend. I have a boyfriend. I am happy.

  “Don’t say that name. You lost your privilege ever to use that name again.” I chew my bottom lip and sigh, dropping my head.

  A tingle runs down my spine as I sense those dark eyes staring at me. Lifting my head, our connection is strong as if he’s trying to read my thoughts. I close mine to disconnect.

  My usually composed appearance has fallen apart in a matter of minutes. Suddenly, the cabin begins to close in on me. My breaths come short and fast. It’s been a long time since I experienced one of these panic attacks.

  I turn my back to Cammie and Kane. The last thing I want is for them, especially Kane, to witness my falling apart.

  “I think you better go and take your seat, sir.” Cammie’s tone has changed from flirty to professional. I keep facing away from them until Cammie comes up beside me. She rests her hand on my shoulder.

  Turning toward her, I give a small smile. “Thanks.”

  Her hand drops back to her side. She cocks her head and raises her eyebrows. “Are you going to tell me what that was about?”

  A shiver runs down my back. “Let’s just say that he’s old news and also bad news.”

  “An old boyfriend?”

  “Yep. I need you to take care of things in his area. I can’t go near him.” Flashes of his perfect grin pain me. The way we once were causes an ache in my heart.

  “I’ve got you, girl.” She winks, and we go back to work.

  Every time I step out and do my job, a prickling sensation runs down my back and causes me to turn his way. Those eyes bore right through my chest, slamming into my heart. I quickly turn away, not wanting even to acknowledge him. The pain is still as raw as it was all those years ago.

  Chapter Two


  It’s her, after all this time. Her long hair is tied back in the perfect bun. Her beautiful pink lips taunt and remind me of what it felt like to have my mouth on hers. Oh, the memories.

  I drop back into my seat. After a moment, her friend returns. I reach out and snatch gently at her arm.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” She glowers at me. Wow, complete one-eighty from earlier. What did Jolene tell her?

  I glance at her name badge. “Cammie, is Jolene okay?”

  She purses her lips and gives me one of those looks that says, you’re a jerk. This is something I already know. Even my father reminds me of this daily.

  Cammie leans in, her face inches from mine. Usually, in this situation, I’d be ready to pounce and take her back to my hotel room. Her cold-as-ice stare sets a chill within me.

  “That’s none of your concern. Leave her alone. I don’t know who you are or what you did to her, but back. Off.”

  I don’t say anything, but nod.

  Throughout the flight, whenever Jolene comes out, my eyes follow her—the way her hips move as she walks, her beaming bright white smile, and her laugh, the laugh that makes me actually feel something. Something that has been lost for a long time—years even. I need to talk to her.

  Finally, after what feels like forever, the plane’s wheels touch down on the solid ground. That feeling is so exhilarating. I wish I were the pilot behind the controls—it’s something I look forward to every flight.

  While everyone around me collects their stuff like the business people they are, I linger, hoping to speak to Jolene. I want to talk to her. See how she’s been. I was the fool all those years ago. I left. I walked away without ever looking back after I hurt her unforgivably. I’m surprised she even said anything to me earlier when I went after her.

  I grab my carry-on bag and start walking off the plane. My gaze darts around waiting for that one person to jump out and surprise me.

  When I get to the exit, Cammie stands there. Her lips form a thin line.

  “Where is she?” I ask, ignoring her hostile body language.

  She shrugs. “Well, she obviously doesn’t want to talk to you. Hope you have a good trip.” She plasters a fake smile on her face.

  I sigh and walk away once again.

  Chapter Three


  When I finally exit the plane with Cammie and the other hostesses, I hold my breath hoping Kane isn’t waiting for me.

  “You okay?” Cammie asks as we walk, our shoes clicking on the floor as we wheel our small suitcases behind us.

  I shrug. “I probably shouldn’t have reacted the way I did.”

  “Don’t you dare. You have every right to be angry.”

  I hadn’t filled her in on any of the details. Those are things I’ve kept to myself. My BFF, Adele, is the only one who knows all the details. After pulling my phone from my bag, I send her a text.

  Me: I’m coming to your place. Have the margaritas ready to go.

  I check my watch—it’s updated to the correct time zone.

  New York is home. I have the next couple of days off, which gives me the time I need to go and finally see my mother. It’s been a month. The bills don’t pay themselves, though, so work has to come first.

  My phone pings, alerting me to a message.

  Adele: The blender is already going. I have some news for ya.

  This Australian girl and her slang. We met a while ago now. We hit it off when she was on one of my flights. It’s so hard to find good friends who have your back, but Adele? She totally understands loyalty and knows when to shut up and simply listen. I wonder what she has to tell me.

  I shoot off another message, this time to my boyfriend, Nathan. I miss him. Seeing Kane has rattled my nerves right to the core. I can’t wait to be in Nathan’s arms tonight—to have him tell me he loves me.

  Me: Hey, you. I know you’re busy at work so I’m heading to Adele’s for an hour or so. I’ll cook your favorite tonight. Love you.

  He doesn’t reply. The busy lawyer that he is, sometimes he doesn’t always get back to me right away.

  An hour later, I walk into Adele’s apartment. She lives in Queens, which isn’t far from Nathan and me.

  “I’m here,” I yell.

  Adele steps around the corner holding two glasses with bright red icy liquid in them.

  I drop my handbag and walk toward her. “You’re a lifesaver.” I take a sip. “Oh, this is good. What flavor is it?”

  We clink our glasses together. “It’s cherry lemonade. I found a new recipe online and just had to try it. I knew you were back today, and even if you didn’t message me, I was gettin’ you to come here. I have somethin’ I need to tell ya.” Her feet do a little fast stomp with excitement. “Come on in and sit down. You’re going to have to be off your feet for this news.”

  “How many have you had?” I laugh and take another sip of the cold, taste-bud-tingling drink. I follow her through to her couch.

  Her apartment is the perfect size for one person—an open-plan housing her living room, the small kitchen, the
door into her bathroom, and the bedroom. It’s small, but the way she decorates it opens it up so much. The large windows make all the difference. I take a seat on her brown leather couch.

  She taps her finger on her chin. “I think this is my third.”

  “Well, I better catch up.” I tip the drink back, taking a large mouthful. So good.

  Adele hands me my second drink that was sitting on the coffee table.

  “So, what do you have to tell me?” I ask.

  She places her glass on the dark wood coffee table, then turns to face me. It must be some big news. She’s never had to sit me down for a talk like this.

  “All right . . .” she begins. “So, the other day I was over near Tiffany & Co. and there I was, minding my own business when I spotted a familiar face walking out holding a small bag.”

  My heart hammers. “Was it?”

  She nods. “It was Nathan.” She squeals.

  I follow suit. I’ve been waiting a long time for this. “Oh my goodness. It’s finally happening.”

  Nathan and I have been together for three years—three blissful years. Of course, relationships have their moments. There was the issue of his family in the early days. They have always put out the vibe that I’m not good enough for their son. Thankfully, he’s a decent guy who has mostly stood up for me.

  I guess when your family comes from money, there’s always someone asking for a handout. I’ve never asked him for money, not once. I’m too prideful for that. I work a lot and take as many extra shifts as I can. But the medical bills for my mother are never-ending even with insurance.

  “I had to wait to tell you when you got back. I’m totally your maid of honor.” She raises her eyebrows while pursing her lips.

  “Umm, of course.” I laugh. “I need to get home.”


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