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Take Me Again

Page 2

by Mackenzie McKade

  The whole time they'd sashayed across the floor all she could think of was the dark-haired cowboy who appeared out of nowhere. Even when Tom—yes, Tom was his name—had suggested they find a quieter place to talk all she could think of was blue-black hair and eyes dark as the night.

  She scanned the room in search of her mystery man. Disappointment hit her hard when the spot where he had last stood was vacant. Reluctantly, she drew her attention back to Tom and his question. “Can't. Promised the next dance to—"

  Crap. Forgot that guy's name too. She never had problems with her memory. Guess she had too much on her mind tonight.

  The stout cowboy she had met earlier sidled up to her. “Charles,” he said slipping an arm around her waist to pull her back firmly against his body. “My turn."

  Tom stiffened. His brows tugged down into a scowl. For a moment, she thought he might raise a ruckus.

  Men were gutsier then she remembered. They could be so primitive. Give them a drink or two and they became throwbacks from the Stone Age, fighting to resolve all their disagreements.

  Tracy released a pent-up breath when Tom finally tipped his hat. “Later, sweetheart."

  "Not if I have anything to say about it,” Charles whispered in her ear.

  Her equilibrium was shot to hell when he twirled her around and into his embrace. His feet immediately started to move to the quick beat of the music. Lightheaded, she missed the first step, but caught the next one to glide across the floor. He held her confidently, guiding her into each move easily.

  "So, little lady, where you from?"

  Little? She was five-eight, one or two inches shorter than him. Judging by his solid build the man was a bull-rider. Of course, she'd been wrong before. “Nebraska,” she answered.

  Tracy wasn't prepared when Charles abruptly spun her twice, drawing her firmly against him on the final spin. But it was the knee wedged between her legs that made her attention perk up. He rubbed his thigh up hers. The large bulge in his jeans pressed against her abdomen was difficult to miss. The man was aroused. He ground his hips to hers emphasizing the point before giving her a devilish grin.

  Good ol’ Charlie expected a reaction, but she wasn't biting. Not my type. Besides she was just here to burn off some energy. Tomorrow was a big day for her.

  Yeah. He might give her a good ride, but she was looking for something more, someone who could ignite a fire inside her with just a look. Someone like the cowboy she'd exchanged glances with before hitting the dance floor. Her thoughts wandered back to a pair of dark eyes. The bad boy persona the dark-haired cowboy wore screamed excitement and adventure. That's what she wanted—hungered for.

  A light kiss pressed to her neck brought her back to the man that held her. “I've never seen you here before. Visiting?” His voice deepened as he rubbed his cheek against hers. The scent of sandalwood was strong. She preferred the light spicy scent of the dark-haired cowboy. It left her speechless and horny.

  What was she saying? She didn't even know the guy.

  "Yes. No.” Truthfully, she wasn't sure. Her uncle had promised to help her establish a business in Santa Ysabel. Back in Omaha her mother had agreed to watch Sheldon until she found a home and babysitter. Again her chest squeezed.

  It had been nine months since her sister's unexpected death. Shelly had been thrown from a horse. Her head had struck the only rock in the field. Tracy's ex hadn't appreciated becoming a parent so soon, but she had no alternative. Her mother had enough health problems of her own. Lois Marx had a bad heart. Besides Tracy was Sheldon's godmother and she loved the three-year-old as if he were her own. Leaving Nebraska was a new start for both of them.

  Charles chuckled. “Which is it?"

  "What?” Blinking hard, she tried to recall what he asked. She had shit for a memory tonight. What she needed to do was pull herself together, but it was difficult when she had so much on her mind. Other than college, she'd never been this far away from home, never been alone. Even married she had lived only a mile away from home.

  He eased his hold putting enough distance between them so he stared into her eyes. “Are you visiting or staying?"

  Multiple choices—this should be easy. Yet she remained silent pondering his question.

  Just pick one, a voice in her head chastised.

  "Staying,” she heard herself say.

  There, that wasn't so hard.

  Yet saying it aloud authenticated her decision and she wasn't sure it was the right one. What if she couldn't find enough work? What if the people in California didn't like her? She was a country-girl born and raised. What did she know about dealing with people of influence? What she did know were animals, especially horses.

  An ear-to-ear grin tugged at Charles's mouth. His hand fell to rest on her ass. “Need a place to stay?"

  His innuendo didn't escape her. She cocked a brow, grasping his hand to guide it back to her waist. “Got it covered, but thanks for the invitation."

  His palm worked its way back down to ride the top of her ass. “Does that mean tonight is out?"

  Men! She shook her head in disbelief.

  Relief surfaced when the song came to an end. Hastily, she stepped out of his embrace. “Thanks, but I have plans tonight. Now if you'll excuse me.” Cutting through the crowd, she avoided Tom when he nodded at her, choosing instead to head for the line growing outside the bathroom door. It was as good as any place for her to catch her bearings.

  Tracy probably shouldn't have ventured outside her uncle's estate tonight. But her fifteen-year-old cousin had recommended she check out Jester's party. She didn't want to speculate how Laurie knew about this place. From everything Tracy'd seen so far it was a meat market and the perfect place to pick up a one-night stand, which was exactly what she was in the mood for, but it would have to wait.

  There would be questions if she didn't come home tonight. An inquisition was something she didn't need to deal with. But she might have stood a cross-examination for the tall, dark cowboy. She took one more look around the room and wondered if her mystery man had gone down the flight of stairs to the basement.

  "Looking for someone, sugar?” The whiskey-smooth male's voice sounded familiar.

  She turned and a smile fell across her face. “Rowdy."

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and raised her off her feet to twirl her around, nearly knocking over two other women in line. They cast a disgruntled look, but remained quiet as she slithered down his firm body, raising her skirt to where it barely covered her butt. She gave the hem a tug as he settled her on her feet.

  He held her at arm's length. “I couldn't believe it was you waltzing around the dance floor. What the hell brings you to this neck of the woods?"

  "I could say the same to you.” She took in his athletic build, knowing exactly what hid beneath his cotton shirt; lean strong muscles. Long powerful legs were encased in snug denim that rode low on his lean hips. Yep. She remembered the bulge between his thighs too. Hastily she jerked her gaze back to his face.

  A wicked grin fell across his face. He pulled her back into his arms, giving her a squeeze. “Here with someone?” he murmured against her ear.


  "That makes two of us.” He nibbled on her earlobe. “How about I take you home, tie you up and have my way with you?"

  Chills raced across her skin as his hair tickled her neck. The man was gorgeous. Peeking from beneath his Stetson, sandy blond hair framed his tanned face.

  "Yes” was on the tip of her tongue. His sexy invitation almost made her forget she needed to call it a night soon. “Sounds delicious, but I'll have to pass. I work tomorrow."

  His lips were soft trailing along her jaw line and cheeks, until his mouth whispered across hers. “Are you sure?” He caressed his tongue along the crease of her lips. “If I recall, we made some sweet music together."

  Sweet music? That was an understatement.

  Rowdy had been her first lover after the divorce. She had been scared and uncerta
in. He had been patient and understanding and joked around to make her feel comfortable. They had talked, but more importantly he had listened, asking questions and appearing genuinely interested in her plans for the future.

  Little touches here—kisses there—and before the night ended she found herself locked in his arms, revealing some of her deepest desires. At the moment there hadn't seemed to be any danger in her frankness about her sexual desires. He was a stranger passing through town. Hell. After a couple of drinks and another tumble between the sheets, she had even told him about her darkest fantasy—a ménage a trois.

  To her surprise he hadn't been judgmental. He didn't make her feel as if her wayward thoughts were disturbing or wrong. In fact, he appeared to be aroused by her confession, taking her in his arms and making passionate love to her once more.

  Embarrassment heated her face. I can't believe I revealed that fantasy.

  He smoothed a hand gently over her cheek as if he could sense her sudden discomfort. “It's me, baby.” He looked at her with warm brown eyes. “I can make your fantasies come true.” He pressed his mouth to her ear. “All of them,” he whispered.

  Oh God. He remembered.

  A spark sputtered low in her belly. The burn matched the heat flaring across her cheeks. Surely he was just teasing her. Even still, the thought of two men worshipping her body all night long was beyond exciting. It was downright sinful.

  "Can't.” She swallowed hard. “Not tonight."

  Damn. Damn. Damn. It was already getting late and she didn't want to disturb her uncle's household. She didn't miss the disappointment on his face as he released her.


  "Maybe Monday. My weekend is booked solid."

  "Monday it is. Give me your number.” He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and punched in her number as she rattled it off. “I'll call you with the directions to my house.” He caressed her cheek. “Are you up for anything?” There was a spark of devilment in his eyes.


  "Yes,” slipped from her mouth before she could think twice.

  "I promise it will be a night dedicated solely to your pleasure.” He kissed her softly. “Until Monday."

  Eyes closed, lips still puckered, she murmured, “Uh-huh.” He tapped her on the nose. Her eyelids rose.

  He winked. “Later, baby."

  She sighed low and long as she watched him walk away. Later couldn't come anytime too soon.

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  Chapter Two

  A hint of last night's tension hid beneath a cloak of fatigue. Eyes closed, Dolan stretched across his bed, arms extending above his head. A dull twinge slid along his shoulders. Groaning, he grabbed a pillow and placed it over his face to shut out the morning light creeping in through parted curtains. The crisp scent of newly washed sheets filled his nostrils.

  What he'd give to lie there and do nothing, but the day was calling to him. He had a full schedule. Not only did he have several appointments scheduled, he had to inoculate Misty Dawn and Taylor Tweeds. Two of several race horses his cousin had inherited through his recent marriage.

  Dolan was happy for Cord and Caitlyn in a sort of sadistic way. Their happiness meant he had no chance with the esteemed daughter of a racing mogul, but then again he never did. In reality it wasn't the woman as much as the thought of having someone love him as she did Cord. He wanted a woman like that.

  How wimpy did that make him sound?

  He tossed the pillow aside and it rolled to the floor. “Great.” Fingers grasping the edge of the sheet, he tore the covers from his naked body. Running a palm over his face, he scooted to the edge of the bed and pushed to his feet. Thoughts of the redhead from last night materialized as he bent to retrieve the pillow. She had been the only ray of sunshine yesterday—and that voice.

  Deep. Sexy.

  A series of tingles erupted in his cock. He reached down and gave his balls a scratch. Damned if the memory of her didn't make him hard. He could have sworn there was something between them, a connection, when she turned and smiled at him. What he'd give to fall asleep each night listening to the sensual cadence of her voice whispering in his ear.

  "Shit. You could have at least gotten her name.” But there hadn't been time. Time was a precious commodity for a foundering horse. Yet in this case Travis Wood had overreacted. Thankfully the mare hadn't digested enough oats or grain to cause her permanent damage. Even still, Dolan had promised the boy he'd stop by this morning.

  He padded across the cool marble floor toward the master bathroom. After finishing up at the Wood's last night, Dolan had considered swinging by Jester's, but it had been too late and he had been too tired. The chances that the woman was still there were slim. A prize catch like her wouldn't stay unattached for long. Of course nothing was holding him back from stopping by his friend's house tonight and getting the 411 on Red.

  Who knew? Maybe she was the answer to his lonely existence.

  Inhaling a ragged breath, he almost choked on his unexpected chuckle. At twenty-eight he had his whole life ahead of him. Pulling the door open, he stepped into the bathroom. It wasn't large, but comfortable. Two sinks, a bathtub, closed-in shower, and of course a commode tucked away behind another door. He passed through it to relieve himself. As he placed his palm against the wall to brace himself, he continued to analyze why the hell he felt so despondent these last couple of weeks.

  Maybe it was the fact that he had never really had a family. At ten he had lost both parents in an avalanche during a skiing trip. Cord's father had taken him in, raised him like a son, but it hadn't been the same. Now Uncle Cordell was gone. Cord was married, completely enraptured in Caitlyn.

  Dolan sighed.

  With a final shake he finished up, flushed and headed toward the shower. The glass door squeaked as he opened it. Adjusting the knobs, he jutted his hand beneath the flow to check the temperature. Too cold. He gave the knobs another twist. When the water was hot enough he stepped inside, pulling the door close.

  Steam rose bathing him in its warmth. For a moment, he allowed the water to pound his face.

  Visions of the redhead who captivated him last night still lingered in the back of his mind. He had fallen asleep to the heat of turquoise eyes and a come-and-get-me expression forever engraved into his memory.

  Oh yeah. He could have lain in bed forever with the image of her hips swaying to the seductive music haunting his consciousness. With just a smile the temptress had bewitched him. Damned if he couldn't smell her sweet powdery scent.

  He reached for the soap and began to suds his body. For some reason his skin felt sensitive, nerve endings close to the surface making him aware of his callused hands moving leisurely to cleanse him.

  What would her caress feel like against his skin, timid and shy or confident and bold—daring?

  The thought of her fingers closing around his cock made him reach down and take hold of himself. With slow, measured pumps from base to tip, he thought of her, remembering the lacy garter, legs long enough to wrap around his waist, and a heart-shaped ass just begging for his attention.

  He didn't think it was possible but his cock grew firmer, his balls drawing close to his body. His grip tightened. He sucked in a sharp breath before easing back against the cold tile of the shower. Once, twice, he pumped his hand up and down, sending tingles of sensation down his erection.

  It felt good—damn good, but he would rather a certain redhead be beside him stroking and kissing every inch of his body.

  Harder and faster, he thrust his hips forward, pushing his engorged erection through his fingers. All the time he thought of her hands on him. His free palm pressed against the wall. His knees locked as he eased in and out of his grasp over and over. Pre-come, warm and wet, met his touch as he slid his hand over the crown sending a tremor throughout his body.

  What would it feel like to have those full lips replacing his hand?

  An image of her naked, her skin slick from the falling water
, materialized in his head. From down on her knees, she looked up at him. Blood slammed into his testicles creating sweet pain that curled his toes. Damn if he could almost feel her touch against his thighs as she wrapped her beautiful mouth around his cock.

  He uttered a moan of pleasure stilling his hand briefly to savor the feel and make the image last longer.

  Would she hesitate or relish his masculine flavor and drink from his essence? Better yet, what would she taste like if they changed positions? What if he spread her thighs wide and sucked her clit deep into his mouth?

  Another tremor shook him to the core. Increasing the pace, he pumped unsteady strokes up and down.

  Feels—He sucked in a breath and released it—so good.

  His climax climbed higher and higher, erupting with a force that shook him. Lights burst behind his eyelids as lightning ripped down his shaft. He didn't even try to restrain the cry upon his lips. The sound of ecstasy felt like it was ripped from his diaphragm.

  Shit. He'd completely forgotten about Rowdy.

  Dolan's knees almost gave with the restraint it took to remain quiet. Breathless, heart pounding, he stood listlessly listening for any telltale signs his friend was awake. Seconds past, but the only sound was the water beating against the glass like raindrops against a window. That's when he made up his mind. He had to find her—had to know why he couldn't get her off his mind.

  How long he leaned against the wall he didn't know. Pulling himself together, he finished soaping and rinsing his body and hair. It was time to get to work.

  Switching off the water, he opened the door and retrieved a towel. Quickly he dried off and then ran it briskly over his hair, finger-combing it as he stepped out of the shower. The mirror was fogged with condensation. He made a swipe across the glass and stared into sorrowful eyes he didn't recognize.

  "Enough,” he grumbled. “Your pity-party has come to end.” He turned away from his reflection determined to have a good day—an even better night.

  The fresh scent of soap and woodsy aftershave tickled Tracy's nose. She fought the sneeze threatening to interrupt Travis Wood Senior as he pointed out the features of his stables.


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