Clandestine Lovers (Friendship Chronicles Book 3)

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Clandestine Lovers (Friendship Chronicles Book 3) Page 2

by Shelley Munro

  Susan spotted Christina and sank onto the chair her friend had saved for her. “How did it go?”

  Christina wrinkled her nose. Her bracelets jingled as she shunted a glass of wine toward Susan. “If your date went as badly as mine, you’ll need a drink.”

  “I was craving a margarita before we even started talking.”

  “That bad, huh?”

  Susan’s tummy hollowed at the memories. “You go first. What was your farmer like?”

  “He said—bluntly, I might add—that I was more bohemian than I appeared in my photo.”

  Susan stared at her friend. “Bohemian?”

  “Yeah. Evidently jewelry that clacks will scare his animals.”

  Susan glanced down at Christina’s three golden bracelets and started laughing.

  Christina’s lips twitched. “Your date can’t have been that bad.”

  Susan laughed harder and nodded at the same time. Once she’d gathered herself, she said, “You were right to warn me about wearing my spike sandals. I wish I’d listened. I sank into the grass the second I stepped off the path and my farmer came to my rescue. He literally swept me off my feet and carried me to our meeting point—a picnic blanket.”

  “That sounds romantic.”

  “It was nice until I realized my skirt was tucked up and the cameraman was busy filming my butt.”

  “At least you listened about the sexy lingerie.”

  Susan snorted—a half laugh and half whimper. “If that’s meant to make me feel better it’s not working.” She flicked a lock of her straight hair out of her face. “And it got worse.” Words tumbled from her as she related details of her speed date.

  “Oh well.” Christina lifted her glass of wine in salute. “At least we’ve had a nice outing to a vineyard. The wine is good. The food looks delicious.”

  “And we can laugh about it together.”

  “Exactly.” Christina clicked her glass against Susan’s. “To friends.”

  “To friends,” Susan said and grinned as she thought of two of her other friends. “Maggie and Julia will get a good laugh.”

  Two hours passed before the producer called the women to assemble. The tension in the meeting room was thick enough to slice with a knife. So many women who wanted the same things as she—a steady man to love and share their lives.

  A secure future.

  There was something wrong with society if this many personable single women couldn’t find a mate. Or maybe featuring on a television show attracted their participation. Susan didn’t know. There had to be a better way to meet a man.

  Besides, the idea of leaving her job at Maxwell’s… She loved her new job, the dancing giving her a physical outlet and pleasure she hadn’t known she’d craved.

  Nolan’s questions about living in the country had given her things to mull over. Leaving her friends and her job in exchange for a quiet life in the country would be a huge step. Maybe fluffing her speed date was a good thing. Two of her best friends had found husbands already. Maggie had married their mutual friend, Connor, while Julia had married Ryan. Both women were shiny examples of love, and Connor and Ryan were awesome.

  No, she wouldn’t panic or settle for second best.

  Almost twenty-nine wasn’t exactly ancient. The right man would come along, and if he didn’t, then she’d deal. She had a great group of friends, both male and female. Love and friendship. Yeah, she had that already.

  “I want you to split into your groups again,” Jennifer Williams, the producer shouted above the din made by a room full of anxious women. She was a tall and very thin woman, dressed in tight black jeans and a body-fitting green T-shirt. A no-nonsense kind of woman, she wielded her power by sheer force of presence.

  The women quieted, and Jennifer repeated her request. “Line up behind the signs for your farmers, please, then I’ll call groups one-by-one.”

  “Good luck,” Susan said to Christina.

  “What I’d need is a miracle,” Christina said. “It doesn’t matter. It’s been a fun day.”

  “True. Tonight we can commiserate over margaritas. Julia and Maggie will want the deets.”

  “Done deal.” Susan gave her friend a swift hug and headed for her group. Who wanted a judgmental man in their lives anyway?

  Not her. She’d worked hard to scrub the trait from her personality. Seeing it from the other side, she understood how her friends felt when she’d passed sentence on their actions. If she’d learned anything in the past five years, it was that nothing was black and white. Shades of gray swirled everywhere, and there was nothing wrong with the color.

  She took a seat. None of the other girls wanted to chat, so she sat quietly and pondered her next step. If she asked, Connor would probably set up a blind date for her with one of his rugby mates. The guys in Ryan’s band were cute. It wasn’t as if she lacked opportunities to meet men.

  Perhaps she was setting her standards too high?

  She considered that for about two seconds. No, she wanted a husband like Connor or Ryan and refused to settle for less.

  Jennifer strode into the room, the heels of her boots making a snappy beat on the wooden floor. “Ladies, Nolan is ready to share his choices.”

  “It makes us sound like items on a dinner menu,” Susan murmured.

  A blonde woman beside her frowned. “That’s a perfect description. I wonder who gets to be dish of the day.”

  Susan let out a chuckle, but none of the other women appreciated the humor. Their swift glances held panic and censure. Susan was still grinning when she entered the private room.

  “Ladies, please stand behind the chalk line and smile at the camera,” Jennifer instructed in a firm voice.

  The women shuffled into position, and the tension ramped up a couple of notches. Susan’s heart thumped extra loudly, then the drumming evened out as she realized she didn’t want to win a man in a competition.

  No, she’d return to work and tonight, while they were at the pub and comfortably ensconced with margaritas, she’d ask for suggestions of ways to meet men.

  “We’ll start filming in a few minutes. Hailee Raymond, our hostess will have a quick chat with Nolan, and then Nolan will announce his eight chosen women. Afterward, Hailee will interview each of the successful dates. Are there any questions?”

  “Do you have some tissues handy?” one of the women asked.

  “I have my assistant standing by,” Jennifer said in a brisk voice.

  Susan didn’t care enough to cry when she received her rejection. That thought alone cheered her. She wasn’t invested and didn’t care about Nolan’s opinion of her personality.

  “Anything else?” When no one replied, Jennifer said, “Quiet on the set.”

  The silence grew deafening, and Susan had an awful urge to giggle. Determined not to create another spectacle, she bit her bottom lip.

  The assistant darted forward. He lifted his board and clapped it down. “Action.”

  Hailee, the gorgeous blonde hostess, took her cue with the smoothness of a professional. “Nolan, you’ve speed dated your ladies and spoken with them. Was it difficult to narrow down your choice to just eight?”

  “Very difficult, Hailee,” Nolan said, appearing comfortable in front of the camera. “Each woman is beautiful and any man would be lucky to have them at their side.”

  Hailee grinned, her teeth a flash of bright white. “Quite the smooth talker, aren’t you? So how did you pick your group of eight?”

  “I took into account common interests, how I thought our personalities would mesh and my gut instincts. They never steer me wrong.”

  Hailee nodded, then leaned toward Nolan in a confidential manner. “What about physical attraction? Does that come into your equation?”

  “Of course,” Nolan said. “The woman I choose to take for my wife will be one who pushes my buttons. Physical attraction always plays a part in a relationship.”

  “Well, I think it’s time to let these lovely ladies know your decision,�
�� Hailee said. “Tell us who you have chosen.”

  Nolan ran his gaze down the line of women, his expression suitably somber. “The ladies I’ve chosen for the next stage are Maxine, Elle, Tamara, Lucy, Anna, Cherry, Jasmine and Susan.”

  “Ladies,” Hailee said in a bright tone. “Step forward.”

  Shock made Susan slow to react. He’d called her name. While there was physical attraction, on her side at least, they were poles apart in the interest department.

  Susan joined the other squealing women, her focus on Nolan’s handsome face. For an instant, their gazes connected, and she propelled a silent message his way. What on earth are you playing at?

  Chapter Two

  The aftermath of Nolan’s announcement was surreal, or at least it felt that way to Susan. A strawberry blonde woman burst into tears, a few seconds after Nolan finished his list of names. Her wailing acted like a prod on the rest of the group, and Jennifer’s assistant dispensed tissues.

  Susan waited her turn to speak with Hailee while groping to understand Nolan’s choices, and in specific, her.

  “Are you excited to make it to the next stage of the competition?” Hailee asked.

  “I’m more surprised than anything,” Susan said. “I didn’t think our speed date went very well.”


  “We didn’t exactly hit it off. Nolan suggested that since my experience with country life is nil I wouldn’t enjoy the isolation and lack of facilities.” No way was she going to mention the reveal of her high-cut lacy panties. Maybe the cameraman would take mercy and leave that part on the cutting room floor. But then again, recalling his snigger of appreciation, perhaps not. She’d have to wait and see.

  “Maybe he took one look at you and decided you’re worth taking a chance on,” Hailee cooed.

  That was spreading the bullshit a bit thick. Susan knew she wasn’t pretty in the conventional sense. Dressed right, she could stretch her appearance to striking. No, most people who checked her out probably thought prissy, although since taking up dancing, she’d slid out of that slot.

  “I think he took pity on me,” Susan said. “I almost took a nose dive while I was walking to meet Nolan. The embarrassment at being such a klutz put me off-balance from the start of our date.”

  “Oh? Tell us more.”

  “I don’t think so,” Susan said with a smile to mute her bluntness. “I believe the cameraman recorded everything on film. That’s all I’m saying at this stage.”

  Hailee laughed, a tinkling sound that would’ve been right at home in a feel-good cartoon. “That sounds very mysterious. We’ll look forward to seeing you on camera. Good luck with the next stage, Susan.”

  “Thanks, Hailee.” Susan forced her lips to remain in their curve while her mind struggled with the people of New Zealand seeing her arse on film.

  “And cut,” the assistant said. “Well done, everyone.”

  Susan dropped into a booth at Maxwell’s and watched a dancer go through her paces. “She’s good,” she commented as Julia Maxwell—an attractive blonde and her boss—slid in beside her. Christina and their other friend, Maggie—a full-figured brown-haired woman with an impish smile—joined them. A minute later, a waitress arrived bearing a tray of glasses and a bottle.

  “Champagne?” Susan asked.

  “Ryan and Caleb sprang for the bottle when they heard you’d made the next round.”

  “But they’re in China doing a show.”

  Julia grinned. “I rang them. Ryan said they were cheering for you both, and they wanted to hear the results straightaway.”

  Susan ran a finger over the condensation on the neck of the bottle. “The champagne is chilled.”

  “Ordered before Ryan left. He and Caleb figured we’d celebrate or commiserate. Either way, champagne would work.”

  Christina chuckled, her eyes gleaming behind the lenses of her glasses. “Julia, I love your husband. He has style.”

  Julia nodded. “Yes, he does. Caleb too. You could always hook up with Caleb.”

  “I’m not upset about today, about not making the next round,” Christina said. “We had a lovely day and lots of fun. I don’t need to snatch a man just because I struck out in the show. I like Caleb, but he’s like a brother rather than a prospective lover, you know?”

  Maggie fiddled with one of her brown curls. “What about your farmer, Susan?”

  Susan scowled at her glass. “I don’t understand why he picked me. He made it clear he thought I wouldn’t enjoy country life. He didn’t think I’d last the distance, and when he learned I danced burlesque that was the full stop on his decision.”

  “He’s cute,” Christina said.

  “True,” Susan said. “The physical attraction is there—at least on my side—but I hated his disapproving manner.” She sipped her champagne, savoring the tickly bubbles bursting against her tongue. “Jennifer wants us to chat about our experiences online. Her assistant has set up blogs for us on the station website. Oh, and I gave Maxwell’s a plug. Hopefully, they won’t cut it from the final show.”

  “When is the first episode showing?” Maggie asked.

  “Thursday night,” Christina said. “Instead of taping the entire show then airing it, they want to keep everything current and show the episodes as they’re filmed.”

  “Let’s tape it and have a private viewing once things quiet down at the club,” Julia said.

  “I’m nervous and I know the results,” Susan said. “From this point on, we’re not supposed to tell anyone what happens during filming. They made us sign contracts before we left. We’re meant to have our blog posts ready to go live once the first show has aired.” A sudden thought occurred and she laughed.

  “What?” Christina asked.

  “For my first post, I might talk about burlesque and educate people,” Susan said.

  “Why don’t you post photos of you in costume and maybe some from our training sessions? Do some little slices of your daily routine. You could take some shots in the office too,” Christina said.

  “Connor has a new camera,” Maggie said. “He’s got a good eye for photos too. I’ll ask him if he’ll snap some shots.”

  “That’s a great idea,” Susan said, her mind full of possibilities. “I mentioned going to rugby matches, and I can do a few pics of Auckland too. Photos will help personalize my blog, and I won’t need to write as much.”

  “A toast,” Julia said, lifting her glass. “To Susan and her farmer.”

  “To Susan and her farmer,” Maggie and Christina chorused.

  “I can’t drink to myself,” Susan protested. “To my farmer and to absent friends for providing this delicious champagne.”

  “To Ryan and Caleb,” Julia said, a soft smile sliding across her face.

  Tyler Penrith accepted a cup of tea from Josie Murdoch with a nod of thanks. His mother-in-law—a chubby woman with dark brown hair—reached up to pat his arm in a casual gesture of affection.

  “How many stories did Katey wrangle out of you before she settled down?” Eric Murdock asked. In contrast to his wife, Eric was tall and slender—almost too thin—and his short hair was white even though he was a mere year older than Josie.

  “Only two tonight,” Tyler said. “The birthday party tuckered her out.”

  “Takes after her mother, that one.” Eric reached for the biscuit tin, snagged a chocolate chip cookie and settled his backside on his favorite chair.

  Lord, he hoped not, Tyler thought. He’d go gray before his time if his four-year-old daughter rivaled her mother for mischief.

  “Eric, don’t eat another cookie.” Josie poked a finger into his belly. “They’re for Katey’s kindergarten class.” She settled beside Tyler on the couch and focused on the television. “When does the show start? Has anyone seen my glasses?”

  “A few minutes,” Tyler said. “I was surprised when I heard Nolan was going on Farmer Seeks a Wife. I ran into Dad at the cattle sale. I thought he was pulling my leg until he informed me Mum
had entered Nolan. She wants Nolan settled with a suitable wife.”

  Eric sent a longing glance at the cookie tin then turned back to the television with a sigh. “Your glasses are on the kitchen counter. I thought Nolan was seeing the solo mum with the kids.”

  “Yvonne,” Tyler said. “I thought so too, but obviously the gossips got it wrong.”

  “Quiet, the show’s starting,” Josie said, after her quick trip to retrieve her glasses. “This has to be the biggest thing that’s happened in Clare since the Shakespeare sextuplets were born. I don’t want to miss a word.”

  Obediently, Tyler turned his attention to the TV and the bubbly blonde hostess introducing the farmers. Nolan did a good job. He appeared confident and conversed easily with Hailee. He’d cut his hair and wore what looked like new clothes.

  “Do you think you’ll find the perfect woman here?” Hailee asked.

  “I’m hoping so,” Nolan said. “I’m certainly looking forward to meeting the lovely ladies in my group.”

  “I’m sure they’ll enjoy meeting you too,” Hailee said and beamed into the camera. “Come back after the break and meet the ladies who hope to steal Farmer Nolan’s heart.”

  “Nolan came across as interesting and sincere,” Josie said.

  He had. His older brother bore a wide streak of charm when he chose to exert himself.

  The ad break ran, and Tyler settled in to watch the rest of the show. The segment moved to Nolan meeting some of the women in his group. His brother remained charming, but he was blunt and abrupt with the women, grilling them about living in the country.

  “Look at that woman’s face,” Josie said, her kindness showing in a sympathetic grimace. “Her eyes are welling with tears.”

  “Did he pick the candidates himself?” Eric asked.

  “According to Dad, the women had to pick one of the farmers, complete a form, write an essay and send their applications to the station. Nolan received five hundred and twenty-three replies to whittle down to twenty.”

  “I imagine that must have been difficult—oh, my! That poor girl,” Josie said.


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